11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose Weight

If you’re looking to lose weight fast, don’t turn to diet pills or dangerous drugs. These one spoonful hacks will help curb your appetite and provide your body with nutrients and healthy substances it needs to get back on track and shed the pounds.

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose Weight
11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose Weight

1. A Spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Sugar Support

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose WeightApple cider vinegar has a number of uses around the home as well as externally and internally for the body. When you add a teaspoonful to a 12 ounce glass of water you’ll be adding in nutrients that you just wouldn’t get from water alone, and hydrate yourself at the same time. You’ll also be helping to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

The best apple cider vinegar is organic and unpasteurized, and contains “mother of vinegar”. One brand that is highly recommended and easily found locally or online is Braggs.

Why It Works: Monitoring your blood sugar, or at least keeping it in mind when you’re crafting and timing your meals, is a good way to avoid spikes that can lead to weight gain. Research into how ACV helps your blood sugar is very promising, and worth making it a part of your daily weight loss routine.

2. A Spoonful of Raw Organic Honey for Digestive Enzymes

There are enzymes and antioxidants in unprocessed honey that are beneficial to the body, but sadly aren’t found in the majority of honey found nationwide. The amount of enzymes in honey that hasn’t been processed is amazing, thousands of different enzymes designed to help the digestive system.

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose Weight

Processed honey, the most commonly found honey, has these enzymes stripped away, and therefore doesn’t provide the same benefit. Be sure the container lists both organic and raw on the label. Although there’s no such thing as organic bees, the fields surrounding the honey production facility will be certified organic.

Why It Works: Keeping your digestive system happy is a major component for losing weight. The digestive enzymes and antioxidants in raw organic honey support the digestive system and the body as a whole, helping you slim down without exerting much effort.

3. A Spoonful of Coconut Oil to Suppress Your Appetite

Coconut oil has several benefits, and when you’re looking to lose weight the most important of these is its ability to help with weight loss. When comparing oils it’s easy to see that coconut oil has more saturated fat than some of the most commonly used oils, but it also contains healthy fats, and the saturated fat it contains is not the same sort of saturated fat found in a cheeseburger.

You can use it in your cooking, or you can take a spoonful directly if you’re looking to hold yourself over between meals. It has a delicious buttery flavor that will make you feel like you’re not even on a weight loss program.

Why It Works: Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that not only help you feel full when you eat it, but go to work increasing your metabolism so that you’ll naturally burn fat.

4. A Spoonful of Ginger to Aid in Fat Loss

Ginger is a spice that will help you get rid of fat specifically, not just overall body weight. This is important when trying to hack your weight loss because you want to make sure that it’s fat you’re losing and not simply water weight or muscle mass.

5. A Spoonful of Thyme for Antioxidants and Vitamins

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose WeightIf it doesn’t taste good, the chances of you taking a spoonful of anything are rather low. In this case, thyme is a seasoning that you can use in your cooking or make into a tea for added weight loss benefits.

Thyme will add plenty of flavor to chicken breast, as well as lean turkey breast. Sprucing up these lean proteins is important, because they’ll help you lose weight as well, and when you combine them with a tasty herb you’ll find it pleasurable eat them, rather than a chore.

Why It Works: Thyme isn’t just a tasty herb, it’s loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that will help keep the cells of the body protected and able to cope with the stress that comes with losing weight. It’s also a diuretic, which can help release store up water weight and toxins.

6. A Spoonful of Turmeric for Antioxidants

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose WeightTurmeric is a spice that is often used in Indian cuisine, but hasn’t gotten much traction in other types of food. It’s easily recognizable by its bright orange-yellow color, and adds its distinct flavor to a meal. It also adds plenty of antioxidants and helps you burn fat.

You can use it as part of your cooking, make it into a tea by adding hot water and stirring until it’s dissolved. But perhaps the easiest way to eat more turmeric is to add it to lean meats, from lean beef to chicken breast. It has the ability not only to give the dish an amazing color, but also a delicious flavor that plays nice with other spices.

Why It Works: Turmeric is one of the lesser-known spices that is effective for weight loss. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, so it will help you ache less and give you more get-up-and-go that results in quick weight loss when combined with a healthy diet.

7. A Spoonful of Flaxseed for Omega-3s

Flax will not only help keep you satiated until your next meal, it contains antioxidants and fiber that make it more likely that your weight loss strategy will pay dividends.

Adding ground flax to your diet is as easy as using a spoon. It sprinkles over the top of a salad, and can quickly be added to a soup or smoothie to boost its nutrition without changing the taste much.

Why It Works: Getting enough of both types of omega-3s is important if you want your body to be able to do its job the way it is designed to. Many times weight gain occurs from a nutrient deficiency, so making up for that shortage is priority one. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes when you start getting all of what you need.

8. A Spoonful of Cinnamon for Essential Minerals and Fiber

Cinnamon is not just a tasty spice that makes desserts taste nice, it’s a tool you can use as part of a comprehensive approach to weight loss. When used at the right time, and in the right way, cinnamon can be a powerful ally that will spur on results.

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose Weight

One popular mix for weight loss is cinnamon and honey. Take a spoonful of each and mix them together in hot water to form a sort of tea. You can drink this anytime of day to help with your weight loss strategy.

Why It Works: Cinnamon contains minerals that your body needs each day, and is a surprising source of fiber. By helping you meet your fiber requirement for the day, a spoonful of cinnamon will help you maintain a healthy weight, or get you to one if you’re not there yet.

9. A Spoonful of Lemon Juice to Support the Immune System

Lemons are often used for their astringent properties in cleaning products, and the same cleaning power can go to work to help your body lose weight, and help you feel good along the way.

Add a spoonful of lemon juice to a glass of hot water first thing in the morning and you’ll be helping your digestion and starting your day off with a blast of Vitamin C. Add lemon to your water throughout the day and you’ll be helping to alkalinize the body which helps with weight loss.

Why It Works: Having a properly functioning immune system is key to losing weight. Not only will you be less likely to come down with a cold that can put your exercising on ice, but Vitamin C can help turn your body into a fat-burning device rather than a fat-storing one.

10. A Spoonful of Dark Cacao Powder for Antioxidants

11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose WeightYou’ve probably heard of the beneficial effects of dark chocolate, that it’s loaded with antioxidants and doesn’t have the added sugar that’s in milk chocolate. One of the most accessible ways to enjoy dark chocolate is with dark cacao powder.

Add a spoonful of dark chocolate powder into a smoothie and you’ll not only be adding in the key chocolate flavor that will curb cravings, you’ll be boosting your antioxidants for better health and easier pound shedding.

Why It Works: The polyphenols in cacao powder are what makes this work. They have a positive impact on your digestion which leads to a better functioning body, less stored body waste, and a lighter you.

11. A Spoonful of Mashed Avocado for Healthy Fats

When in doubt of what to eat and wondering how to lose weight fast, grab an avocado. There’s really no time of day that isn’t suited for the soft and refreshing taste of avocado, and you can add it to a breakfast smoothie, use it as a snack between meals, on salads, or as a garnish at dinner.

Mashing it up makes it even easier to digest, and a spoonful will give you a jump on the amount of fiber you’ll need to consume each day in order to facilitate weight loss. Always be sure that you’re getting enough fiber, a minimum of 25 grams and up to 35 grams if you can manage it. Start slowly to increase your fiber and you’ll see results via the weight you lose.

Why It Works: Avocados are full of healthy fats which will actually help you to burn fat rather than gain it. They’re also a great source of potassium, an important mineral when trying to lose weight.


12 fantastic tips for keeping your house perfectly clean

Even if cleaning isn’t your favourite pastime, the results always justify the effort made. That feeling that you’ve done your duty, when everything around you is shiny clean, can’t be beaten.

We have the best advice that can help make it all shine. Check these 12 fantastic tips for keeping your house perfectly clean:
How to restore a table

How to restore a table

Mix ½ cup of vinegar with ½ cup of olive oil, dip a cloth in the mix and wipe the wood down. Scratches disappear completely and the surface will look as new.

Whitening pillowcases

Whitening pillowcases

Mix 1 cup of washing powder, 1 cup of crumbled dishwasher powder, 1 cup of whitener, ½ cup of borax and add very hot water.

How to clean a cupboard

How to clean a cupboard

Mix 1 spoon of vegetable oil with 2 spoons of baking powder, and use it with a brush or cloth to clean the cupboard.

Cleaning the taps or shower head

Cleaning the taps or shower head

Get rid of the build-up of limescale from taps or shower heads using vinegar. Usually, 20 minutes is enough.

Cleaning the taps or shower head

If the limescale persists, wrap the showerhead in a plastic bag and leave for another hour. Then wash it thoroughly.



  1. Cover the ironing board with paper and sprinkle on a little salt.
  2. Turn on the iron and switch it to maximum heat. (Make sure the steam function is off, and that there is no water in the iron).
  3. Rub the heated iron over the salt. All the dirt of the surface will come of quickly and easily.

Cast-iron frying pans

Cast-iron frying pans

You will need an oven cleaner, rubber gloves, bin liners and plain vinegar. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Mould on bathtubs

Mould on bathtubs

Take some cotton wool and make small balls with it which are approximately one centimetre in diameter. Dip them in a whitener, place them on the mould and leave it all over night. In the morning, remove any remaining mould with a toothbrush.

Cleaning the stove grate

You can clean fat from the stove grate using ammonia. Put the grate in a plastic bag and add two to three tablespoons of ammonia cleaner. Leave for 12 hours, and then rinse.



It’s easy to clean silverware using boiling water, aluminium foil and salt. Line a bowl or sink with the foil and put everything else in. Leave for 30 minutes. The cutlery will then be sparkling clean!

Microfibre sofas

Microfibre sofas

You can remove stains from this kind of sofa with a clean white brush and a small amount of spirit. Add a little baking powder to get rid of the unpleasant odour.

Brave Dog Stops Sexual Predator From Hurting A Teenage Girl

Brave Dog Stops Sexual Predator From Hurting A Teenage Girl
Dog that bit alleged attacker was retriever mix

A brave dog in Missouri stopped a sexual assault earlier this month, when she bit the attacker several times.

Fifty-five year old Richie M. Dock, a registered sex offender, had been following a local teenager, who is younger than 14 according to the Southeast Missourian, around town, as well as threatening to assault her. On February 4, he attacked her.

Brave Dog Stops Sexual Predator From Hurting A Teenage Girl
Source: @thesquinkies/Instagram

When the girl pushed Dock away, he threatened to beat her. Then he straddled her and exposed himself. The teenager called to her dog, who was nearby, for help. Her faithful pup came running and attacked Dock, biting him several times. The girl immediately escaped and called police.

Dock released the victim but threatened her he would euthanize the dog if she reported the assault, the report stated. The victim told police the attack occurred Oct. 18 in Oran, although she reported it Feb. 4 because she said she was afraid of Dock.

Dock is charged with felony first-degree sodomy or attempted sodomy, felony first-degree sexual abuse and felonious restraint.

After the attack, the victim said Dock followed her when she walked around Oran and made lewd comments, according to the report. He also threatened to have people he knew come to her house and attack her.

Police are holding Dock on a $25,000 bond.

We are so glad that the dog was there to save the day! You’re a hero, pup!

h/t Southeastern Missourian.

25 Photos Which Show Why Every Child Should Have A Pet. #10 Is My Favorite!

There are many household pets out there which truly understand the meaning of devotion and love. They often display an understanding of their responsibilities and a level of trust and compassion which you don’t always find in people. For these reasons as well as others, we think every child should have a pet. But just in case you don’t agree with us, here’s some photographic evidence which should convince you.

Maybe it’s time to adopt a puppy…?

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

Smart cooks have a lot of tips on how to make life easier, and it’s an inexhaustible source of wisdom! These small secrets, which most of us probably don’t know yet, will greatly simplify your life.

We would like to share 14 tips that will help save you time while cooking various delights and keep your food fresh for a long time.

How to keep cake soft


Cover the exposed portions with pieces of bread and fix them using toothpicks. The bread will grow stale, but the cake will remain soft and fresh.

How to cook fish on the grill without it getting stuck

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

Place a fish fillet on lemon slices, and it won’t get stuck to the grill. It will give an interesting flavor to the dish, but most importantly, you won’t need to scrape the fish off of the grates.

How to get ideal potato slices


You can get neat and beautiful potato slices using an apple slicer. It’s a quick and easy way!

How to peel ginger quickly


Try to peel ginger with a tea spoon. You will get a nice piece of the peeled ginger with no waste.

How to keep eggs fresh for longer

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

Rub egg shells with vegetable oil before putting them in the fridge, and they will stay fresh for a few weeks longer.

How to prevent bananas from over-ripening


Cover banana roots with plastic wrap and they will last 3-4 days longer.

How to melt frozen butter


To make frozen butter soft, heat up a glass and place it on a piece of butter. Under the glass, the butter will start melting after a few minutes so you will be able to use it easily.

How to keep cookies crunchy

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

Crunchy cookies are delicious, but only when they are fresh and not dried up. To avoid that happening, put a slice of apple in a jar with them.

How to make unique ice cubes


Freeze lemon slices in ice cubes, and you will get cool cubes for a refreshing drink. This is exactly what you need for a party in the hot summer!

How to pit cherries

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

You can easily remove the seeds from the cherries using a bottle and a straw. Place the cherry on the bottle’s neck and press its seed out with a straw. It will fall to the bottom, and you will get a pitted cherry.

What to do if honey has crystallized


If honey has crystallized, melt it in a pan with hot water. It will become liquid again without losing its beneficial properties.

Don’t let garlic and onions become moldy

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

Keep onions and garlic in punctured paper bags so that they won’t spoil quickly.

How to keep herbs fresh and green

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

Parsley, dill, basil, spring onions, and other herbs can last much longer if you cover them with a plastic wrap and put them in the fridge.

How to peel garlic in a few seconds

14 simple kitchen tricks to make cooking easier and faster

To peel garlic quickly, put it in any closed jar and shake it vigorously. It turns out that it can peel itself! What a smart vegetable!


15 unbelievably cute animals that will take over the world

Cuteness is usually characterized by some combination of infant-like physical traits, especially small body size with a disproportionately large head, large eyes, and round and softer body features. Infantile personality traits, such as playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity, innocence, affectionate behavior, and a need to be nurtured are also generally considered cute.

It’s not everyday that we  manage to put together a collection of photos like this. If there was ever a competition for the world’s cutest animal, these charming little furry things you see below would all definitely take first place. We’re convinced that these guys will melt your heart and make you smile even on the gloomiest and coldest of days!

15 unbelievably cute animals that will take over the world

"I know you’re hiding the cookies somewhere!’’
’’Morning already? Give me five more minutes, just five more...’’

’’Morning already? Give me five more minutes, just five more…’’

’’Have you smiled today?’’
’’Everything’s going to be fine — I’ve got you.’’
’’I bet my tongue is longer than yours!’’
’’Can you take me with you, wherever you’re going?’’
’’...Wanna piece?’’

’’…Wanna piece?’’

’’My doctor said I should eat more vegetables.’’

’’My doctor said I should eat more vegetables.’’

Cutest. Babies. Ever.

Cutest. Babies. Ever.

’’Just gimme one more drink! I can handle myself!’’

’’Just gimme one more drink! I can handle myself!’’

’’Daddy, what are they staring at?’’ ’’They’re just jealous of our mustaches, son.’’

’’Daddy, what are they staring at?’’ ’’They’re just jealous of our mustaches, son.’’

A palmful of cuteness.

A palmful of cuteness.

’’Hug me! Hug me right now!’’

’’Hug me! Hug me right now!’’

’’Just take it easy.’’

India Declares Dolphins To Be “Non-Human Persons”, Dolphin Shows Banned

India Declares Dolphins To Be “Non-Human Persons”, Dolphin Shows Banned
India Declares Dolphins To Be “Non-Human Persons”, Dolphin Shows Banned

India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests have made a groundbreaking decision, to completely forbid the keeping of captive dolphins for public entertainment in the entire country.

A statement about their new police was released Friday, the ministry advised the state governments to deny any proposals that requested the establishment of a dolphinarium.

“by any person / persons, organizations, government agencies, private or public enterprises that involve import, the capture of cetacean species to establish for commercial entertainment, private or public exhibition and interaction purposes whatsoever.”

Why did the ministry come to this decision?

The ministry elaborated their first statement with these words,

“Whereas cetaceans, in general, are highly intelligent and sensitive, and various scientists who have researched dolphin behavior have suggested that the unusually high intelligence; as compared to other animals means that dolphins should be seen as ‘non-human persons’ and as such should have their own specific rights and is morally unacceptable to keep them captive for entertainment purpose,” the ministry said.

For some reason back in May, this wonderful topic managed to evade worldwide attention including the media’s.  Since the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science back in 2011, when a group consisting of conservationists, philosophers, and animal behaviorists attempted to gain world wide support for a Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans from the scientific communities, to ensure the re-categorization of Cetaceans (porpoises, whales, and dolphins) as nonhuman persons have been gathering strong momentum.

The Declaration is stated below:

  1. Every individual cetacean has the right to life.
  2. No cetacean should be held in captivity or servitude; be subject to cruel treatment; or be removed from their natural environment.
  3. All cetaceans have the right to freedom of movement and residence within their natural environment.
  4. No cetacean is the property of any State, corporation, human group or individual.
  5. Cetaceans have the right to the protection of their natural environment.
  6. Cetaceans have the right not to be subject to the disruption of their cultures.
  7. The rights, freedoms and norms set forth in this Declaration should be protected under international and domestic law.

You might be wondering what it means to say an animal has “rights”?  Here is a quick description of what that looks like,

“Unlike[…] positive rights, such as the ‘right’ to education or health care, the animal right is, at the bottom, a right to be left alone. It does not call for the government to tax us in order to provide animals with food, shelter, and veterinary care. It only requires us to stop killing them and making them suffer.”

That seems more than reasonable enough right?  Since the intelligence of dolphins has been established for quite some time this declaration really doesn’t seem to be a revolutionary move.  These beings all show signs of not only to be self-aware but have the capability of using tools, cooperating to solve different tasks, and even more recently we have discovered that they may possibly be able tocommunicate to one another using individual names.

I believe that what this declaration does for the other sentient beings of the sea is that we are relinquishing our self-proclaimed right to become masters of other sentient beings that at some point were deemed below us.  In a perfect world, we would not use the abilities that we have gained as human beings to subjugate other beings, whether it be animal human or plant.  If we would just work together and live together as one, we would be able to solve most, if not all the issues of the world.  I believe this declaration made by India, is surely a step in the right direction.


5-Year-Old Girl Can’t Walk Or Talk. Then, Her Idol Opens The Door. This Moved Me To Tears.

Sports stars can serve as fine role models, to say the least.

5-year-old Cammy Babiarz has not had it easy in life. The young girl was born with Rett syndrome, a hereditary disease that almost exclusively affects girls. If the syndrome develops, it fully hinders the development of the brain, leading, among other things, to serious malfunctions and motor difficulties.

Cammy can therefore not walk, talk or communicate like the majority of children her age. Instead, she speaks through her eyes. And through smiles. And laughter. The 5-year-old girl loves hockey and, above all, the Chicago Blackhawks. Cammy’s idol in particular is the team’s Duncan Keith.

The Chicago Blackhawks have, as is the case for many hockey clubs, campaigns to give something back to their supporters. In Chicago’s case, fans had the chance to meet their idols through the campaign #Whatsyourgoal. Cammy’s mother, Jackie, sent a picture of her daughter with the question: Could Cammy meet her idol Duncan Keith and score a goal?

The club adored smiling Cammy and invited the family to join them for a very special surprise. Cammy waited in the players’ locker room, when suddenly, the door opened…

There in the doorway stood hockey star Duncan Keith. Cammy could hardly believe her eyes.

5-Year-Old Girl Can’t Walk Or Talk. Then, Her Idol Opens The Door. This Moved Me To Tears.

“She’s five. She loves the Blackhawks, but we were a little worried that she might not recognize (Keith) off the ice,” says father Bill.

Since Cammy can’t speak, she has the help of a tool, Tobii, which allows her to communicate. Obviously, she took the chance to talk to her idol. She asked Duncan how many teeth he’d lost during his career. Cammy had lost five, the NHL star announced he’d lost 10 in his career.

5-Year-Old Girl Can’t Walk Or Talk. Then, Her Idol Opens The Door. This Moved Me To Tears.

The exhilirating part came next. Cammy prepared to join Duncan out on the ice. With the help of a harness, she was attached to DUncan, who gently skated with her around the rink. They also scored Cammy’s very first goal, together.

5-Year-Old Girl Can’t Walk Or Talk. Then, Her Idol Opens The Door. This Moved Me To Tears.

Cammy can’t speak, but her facial expressions are worth a thousand words.

I practically wept watching this. Please share this with your friends if you were also touched to see how even small gestures can do so much.