This inspirational woman proves that people are much stronger than they think

The life of Paola Antonini, a Brazilian model, changed forever two years ago, just a few days before Christmas. She was badly injured and lost her leg after being hit by a car. That would surely be enough to break anyone’s spirits, but not Paola’s. Instead of giving up and falling into depression, she proved to the whole world that people are strong enough to overcome any difficulties they encounter and live a vibrant life full of love, joy and adventure.

We often complain about life’s little setbacks. Whether it’s trouble at work or personal issues, our past mistakes or fear of the future, many things can dampen our spirits, preventing us from enjoying the present. But we are sure: sometimes you just need to thank world for everything you have.

Paola’s Instagram account is full of life-affirming photos showing how she lives her life to the fullest.

Active living helps Paola to stay fit. She enjoys exercising, dancing, skateboarding and horse riding. Paola also travels a lot.

Despite everything, this brave and inspirational woman has continued to pursue her modeling career, regularly appears on TV shows, collaborates with major beauty brands and shows off her fashionable looks on Instagram.

Paola stars in fashion shoots, and runs her own blog and Youtube channel as well. She also helps other people with disabilities to believe in themselves and never give up.

Source: instagram

Newly Hired Manager Deals With The Worst Customer Ever. This Is Just Perfect

Newly Hired Manager Deals With The Worst Customer Ever. This Is Just PerfectI was 18 and in my first “managerial” job. I.e…

Swing Shift Manager at a fast food burger joint. Like every place, we had a couple of”usuals” who were a**holes for the sake of being a**holes. One of them, an over-the-top egregiously aggressive woman who found fault with everything, would go ballistic if you so much as failed to address her as “ma’am” in every sentence.

Things came to a head when she was so rude to one of our counter clerks that she made the girl cry. I told the girl to go back to the break room and take a breather, and then calmly informed the woman that she was no longer welcome in our store. That triggered the nuclear option. I waited for the screaming and cursing to stop, waved her to the door, and then watched as she left.

I sent Corporate her CC number and license plate info, and they sent her a “you’re banned from ALL the stores” letter, filed it with the local PD, and told us to call the cops immediately if she ever showed up in our store again.

Which she did. A few weeks later, she showed up ready to launch into another tirade for whatever imagined offense might occur. We politely kicked her out despite her screaming that the do-not-trespass order was fake, wasn’t legal, didn’t apply to her, her lawyer said, etc.

It happened again a couple of times, but eventually her luck broke and there happened to be two cops on their dinner break in the restaurant.

Newly Hired Manager Deals With The Worst Customer Ever. This Is Just Perfect

I was on shift that night. And I can tell you that I have rarely been so satisfied as when I showed the officers the order, identified the woman as the person referred to in it, told them about the frequent return visits and then watched them arrest her on the spot. Best of all, I never had to testify- she went totally ballistic and scratched a cop’s face. No need to book her for trespassing when resisting arrest and cop assault were so convenient!

Now, the vast majority of this story is Instant Karma. So why am I posting this here? The answer is simple: After they hauled her away, I noticed that her car was still in our lot… Oh yessss. That call to the towing company was the most satisfying two minutes of my young life. Sure, I could have just let it sit there until she came back for it. But make my register clerk cry?

Yeah, enjoy your trip to the impound lot… ma’am

The Bank Kept Asking This Man For Money. When He Finally Broke, I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Dealing with a bank is a headache to start with, but sometimes they go that extra mile to be especially irritating.

This man had an interesting encounter, to say the least, with his bank about his credit card.

Check out how he handles it…I would have done the same!

In March 1992, a man living in Newton, Massachusetts received a bill for a credit card that he had not yet used.

The balance was at $0.00 so he thought nothing of it and threw it away. In April, he received another and tossed that one away as well. The following month, the credit card company sent him a nasty note stating that they were going to cancel his card if he didn’t send them the outstanding balance of $0.00.


In retrospect, he probably should have let them just cancel the card.

Instead, he called the credit card company and was told that the issue was a result of a computer error and that they would take care of it.

The following month he reasoned that, if other charges appeared on the card it would put an end to the nonsense at hand. So, he went out and used his card to make a purchase, but it was declined. He called the credit card company again and they said the card was canceled for lack of payment. They apologized and said that, again, it had been a computer error and they would fix it right away.


The next day, he got a bill for $0.00 stating that payment on his account is overdue.

Assuming that this was yet another mistake, he ignored it. But the following month he received yet another bill saying he had ten days to pay his account in full or the company would take the issue to collections. Not knowing what else to do, he gave in and mailed a check for $0.00. The computer duly processed it and returned a statement to the effect that his account was paid in full.


A week later, the man’s bank called him asking him why he wrote them a check for $0.00. He explained to them the problem at length.

The bank replied that the check had caused their check processing software to fail, and that the bank could not process any checks for any of their costumers. The following month, the man received a letter from the bank saying that his check bounced, and that he still owed $0.00 and he needed to pay the balance immediately.

The man, who had been considering buying his wife a computer for her birthday, bought her a typewriter instead. 322d

Don’t Forget to Spring Clean Your Car! Here Are 17 Tricks to Make It Cleaner Than Ever!


When you think of spring cleaning, you probably imagine airing out your windows and cleaning your home until it shines. But there are plenty of other things that fall under the wide (and very pristine) umbrella of spring cleaning. For instance, your car! I will speak for myself – although I’m sure many of you will feel my pain – when I say that my car is an absolute disaster area . There is a Kermit the Frog Chia pet in my back seat, which I think says it all. If you need to clean your car as desperately as I do, take advantage of spring to do the cleaning! Check out these 17 helpful hints to get started on your spring car cleaning.

  1. Cupcake Liners


    This an amazing hack to keep car clutter minimized in your cup holders. Get some cupcake liners (sturdy materials and fun patterns are encouraged!) and put them in your cup holders. When clutter builds, take the liners out and replace! It’s that easy.

  2. Get Streak-Free Windshield Wipers


    Is there anything more distracting than your windshield wipers smearing your vision? To avoid this obnoxious and potentially dangerous nuisance, douse your windshield wipers in rubbing alcohol and get some DIY smear-free wipers perfect for Spring showers.

  3. Clean Your Car VentsFoam-Brush-Vents-Edited
    Fluster Buster

    Your car vents can get disgusting if left unattended, and the worst part of all is that they’re so difficult to clean. Being so narrow and gated, you need a really specific tool to get in there and get out the winter cobwebs. It might shock you, but foam art brushes are just the thing! Small and malleable, these brushes get right in where it counts to get the fresh spring air right to you.

  4. Shine Your Hubcaps

    Ring Around the Rosies

    If the hubcaps on your wheels are getting dingy, shine them with this easy concoction! No need for intense elbow grease with this combination of cleaning powder and water that makes a super-cleaning paste. You can use wheel cleaner as well, but that tends to be harsh on the wheel’s finish.

  5. Clean Your Grill

    Aunt Nubby’s Kitchen

    Your car grill is the first line of defense against bugs flying at your car…gross, I know. And it gets especially gross when spring comes around and the bugs are out in droves. If you want to thoroughly clean your car grill of insect carnage use dryer sheets. These sheets wipe your car grill clean nicely and leave a lovely, clean laundry scent.

  6. Brighten Your Headlights


    It can be dangerous to leave your headlights dingy – they’re an important part of letting the other drivers know you’re on the road, after all. To keep your headlights bright and fully functional, clean them with this DIY cleaning paste made of toothpaste, of all things. The baking soda in the toothpaste does a great job of cleaning your lights so that they’re sparkling bright and clean!

  7. Wash Your Floor Mats


    Nothing takes more abuse than the floor mats in your car – they get all the dirt and mud and water from your shoes, the poor things. Give your floor mats a little TLC by spraying them with stain spray before throwing them in the wash. That way they’ll come out of the dryer stain-free and cleaner than ever!

  8. Banish Pet Hair


    If you’re a pet owner, you know the struggle: if your dog even THINKS about jumping in your car, there’s instantly thick, white hair EVERYWHERE. And it’s impossible to get off. Banish that pet hair forever with a spray bottle of water (to loosen up the hair) and a squeegee (to wipe that hair away). With spring coming, we don’t need any more allergens floating around…

  9. Clean Your Sticky Dashboard


    How do dashboards get so sticky so fast?! It’s an impossible fact of life. Well, you may not be able to figure out that riddle, but you can get rid of that sticky dashboard! Use Goo Gone and a rag to get a mess-free dash.

  10. Super Clean Your Windshield


    Don’t just occasionally squeegee your windshield at a gas station, really take care of it! With this magical mixture of glass cleaner, steel wool and a finishing layer of Rain X, you’ll have a spotless windshield to take in every spring day to come.

  11. Reach Those Crevices


    The tricky thing about your cars’ interior is all the little cracks and crevices. There are so many little spots that so quickly get filled with fallen food crumbs and dust, and they can look so unsightly. Think you can’t reach those tricky spots? Think again! Cover a screwdriver with a rag and use the flat, small head of the screwdriver to clean out every dirty crevice in your car!

  12. Compressed Air Hack


    Want a more thorough clean for your car vents? If using a foam brush just isn’t enough for you (no judgement if your vents have gotten to that point, we’ve all been there) then you need to take some extreme measures. Compressed air is a quick, simple and extremely effective way to blast out the debris from your vents and leave them good as new.

  13. Microfiber Cleaning Cloth


    A part of your car you might not consider cleaning? The ceiling! Sure, you don’t see it every day exactly, but you can’t forget that it is there, being very dusty above you. For most car interiors, a regular cloth won’t do a thing – invest in a microfiber cloth to really get the job done on your car ceiling.

  14. Get Corrosion Off Your Battery


    The most important parts of the car aren’t necessarily in plain sight. What’s under the hood matters most of all and needs to be cleaned accordingly. If your battery starts to become corroded, this can be extremely bad for your car’s health and dangerous for the driver. Try this surprising hack of pouring soda on the corrosion to get your battery sparkling clean and working effortlessly again.

  15. Polish Exterior Crevices


    Cracks and crevices aren’t just INSIDE your car. The way cars are designed, they usually have a tundra of dips and cracks on the exterior detailing as well. And these cracks are begging for dirt and bugs to go flying into them. To clean these crevices without damaging the outside of your car, use a clay bar to gently clean away all dirt and leave your paint job glowing.

  16. Olive Oil Dashboard Polish


    So your dashboard is dirt and dust-free, but you want to go that extra mile. What can you do? Give it a polish! This DIY olive oil polish is simple to make with kitchen ingredients and will make your car look like it’s brand new – and smell amazing, too – just in time for spring.

  17. Clean Leather Interior


    Leather looks lovely as car interior…until the little cracks get filled with dirt and grime. Don’t leave your leather on it’s own! Old cleaning toothbrushes are perfect for this kind of interior; use the super-cleaning combo of baking soda and water to really get those crevices clean as can be.

Do you have any spring cleaning tips perfect for your car? Share them in the comments section below.

These parents left their baby alone with the dog. When they came back, they found THIS.

The relationship between humans and dogs is something very special: They don’t call dogs man’s best friend for nothing! But these babies prove that before dogs become man’s best friend, they are really baby’s best friend. Parent’s turn their back for one second, and these loyal pups rush to the little ones’ sides.
















Absolutely beautiful! These guys nearly look like furry adoptive parents. You can already tell this is the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Share these beautiful moments with your dog-loving friends!

How this cashier responded to her deaf customer blew everyone in the restaurant away!

When Terri Gioia goes out to eat with her daughter, she usually has to help her order her food. The daughter, Cynthia Walker, has never had the opportunity to order for herself without getting weird stares. So when they walked into their local Chick-fil-A and the cashier began to ask Cynthia what she would like in sign language, both mother and daughter were blown away.

Watch the video below to see this amazing cashier who went above and beyond customer service!

This Man Humiliates A Woman Because She Has A Mustache. But The Comeback From This Stranger Is Perfect.

Some people are so cruel! It’s like they almost go out of their way to ridicule others about the very thing they’re most embarrassed about. And being on this receiving end of this is terrifying. I mean, imagine someone exposing your darkest secret in public! It would be crushing.

But sometimes, we’re fortunate enough to have a guardian angel on our side. This story is about a customer who refused to be served by a cashier who had a little more hair on her upper lip than the average woman. In fact, he’s too insensitive to think she might have any feelings at all and he mocks her in front of the whole store. But he’s in for a surprise when another customer interjects.

Read the powerful story below to see this how she sets this abusive person straight.

(I am in line to purchase books. The cashier is a teenage girl who has somewhat obvious dark upper-lip hair. The customer she is currently serving speaks up.)

Customer: “Is there anyone else who can scan my books?”

Cashier: “I’m sorry, sir, but the only cashiers we have today are my colleague and myself.”

Customer: “Your manager, then.”

Cashier: “I’m sorry; she’s covering in the café right now. They’re very busy as you can see.”

Customer: “Well, I’m not having some hairy bimbo with a mustache touching my books!”

(The cashier looks like she’s about to cry. Having heard his last comment, I look up from reading the back of one of my books.)

Me: “Sir, there’s no need to be rude. She’s just doing her job, and you berating her isn’t helping.”

Customer: “No one asked you!”

Me: “No, but you just happened to have p***** off the wrong person. Do you have a smart phone?”

Customer: “Pssh, who doesn’t?”

Me: “Do me a favor and google ‘polycystic ovarian syndrome.’”

Customer: “That isn’t real.”

Me: “Google it.”

(The male customer takes out his phone and starts searching the internet. By this point, nearly everyone is watching the exchange, and a few people have run for the manager.)

Customer: “It’s some woman thing.”

Me: “It’s a disease caused by an imbalance between the estrogen and testosterone in a woman’s body. It messes with her whole reproductive system, and the increased testosterone can cause excess oil production, a slightly deeper voice, increased body hair and the possibility of a visible Adam’s Apple. Oh yeah, and in extreme cases, it can cause a woman’s body to be more boyishly shaped.”

Customer: “The h***! How would you know?! This s*** makes girls look like Bigfoot!”

(I point to the surplus of blonde hair on my arms, my somewhat broad shoulders, the marks of waxing on my neck, and the very slight Adam’s Apple.)

Me: “You happen to be talking to someone who has known she’s had the disease for the last 10 years. My case is on the line of moderate to severe. It’s treatable, but the only options out there have already nearly killed me once, so I just wax and the rest of me is what it is. Regardless of whether this poor girl has it or not, you shouldn’t just judge people because of a little hair.”

Customer: “So, you’re really a man.”

Me: “No, I’m all woman, but a woman willing to kick your a** if you don’t apologize to this girl.”

(The customer turns around and sees that not only is the cashier crying, but the manager and security have appeared.)

Me: “Miss, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been in your shoes. I got made fun of all through high school.”

(Security takes the guy and disappears. I walk up to the counter and put my books down.)

Me: “I know it was presumptuous of me to throw ‘PCOS’ out there, but the look on your face when he made his comment looked all too familiar. My apologies.”

Cashier: “I was just diagnosed with it a few weeks ago; it hasn’t sunk in yet. I got my first paycheck from here today and was going to get my lip waxed after work. How did you know?”

Me: “Pretty much the comment he made about your lip. You know, aside from that, I can’t tell at all.”

Cashier: “Really?”

Me: “Really. You are a very lovely girl. There are support groups and such online where you can talk to other women and girls. You’re not alone.”

(The cashier starts crying again, so the manager sends her on her break, and gives me an extra discount on top of my member card to thank me!)

Please share this and stand up for others when you see them getting abused!

Troubled Child Is Dropped Off At Another Foster Home. Now Watch Who Comes To The Door.

Children placed into foster care are often angry, depressed and resentful — and understandably so. As such, many foster parents find it difficult to manage the relationships with their foster kids, and for one reason or another, these situations often don’t work out. The kids are then shuffled from home to home, yearning for love and stability.

This groundbreaking short film by Nathaniel Matanick is entitled “ReMoved,” and it follows the emotional story through the eyes of a young girl taken from her dysfunctional home, torn away from her baby brother, and placed into foster care. At times, it’s completely heartbreaking but captivating nonetheless. The Santa Barbara Independent writes, “It would be impossible to fully understand the life and emotions of a child going through the foster care system, but this short narrative film portrays that saga in a poetic light, with brushes of fear, anger, sadness, and a tiny bit of hope.”

The little girl named Zoe, played brilliantly by Abby White, is forced to cope with abusive relationships and the feeling of isolation. First, she catches her father abusing her mother. When the cops come to arrest him, all Mom cares about is chasing after the man who abuses her in an effort to get him back. Zoe is left to fend for herself. Then, the foster homes continue to fail her and no one seems to understand. But just when Zoe is about to lose all hope — assuming her new foster mom is ready to ship her out to yet another caretaker — there’s an unexpected twist. I guarantee it’ll leave you with tears in your eyes.

Please SHARE this moving short film with your friends on Facebook!