Caring Pit Bulls Help Two Blind Kittens Adjust To Their Lives Without Sight

Putting blind kittens in a playpen with pit bulls might strike some people as a little risky, but, amazingly, these loving pups are helping the tiny cats adjust to life without sight.

7-year-old cat Helen arrived at a Faithful Friends animal shelter in Wilmington, Delaware, suffering from severe eye problems.

Helen’s 10-week-old sibling kittens, Bruce and Willis, also ended up at the shelter. Like Helen, they were in agony due to swollen, irritated eyes.

The shelter removed all three cats eyes in a bid to lessen the cats’ suffering and give them a chance for a pain-free life, but they struggled to adjust to life in the dark.

“Helen was so sweet, but so distressed in her cat kennel,” said Sherry.

So Sherry Stewart, who works at the shelter, fostered all three cats and took them home to meet her adopted rescue pit bulls.

She set up a playpen so Alfie, a certified therapy dog, and Frankie, who “is a little over the top with his affection” could get to know their new furry friends.

The pit bulls immediately took the vulnerable kittens under their wings (paws?).

“[The dogs] kind of act like surrogate moms. They seemed to have a sense [the cats] need a little extra TLC,” said Sherry. Bruce and Willis even like to nap on Alfie’s back.

The pit bulls helped the kittens find their feet and their confidence. “Willis doesn’t act distressed and doesn’t have any trouble finding things,” said Sherry, “He can even jump into my bed now!”

Helen also found a new BFF in the form of foster cat Hubbell.

“She was nervous at first, but [Hubbell] was persistent and finally won her over. They would eat, play and take naps together. They formed a very special friendship.”

Sadly for Helen, Hubbell was recently adopted. But Helen, Bruce and Willis (who must be adopted together) are still looking for their forever home.

If you’ve got space in your home for some furry playmates, you can head to the Faithful Friends Society website to adopt these kitties.

Mom Who Died Of Cancer Left Her Daughter This Beautiful, Hilarious, Curse-Filled Letter

Earlier this week, Heather McManamy, a badass wife and mother, died of breast cancer. At her request, her husband Jeff shared a final letter she wrote to friends and family. The letter is full of humor and profanity, reminding everyone that Heather was definitely the kind of person you wanted to have in your life. Her final words have received thousands of shares on Facebook and they’ll probably make you laugh/ ugly cry.

She opens with the bad news, but quickly moves on to the more positive angle:

So…I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, apparently, I’m dead. Good news, if you’re reading this, is that you are most definitely not (unless they have wifi in the afterlife). Yes, this sucks. It sucks beyond words, but I’m just so damn glad I lived a life so full of love, joy and amazing friends. I am lucky to honestly say that I have zero regrets and I spent every ounce of energy I had living life to the fullest. I love you all and thank you for this awesome life.

She offered a fresh perspective on how to comfort her daughter:

Please, please, please do not tell Brianna that I am in heaven. In her mind, that means that I chose to be somewhere else and left her. In reality, I did everything I could to be here with her, as there is nowhere, NOWHERE, I would rather be than with her and Jeff. Please don’t confuse her and let her think for one second that is not true. Because, I am not in heaven. I’m here. But no longer in the crappy body that turned against me. My energy, my love, my laughter, those incredible memories, it’s all here with you…Please tell Brianna stories, so she knows how much I love her and how proud of her I will always be (and make me sound waaay cooler than I am).

And she reminded everyone that cancer is, in fact, the loser:

And don’t say I lost to cancer. Because cancer may have taken almost everything from me, but it never took my love or my hope or my joy. It wasn’t a “battle” it was just life, which is often brutally random and unfair, and that’s simply how it goes sometimes. I didn’t lose, dammit. The way I lived for years with cancer is something I consider a pretty big victory.

And finally, she told everyone to turn up in her honor:

If you go to my funeral, please run up a bar tab that would make me proud. Heck, blast “Keg on My Coffin” and dance on the bar for me (because there had better be a dance party at some point). Celebrate the beauty of life with a kickass party because you know that’s what I want and I believe that in a weird way, I will find a way to be there too (you know how much I hate missing out on fun). I look forward to haunting each one of you, so this isn’t so much a goodbye as it is see you later.

Check out the entire hilarious and heartbreaking letter below:

Hello all,I am posting this on behalf of the love of my life. These are her words. Much love to all. – Jeff…

Posted by Heather McManamy on Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Heather will be sorely missed. Her friends and family were lucky to have her.


We might be crying a little bit.  A lot.

8-Year-Old Boy Gets Make Up Lesson Of His Dreams And He’s Totally Owning It

8-year-old Ethan asked his mom if he could learn how to do make up like a professional, so she took him to the best make up artist she could find — and she says it’s got nothing to do with Ethan’s gender identity or sexuality.

Ethan met up with MAC makeup artist Joey Killmeyer in a MAC store, where Joey made up one half of Ethan’s face and showed him, step-by-step, how to recreate the look on the other side.

Huffington Post

Joey told the Huffington Post, “I felt an immediate connection [with Ethan]. He reminded me of myself at that age. It touched my heart that I was able to help him learn what he wanted to know.”

“I was so touched by his mom allowing him to do this. It’s about being creative, having fun and being yourself.”

The photos of Ethan with his hair and make-up professionally styled have caused controversy online, but Ethan’s mom insists that she’ll always let her son experiment.

Huffington Post

“This does not define his gender identity nor his sexual preference. He’s just exploring and being a kid.”

“Society needs to steer away from what is typically known as gender roles and stereotypes and accept the fact that it’s okay for a boy to wear make up.”


“Children need to be loved unconditionally, nurtured and encouraged to discover their true talents and passions. We as parents should be our child’s biggest cheerleader.”

“Being judgemental and close-minded inhibits [kids’] freedom of self-expression and prevents the opportunity for them to embrace their true identities.”

She’s Trying To Take A Nap – But Keep Your Eye On The Puppy

Ollie the beagle puppy wants to get on the couch to nap with Laura Olivia, but with tiny legs, he just can’t do it. Watch as he makes the toddler laugh with every jump.

Little Laura is on the couch with her fuzzy pillow and bottle – ready to nap. With how comfortable she looks, it’s no wonder that her puppy Ollie wants to join her. He tries over and over again to jump up, yet even with the help of a bean bag, the puppy isn’t able to make it. Laura can’t help but giggle at her pet. After all, it’s such a funny thing to see!

While the sight of a jumping beagle is absolutely adorable, when combined with the girl’s laugh – it’s complete cuteness overload! Finally, Ollie makes it up onto the couch with Laura. He tries to get a drink of her bottle (we don’t blame him) before snuggling down with the tot on her fluffy pillow. With his head on her lap, the two lay there peacefully.

Woman Told Her Grandma She Was Cheated By Her Husband. This is Her Advice.

A lesson we could all learn from.

This woman was just cheated on by her husband of 5 years. She was having a real tough time accepting what was happening so much so, that she just wanted to give up in every aspect of her life. She was tired of fighting and of struggling, she had no motivation to get up out of bed in the morning. Her life was a disaster.

One day she went to visit her grandmother to seek comfort.

Her grandmother was a clever and thoughtful woman. She filled three pots with water and placed each of them on high fire. In no time at all the pots all came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans.

Without saying a word, she watched them sit and boil.


After around 20 minutes she finally turned off the burners. She fished the carrots and the eggs out of the pan and placed them in a bowl next to the coffee.

Turning to her granddaughter, she asked, ‘Tell me what you see.’

‘Carrots, eggs, and coffee,’ she replied.

Her grandmother then asked her to feel the carrots . She did and the young woman noticed that they were soft. The grandmother asked the woman to take the egg and break it. After peeling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg.

Finally the grandmother told her to take a sip of the coffee. The young woman loved coffee, and she smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.

She paused for a moment and then asked ‘What does it mean, grandmother?’

Her grandmother then went on to explain how each of these objects had faced adversity: boiling  water. She then explained how each of the different objects had reacted differently, in their own ways. Before the adversity the carrot was strong, hard, and unrelenting, but was now soft and weak as a result. The egg was once fragile. It’s shell was the only thing that protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiled water, its insides became hardened.

Last but definitely not least, she pointed out how the coffee beans were unique. After being added to the boiling water, they had not only changed themselves, but they had also changed the water they were in.


The grandmother then asked “Which are you?”

“When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

Are you the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity you wilt and become soft, loosing your strength.

Are you the egg, with soft gooey insides until it changes under the heat? Are you a fluid spirit that solidify at the first sign of hardship.

Or are you in fact the coffee bean? The bean not only develops in to something else, but it changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, the coffee releases its full fragrance and flavor. When things are at their worst, the coffee gets better, and changes the situation around it.

When things are tough, and I mean really tough, do you elevate yourself to another level?

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

We are here to tell you that the happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

May we all be like the COFFEE.

Share this with your friends and family if you know someone going though hard time.

Sweet 6-Year-Old Boy Takes Mom On Date Nights With Allowance Money

“16 & Pregnant” star Nikkole Paulun is showing the world how much of a little gentleman her 6-year-old son Lyle is. According to a recent Facebook post, he regularly takes her out to dinner and pays out of his allowance.

Nikkole says that Lyle takes her out at least once a month for a mother-son dinner date.

“He opens doors for me, pulls out my chair, talks about his day and asks how mine was, pays the bill with money he earned by doing chores, and even tips the waiter/waitress,” wrote Nikkole.


“He learns the value of money and how to manage it. He learns how to do math as we add up what we want and make sure we have 15% of it to leave a tip.”

Nikkole briefly references troubled past relationships as a reason for encouraging Lyle’s behaviour: “It’s never too early to teach your child how to properly respect others, especially women.”

Lyle, if you ever want to take us out for some lunch we’re free, er, pretty much always.

Guy With Vision In One Eye Adopts One-Eyed Dog No One Else Wanted

Kendra Trent, 27, recently shared an adorable photo of her brother Jordan Trent, 32, who lives in Georgetown, Texas, holding a tiny one-eyed Australian Shepherd that no one else wanted.

Jordan bought the puppy at a local market. “We had no plans of getting a dog that day but there was a man there selling puppies. Shiner [the dog] was the last of his litter. No one wanted him and when my family saw him we knew we had to bring him home.”

Jordan Trent lost his vision in his left eye doing yard work when he was 15 years old.

When Jordan’s kids saw the dog in the market, they said: “He’s blind in one eye like you, Daddy. We have to get him!”

“No one wanted him, which was perfect,” said Jordan

They named Shiner Solo.

Shiner looks totally at peace in his new home.

“All animals need love no matter what they look like, their physical deformities, or how many eyes they have.”

Follow both Jordan and his dog on Instagram and Facebook for more adorable pics.

Delta pilot turns plane around to get Phoenix family to funeral in Tennessee

– A random act of kindness was extended to a Phoenix family that nearly missed their flight to Tennessee — which would have meant missing their father’s funeral.

The pilot of the plane made an unprecedented decision after the plane had already pulled away from the gate.

It’s practically unheard of for a pilot of a plane that’s filled with passengers to throw the jet into reverse and go back to the gate to let a few stragglers on board, but that’s what a Delta Airlines pilot did for the family.  They had less than 10 minutes to catch the connecting flight and they were almost left behind.

“I was just crying.. I couldn’t believe we were going to miss that flight and we are very, very thankful for those pilots,” said Nicole Wibel.

The Short family had the worst luck on their flight from Phoenix to Tennessee. They were on their way to bury their father, who lost his battle to cancer.  They faced 90 minute delay taking off from Sky Harbor Airport, which meant they had less than 10 minutes to catch their connecting flight in Minneapolis, which was the last flight out to Memphis that day.  Their father’s funeral was the following morning.

Pilot_helps_family_heading_to_funeral_1_677191_ver1.0_640_360“It would’ve been sad not saying goodbye,” said Wibel.  “It would’ve been a hard thing to deal with.”

By the time the family got to the gate at the Minneapolis Airport, the jetway was pulling back and the plane was beginning to taxi toward the runway. Airline workers delivered the news.

“The lady got on the phone and said there was nothing they could do, that the tower wasn’t going to let them pull back in and my sisters and mom.. sitting there in tears and I’m screaming through the glass.. all of a sudden, another phone call,” said Rick Short.

He was screaming, crying and waving his hands in the window, trying to get the pilot’s attention — and he did.

The pilot tells FOX 10 he didn’t need words. He saw the tears, the sadness, the desperation on their faces and when he was told the family was on their way to their father’s funeral, the pilot did something unprecedented. He went back to let them on the plane.

“It’s very rare.. someone stops and does something so kind and we need more people like that in the world,” said Short.

An airline worker told the family it was solely the pilot’s decision to come back for them.

The family made it to Tennessee in time to lay their father to rest in his hometown, which was one of his last wishes.