Milo the Chihuahua meets his baby sister

It’s the very first time this 2-day-old baby girl is arriving at her home and no one is more excited than Milo the chihuahua. But how will he react? Will he be gentle? Watch their heartwarming fist encounter in this precious clip!

Grandparents really sing Disney’s “Love Is An Open Door”

This lovely couple has been married for almost 28 years and love to sing together at home, in church and anywhere the opportunity arises. They decide to take their grandson for a ride and serenade him with Disney’s “Love Is An Open Door” from the movie ‘Frozen’. As you can tell, he enthusiastically joins in as it is his favorite movie. This video was taken in their home town of Fort Myers, FL, where they promise they were driving safe!

Mom Cries At Her Son’s Funeral, Now Watch The White Balloon. Unbelievable.

”Miracle” Balloon Floats Toward Mom At Her Son’s Funeral

Last September, a little boy from the Philippines named Trebby passed away. On the day of his wake, Trebby’s white coffin was topped with his framed portrait, pretty flowers, and white balloons. In the viral video below, prepare to watch in awe as one of the balloons starts floating out from the coffin and straight toward Trebby’s mom, Joy.

Joy is in the midst of mourning her son when she looks up and sees the balloon brush up against her head and hands. She lets out a louder cry, and just as the balloon begins to float away, it returns from up behind her. Joy softly speaks to the balloon as if she’s speaking to her late son — as if she knows he’s trying to send her a message right there inside the funeral home.

The video, which has been viewed over three million times, has been called everything from eery to absolutely breathtaking. Many people believe the ballon is simply running low on helium, which explains its movements. But others call it a beautiful sign that Trebby’s spirit is giving his mother one final hug — assuring her that everything will be okay.

All that really matters is how this made Joy feel — and she calls this moment a pure miracle. Joy believes the balloon was her “warrior boy” saying goodbye one last time.

Joy believes her late son Trebby said his final goodbye in the form of a floating white balloon on the day of his wake.

Mom Cries At Her Son's Funeral, Now Watch The White Balloon. Unbelievable.

See the touching moment for yourself, and please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook.

How About A Boat House? No Land, No Taxes

muskoka-boathouse-4What kinds of advantages do you think of when having a home that sits on the water?  I suppose the location is everything when you consider that you don’t want big waves “rocking the boat.”  But aside from the fact that if you lost anchor, the wind could blow your house across the lake, there aren’t many drawbacks to living on the water.  If an earthquake strikes, you have a built-in earthquake buffer in the form of a water cushion, and it really shouldn’t bother you much.  If you wake up tired and forget where you are, I suppose accidentally walking into the water would do just as well as a cup of coffee.

muskoka-boathouse-5 Muskoka-Lakes-Boathouse-5

Finding a little secluded cove to park it in is part of the allure.  So often we see groups of water homes together as in Seattle, which takes away some of the appeal.  Having a boat garage inside makes trasportation a piece of cake, and as long as you have a place to park your boat and pick up your car, you won’t need to own any land or pay property taxes in most places.


The original boathouse located on Muskoka Lake north of Toronto was feeling a little cramped, so the designer gave it a second story guest room and a roof terrace, and an overall minor upgrade that used very little in the way of new materials.



The new 600 square foot guesthouse on the Muskoka Boathouse’s second story has a kitchenette, living space, a washroom and a bedroom, and opens up to a new roof terrace. Situated at the end of a narrow bay, the home provides shelter from strong winds and traffic on the water.

20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy

Cleaning up has never been so simple and fast — all you need to do is remember these tricks we  have found for you.

Keeping taps clean for a long time


To keep chrome surfaces shiny for as long as possible, wipe them with waxed paper or a cooking sheet. Soon you’ll see that cleaning the bathroom is much easier than you thought.

An improvised mop


Have you ever started cleaning up the house and then saw that your old mop won’t do the job? To save your time going to the shop for a new one, use warm terry socks instead.

Cleaning baking dishes


Rub some salt into the dish, then wipe it with a paper towel, and the dough will come off easily.

Giving your stove a new life


Stains and splotches will not bother you anymore if you wipe the surface of your stove with an olive oil-soaked mop and then wipe it clean with a dry one.

Getting rid of stains on your couch


Mix 1 tbsp. soda, 1/3 glass vinegar, some hot (not boiling) water, and 1 tbsp. powder detergent, and rub the mix into the stain. The soda will then help freshen the fabric — sprinkle some on the dry sofa, let it stay like that for a couple of hours, and then vacuum it.

Washing a scorched pan

Sarah Starkey

Pour a little water into the pan, add a cup of vinegar, then boil the mix. When it starts to simmer, take it off the stove and add some soda, then pour out the water when the reaction stops. If some of the scorches remain, carefully rub some soda into the pan.

Making glassware shine


Your glasses will become perfectly clear if you wash them in water with a few drops of vinegar, or rub them with salt and then wash and let them dry without wiping.

Cleaning the coffee-maker


Pour water and vinegar in equal parts into the coffee-maker. Now turn it on, but turn it off halfway, then repeat the whole process.

Getting the dust off your shelves


Soak your mop in fabric softener before cleaning. This way the dust won’t cling to the furniture, meaning you have to do a whole lot less cleaning!

Cleaning stained cups


Mix some water with the same amount of vinegar and pour it into your cups. Let them stay like this for about an hour, and then wash them with a sponge — there will be no stains left.

Polishing the iron


Put a sheet of parchment on a wooden cutting board, then spray it copiously with salt. Turn on the iron, let it heat, and move it energetically over the salt for a minute.

Getting rid of mold in the bathroom easily


To prevent the mold from growing, dissolve one tablet of Vitrocin in five liters of water and wash the walls with this solution. If the mold is already there, dissolve one tablet in one liter of water and do the same. And don’t forget to air your bathroom!

Cleaning out a pipe


Mix equal parts of soda and salt, then pour it into the pipe. Now pour some vinegar in as well, and rinse everything with boiling water after 15 minutes.

Making the bathtub pristine white


Mix 2 tbsp. soda ash with 2 tbsp. baking soda and rub it into the wet tub. Mix 2 oz. vinegar with 2 oz. bleach after 10 minutes, and cover over the first layer. Leave the tub like this for half an hour, then rinse it with a large amount of water.

Getting rid of grease and scorched food remains


All you need for this one is some salt. Pour a large amount into the frying pan and add a little water, then let it stay like this for ten minutes and wash the pan.

Washing grease and dirt off a sponge

20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy

Pour 2 cups hot water and 2 tbsp. salt into a plastic container, stir a bit, and leave the sponge in it for the night.

Getting rid of soap stains on shower walls

20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy

To get rid of soap stains on a transparent shower stall, rub the walls with a wet wipe, then use a clean sponge, and rinse them with water after that.

Cleaning up a broken egg

20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy

The easiest way to clean up if you’ve dropped an egg on the floor is to sprinkle it with salt and leave it for 15 minutes, and then pick it all up with a paper towel.

Making the sink shine

20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy

Just rub the sink with salt and lemon. When it’s done, your sink will shine and smell wonderfully.

Freshening the sofa

20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy

To get rid of the smell of your pets or just make your furniture nice and crisp again, add 10 drops of lavender or lemon oil to a spray bottle, mix it with 1 tbsp. soda and 2 glasses warm water, shake it together vigorously, and spray it all over the fabric.

The 20 cutest puppies in the world

Looking at these photos, you can see the similarities between dogs and bears straight away. These little puppies look more like teddy bears than real bears.

Here are 20 shots that delighted everyone in our office — and we’re will cause a severe case of puppy love in you, too.



Alaskan Malamute


A black Chow Chow




A mixture of German Shepherd, Akita and Welsh Corgi










Tibetan Mastiff


Chow Chow


Caucasian Shepherd


Another Chow Chow


A crossbreed of Keeshond and American Eskimo


Yet another Chow Chow!






This Woman Dedicated Her Life To Saving Nigerian Children Accused Of Witchcraft

Humanitarian worker Anja Ringgren Loven has spent three years in Nigeria saving children accused of witchcraft from horrific abuse and neglect and now she’s taking her fight to the Nigerian government.

Witchcraft is considered more than just superstition in Nigeria; cases exist of children abused, abandoned and even tortured for being witches.

This Woman Dedicated Her Life To Saving Nigerian Children Accused Of Witchcraft

That’s why Anja sold everything she owned and moved to Nigeria, devoting the last three years of her life to helping thousands of children accused of witchcraft and left to starve.

This Woman Dedicated Her Life To Saving Nigerian Children Accused Of Witchcraft

Now, this photo of Anja with an emaciated little boy abandoned by his family is going viral and finally giving Anja’s work the attention it deserves.

This Woman Dedicated Her Life To Saving Nigerian Children Accused Of Witchcraft

Anja rescued the boy, taking him to the African Children’s Aid Education and Devlopment Foundation she founded, which works to save kids from starvation and abuse.


Anja is also hoping to educate the youngsters and eventually put an end to the devastating effects Nigerian superstitions can have on young lives.

This Woman Dedicated Her Life To Saving Nigerian Children Accused Of Witchcraft

The boy, who she’s named Hope, is reportedly recovering well and has been getting along well with Anja’s own baby son.


But Anja’s work isn’t over; she plans to take her fight to the world leaders and the Nigerian government to fight corruption and improve education in the country.


She’s currently working on a documentary to spread the word about superstition in Nigeria and continues to rescue children from their tragic circumstances.

“I grew up with a mom who all her life worked at a nursing home, and she always told me that we need to help each other, to be useful in this life and to be compassionate,”explained Anja.

“The drive I have now is also the children. When everything seems impossible I just look at the children and I keep going.”

She says of her work, “I simply do not know how to describe it in words. This is what makes life so beautiful.”

You can find out more about Anja’s and donate to help her keep up her amazing work onInstagram, on Facebook and at her website.

2 Years After His Wife Passes He Discovers A Secret She’d Kept That Brought Him To Tears

Wife’s Dying Wish For Her Family Comes True

Two years after Brenda lost her fight with ovarian cancer, her husband David received a special message from her. The Christmas wish she had planned for her family was finally able to come true.

A Mother’s Final Request

Brenda Schmitz was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2011. She was a loving mother to four boys and devoted wife who always went above and beyond for her family. As she neared the end of her life, she decided to plan out a surprise for her husband to be presented to him when the time was right.

Mail From Heaven

Brenda began writing a letter to David that she would only tell a close friend about. She asked her friend to carry out her wishes, once David had found a new woman and had learned to love again.

Screenshot via YouTube

The Reading Of The Letter

Brenda had always been a big fan of her local radio station’s yearly “Christmas Wish” fulfillment. Imagine the surprise on David’s face after being called down to the radio station. The DJ began by asking David to talk about his late wife, and as he shares her story the undying affection he has for Brenda is impossible to ignore. They then share with him how they received a letter written by Brenda.

Screenshot via YouTube

Brenda’s Introduction

The letter was a heartfelt story of a woman’s love for her family. The amount of strength it must have taken for Brenda to write it is unbelievable. She begins the letter by letting the recipients know the background of her story and the letter itself.

“Hello my name is Brenda Schmitz. When you are in receipt of this letter I will have already lost my battle to ovarian cancer. I am writing this letter to have sent to you by a dear friend who has instructions to do so when it was the time. I had to type this because I can barely write anymore because of my shakiness I told her that once my loving husband David had moved on in his life and met some to share his life with again to mail this to all of you at the station….My reason for writing is this. I have a wish. I have a wish for David, the boys, and the woman and her family if she has kids also. I want them to know I love them very much,”

She knew having her friend send in the letter would be the perfect way to surprise her family, even after she was gone.

Her First Wish

The letter then shares the Christmas wishes she hoped to have granted for her loved ones. She began with how thankful she was that David found someone new. She knew this woman must have great compassion to take on raising their four sons.

“First, for David’s new lifelong partner. A day or better yet a weekend of pampering in all aspects of her life. Hair, makeup, body massage, clothes, shopping, spa or weekend getaway. Whatever. She deserves it. Being a step-mother to all of those boys and especially giving lil’ Max a “mothers love” that only she can give…. Thank you – I love you – whoever you are.”

David’s new wife, Jayne, was so honored to be thought of by Brenda. What meant the most to Jayne was Brenda saying “I love you,” and knowing that Jayne will give little Max a lifetime of love!

Her Second Wish

Next, Brenda had a wish for the entire family… a magical trip! One where they could make memories that last a lifetime.

The Final Thank You

Finally, she had a wish for the doctors and nurses that spent their days caring for her. She requested,

“A night full of drinks, food and fun for all they do everyday for the cancer patients they encounter.”

She was clearly a selfless woman thinking of everyone else, rather than herself, in her final days.

His Late Wife’s Love

Doug is so grateful for the radio station sharing Brenda’s story with the community. He was shocked by the letter, but not surprised because he knew that his late wife was an incredibly loving woman. The radio station, along with their sponsors, were able to make all of Brenda’s wishes come true!

Brenda’s Letter of Love

Here is Brenda’s letter that the radio station read to Doug.

Hello my name is Brenda Schmitz. When you are in receipt of this letter I will have already lost my battle to ovarian cancer. I am writing this letter to have sent to you by a dear friend who has instructions to do so when it was the time. I had to type this because I can barely write anymore because of my shakiness. I told her that once my loving husband David had moved on in his life and met someone to share his life with again to mail this letter to all of you at the station.

I always enjoyed thru the years the Christmas wish you all put on. It is a tremendous and thoughtful deal you do for people that truly exemplifies what Christmas is all about. As I was thinking about my last months on earth I told David my wishes after I was gone that I believe he followed thru with the attitude and courage I know he possesses. What a great husband and father he is. I know all this is extremely hard on him. He is the one making the best decisions from here on out for my family and ultimately finding a caring, compassionate loving woman in time to help raise the boys. She must be quite a lady and I wish I could have met to take on the task of raising a larger extended family with unwavering love and devotion and a huge heart. I also gave my friend some things to do and this letter sent to you is 1 of them when the time presented itself.

We have 4 boys, Carter, Josh, Justin and my lil’ Max. Max is the youngest at 2 years old. I was diagnosed right after his 1st birthday. No child as young as Max should lose his mother and it brings tears to my eyes now thinking of it. God I will miss seeing him and the boys grow up to be fine men. I have relayed to David to try and not let him forget me. He is such a bright, intelligent beautiful boy. I will miss all my boys. My favorite has always been the one standing in front of me.
My reason for writing is this. I have a wish. I have a wish for David, the boys, and the woman and her family if she has kids also. I want them to know I love them very much and they always feel safe in a world of pain. I was hoping that one small act you all could do for me can change and help their lives forever and they know I am with them always.

First, for David’s new lifelong partner. A day or better yet a weekend of pampering in all aspects of her life. Hair, makeup, body massage, clothes, shopping, spa or weekend getaway. Whatever. She deserves It. Being a step-mother to all those boys and especially giving lil’ Max a “mothers love” that only she can give. Make her smile and know her efforts are truly appreciated from me. Perserverance will prevail. Thank you- I love you- whoever you are. Talk to me- you are heard. For the family a magical trip somewhere where they all can enjoy their company and companionship as a family and create those memories that will be with them forever. Finally the cancer doctors at Mercy Hospital and nurses of 8 south. Dr. Carlson, Dr. Turner, Deb Schnoor, Marie Rudolf. A night out full of drinks, food and fun for all they do everyday for the cancer patients they encounter.

May God Bless and keep all of you safe there. Thanks for this. When you wish upon a star…. Brenda

Over The Rainbow

Brenda left behind more hope and love than her family ever could have imagined. Doug talks about the day that Brenda passed away and the double rainbow that filled the sky. Both Doug and his family know that Brenda is still with them, loving them and keeping them safe. Their youngest son, Max, has a picture of the rainbows in his room to remind him that his mom is always watching over him.

A Christmas Wish Granted

Watch the full story below.

A Mother’s Generosity

The holidays are a time to appreciate all of the love that surrounds us throughout the year. Brenda’s final letter to her family was the ultimate Christmas wish. Her strength and love continues on through her family’s everlasting bond.