With Days To Live, Joey Feek Asks Her 2-Year-Old Daughter For This…

With only days left to live, Joey Feek of Joey + Rory has said her final goodbyes to her family, including her 2-year-old daughter, Indiana.

Joey was diagnosed with terminal cervical cancer in 2014, and has spent a considerable amount of time in hospice care. But her health has been rapidly declining, her body “shutting down quickly.” And now husband Rory Feek has revealed that she made the decision that “enough is enough.” After spending days asleep, she has said goodbye to her parents and three sisters. Then, it was time to give her young daughter one last kiss.

Despite her suffering, Joey wished to live long enough to see her daughter have one more birthday, and in early February, Indiana turned two. But the pain has been too much for the 40-year-old to handle — she decided that now was the time to “go home.”

Shortly after she kissed her little daughter, she drifted into a “deep sleep.” Rory says that while Joey’s life will sadly be cut short, she has lived a full life and has no regrets.

Photo source: YouTube.com

With Days To Live, Joey Feek Asks Her 2-Year-Old Daughter For This...

Joey Feek’s condition has made a turn for the worse, and her parents, sisters, and husband have said their goodbyes. But with just days to live, it’s Joey’s last words to her daughter and the last kiss that have been the most moving.

With Days To Live, Joey Feek Asks Her 2-Year-Old Daughter For This...

Despite her bleak diagnosis and her suffering, Joey has held on, and has been able to celebrate this past Valentine’s Day with her family.

With Days To Live, Joey Feek Asks Her 2-Year-Old Daughter For This...

But more importantly, she was able to celebrate her daughter’s second birthday. It was her wish to see her daughter, Indiana, turn two.

With Days To Live, Joey Feek Asks Her 2-Year-Old Daughter For This...

But just a few days later, Joey decided that it was time to “go home.” She gave Indiana one last kiss and said, “You be a big girl for your papa,” and “Mama will be watching over you.” Then she fell asleep.

Please SHARE if you want to support the Feek family through this tough time.

He demands a divorce in this letter to his wife. Her reply is unreal

Dear wife:

He demands a divorce in this letter to his wife. Her reply is unrealI’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever.
I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it.
These last 2 weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you
quit your job today & that was the last straw.
Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had
cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers.
You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of
your soaps.
You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything
that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or
you don’t love me anymore; whatever! the case, I’m gone.

Your EX-Husband
P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West
Virginia together!
Have a great life!

Dear Ex-Husband

He demands a divorce in this letter to his wife. Her reply is unrealNothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you
& I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from
what you’ve been.
I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining &
griping. Too bad that doesn’t work.
I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that
came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised
me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t
And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused
with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago.
About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99
price tag was still on them, & ; I prayed it was a coincidence that my
sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning.
After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it
out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my
job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you
were gone. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope
you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that
the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take
Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!

15 utterly inspirational people that demonstrated terrific willpower

In this article, We present you a collection of stories and photographs of people whose incredible example will help you start a new life. It’s never too late to change yourself!

15 utterly inspirational people that demonstrated terrific willpower


This couple decided to lose weight together. They succeeded, as their second attempt at a wedding photo session plainly shows!


This guy has managed to lose 50 kilos and get his muscles into shape in just one year!


Shedding 63 kilograms looks like this!


Incredibly, both photos feature the same person!


This man has embraced a healthy lifestyle together with his mother. They both look fantastic!


This girl used to suffer from eating disorders until she adopted a healthy way of life.


See this gloomy, fat guy? Would you believe the second photo shows the same person some time later, taking part in a Color Run?


This lady has done a truly incredible job of self-improvement!


It’s astonishing how losing weight can change a person’s appearance!


This girl has lost unwanted kilos and gained undisputed femininity!


This man got rid of 80 kilos. He now looks and feels outstanding!

15 utterly inspirational people that demonstrated terrific willpower

Annette has managed to defeat obesity thanks to regular exercise.


Losing 100 kg in five years is no easy feat, but the results are worth it!

15 utterly inspirational people that demonstrated terrific willpower
15 utterly inspirational people that demonstrated terrific willpower

Nothing is impossible!

She Flattens An Ordinary Cereal Box – Her Next Step Is Absolutely Genius.

Brilliant Ways To Upcycle Old Cereal Boxes

After you eat the cereal, don’t throw away the box! The cardboard can be upcycled into awesome organization boxes, a seed starter for your garden, and even cute mini pocket notebooks for your purse.


Cool Storage Caddy

Cereal boxes are the perfect shape for making a cool storage organizer. Alternate colorful strips of washi tape to get the exact look that you want. Learn how to do this project here.


Toss Your Lint In Style

If you’re tired of having an ugly trash bag to collect lint from your drying clothes, transform a cereal box into a stylish lint receptacle. Remove the top flaps from a large cereal box, and spray paint it whatever color you want. Use command strips on the back of stained clothespins to adhere it to the wall. A bit of washi tape and craft letters decorate the box, while the clothespins keep the box clipped to the wall. More details on this project can be found here.


Inexpensive Plastic Lid Holder

There’s no need to find an expensive solution to storing miscellaneous plastic container lids. A cut cereal box will do the trick very nicely!


Make Mini Pocket Notebooks

These mini notebooks are so crafty, your friends will never know they were fashioned from used cereal boxes! It’s easy to make your own. A cute button, paper to cover the spine, and string floss complete the look. The full project can be followed here.


Make A Magazine Holder

Give your magazines a cool place to live in these magazine holders. Uniquely patterned paper give it flair, while a felt lining on the inside help the magazines easily slide in and out. More info on this cereal box upcycle can be found here.


Mini Seed Starters

Turn mini boxes of cereal into seed starter sets. Just cut it open and fill with fertilizer and seeds. Be sure to keep a dish underneath the box to collect any stray moisture.


Craft Room Caddy

Even a craft room needs a crafty caddy! All you need to do is cut out the bottom of a cereal box, fill it with empty toilet paper rolls, and decorate it with washi tape. Fill it up with your favorite craft pens and markers.


Drawer Organizers

Plain cereal boxes can be transformed into amazing drawer dividers with the magic of washi tape. First, you’ll want to fit the cereal boxes into the drawer to make sure you have a perfect fit. Then, cut them down to size and decorate it to your heart’s content. This is perfect for organizing your washi tape, staples, glue, scissors, and your most-used crafting tools. This fun project can be found here.


Protective Shipping Envelope

There’s no need to spend any money on a shipping envelopes when an old cereal box can serve the same function. This is as easy as cutting, folding, and taping it together. Learn exactly how, here.


This cool video shows you how to transform a cereal box into a note holder.

Cardboard Is Recyclable

Not only is cardboard a material that is recyclable, but it’s upcyclable too! Instead of handing over this treasure to the recycling center, turn cereal boxes into things you can use around the home.

Man Sees Firefighters On His Front Lawn. But Then He Notices What’s Next To Them…

Firefighters Work Hard To Save A Dog From A Fire

There are no two ways about it: Firefighters are heroes. They put their lives at risk every time they are on duty, prevent disasters from getting even worse, and save lives — which sometimes include the lives of animals.

Because no two situations are the same, they often have to get creative with how they approach them, like when they used “Let it Go” from Frozen to calm a young girl stuck in an elevator.

Recently, some heroic firefighters had to employ quick, creative thinking during a house fire in Vancouver to save the family’s beloved dog. They found the dog unconscious in the house suffering from severe smoke inhalation. They quickly evacuated the animal from the house, but needed to act quickly to save this dog’s life.

Fortunately, the creative minds of the fire department went to work. They gave the dog water and created a makeshift doggy oxygen mask out of a piece of equipment meant for a human. Because of this quick thinking, the dog regained consciousness and was able to get oxygen pumping back in his blood.

Soon, these firefighters will be trained on how to use new oxygen systems that are meant especially for pets. I’m sure these fearless heroes will have no problem with this new tool.

Watch the incredible rescue below and please SHARE to commend these firefighters for going above and beyond for man’s best friend!


18 images guaranteed to put you in a good mood

The world is full of wonderful people and amazing, crazy, hilarious, and beautiful things. Even the simplest of them can bring joy — you just have to be willing to take notice.

If for any reason your spirits are low, take a look at the following 18 images. We guarantee they will improve your mood. And just remember — you can make someone else’s day just by being happy.

18 images guaranteed to put you in a good mood


The ideal man…or the ideal cat?


The sweetest tattoo ever.


The gate’s open and I didn’t even run away…I’m waiting for my praise!


I’ve always wanted to do this!

I got lost, and you’re the first person I’ve seen in months! Let’s be friends!


Devotion to one’s country from an early age.




A cool hat and a flower to sniff. What more could you want?


Doing baby yoga makes you feel like you’ve been born again!


Always ask for forgiveness if you offend someone.


It’s hard work being a cat, but someone’s got to do it.


Did you notice the little baby goat?


Bless you!


The face of someone who just got given free tickets to the world cup.


War is war, but you should always have lunch on schedule.


This guy is my best friend!


Have a great day!

These twins don’t know that they’ve been born

These infants have not yet realised that they are no longer in the womb, and therefore behave as if they still are. This is, quite simply, an incredibly moving video.

20 awesome fireplaces for a cozy evening

The winter is slowly coming to an end, but we still want something warm and cozy. What’s better than coming home after work and relaxing by the fireplace? A warming flame, good book, or the company of your nearest and dearest can make an evening by the fireplace warm and cozy.

Today We wants to show you 20 wonderful fireplaces that make our hearts skip a beat. Everyone might not be able to afford a fireplace right now, but it’s always a pleasure to look at the beautiful designs and imagine them in your house.

# 1


# 2


# 3


# 4


# 5


# 6


# 7


# 8


# 9


# 10


# 11


# 12


# 13


# 14


# 15


# 16


# 17


# 18


# 19


# 20


Preview photo credit: focus-creation