This Woman Is Recreating Ridiculous Celeb Instagram Pictures As A Normal Person

Comedian Celeste Barber is taking some of the most popular celebrity photos and recreating them as a normal person. The results aren’t just hilarious — they show just how “real” photos shared by the rich and famous are.

Celeste started the #CelesteChallengeAccepted project to prove that images like this, the most liked photo on Instagram posted by Kendall Jenner, are completely unrealistic.

“Some celebrities on Instagram seem to think we non-rich, privileged people are idiots and believe what they’re posting is real,” said Celeste.

“I wanted to try to show how ridiculous it would be for a ‘normal’ person to recreate some of these photos.”

She takes on Kim Kardashian.

And this oh-so-casual out-and-about shot of J.Lo.

“I get a lot of really positive feedback,” added Celeste, “like, ‘thanks for making me not feel so shit about myself.’”

Celeste even attempted this gravity-defying pose posted by Serena Williams.

And she’s showing the reality behind all those idyllic snap of celebrities with their kids.

As well as tackling the downright bizarre (or, “self-indulgent” as it’s more commonly known). We’re looking at you, Bieber.

Making shaving your pits look sexy? Nice try, Rihanna.

Who doesn’t relax in this comfortable pose after a hard day of work?

Lady Gaga’s quirky underwear shot enjoyed a Celeste makeover.

As did this Victoria’s Secret model casually posing with her Christmas decorations.

Celeste shows Kylie Jenner what relaxing actually looks like.

Is that car moving, Jessica Simpson?!

You can see more of Celeste’s hilarious photos on her Instagram and Facebook pages.

Thanks to Celeste, no one took celebrity Instagram snaps seriously anymore and they all lived happily ever after.

Riddle Finally Solved: Dogs Should Wear Pants Like This!

You haven’t been able to sleep since December, when the Internet posed the question, “How would a dog wear pants?” but now you can finally rest. Dog scientists from Canada have solved that maddening riddle that gave you no quarter: enter Muddy Mutt Dog Pants.

The pants attach to your pooch with adjustable straps and come in six different sizes. Similar to a gater, the pants don’t cover your pet’s paws, and are designed to let both boy and girl dogs “do their business” unrestricted. How much for this marvel of technology? Muddy Mutts Dog Apparel starts at 69.99 CAD.

More info: | Facebook | Instagram

Man’s Final Facebook Post Inspires Thousands A Day After His Death

A man’s last ever Facebook post has gone viral after his death. Matthew DeRemer from Seminole, Florida was killed in a car accident on New Years Eve. The 31-year-old was killed by a drunk driver while riding his motorcycle through an intersection.

According to the police report he was killed by Steven Lee Clarke, a 59-year-old, who turned left into the motorbikes path. Clarke has since been arrested on manslaughter charges.

A day earlier, DeRemer wrote a Facebook post that has now been shared and liked thousands of times.

Last day of 2015!!!! For me I’ll be meditating through all I do, on this entire year. I’ve lost, I’ve gained, family is…

Posted by Matthew DeRemer on Thursday, December 31, 2015

In the comment section DeRemer’s friends shared their memories of him and discussed how inspiring his final message was.


It’s easy to forget how quickly life can be taken away. It’s so important that we live every moment to the full and remember how lucky we are to be on this planet. We send our condolences to Matthew’s family, he sounds like a remarkable chap.

Woman confronts Starbucks drive-thru cashier who copied her credit card and spent $200

  • Juana Martinez confronted Starbucks employee about a $200 transaction
  • She accused the 19-year-old employee of making a copy of her credit card
  • Employee immediately admits the theft and begs her not to press charges
  • The incident reportedly took place at a Starbucks in Lakewood, California 
  • A Starbucks spokesman told Daily Mail Online the worker has been fired 

A California woman posted a video on YouTube of her confronting a Starbucks employee for making a copy of her credit card and spending $200 at a local grocery store.

Juana Martinez and her brother were waiting in the drive-thru at Starbucks when she accused the cashier of taking her credit card details on New Year’s Day.

She said the 19-year-old cashier was caught on camera after telling her that she needed more receipt paper.

The video starts with Martinez’s brother asking her what she’s going to say to the cashier and she replies: ‘We’re gonna get even, that’s what we’re gonna do.

Juana Martinez (left) approached the drive-thru window at Starbucks, the cashier (right) greeted her and handed her the order and her card. She immediately started accusing the cashier of taking her credit card details and called her a ‘fraud’

‘I’m going to say, I hope them $212 were worth it of groceries yesterday because I filed a f**king police report and your corporate already knows about it.’

As they approached the drive-thru window, the cashier greets Martinez and hands her the order and her credit card.

She said: ‘So we got you on camera yesterday at Ralph’s for $212, so just know that the cops are coming up here.

‘They recorded your a** and everything. You took a copy of my f**king card the other day on New Year’s Day. You know what you did.’

The cashier was shocked and immediately apologized, but she insisted that she admit what she had done.

‘So what are you sorry about? That you took f**king money from me and my kids? What are you sorry about?’

The customer told the cashier that she was going to press charges and the employee began apologizing saying that she was 'really good'

The customer told the cashier that she was going to press charges and the employee began apologizing saying that she was ‘really good’

The 19-year-old cashier desperately asked her not to press charges and offered to give her the money back

The cashier responded: ‘I’m sorry that I took money from you and your kids. I’m sorry that you had to come up here. I’m sorry that this is inconvenient for you.

‘I am a good child. I swear I am really good. I really do go to school. I’m 19. I play soccer.’

Martinez asked her how she even made a copy of her card and the cashier said she ‘I took the numbers actually’.

The cashier desperately asked her not to press charges and offered to give her the money back.

She swore on her life that she didn’t get the money, but Martinez cut her off and said: ‘You went through the $212. You come to Starbucks to get coffee, not to get robbed.’

The video ended with the cashier swearing that she didn’t get the money.

Martinez’s brother posted the video to YouTube, writing: ‘My sister went to Starbucks one day and noticed the cashier taking longer than normal with her card.

‘A few days later a couple hundred dollar transaction was taken out of her account. She didn’t want to accuse anyone until she knew for sure.

‘She noticed the cashier right away since she goes there regularly. She had to make a stop there and embarrass her life before reporting it to the police.

‘I almost feel bad for the girl but she robbed the wrong person. Keep an eye out folks, even if it’s at your friendly neighborhood Starbucks.’

A spokesman for Starbucks confirmed to Daily Mail Online that the cashier has been fired.

He said: ‘We were extremely troubled to learn of this incident and are working directly with the customer to address this situation.

‘This experience is completely unacceptable, but is by no means indicative of the otherwise outstanding customer service that we provide our customers daily. We value our customers’ trust and have internally taken immediate steps to address and respond to this issue.

‘I can confirm that this partner (employee) no longer works for Starbucks.’

Toddler Who Lost Arm To Cancer Adopts Three-Legged Kitten To Help Recovery

When 2-year-old Scarlette Tipton lost her arm to cancer, her parents found a rescue kitten that had something in common with Scarlette to help the youngster recover.

On Christmas Eve, the family adopted rescue kitten Doc who was also missing a limb after a car accident.

Mom Simone told ABC News, “We really wanted to get [Scarlette] an animal she could relate to, something she could grow up with and feel like she had a special bond with.”

“She recognizes that the cat has similar struggles as she does.”

On meeting Doc, Scarlette noticed the cat had staples down one side like Scarlette’s own stitches where her arm used to be.

“She pointed and said, ‘Owies!’ I said, ‘Yeah, the kitty cat has owies like you have owies.”

Scarlette lost her left arm when she was just ten months old.

She suffered from a rare form of cancer that caused her left arm to swell up, forcing doctors to amputate the limb.

Scarlette’s parents desperately wanted something to help their little girl recover and understand that she shouldn’t be held back by her disability.

They named the kitten Doc, after one of Scarlette’s favorite cartoon characters and because both young lives have been busy with medical care.

You can watch the full report on the two fighters below:

We hope Scarlette and Doc enjoy speedy recoveries (and lots and lots of cuddles).

Her Son Got Loud, The Waitress Gave Mom A Note. When I Read It – I Teared Up

Waitress Gives Note To Special Needs Parents

Ashley and Jason England have an eight year old son named Riley, who is special needs. At just 18 months, Riley began having seizures which intensified over time and resulted in affecting his speech and mobility.


They were out at a restaurant having dinner when Riley became irritated because he was hungry and the Netflix app on his mothers phone was not working.

Since Riley was being loud, the customers in the restaurant kept turning around and looking in their direction. Ashley didn’t want to cause a scene in the restaurant so she decided that it would be a better idea to take Riley to the car and bring dinner home with them. However, her husband told her to wait a few more minutes. Within a few minutes, the food arrived and one of the waitresses approached the England family with tears in her eyes. She handed Ashley a note and she explained that their meal had been paid for by someone in the restaurant. When Ashley looked down at the note, she burst into tears. Written on the check was a note stating “God only gives special children to special people”.


Often times, the England family states that strangers will approach them and tell them that their son is too old to be acting up and that he should be disciplined, not knowing that Riley can’t help his outbursts. Riley has had three brain surgeries and although his seizures have since stopped, they have hindered his behavior and actions.


In response to the stranger and his kind gesture, Riley held a sign from the family that stated “Thank you for seeing the good in me and showing me love!”


His mom states that although he may not understand what this person did for him, the act shows that he is loved and that’s what makes the difference. The anonymous stranger remains unknown but the kind gesture from this individual is a moment that the England family will never forget.

Please share this story to Spread the Kindness!

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol For Two Weeks

alcySummer is boozy. What do you do when its warm and sunny and you want to meet up with your mates? You go to the pub, the park or your back garden and you have a few. And then a few more oi oi. It’s easy to find yourself drinking at least 4 days of the week. Now I know two weeks doesn’t seem like a long period of time and that’s what makes this study even more interesting. In just two weeks without drinking you can notice surprising effects on the body and the mind.

We all know that the organ most closely associated with drinking is the liver and, according to Dr. Jake Deutsch, founder and clinical director of CURE Urgent Care, the effects of drinking are cumulative. What that means is that having a few drinks a day can be as damaging as excessive binge drinking and can lead to ulcers, pancreatitis and cirrhosis.


So those are the nasty things we’re looking to avoid. But what about the benefits of a short hiatus from the good stuff? Well we’re happy to report that one of the main changes you’ll notice is weight loss. Did you know that a single measure of most popular spirits has a higher calorie count than the equivalent of single cream? A pint of Guinness has 210 calories, while expresso martinis contain a scary 285! With a balanced diet you can lose several pounds in just two weeks.


There are other aesthetic benefits too. Just like rubbing fried chicken on your face, drinking alcohol can be incredibly damaging to your skin. Those of you with particularly dry or spotty skin will, according to Dr. David Colbert in an interview with the Huff Post, experience a notable improvement over just two weeks. It’s all due to the liver, guys. Who knew?



This is where the biggest gains are made. The mind is a complicated place and, it seems, booze does absolutely nothing to help matters. Those who drink are more likely to be depressed and stressed, two serious problems that can lead to more serious diseases like cancer. Your concentration and performance at work can also rise by up to 10% in just 14 days. Not to mention your performance in other areas 😉


Sleep and wakefulness are two very important aspects of your day and alcohol can negatively affect them both. Studies by the Wake Forest University Baptists Medical Centre have shown that alcohol can disrupt the deepest parts of your sleep which is why you feel so tired when you wake up. A test by Preventing Chronic Disease found that sleep and wakefulness can both be improved by a much as 5% over two weeks. So you can wake up feeling properly refreshed every single day and actually use your weekends for something positive!


I’m not going to lie, I think I might try this out. I’ll be thinner, my skin will look better, I’ll be more productive and I’ll feel refreshed after every sleep. Not only that, you’ll have a lot more money to your name to spend on experiences, food, clothes etc. But then again it’s Friday tomorrow and I have big plans. Decision decisions!

Burn Fat Like Crazy While You’re Sleeping With This Amazing Drink

You can burn body fat while asleep, especially stomach fat if you drink a single glass of this amazing drink. Drink this beverage every night before going to bed and you will see the results very fast.

Get rid of the annoying stomach fat that is making you feel unsatisfied with your looks. It is very simple to prepare this efficient weight loss drink. You will no longer feel hopeless in your goal to eliminate the extra fats on your stomach.


Our metabolisms are functioning slower while we are asleep. This powerful beverage will boost the function of your metabolism when you are asleep. The calories will disappear while you are sound asleep.

The cucumber in this juice will reduce the stomach fat. Cucumbers will make you feel fresh, since they contain high amounts of water and fiber, while they are very low in calories. Cucumbers are an excellent part of any meal, since one cucumber contains only 45 calories.

The bloating and discomfort in your stomach can be eliminated by adding parsley or cilantro in the drink. These ingredients are low in calories. Instead, they contain high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that prevent water retention that causes the uncomfortable bloating of the stomach.

The lemon in this beverage cleanses your body from the toxins. The metabolism of fats becomes easier without the presence of the toxic elements, so you will see how the stomach fats disappear with the regular consumption of this incredible beverage.

Another ingredient that boosts the metabolism and aids the melting of the stomach fats is ginger. Ginger even prevents the appearance of constipation. You can have desired perfect flat stomach if you consume ginger in your daily diet. Ginger reduces the appetite and destroys the stomach fats.

An amazing ingredient that should be part of any weight loss diet is Aloe Vera juice. Aloe Vera juice is full of natural antioxidants that prevent the spread of the free radicals.

Moreover, it cures the inflammations inside of the body. Aloe Vera juice will make you feel full of energy, since it will boost your metabolism. Your BMI will become normal with the consumption of this natural juice.

If you drink this healthy beverage that consists of all the above listed ingredients, you will most certainly forget about the boring stomach fats.


One cucumber
Bunch of cilantro or parsley
One lemon
One tablespoon of grated ginger
One tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice
Half a glass of water


Just put all of the ingredients into a juicer and drink this healthy fat melting beverage every night before falling asleep.