McDonald’s Employee Breaks Down Over Stranger’s Surprise

The holidays aren’t easy for everyone, especially for a mom who works at a McDonald’s in Decorah, IA. That’s why an Iowa radio station wanted to bring her some much-needed holiday cheer.

Like other media outlets around the country, including Virginia’s CBS 6 that made a waitress’ day, they gave this resident a helping hand.

KDEC FM 100.5 showed up to this mom’s job and started chatting with her. The McDonald’s employee, who has a 1-year-old at home, began to cry when asked about the upcoming holiday.

“She is always smiling and so cheery, like she was this morning,” the radio station wrote in the caption. “Until we asked what she wanted to get for her daughter this Christmas.”

The radio station then offered the mom a special gift, which brought even more tears to her eyes.

“Thank you to Decorah Bank & Trust Co. and some Secret Santas for making this hardworking mother’s day! We hope she and her 15-month-old baby have a happy holiday!” the radio station added.

Many viewers were touched by this moment, including one who said, “Brought tears to my eyes! I’m so doing a random act of kindness tomorrow!”

Random Acts From KDEC FM 100.5

"She is always smiling and so cheery, like she was this morning. ..until we asked what she wanted to get for her daughter this Christmas. Thank you to Decorah Bank & Trust Co. and some Secret Santas for making this hard working mother's day! We hope she and her 15 month old baby have a happy holiday!"We just love these random acts of kindness KDEC FM 100.5 is doing. Here is a favorite of ours they did last Christmas for a McDonald's employee. These acts always mean so much but the feeling is even more special during Christmas. Video courtesy of KDEC FM 100.5

Posted by Love What Matters on Wednesday, December 23, 2015

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Shy Shelter Dog FLIPS OUT After Realizing He’s Been Adopted

Much has been written about the impact adoption can have on the life of an unloved shelter pet — but words pale in comparison to seeing that unbridled joy first hand.

Up until recently, a sweet but shy dog named Benny had no idea what the future had in store for him, or how close he came to seeing his cut short. As a resident of the Carson Animal Care Center, a high-kill shelter in Gardena, California, all he could do was sit and wait for someone to come along and save him, which he did week after week with no success. But then that all changed.

Earlier this month, Benny was finally adopted by a loving family. His reaction upon realizing that happy fact? Priceless.

While Benny’s story has a positive ending, sadly, there are millions of shelter dogs like him desperately awaiting their own. To learn about adopting a pet, or to find out other ways you can help, visit your local animal shelter.

This Coffee Shop Opens Its Doors Every Night To Stray Dogs

While it may not be possible to open your home to every stray pet in need, an open heart can be just as accommodating.

A photo has been making the rounds on social media showing a group of stray dogs napping comfortably on a bench of cushions as a result of one business’s act of kindness. The image was reportedly snapped at a café in Greece, where management sees fit to offer refuge to homeless pups after closing up each evening.

The cafeteria Hot Spot in Mytilene, Lesbos, once customers leave, opens its doors to local stray dogs so they can use the sofas and “sleep without being cold,” writes Greek blog Zoosos.StrayDogs1

Such random acts of generosity toward animals isn’t uncommon in Greece, which has a large number of stray dogs. Despite being without a permanent home or family, these animals are often collared and cared for by the community — an alternative to putting them into crowded shelters.

“Here in Greece our homes are not large enough for all of us to house animals,” an Athens resident told “That’s why we look after the street dogs. We feed them, pet them, and play with them. They are like our own pets, but they belong to everyone instead.”

This Man Mastered The Art Of Animal Selfies

Allan Dixon from Ireland, 29, has earned himself the title of a ‘real-life Dr. Dolittle’ because of his ability to ‘talk’ animals into posing for a selfie with him. The results are amazing. He seems to befriend any animal he meets!

Dixon told Bored Panda it could take “anywhere between five minutes to three hours of being in the animals presence” to take a selfie. “It depends on the animal and how safe it feels. What the photos don’t show is the amount of dirt that ends up on my clothes because of being on the ground. But the results are worth it.”

A piece of advice for people who want to take such selfies: “[they] should be very careful as to not upset or provoke the animal when they’re trying to take the photo. Gain the animal’s trust in a calm relaxed manner and the results will be golden. Make sure it’s not a crocodile.”

More info: Facebook (h/t: mymodernmet, BoredPanda)

Thank you, Allan Dixon, for  your wonderful work!

New Maternity Beds Will Revolutionize Hospitals For Mothers Forever

A Dutch hospital is revolutionizing maternity care with its unique, clip-on, baby bassinets. Gelderse Vallei’s extended stay webpage explains that, if mothers need to stay at the hospital longer, the hospital will make every effort to keep the mother and child together. These special cribs make the stay that much more comfortable.

“Mother and child are thus close together and can touch each other without the intervention of a nurse,” the hospital website explains. “Breastfeeding is easier because the baby is nearby. Especially after a cesarean delivery, if the mother is not very mobile for a few days, the manger has great advantages. The mother can not help the baby to take with them and put them back.”

More info: | (h/t: yahoo)

A Dutch hospital is revolutionizing maternity care with its unique, clip-on, baby bassinets

Gelderse Vallei clinic says they make every effort to keep the mother and child together

“Mother and child are thus close together and can touch each other without the intervention of a nurse… Breastfeeding is easier because the baby is nearby”

He Asks To Buy His Dogs Back From The Shelter. The Woman’s Response Is Now Being Hailed By Thousands.

Sometimes you hear a really moving story that just immediately gets you teary-eyed. This is one.

It began when an elderly man from Delaware, USA, had a heart attack in September this year. He luckily survived but was hospitalized and could no longer take care of his two dogs Bailey and Blaze. The dogs were placed in a shelter where they were forced to remain until their master returned to health.

Time passed, but the man (whose name is not published) remained under hospital care. In the end, his dogs could no longer be kept at the shelter and they were put up for adoption…

Read on for his full, moving tale.

But fate was on the man’s side. When he was finally strong enough to leave the hospital, the dogs had luckily not been adopted out yet. He hurried to his dogs to bring them back home.


It was a wonderful reunion. The dogs were overjoyed when they saw their owner again.

But taking them home was not as easy as the man had hoped it would be. The shelter charged him US $250 for ‘adopting’ them back. It was more than he had.


He asked to come back later and sadly returned home again, without his dogs.

A few days later he returned. Unfortunately, he still didn’t have enough money to pay the fees to bring his beloved dogs home. He returned to advise the shelter that he needed more time to arrange to get the money. But this time, the staff had a surprise in store for him.

They had grown concerned about the dogs’ extended separation from their owner, and so they decided to cover the fee themselves. Staff paid out of their own pockets for this to happen, even including dog food and toys in their gift. The man had no idea of their plan, and was shocked when the woman in the shelter informs him that he can at last take Baily and Blaze home.

Below you can see his reaction when he hears the great news. A few minutes later, Bailey and Blaze run out to him. This just made my heart melt.

Heres the video to the story!

Posted by Lindsay Marie on Thursday, December 17, 2015

Now they can finally go home together!


Did you also think this was a wonderful story? Please share so that more people can enjoy it, too.

This Grandma’s Reaction When She Meets Her Grandchild For The First Time Is Something Else.

It was an ordinary Sunday for Eva. She went and picked some things up for her home and otherwise had nothing special planned for the day.

Suddenly, she hears a knock at the door. When she opens, she discovers her son and daughter-in-law, who have just returned home from Hawaii where they work. Since 2008, her son, Donny and his girlfriend Miranda had been stationed in the islands, both employed there by the US Air Force.

But Miranda and Donny did not come empty-handed. The couple recently adopted a baby girl, Melissa, following an adoption process they began in October 2015.

At first, Eva is completely confused, but it soon dawns on her that not only is she a grandmother, she is also about to meet her grandchild for the first time …

“We chose not to tell our families because there were so many uncertainties,” Miranda told WTHR News.

“We wanted to protect our and their hearts. It was a great strain. When Melissa was finally with us and became our daughter, we thought it was too big a deal to announce it over the phone,” Miranda added.

For almost 10 days Donny kept the secret from his mother, before he and Miranda flew home to surprise her. Watch the touching moment when Grandma Eva meets her tiny granddaughter for the first time. You most certainly won’t regret it.

Talk about receiving an unforgettable Christmas gift. This video moved me so much I absolutely wanted to share it. Feel free to do the same if it also warmed your heart and you want to spread a little love before Christmas.

Little Girl Mistakes Man For Santa Claus But He Plays Along Brilliantly

When a little girl in a mall spotted a big, jolly guy with a bushy white beard and a red shirt, she thought she’d spotted Santa doing his Christmas shopping. Amazingly, the man doesn’t miss a beat and plays along.

When she curiously approaches “Santa” (alias Roger), he chuckles and says, “Well, I’ve been told a lot worse!”

He then asks if she’s been a good girl this year and if she’s getting ready for Christmas, and she does a lot of nodding.


She shows Santa her painted nails (he’s very impressed) and tells him she’s leaving cookies out but he has to share them with the reindeer.

She reminds Santa that reindeers eat grass (not cookies, duh) and the lovely man just keeps rolling with it.

“They eat grass, you’re right they do. But up in the North Pole grass is pretty hard to come by. It’s all snow grass.”


Mom jumps in and says to her daughter, “Let Santa get back to his shopping!”

“I’ve got a lot of little kids to buy for,” says Santa, before adding, “And I’ve got a lot of toys to make…” Good save, Santa!

He wishes them “Merry Christmas” as the little girl waves him off.

Watch the adorable video below:

You know, the more we watch it and hear his deep voice and see how jolly and gentle he is we wonder… could it really be?