After They Brought Her Home From A Shelter, This Cat Can’t Stop Smiling

When Baby Rey was taken out of the shelter and into her new home, this is how she felt – pure bliss! No more waiting behind bars!

When tiny Rey approached her future human mom squeaking, that was it. Her owner-to-be instantly felt that this shelter kitty was meant to join her family. Rey must have felt it too, she hasn’t stopped smiling since she found home!

“I wasn’t looking for a kitten by any means (we already have two!) but just had a hunch to stop by the shelter on my way home from work and found this little lady and was immediately smitten with her!” said Rey’s human mom.

“So I brought her home and it’s been perfect ever since. She’s so so cuddly and playful and her big brother and sister just dote on her and are constantly trying to groom her and play with her.”

Turns out her birthday was the same day we got married on September 12 this year so I think it was pretty meant to be.”

More info: Instagram

“I wasn’t looking for a kitten…but just had a hunch to stop by the shelter on my way home from work”
After They Brought Her Home From A Shelter, This Cat Can’t Stop Smiling

“I found this little lady and was immediately smitten with her!”

“So I brought her home and it’s been perfect ever since”

“She’s named after the new Star Wars leading lady and she’s my little Rey of sunshine!”

Share this story and help a kitty in your area find their forever loving home!

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Vegetables are not only the healthiest kind of food there is; they’re also very tasty. You just need to know how to cook them properly.

To convince you, we’ve put together this list of 12 simple but tasty recipes, all made with vegetables.

Roasted broccoli with cheese

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Slice up the broccoli, place on a baking tray greased with olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Roast for 10-13 minutes at 200 degrees. Sprinkle with grated cheese, serve.

Roasted Chinese cabbage

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Preheat the oven. Prepare a dressing made from olive oil and sesame oil, soy sauce, grated garlic and sesame seads. Place the cabbage on a baking tray and cover with the dressing. Roast for 6-7 minutes.

Brussel sprouts with cheese

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Boil some brussel sprouts. Mix together some butter, milk, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and black pepper. Place everything in a baking tray and roast for 30-45 minutes.

Fried mushrooms

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Chuck some mushrooms in a preheated frying pan, stir them until they turn brown, then add olive oil and garlic. Add some white wine; when it boils off, add salt.

Fried cherry tomatoes with garlic

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Heat up the oven. Stir together some sliced cherry tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl. Place everything on a baking tray, and roast for 20-25 minutes.

Cauliflower with cheese sauce

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Fry the cauliflower in some spicy sauce with a squeeze of lemon juice. To make the cheese sauce, mix together some cheese, milk, mayonnaise, sour cream, salt and pepper in a blender. Leave it to chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, then serve with the cauliflower.

Carrot fritters with avocado and yoghurt sauce

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Break up some kohlrabi, carrots and onion using either a food processor or a grater. Mix together with one egg, salt and pepper to make fritters. Fry them until they turn a golden colour. To make the sauce, blend together avocado, yoghurt, lemon juice and some salt until it takes on a creamy consistency. Serve with the fritters.

Zucchini fries

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Heat up the oven. In a small bowl, mix together some cheese, thyme, oregano, basil, garlic, salt and pepper. Place some chopped slices of zucchini on a baking tray. Pour on some olive oil and sprinkle with the cheese mix. Roast for around 15 minutes, then fry for 2-3 minutes until they have a crunchy outer crust.

Tzatziki sauce

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Grate one cucumber. Mix together some yoghurt, garlic, oil, vinegar and salt in a large bowl. Add the grated cucumber along with some dill. Serve chilled, with bread.

Carrots in maple syrup

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Chop the carrots into thin slices. Heat up some oil in a frying pan, add the carrot, cover and allow to stew, stirring occasionally, for 20-30 minutes. Increase the heat and add the maple syrup and some freshly squeezed orange juice. Stew for another two minutes, then add salt, pepper and thyme.

Peas and onion puree

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Boil some milk mixed with cloves and a bay leaf in a small saucepan, then pour into a bowl. Place some onion in a frying pan, fill with water until the onion is covered. Add some cream, salt and sugar. Boil on a medium heat for around 12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onion turns a golden-brown colour. Then add some flour, the boiled milk, salt and pepper, nutmeg and peas. Boil until there is no liquid left, stirring regularly. Serve with sour cream.

Fried cabbage with lime sauce

12 healthy but seriously tasty vegetable recipes

Blend together some lime juice, olive oil, garlic, salt, sugar and coriander until the mixture takes on a pale orange colour. Take a cabbage, remove the large leaves and chop into wedges, then cover it with olive oil. Grill on all sides for 5-7 minutes, until the edges turn black. Pour the sauce onto the cabbage and serve with chunks of fresh lime.

Source: Healthy Wake UP

This is what love looks like

The Indian artist Nidhi Chanani understands better than most that it’s the little things that we share with our partners which make life worth living. That’s why she made a series of illustrations called Everyday Love, which demonstrates beautifully how every moment of a relationship contains its own element of wonder.

Nidhi Chanani reminds us all that the key to happiness is really quite simple: we don’t find it, we create it ourselves. And we do it by…

Having pillow fights

This is what love looks like

Listening to music together

This is what love looks like

Supporting each other during tough times

This is what love looks like

Greeting each other when we get home from work

This is what love looks like

Dancing together

This is what love looks like

Enjoying being lazy together

This is what love looks like

Cooking together

This is what love looks like

Fooling around in the kitchen

Travelling together

This is what love looks like

Going for walks together — rain or shine

Enjoying the moment when we’re reunited

Spending the day in town together

Reading together before bed

Falling asleep in each other’s arms

Having breakfast together each morning

Snacking together late into the night


Going on dates

Enjoying the quiet moments together

Spending time with our children

This is what love looks like

Growing old together

This is what love looks like

If You Don’t Think Breakfast Is King, Here’s 6 Truths Bombs To Convince You

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
“Breakfast of champions.”

You’ve heard it all when it comes to breakfast, and there’s plenty of reason you shouldn’t skip on the first meal of the day. Namely, the compounding of the two parts of the word: break, fast.

What’s the most important meal of the day?

Ask almost any mother in North America, and she will tell you it’s a nutritious breakfast.

It’s funny that when we move out of our parents’ house and start feeding ourselves, we never question the logic behind eating breakfast.

You may look to re-engineer everything else about your lifestyle, but for some reason, the typical eating schedule is never questioned.

Well, I think it’s about time to turn this whole system on its head.
The current eating rituals that most of us follow in the US have resulted in an exponential increase in the rate of obesity.
So hear me out, America, because I may have a solution for you: Stop eating breakfast.

Whoa. As I write that sentence, I can feel the apprehension.

Not eating breakfast is one of those taboos that will get you a weird look and line of questioning from most people across the United States.

Despite what you may hear from your family doctor or in trendy articles offering weight loss tips, I want you to open your mind to the possibility of eliminating breakfast from your daily routine.

Before anyone gets too excited, I want to state this is not for everyone.If you are a serious athlete, a pregnant woman or a child who is still growing, this is not a good option for you.
This is something I suggest to my clients who are corporate warriors and entrepreneurs living fast-paced lifestyles.
They want the convenience and health benefits that go along with skipping breakfast.

Now, I wouldn’t just suggest something like this to you without sharing some research first.

That should be reason enough, because who doesn’t love eating? Not convinced? Here are some more definitive reasons.

Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth

In November 2015, a young mom from Lakeside, California did something incredible. Brandie, a mother of twin boys Blaine and Rylie, decided to conduct a little experiment in the comfort of her own home — and she uncovered a sad but common truth about the role of technology that exists within the family dynamic.

Brandie took to Facebook to share the results of her experiment, and her post went massively viral. “Today I did an experiment, I watched my boys play,” she writes. “As I sat quietly in the corner of the room I tallied how many times they looked at me for various reasons: to see if I saw their cool tricks, to seek approval or disapproval for what they were doing, and to watch my reactions.”

Scroll down to see what Brandie realized when she looked at the total tally card…

Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth

“Today I did an experiment, I watched my boys play. As I sat quietly in the corner of the room I tallied how many times they looked at me for various reasons: to see if I saw their cool tricks, to seek approval or disapproval for what they were doing, and to watch my reactions.

I couldn’t help but wonder if I was on some sort of technology what message would I have been sending?”

Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth
Facebook / Brandie Wood

“28 times my angels would have wondered if the World Wide Web was more important than them. 28 times my boys would have not received the attention most adults are searching for.

28 times my loves would have questioned if they were alone emotionally. 28 times my kids would have been reassured that who you are online is what really matters.”

Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth
Facebook / Brandie Wood

“In a world where we are accepted as who people perceive us to be and not who we really are, in a world where validation comes from how many followers or likes we have, in a world where quality time with loved ones is being replaced by isolation and text messages from the other room, I beg you to be different.”

Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth
Facebook / Brandie Wood

“Please put down your technology and spend some time with your family & loved ones. The next generation of children is counting on us to teach them how to be adults, don’t be too busy on social media, you never know who is watching and what message you are sending.”

Brandie’s message serves as a powerful reminder to put down your phone, and spend more fact time with the ones you love. Please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!

They Brought Their New Babies To Meet Their Grandma…Her Reaction? Priceless

I’m the youngest of three and after my mom’s second boy, she was so determined to have a girl that my parents kept on trying.

Back in 2013, this couple had twin baby girls. While very exciting for them, it was an especially important announcement to the rest of their family. You see, all of the relatives of the family had been having boy babies…FOR 54 YEARS.

So when Mom and Dad flew for 17 hours to surprise the girls’ grandmother with the two little tykes, you can understand why this is her reaction!

For a while, I thought she wasn’t going to let go of those little ones. She just wants to hold and hug them forever. Eventually, grandpa gets a chance though!

Congrats to the happy family.

Mom Is Furious When Son Brings A Pit Bull Home. Then He Explains THIS To Her…

One day, Tony brought home a pit bull named Sadie. He got Sadie in secret. He didn’t ask for his mom and dad’s permission. They were furious, not because he brought home a dog, but because he brought home a pit bull. Really?! The most dangerous breed of dog — that’s what his parents believed — but Tony was patient, and he let them find out for themselves who Sadie really was.

“I had never really met a pit bull that… has not been the most caring, social animal. The devotion they give us is reason enough for me to make my decision,” Tony says. “My parents were very much against it. I had to get her without their consent. My mom was afraid of her at first.” Tony explained that all of those harmful stereotypes were untrue, then Sadie and his folks soon formed an unbreakable bond. While Tony was away for the summer, his parents took care of Sadie and fell in love. When Tony moved out, they got their first dog, a pit bull.

“Most people who meet them support the myths about them. That they attack more than any other dog, they have locked jaws, they don’t feel pain, all of these things are obviously not true,” he says. “I try to talk to the people. I introduce Sadie… just a five-minute conversation with these people, and I feel like they leave with a totally different outlook on the breed.”

Please SHARE this video to convert nonbelievers — pit bulls are wonderful, loving dogs, not the monsters some people would like you to believe they are!

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

Ireland is a joy. And not just because of the ineffable beauty of its local bays, gulfs, islands, valleys and cliffs. The country’s unique history, culture and mythology also play their part. Everything here breathes freedom. Each castle, moor, windmill and seemingly ordinary path have a legend of their own, which is passed from generation to generation in awed whispers.

It seems that the nature landscape of the ’’Emerald Isle’’ was created especially for solitude lovers. A harsh climate, with cold winds even during the summer, lonely cliffs and general wilderness framed by rebellious waves of Atlantic Ocean keep tourist crowds away.

However, those anxious to go full throttle will not be disappointed either: they are always welcome to pop into one of the famous Irish pubs for a pint of Guinness and some live music.

We have decidedly fallen in love with Ireland. So while we’re packing our bags, here are few of the most spectacular photos of this country. Get inspired and come along with us!

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The Rock of Cashel was the residence of the high kings of Munster for several hundred years before the Normans.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

A rainbow near the Cliffs of Moher on the Atlantic coast.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The Cliffs of Moher.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The medieval Ashford Castle on the shores of Lough Corrib and the River Cong.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

A view of the coast.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The Giant’s Causeway is a unique coastal area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

Bridge to the stars, Wicklow.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The Skellig Islands.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

Aurora over the Dunluce Castle ruins.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The sky above the hills.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

Typical Irish summer.

Sheep, Dingle Peninsula.

A view of Dublin at night.

Wicklow Pier.

Doonagore Castle.

The Glanworth Bridge, County Cork.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

The Ring of Beara, County Cork.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

Benbulbin, a large rock formation in County Sligo.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

County Galway, the home to Galway City.

Here’s why you definitely need to visit Ireland

A lighthouse on the coast of Lough Swilly.