Her Husband Buys A Plot Of Land, Then She Finds A Tiny Cabin On The Property…

Wife Builds Her Own “She Shed” And Now I’m Totally Jealous

This is the story of how one woman turned an old hunting cabin into a shabby-chic Victorian hideaway nestled in the beautiful Catskills — and despite the fact she’s happily married, Sandra’s got it all to herself. In fact, that’s the whole idea.

After Sandra and Todd got married and moved into a big farmhouse, Sandra realized that she and her husband lived much differently than she thought. He’s messy, she’s neat. He collects tractors and tools, she likes sparse vintage decor. He wants to live in a man cave, she wants to live in a place that looks straight out of a magazine. With financial stress adding up — and without being able to put her passion for decorating to use — Sandra felt like her spirit was completely broken.

In 2007, Sandra and Todd moved into a wooded property that came with a trailer and run-down hunting cabin.  In 2009, she got to work on turning that disheveled box of a cabin into the cottage of her dreams, all by herself. In 2010, The New York Times wrote, “Armed with a crowbar, hammer and electrical saw, she removed the front of the cabin and extended the floor and porch, using salvaged floorboards. She framed out the porch and found columns, a screen door and hardware…” She found most of the furnishings on Craigslist or at local yard sales. And when she was all finished, Sandra was absolutely ecstatic. This tiny home not only serves as her studio, but also her personal refuge.

We’ve seen this trend of the “She Shed” before; in an attempt to find some calm in their chaotic worlds, women all over are transforming ordinary garden sheds into blissful retreats. Step inside Sandra’s amazing she shed in the video below, and prepare to want one of your own.

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She Gets Out A Jar Of Vicks, But Doesn’t Have A Cold – These Ideas Are Brilliant

Surprisingly Uncommon Uses For Vicks VapoRub

Many of us have experienced the soothing effects of Vicks VapoRub being applied to our chests to relieve a stubborn cough or cold, but this handy little jar has many other practical uses, too!

vicks goo

Soothe Achy Muscles

Maybe you went to too many kickboxing classes this week or perhaps you ran just a little farther than you had planned. No matter what the cause of your aching muscles, applying a thin layer of VapoRub to your skin and covering the area in a warm towel can do wonders to relieve the pain and get you back in action–fast.


Keep Pets In Their Places

For all those mischievous pets that have “accidents” or get into things they shouldn’t, Vicks can help. It’s easy to keep areas of your home puppy-free by leaving an open jar or two in all the rooms or areas you need Fido to steer clear of. The strong smell warns them to stay away. For the cats in your home, the same is true. Simply spread a small layer on window sills, ledges or other areas you want to keep for humans only.


Splinters & Cuts Quickly

If you’re short on Neosporin, putting a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on a splinter, cut, or other small wound helps accelerate the healing process and fights against germs and infections. For larger cuts or injuries, always consult a medical professional.

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Stop Headaches In Their Tracks

You can get a headache from loud noises, stress at work, pregnancy, an illness…the list is nearly endless. To get a handle on headaches fast, smear a little bit of VapoRub under your nose and breathe deeply. The soothing menthol helps to clear up everyday headaches in no time.


Fix Dry, Cracked Heels

In the cold winter months, heels and hands are especially prone to dryness. If the skin goes too long without moisture, you could end up with cracking, painful heels or hands. To deeply hydrate skin, layer on VapoRub a few times a day and layer with socks or bandages, until the cracks have healed.


Break Up Bruises

When your little ones accidentally get a bad bruise or two in a tumble, mix a pinch of salt with some VapoRub and apply it to the bruise. The combination will help to break up the bruise and heal it quickly.

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Protect Against Bugs

Just like your favorite canned insect repellent, applying a thin layer of Vicks VapoRub to exposed skin will help keep pesky mosquitos at bay on the beach, while you’re camping, or during a relaxing night in the yard. Plus, Vicks VapoRub can soothe bug bites.

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See what else Vicks VapoRub can do for you in this video.

VapoRub Isn’t Just For Coughs Anymore!

Who knew that using Vicks around the house could soothe a variety of other problems besides the common cough? By applying it to hands, feet or cuts, you can get the healing moisture your body needs. It can also help keep pets from destroying your home and so much more. Looks like we’ll be stocking up!

15 amazing non-touristy places to discover each country’s national character

There’s no denying that the world’s most famous cities bedazzle the tourists with great impressions and unforgettable memories! Big city lights, awe-inspiring landmarks and tourist spots open you up for a whole new world of experience… Every country, however, leaves some stories untold and some of its secrets unrevealed. Once you step off the well-trodden path and wave the crowded capitals good bye, you will be amazed by the country’s backstage behind the sparkling façade. You will come face to face with traditions and customs of indigenous people, walk down a paved street in a small village, visit ancient monuments and modern landmarks alike.

We encourages you to take this virtual tour with us and unravel these countries’ mysteries together!

1. Yvoire Village, France

This colorful Yvoire village is more than *gasp* 700 years old. Regardless of all the fierce battles that had taken place here and the natural disasters it’d gone through, the village has nonchalantly preserved its historic appearance in the face of these testing conditions and time.
In this quiet village by the banks of Lake Geneva, you will find an ancient castle built by none other than Count Amadeus V of Savoy. You will have the chance to experience the long quiet walks down the cobbled streets, admire the sturdy yet elegant architecture and meet the charming villagers. All in all, the whole place is simply magical. No wonder Yvoire has been awarded its rightful place amongst the most beautiful villages in France. C’est vraiment assez beau!

2. Kangaroo Island, Australia

Kangaroo Island is a dream attraction for both children and adults. One third of the island’s territory is occupied by its nature reserves and national parks. You will be impressed by the grandiose scenery on the background of the giant cliffs and green meadows. If you decide to take a walk here, you can easily meet kangaroos, lizards, koala bears, platypus, and lots of different bird species — fairy penguins, black cockatoos, barn owls and so many more. If you take a boat tour, you may also happen to come across some playful dolphins and seals. Australia is, beyond doubt, one the most diverse and beautiful countries of the world.

3. Fort Bourtange, the Netherlands

Fort Bourtange, also known as ‘Star Fort’, is located in the Netherlands. It was built during the ’Eighty Years’ War, a Dutch War of Independence against Spain. The architects of that time came up with a whole new type of fortification to protect the fort against direct artillery fire. The war ended with a Peace of Münster treaty, after which the fort was abandoned. Some time later they returned to the fort in order to strengthen the bastion and expand its territory. Henceforth, starting from the 19th century the Star Fort belongs to the local community. So the next time you find yourself in Groningen, take the Bourtange tour; not only is it a good food for thought, but you can also let your eyes feast upon the marvelous scenery surrounding it.

4. Albarracín, Spain

Spanish writer and philosopher, José Ortega y Gasset once described Albarracín as «the city that thrusts its astonishing silhouette into the heights.» This city is also often called the «pink city». Such a beautiful name was given to Albarracín under the Muslim rule. On the outskirts of this pink-hued medieval townyou will get to marvel at the emerald green meadows and sapphire blue rivers. What’s more, you will find the 18-kilometer-long aqueduct, built all the way back during the Roman age. Take a long walk down the ancient street somewhere in Albarracín and let yourself feel the true atmosphere of the past.

5. Devonshire, England

Devon, archaically known as Devonshire, is a picturesque county in England, spanning all the way from Bristol Channel in the north to the English Channel in the south. Devon gets its name from Dumnonia, which was the homeland of the Celtic Britons. Nowadays, Devon is a popular destination for recreation and leisure, although you may still find some remote fishing villages and ports almost untouched. Devon is the home county of the great mariners — Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. The ‘queen of crime fiction’ Agatha Christie was also born in Devon. By the way,just so you know, all the events described by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in his ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’ also took place in Devon as well. You will see the other side of the coin — see England in its ’natural habitat’ with its harsh winds, picturesque landscapes, old-bordering-on-mystical houses and alleyways.

6. Hokkaido, Japan

If you’re lucky enough to visit Japan, do visit the island of Hokkaido. The Japanese perfectionists created some seriously impressive tourists attractions: Unkai Terrace on top of the mountain, lavender fields, ski resorts and the Blue Pond. Here you can meet an incredibly sweet ezo momonga, a.k.a. a flying squirrel, who only resides in Hokkaido. Moreover, you will be surprised that not only does the unlikely combination of modern technologies and nature not conflict with one another, but complete one another.

7. Monsanto, Portugal

Monsanto is a beautiful small village in the Portuguese countryside. The whole village, so it seems, is carved from rock, which is the impression you get as you pass by the granite houses, squeezed between giant boulders. The views are simply stunning — mountains, green trees, tiled roofs, cobbled streets. Monsanto was once the center of Beira Baixa province, and the urban landscape has hardly changed since then. In 1938 Monsanto was bestowed the title of the most ‘Portuguese town in Portugal’. What a pleasure it is to carelessly roam its streets, occasionally stopping by a local restaurant under the boulder (so the next time anyone asks you whether you’ve been living under a rock, you might as well say you did!).

8. Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, Iceland

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, located in the south-east of Iceland, is an incredible creation of mother nature. Look at this photo, isn’t it simply breathtaking? The canyon itself is a result of thousands of years of erosion, caused by the melting glaciers after the Ice Age. It is almost 2 kilometers long and up to 100 meters deep, and as the time went on, the canyon was being constantly carved and shaped by the Fjaðrá river. We guarantee that it’s no ordinary riverside tour — it’s an adventure!

9. Alberobello, Italy

A small town of Alberobello is full of magical charm. Alberobello is famous for its unique trulli buildings, which are very popular among travelers. There are about fifteen hundred ‘fairy’ houses with conical roofs in the town, oh and by the way, they say that many of them are more than 7 centuries old! The town originally got its name from the Latin ‘Arboris Belli’, meaning ‘beautiful trees’. It is no exaggeration, saying that you will simply rediscover Italy in this small cosy town: sunny, welcoming, decorated by inspirational artists and, of course, by the nature itself.

10. The Dark Hedges, Ireland

The Dark Hedges is an unusual, spellbinding place. It is located near the village of Armoy in Northern Ireland. This beautiful beech alley was planted by the Stuart family in the 18th century. The family’s intention was to decorate the entrance to their house, and of course, to impress their visitors and guests.Today the mansion has been successfully converted into a popular golf club. However, legend has it that one can still meet the ghost of the Grey Lady under the shadows of these trees… It must be said that locals adore their traditions along with the intriguing mysteries of the place.

11. Kandovan, Iran

From a distance, the Kandovan Village looks very much like a giant termite colony. These are, in fact, manmade cliff dwellings which are still inhabited by almost one thousand people. Do not, however, be so easily tricked by their looks; the villagers are more than familiar with modern comfort. Kandovan was formed by the volcanic remains from the Sahand volcano eruption hundreds of years ago. The village itself, by the way, gets its name from the Persian ‘Kandoo-e Asal’ which literally means ‘beehives’. Once you’re there, you will definitely feel like a Persian fairy tale hero. Any Prince of Persia fans here, perchance?

12. Hobbiton, New Zealand

This fantasy village was originally a film set, built by the efforts of almost 400 people, for the filming of the famous ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy. After the filming had come to an end, the village remained empty for some time… Not for long though, as someone quickly got the idea to turn the Hobbit village into a full-scale tourist attraction! As soon as that happened ‘Lord of the Rings’ fans started flocking from all over the world just to get the chance to see the now-world-renown Hobbits Holes, Green Dragon pub, the Hobbiton mill and the double-arched bridge. Middle-Earth, here we come!

13. Lake Titicaca, Peru/Bolivia

For the local residents, Lake Titicaca is a highly sacred place. The name itself comes from the Quechua language, spoken by the Incas, and means «rock of the puma». According to scientists, millions of years ago the now-lake was an ancient sea; in fact, its waters are still inhabited by certain ocean fish species, crustaceans and even sharks. About 300 rivers feed into Titicaca. At times, you can even spot unusual floating islands made of reeds, inhabited by the Uru Indians. They live a very simple, tranquil life with no major changes over the last century. One may even think he has just traveled back in time. What a time-space-culture shock!

14. Gaztelugatxe, Basque Country, Spain

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe is an island on the coast of Biscay. It’s connected to the mainland by a narrow man-made bridge of 237 steps. There is a tiny church at the top of the islet, dedicated to John the Baptist, who is believed to have had set foot on the island in the 10th century. You will certainly remember the splendid scenic views and the breezy water splashes of clear azure waves. That and the fresh breeze will undoubtedly fill you with its magical energy.

15. Chefchaouen, Morocco

The ‘Blue City’ of Chefchaouen is magically perched beneath the raw peaks of the Rif mountains. The epic mountain scenery, beautiful landscapes, ancient architecture… Everything here is a pure work of art. The main attractions, however, are the buildings that come in all shades of blue: from teal to cobalt to sapphire. It is a place of such divine beauty, that the minute you arrive will send you running to the nearest fountain in order to toss a coin in its rippling pond and make a wish to come back here again. And again.

Two puppies fell into a pit with a cobra. Then something incredible happened

A Wild King Cobra Protects Two Puppies From Drowning In A Well

We often hear amazing stories about the animal world, and the more dangerous an animal is, the more incredible the story often turns out to be.

We never cease to be amazed at how sensitive and responsive all kinds of creatures can be.

This particular story took place in the Indian state of Punjab. Two small puppies accidentally fell into a well. The pit was very deep, and they couldn’t get out on their own. Their owner soon noticed that they were missing, later hearing their mother’s loud, incessant barking.

The man looked down the well and had the fright of his life. A king cobra was sitting next to the two puppies! Amazingly however, the snake didn’t threaten them in any way. On the contrary, it seemed to be protecting them from the dangerous sides of the well, which were saturated with water. In the end, the puppies spent a total of 48 hours in the pit. When help finally arrived from the authorities, the cobra crawled to the other side of the well out of the way. The puppies were not injured at all, whilst the snake was taken to the woods and released.

This story proves once again that even the most dangerous creatures on Earth know what it means to help another being when it’s in danger.

Source: www.youtube.com

12 ingenious tricks to make your bathroom the most comfortable place in your home

It’s possible to make every corner of your home a comfortable place to live. Even the most functional rooms can be transformed into something wonderful. To prove this to you, we’ve put together a selection of some of the most ingenious, but by no means complicated or expensive, tricks you can learn to remake your bathroom.

It’s possible to make a bath mat from real seaside stones. You can find instructions on how to do so here.

Wicker baskets can be an excellent alternative to shelves in the bathroom. They can be attached to the wall easily enough using a variety of methods.

Installing an additional ledge or rail next to the shower is useful for hanging various things up and keeping them to hand at the same time.

You’d be surprised how much an ordinary spice rack fits in with the style and decor of your bathroom — plus they’re extremely useful for storing and sorting various bottles.

Smaller bathroom items can be stored in ordinary glass jars.

Metal hairpins and other such items can be kept in one place by attaching a magnetic strip to the wall. You’ll never lose them again!

A small, decorative ladder can be used as a towel rail. No need to drill holes in the wall!

Pour all the products you need into matching bottles and label them. Your bathroom will look much more stylish and homely in an instant!

You can make a mirror into a real part of the room’s decoration if you can think of an imaginative enough idea.

Even if you just paint the frame of a mirror, it will have the overall effect of making the room look more cheerful as well as stylish.

You can use a shelf to allow you to read and have a drink while relaxing in a hot bath.

Add a few plants to the bathroom to make it feel and smell fresher.

30 Thought-Provoking Quotes For When You’re Feeling A Bit Stuck In Life

30 Thought-Provoking Quotes For When You’re Feeling A Bit Stuck In Life

I collect quotes. If I come across a line in a book that moves me, or a quotation online that really speaks to me, I always write it down. I refer back to these quotes frequently. When I’m feeling lost or stuck in life, or just a little down on myself, it helps to read the comforting words of someone wiser than me. They reassure me about the direction I’m going in life, and help me realize that everything isn’t as bad as it may seem.

Here are some of my favorite inspirational, motivational, uplifting, and simply thought-provoking quotes:

1. “Mistakes are a great educator when one is honest enough to admit them and willing to learn from them.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

2. “Never let anyone disturb your composure, deter your accomplishment, or destroy your happiness.” – Anonymous

3. “You can only try your best. And if they can’t appreciate that, it’s their fault, not yours.” – Anonymous

4. “Don’t ever let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.” – 10 Things I Hate About You

5. “Do not dwell on the past. Your history cannot be erased, but your future has yet to be written, so make the most of what is going to happen instead of worrying about what you cannot change.”

6. “Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.” – Liz Smith

7. “Sleep late, have fun, get wild, drink whisky and drive fast on empty streets with nothing in mind but falling in love and not getting arrested.” – Hunter S. Thompson

8. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

9. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain

10. “I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly.” – Oscar Wilde

11. “The only thing that one really knows about human nature is that it changes. Change is the one quality we can predicate of it.” – Oscar Wilde

12. “This is your world. It’s full of more potential for pleasure, love, glory, beauty and bliss that can be comprehended. It even surprises you with misfortune so you can experience the full range of your explosive emotions, and so the good things are that much sweeter. Even better, nothing great comes easily. That would be hopelessly boring. You have thrilling hurdles to overcome at every corner in order to achieve greatness in this life.”

13. “This above all: To thine own self, be true.” – Shakespeare

14. “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” – Arnold Bennett

15. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

16. “If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

17. “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” – Oscar Wilde

18. “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we live.” – Norma Cousin

19. “Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.” – Mark Twain

20. “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

21. “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – E.M. Forster

22.“Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.” – Cecil Beaton

23. “You must never behave as if your life belongs to a man. Your life belongs to you and you alone.” – Chimamanda Adichie

24. “If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you.” – Jodi Picoult

25. “The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything but they make the most of everything.” – Sam Cawthorn

26. “And yet, now that years have passed, I recall it and wonder that it could distress me so much. It will be the same thing, too, with this trouble. Time will go by and I shall not mind about this either.” – Leo Tolstoy

27. “Waiting around for someone else to make you happy is the best way to be sad.”

28. “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” – Nora Roberts

29. “Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It’s all funny.” – Joan Rivers

30. “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

How to fly on a private jet for under $150 per person

How to fly on a private jet for under $150 per person

4 ways to snag a deal and travel like the super rich

No security lines or TSA pat downs. Cushy leather seats and legroom for days. Fido curled up right next to you. The perks of flying on a private jet used to be something only the rich and famous enjoyed. But that’s changing — and in some cases, you can fly on a private jet or plane for the cost of coach (or less) if you know how to shop smartly.

A handful of sites and private jet companies are following the lead of hotels and hotel websites and offering last-minute deals on unused inventory, and others are changing the cost structure of private plane travel to make it vastly more affordable.

JetSuite.com, which flies to more than 2,000 airports, aggregates private jet flights with empty seats to offer daily “next-day” deals. You can rent the entire plane — a max of 6 seats — starting at just $536 each way, which shakes out to less than $90 per person. Past deals have included a flight for six people from Oxford, Conn., to Philadelphia for $536.43 (that’s about $90 per person, which includes the 7.5% federal excise tax), a flight for four people from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for $499 (that’s about $124 per person); for four people from Orange County, Calif., to Chicago for $536 (that’s about $135 per person); and for six people from Teterboro (in New Jersey, near New York City) to Nassau, Bahamas, for $1,074 (that’s about $179 per person). (In all of the above cases, to get the per person rate, you must book all seats on the plane.)
It’s not the only company offering these kinds of rates: Consumers may also get big last-minute deals, even when they aren’t advertised, by calling a private aviation company within a few days from when they want to depart and asking whether they have deals going on.

Waiting until the last minute isn’t an option for most travelers, of course. For those whose schedules can’t accommodate a last-minute booking, there are other options, though they can be pricier. West Coast airline Surf Air offers unlimited private plane flights to and from roughly a dozen California and Nevada locales like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Santa Barbara for $1,750 per month (plus a one-time $1000 initiation fee); the airline operates up to 90 flights each day and it added Monterey, Calif., to its list of itineraries on July 13, 2015.

Those living on the East Coast will soon be able to fly with Beacon, another monthly membership airline, which will begin flying later this summer, starting with 18-20 daily flights between New York and Boston, as well as seasonally in the Hamptons and Nantucket. Memberships start at $2,000 per month (plus a $1000 initiation fee, which will be waived if you join before Sept. 1, 2015).

For some, the math works out: if you take four or more flights on one of these airlines, those tickets could amount to less than the cost of coach or business class seats.

And FLITE Air Taxi offers a la carte private plane flights for reasonable rates: A flight from Boston to Saratoga, N.Y. costs $541 per person (you will need six people to fill the plane, so $3,250 for the whole flight), as does one from New York City to Martha’s Vineyard and from Block Island to Worcester, Mass.; this does not include federal excise taxes (7.5% of the cost of the flight) but does include other fees.

How can these and other similar companies afford to offer such low rates? One reason is that sites like JetSuite.com are offering seats on flights that would have been empty or at least not full. “Over 40% of flights that are flying private have empty seats,” says Steve King, the co-founder of private jet charter company AeroIQ. Many times, these flights are simply repositioning so they can pick up passengers in another city and the companies would rather get some money from passengers than no money.

Companies like Surf Air and FLITE Air Taxi can charge less than big-name competitors, in part, because they use different planes — like, for example, single-prop turbo planes — that cost less to operate because they use less fuel than larger jets. “The operational cost can be a fraction of other planes,” says Justin Hart, vice president of Surf Air memberships.

There are some significant additional caveats to discount private plane travel. Often these deals are only for one-way flights, so they will then need to find an alternative way back. It’s also important to understand that there may be extra fees added to the cost of your flight — such as airport or landing fees — so read the contract to determine what’s included and what’s not. De-icing fees, for example, can be significant and may be passed on to consumers, says Jeff Trance, the SVP of private jets for the U.S. for jet charter company Air Partner.

And typically, you can’t just buy one discount ticket on these planes; they’ll want you to pay for the whole cost of the plane, so you’ll need to find a group to go with you to get the most savings. Plus, if you want to save big, you likely won’t get a brand-new primo jet, as these tend to cost more. And finally, there’s the issue of safety: Private chartered planes tend to get in more crashes than commercial jets — though they are still far safer than cars. Most small-plane accidents were due to pilot error, so call the private jet company to determine how many hours of flying experience your pilot has.

Despite these downsides, the allure of private plane travel is strong thanks to how uncomfortable both the airport and flying experience have become. Here are some ways to save.

Be flexible

If you’re flexible both on when you fly and where you fly, you’ll likely get the best deals, says Trance. Call the company and ask about the cost differences between, say, a Saturday and a Tuesday and see if you can fly into a nearby airport. Fridays and Sundays tend to be the most expensive times to travel, says Justin Sullivan, the co-founder of FLITE Air Taxi. And, of course, last-minute deals can be significant so it may be worth waiting until about 72 hours before you want to fly to find deals, says Trance, though this is, of course, risky.

Know where the most likely deals are

The Northeast markets, California and the Northeast-to-Florida routes tend to have the most last-minute deals on them, says Bob Diener, co-founder of Hotels.com and Getaroom.com.

Shop around

Diener recommends checking out FlyVictor.com, as it compares the cost of private jet travel across different airlines. He says that JetSuite.com is the best known for last-minute deals. You may also want to consider having a broker do the heavy lifting for you, says Trance; brokers typically work on commission, so ask them what their commission is before booking and how you pay it, and tell them your all-in price tolerance ahead of time.

Go with a small group — but not too small

Trance says that if you travel with a group of seven or fewer you can often save significantly because you can opt for a smaller — and often less-expensive-to-operate — plane. You likely don’t want a party of two because most private aviation companies require you to rent out the entire private plane (typically four seats or more).

90-Year-Old Woman Rejects Cancer Treatment, Goes Traveling Instead

When 90-year-old Norma lost her husband and was diagnosed with cancer in the space of a week, she amazed everyone by rejecting treatment and heading off to travel the US.

Two days after losing her husband of 60 years, Norma was told she had a large tumor in her uterus. Doctors offered surgery, radiation and chemo, but Norma simply told them, “I’m 90 years old. I’m hitting the road.”

90-Year-Old Woman Rejects Cancer Treatment, Goes Traveling Instead

And that’s exactly what she did.

Norma’s kids live in a mobile RV and, when Norma told them about her decision, they supported her 100%.

For the last six months, Norma’s been traveling the US with her family on the trip of a lifetime, in no pain and even, incredibly, seeing signs of her cancer going into partial remission.

When asked if Norma was being irresponsible her doctor said, “We see what cancer treatment looks like every day.”

“[She’s] doing exactly what I would want to do in this situation. Have a great trip!”

So five-foot-tall adventurer Norma has been exploring all the sights the US has to offer and throwing herself into the fun.

A particular highlight of her trip so far was the hot air balloon ride over central Florida.

Where Norma had to be lifted in and out of the basket and couldn’t stop laughing.

Norma has visited National Parks across the country, seen the Rocky Mountains, explored New Orleans, and taken part in a Native American ceremony — and she’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Norma’s advice is simple: “Keep praying every day that God will take care of you, even when it feels like you can’t care for yourself,” she says.

“Just keep on going every day, that’s about it.”

90-Year-Old Woman Rejects Cancer Treatment, Goes Traveling InsteadNorma, you’re an inspiration to us all.

You can keep up with Norma’s incredible journey on Facebook.