Mom Puts Zip Ties Around Her Baby’s Stroller – The Reason Why Is Pure Genius

Strollers have always been practical to use, yet with these moms’ clever ideas, they are more valuable than ever before. Here we have 12 different ideas from What’s Up Moms to boost the every day helpfulness of the stroller. For comfort, ease, safety, cleanliness and fun these ideas will assist with it all. Starting out with a simple way to remind you and your husband how to open the stroller, this mom put just a few color-coated stickers labeled “pull” and “push” as a guide to open it up within seconds. To keep extra traction the wheels, she added several zip ties to keep it from ever sliding around.

Keeping strollers clean can definitely be a struggle with all of the crumbs, spilled milk, and stains, but when this mom made it fun for her kids to help out, it became a fun activity which lead to everyone’s benefit.

Organization is key when headed out for a shopping trip with your children, just watch her several tips to keeping everything in place for both your item and your kids’ as well. If there isn’t quite enough room in the trunk on the way to or from – watch how easy it is to make the space

This Woman’s Revenge When Her Husband Leaves Her For A Younger Woman Is Pure Genius.

This story is brilliant. It’s about a woman who is abandoned by her husband after 37 years of marriage — he’s taken a liking to his much younger secretary. He obtains a divorce and demands that his wife move out and leave him and his much younger lover the house.

But his dreams soon come crashing down. It turns out the wife prefers not to let this happen too painlessly for him…

When you finish reading this, like us, you will probably assume that it is a fictional story – but that certainly doesn’t take from how amusing it was to read! 🙂

37 years of marriage weren’t important for Jake when he decided to leave his wife for his much younger secretary. His new lover naturally insisted on living in his and Edith’s very expensive home. His lawyers won in the lawsuit and Jake was free to live in the house with his lover. He gave Edith three days to leave. On the first day she packed her stuff into box crates and suitcases. The second day the movers came to get her things. On the third day, she sat in the dinning-room for the last time. She had a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar and a bottle of Chardonnay.

When she was done with lunch, she went into each and every room and placed a half-eaten shrimp shell soaked in caviar into the hollow of all of the curtain rods. Then she went back in the kitchen, cleaned it and left the house. Her husband and his new lover moved in and everything was great for the first several days.

Gradually, a horrible smell began to spread around the house. It was unbearable- they first tried cleaning the house and airing it. They ensured that there aren’t any died rodents and washed the carpets. They had air fresheners everywhere.
They even brought exterminators in order to set off gas canisters. They had to move out from the house for several days. They also replaced the wool carpeting, which was pretty expensive. But the smell remained and was getting worse.

Their friends stopped coming by, and even their repairman couldn’t work anymore in the house. The maid quit.
They were forced to move out the smell was so strong.

They put the house for sale, but no buyers could be found, even after the price was cut on half.

Their story spread around the city quick and even their local realtors avoided to return their calls. They were forced to take a huge loan from the bank to buy a new house.

Edith called her ex-husband to ask him how the things were working out for him. He told her about his problems with the house. She listened and told him that she misses the house so bad that she would decrease her divorce settlement in exchange for taking the house back.

He was thinking that fortune had smiled upon him and agreed to sell her the house for one tenth its value. He had only one condition: she needed to sign the papers that day. She agreed and the deed was done within one hour.

One week later the two lovers watched with relief as the movers packing their things and taking them into their new house

Please like and share this story on if you agree this woman was really clever!:)

Take this test to find out the unexpected sides of your personality

It’s always useful to learn something new about your personality, because it’s a chance to see yourself as others see you. And of course, if you know your strengths and weaknesses, it’s a real opportunity to start working on them.

We offers you a chance to take a personality test that can help you look inside your mind.

10 Heavenly Places where you can easily start a new Life

Ten heavenly places where you can easily start a new lifeDo you have little attachment to where you live and work? Then why not move somewhere new — somewhere where the climate or culture better fits your tastes and personality?

There are some corners of the world which for some reason very few people ever think of moving to, despite their desire for a change of scenery. It’s there loss, because some of these places are truly incredible. All they really need to do is pack their suitcase, and they could find themselves in heaven on Earth.

Avarua, Cook Islands

Located about 2,000 kilometres north east of New Zealand, the tropical beaches of Avarua are no less gorgeous than those of the Maldives or the Seychelles. But in contrast to the latter, you can rent an apartment here for just $130 a month. The island also attracts comparatively few tourists: around 100,000 foreigners visit every year, compared to the eight million who go to Hawaii. So you won’t have crowds of people spoiling your enjoyment of Avarua’s attractions — which include observing the population of whales, going for long relaxing walks, and enjoying the amazing scenery.

…So what’s the catch? Foreigners aren’t allowed to buy property on the island, although they can rent it for 60 years.

Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

A fairy-tale town located in the Czech region of Bohemia. The entire place is like one big castle from the Middle Ages. All the streets are made of cobble stones. Regular trade fairs are held identical to the ones which took place during the Renaissance period, whilst there is also the incomparable Rose Festival once a year. Dinner for two will cost you just $20 here, whilst you can rent an apartment for $400 a month. The only challenge that will really confront you if you want to move here is the need to learn Czech!

Koh Thonsáy, Cambodia

This small island in southern Cambodia is a real paradise of jungles and beaches. Apart from a few fishermen and their families, practically no one lives here, so it’s possible to find accomodation for a ridiculously small amount of money. You can spend your time relaxing on the beach, or exploring the jungle caves. For $5, the fishermen will cook you a delicious meal made from freshly-caught crab. Other seafood products will cost you no more than $1-2 here. The one drawback is that the island’s beaches are not well-kept tourist spots, but essentially areas of wilderness infrequently taken over by wild dogs or other animals. A place for those who really want to get away from civilisation.

Guanajuato, Mexico

Located right in the heart of Mexico, Guanajuato is a hotbed of culture. It’s possible to rent a very good apartment here for just $150-200 a month; a drink will cost you less than $1, whilst a ticket to the cinema just $3. Guanajuato is also home to the famous Cervantino art festival.

The Pearl Islands, Panama

An amazing archipelago lying thirty kilometres to the west of mainland Panama. A huge number of pearls were once mined there; at another time pirates used it as their hiding place. Now, it’s become a haven full of wonderful resorts used by the local population. You can rent a small house here by the sea for around $300 a month. The Pearl Islands are ideal for those who want to escape from the world. In terms of the scenery, it’s probably one of the most impressive places on the planet.

Agonda Beach, Goa, India

The southern coast of Goa is a place where you can ride an elephant right by the beach. A bottle of wine costs around 50 cents; to get your haircut around 60, and to rent a holiday hut $120 a month. It’s also full of temples and great places to practice yoga. Seriously, what else do you need? This area of the country is fairly deserted, so the local inhabitants have no problem with tourists, in contrast to some other parts of India.

Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

This little place is nestled in a valley in northern Bulgaria. Veliko Tarnovo is undoubtedly one of the most agreeable places on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, often called the Bulgarian Riviera. It’s as beautiful as France, but here a bottle of wine will cost you just 80 cents, whilst an apartment will cost $200 a month to rent. The population is just 200,000. The only downside is that the city’s infrastructure could do with some improvements.

Hồ Cốc, Vietnam

The south-east coast of Vietnam is famous for its 11,000 hectares of tropical forest. With its huge barrier reef, this is perhaps the best place in Asia to go diving. Even at the weekends it’s more or less free of tourists. You can find somewhere to live here for around $150-200 a month.

Ksamil Beach, Albania

The southern tip of Albania is an ideal place for those looking for the quiet life. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, a nearby national park, and local cuisine centred on olive oil, tangerines, and 30 different kinds of fish, whilst it’s cheaper to live here than in neigbouring Greece, Italy or even Croatia — a drink will cost you 90 cents, your average meal is around $6, whilst it’s around $100-120 a month to rent an apartment.

Las Trancas, Chile

In Las Trancas, you’ll find one of the most incredible mountain views in all of South America. You can go skiing here all year round, with accommodation costing around $300 a month. The richer tourists live on the mountain slopes themselves, whilst the more experienced visitors and locals prefer the countryside down below. The only potential downside (at least, for some) is that winter never gives way to another season.

How Thula The Cat Helps A Girl With Autism Live Life More Fully

Iris Grace Halmshaw is a 4-year-old girl from the U.K.

In December 2011, Iris was diagnosed with autism. She struggled with communication, expressing affection, and social interaction.


After her diagnosis, Iris’ parents looked for activities through which she could effectively express herself.

They also introduced a new friend into Iris’ life. In February 2014, they brought Thula the Maine Coone home, and it was the “beginning of a beautiful new friendship.”

After her diagnosis, Iris' parents looked for activities through which she could effectively express herself.

With Thula around, Iris became more verbal and open.

Before Thula, Iris was extremely uncomfortable wearing clothes. With her new friend around, she began “wearing her clothes, sleeping better and communicating more.”

With Thula around, Iris became more verbal and open.

Thula is more than just a therapy cat, she’s Iris’ faithful best friend.

Thula is more than just a therapy cat, she's Iris' faithful best friend.

The pair are inseparable, as Thula stays by Iris’ side as much as possible.

One of Iris’ favorite activities is painting, and Thula is Iris’ assistant, sitting quietly while watching her work.

The pair are inseparable, as Thula stays by Iris' side as much as possible.

She chats with Thula about all sorts of things, even teaching her about sea creatures when Thula joins her for a bath.

Thula listens intently as Iris goes through the sea creatures one by one, waiting to get out of the bathtub until Iris is ready.

She chats with Thula about all sorts of things, even teaching her about sea creatures when Thula joins her for a bath.

Despite her patience and good nature, Thula can be a bit mischievous like any other cat.

She was caught playing with one of Iris’ favorite paintbrushes one afternoon. “Anyone else would’ve been scolded for it, but Iris made an exception for her best friend.”

Despite her patience and good nature, Thula can be a bit mischievous like any other cat.

Thula even received a gold star from Iris’ special sticker collection.

Before Thula, Iris’ mother attempted to use the “gold star routine” to reward good behavior. Iris was horrified, though, when a gold star sticker would be removed from the paper. The stickers were stowed away in a safe place until one afternoon when Iris went in and pulled one off the paper, placing it on Thula’s forehead.

Thula even received a gold star from Iris' special sticker collection.

The pair does nearly everything together, and Thula is innately in tune to Iris’ emotions and needs.

The pair does nearly everything together, and Thula is innately in tune to Iris' emotions and needs.

They share a daily after-lunch nap…

They share a daily after-lunch nap...

…and they also go on bike rides together all the time.

...and they also go on bike rides together all the time.

At night, if Iris is restless, Thula is there to comfort her.

At night, if Iris is restless, Thula is there to comfort her.

While Iris eats breakfast, Thula waits patiently in the paint room for her — knowing her place as Iris’ devoted friend and artist’s assistant.

While Iris eats breakfast, Thula waits patiently in the paint room for her — knowing her place as Iris' devoted friend and artist's assistant.

They play hide-and-seek in the wood near their house…

They play hide-and-seek in the wood near their house...

…and Thula accompanies Iris on all of her backyard adventures.

...and Thula accompanies Iris on all of her backyard adventures.

Thula even helps Iris’ mother during their homeschooling sessions.

She joins in with every activity, helping keep Iris engaged. Here she plays along in the sand as Iris is encouraged to say the names of different creatures.

Thula even helps Iris' mother during their homeschooling sessions.

Thula plays along with Iris whether the Play-Doh is out…

Thula plays along with Iris whether the Play-Doh is out...

…or the jewelry, which is one of Iris’ favorite toys.

...or the jewelry, which is one of Iris' favorite toys.

Iris and Thula share a special bond, Thula giving undeniable love and loyalty to “her girl” and Iris loving her back just the same.

Iris and Thula share a special bond, Thula giving undeniable love and loyalty to "her girl" and Iris loving her back just the same.

Iris now lives her life to the fullest, all because of Thula the cat… It’s amazing!

Watch Video:

This amazing bond has proved to be a living miracle for both Iris and Thula the cat!

It’s a match made in heaven, a true friendship!

SHARE this beautiful story with your friends!!

12 restaurants that will make you forget about food

There are so many great places on the planet that you should visit at least once in your lifetime, and there are no fewer interesting dishes you must try. In some restaurants, you can do both at the same time! There are some restaurants that will make you forget about your meal despite the exquisite cuisine and excellent service. Why? They are in such beautiful places that food goes by the wayside.

We gathered the world’s best restaurants where you risk losing your appetite to delightful views.

Grotta Palazzese in Bari, Italy


How about a meal in a grotto created by nature? The sea has washed two large apertures in this place, and the result was a huge semi-circular «hall» with a diameter of 30 meters (98 ft). Receptions and balls were held here once, but now there is a unique Italian restaurant.

Restaurant Le Panoramic in Chamonix, France


The restaurant is on a mountain 3,000 meters (9842 ft) above sea level in the French Alps. From any point of the restaurant, there are stunning views of the mountains. The chefs prepare a traditional local lunch and haute cuisine dishes for guests and tourists.

Ithaa Undersea Restaurant in Maldives


The underwater restaurant is at a depth of 5 meters (16 ft) and is designed for only 14 guests. There is a 270-degree panoramic view of the beautiful ocean, and visitors can try dishes of local and European cuisine, though most people don’t come just for the food.

Ali Barbour’s Cave Restaurant in Diani Beach, Kenya


If you go to Kenya one day, make sure to visit this restaurant. It’s located in a cave with an open roof, so you’ll hardly feel locked up. Its interior is decorated in a traditional African style, and flashlights create a romantic and magical atmosphere — perfect for a date night.

The Sierra Mar Restaurant in California


This Californian restaurant is in a nature reserve near San Francisco. Here you can admire the stunning sunset over the ocean and enjoy your delectable dishes. Sounds like a true California dream!

The River Cafe in New York, New York


This city is a dream for millions, and this view needs no introduction. Despite its high prices and snobbish atmosphere, the great views are worth it. You will remember them for the rest of your life!

The Samaya Villas Bali in Bali, Indonesia


Bali is famous for its incredibly beautiful sunsets and gorgeous beaches. What about a lovely dinner on the ocean coast? This hotel restaurant offers fine dining of the world’s best cuisines, seasoned with the warm sun and salt splashes.

Le Jules Verne in Paris, France


One of the most famous restaurants in Paris is located in the Eiffel Tower at a height of 124 meters (407 ft). Here you can combine a cultural program with a gastronomy tour: views of the city, good music, and high French cuisine.

Skyline Restaurant in Queenstown, New Zealand


Queenstown is a center of adventure tourism that attracts fans of rafting, jumping from heights, and other extreme sports. To stay one’s hunger, you don’t have to go far. At the top of the lift, there is a restaurant with an unforgettable view of the local landscapes.

Delaire Graff Restaurant in Stellenbosch, South Africa


Take another gastronomic journey to see the Simonsberg mountain and the Estate Vineyards in South Africa. Here you can enjoy exotic African cuisine and wine from local estates.

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge in Ngorongoro, Tanzania


The hotel and restaurant in a unique spot on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania won’t leave anyone indifferent. There are views of Africa about which we’ve heard since childhood. If you have binoculars, you can even see animals walking in the reserve.

The Signature Room at the 95th in Chicago


To see Chicago in the evening from a height is a dream of any tourist. The restaurant on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Center offers a stunning view of the city and Lake Michigan. If you book a table before sunset, you will be able to see how streams of light sprawl across Chicago. We think you won’t care about eating after seeing this magical city at night.

7 Tiny Chihuahuas Live Under The Same Roof, But Wait Until You See Their Dad…

World’s Most Paternal Cat Takes Care Of 7 Chihuahuas

he world recently got a lot more adorable. Eight more times adorable, to be exact.

Seven goofy chihuahuas, including little Yuta, Hana, Nami, Mocha, and Kuma, live with their human mom in Bangkok, Thailand. The canine family is comprised of five siblings and their Chi-Chi two parents. However, the chihuahuas as a whole live under the supervision of another family pet — Ritchie the cat. That’s right! Ritchie the cat plays father-figure to these seven tiny chihuahuas, and the bond between them is being documented on social media by their loving owner.

Whether they’re snuggling in bed, relaxing outside in the sun, or chilling peacefully on their favorite wooden bench, Richie is always by the pups’ side, keeping a close watch and letting them rest against his fluffy white-and-gray coat. Who says cats can’t be maternal… or in this case, paternal?!

Unsurprisingly, the internet is going crazy over this furry family that proves cats and dogs can indeed form an incredible bond.

Scroll down to meet Ritchie and his band of “kids” below…

These seven adorable chihuahuas live with their human mom in Bangkok, Thailand. But the identity of their caring “boss” is truly something special.

These seven adorable chihuahuas live with their human mom in Bangkok, Thailand. But the identity of their caring "boss" is truly something special.

Over on the left is Ritchie — the gorgeous white and gray cat who acts as the father figure to these seven tiny canines.Over on the left is Ritchie — the gorgeous white and gray cat who acts as the father figure to these seven tiny canines.

Ever since Mom started uploading photos of their daily activities on social media, Ritchie and the Chi-Chis have been taking the internet by storm.

Ever since Mom started uploading photos of their daily activities on social media, Ritchie and the Chi-Chis have been taking the internet by storm.

As you can see, Ritchie has formed a particularly close bond with the tiniest one of the bunch, Kuma.

As you can see, Ritchie has formed a particularly close bond with the tiniest one of the bunch, Kuma.

Wherever Ritchie goes, Kuma follows. Eventually.

Wherever Ritchie goes, Kuma follows. Eventually.

And he’s always there to provide a soft place on which the pups can rest their little heads.

And he's always there to provide a soft place on which the pups can rest their little heads.

Sweet dreams, you adorable family, you.

Sweet dreams, you adorable family, you.

Ritchie makes such a good “boss dad.” If you agree, please SHARE this unlikely family with your friends on Facebook!

THIS Is What Happens When A Cat Is Adopted And Raised By A Dog.

Meet Toffee — a very special cat to Reine and her entire family. Reine found Toffee under some rocks in front of her house during a storm in August of 2012. As soon as Toffee entered the family, they were in for a huge surprise — the family dog, Rufus, immediately adopted and began treating him as if he was her very own baby — going so far as to breastfeed and train him! (Rufus is a boy’s name, but she is in fact female!)

Just watch as these two cuddle, play and tease one another like only real family members could. They love each other so much, and Toffee has been so blessed to find the most perfect mother on the planet! See, dogs and cats can get along! Can you see Toffee’s canine-like mannerisms? Her Mama has rubbed off on her, for sure! Aww!!

Please SHARE this awesome video!