Woman Receives Best Letter Ever From Husband’s Ex-wife. This Is Gold.

To my daughter’s step-mom,

I never wanted you here. You simply were never part of the plan. Growing up and dreaming of my family I never included you. I didn’t want help from another woman to raise my child. The plan was for my family to include me, daddy and our children, not you. I doubt you ever wanted me in your life. I doubt you planned to mother a child that you didn’t give birth to. I can bet that your plan for your family included you, daddy and your children together, not me or my daughter. I can almost bet that when you dreamed of becoming a mother it would be the day you gave birth and not the day you married your husband. I’m pretty sure you never planned on me being here.

But God has plans that far exceed our own and when my little family dissolved to form two families I knew you would be coming.

In my mind you would be a terrible beast and my daughter would not want you to mother her at all, ever! I was hoping that you would be semi unattractive and prayed my daughter wouldn’t look up to you. Her daddy would know that he was settling for second best. Evil swirled in me because I never wanted to face the fact that another woman would mother my child in my absence.
Then you arrived.

When I first met you I’ll admit you weren’t what I had in mind and a twinge of jealousy shot through my body. You were supposed to be hideous, remember? But you weren’t, you were stunningly beautiful. You were supposed to be a mean old hag, remember? But you weren’t, you were a young, sweet woman.
My plans were foiled.

I realized by the look on your face that meeting me was just as hard as it was for me to meet you. My heart immediately softened. Dang your kind smile! I was planing on really hating you. Why are your ruining my plan?!

I wanted to resent you but you made it impossible and I quickly grew thankful for you.

You’ve accepted our daughter from the very start and have unconditionally loved both her and her daddy, that’s a true gift to all of us. You’ve included our daughter in everything you do and make her feel loved and accepted. You put her relationship with her daddy above yours and only a brave and courageous woman knows how to do that with such grace.

I knew when her daddy and I decided to divorce and live in separate homes there would be times when she would need me, her mommy, and I wouldn’t be there. I’m so thankful that you are there in my absence. I’m grateful that you have mercy on her teen years and never reject her. She needs a mommy at your house and you’ve done an amazing job being that for her.

You’ve respected my position as mom from the very start. I appreciate that you always check with me when you question if you are making the right decision with her. I know our situation is rare. It’s not often that a mom and step-mom text each other to remind each other that they love and respect each other. You are a gift.

Because of you and your courage to mother our daughter the way that you do, she will be a better woman. She will grow up with more love than I could have ever imagined. It wasn’t her choice to have divorced parents and even though I wouldn’t wish that on any child I am so thankful that she now has four parents who love and respect her and each other. She’s compassionate because of it and understands that a failure in one area can turn into a blessing in another.

I don’t see you as a fill in for when I’m not there. You are her mother when she’s with you and when she’s with me. She’s excited to call you and tell you her stories when she’s at my house and that makes my heart want to jump from my chest with joy. I fill with pride when you wrap your arms around me and squeeze for a genuine and loving hug each time we see each other.

I am extremely aware of what it looks like when a mother cannot emotionally accept her child’s step-mother in their life. Gratefulness pours heavily from me that we are able to rise above anything like that and do what is truly right for our daughter. Thank you for being mature enough and respectful enough to co-parent with me.

I promise to always respect your input for our daughter. I promise to never lessen the position you hold in her life or make you feel like you are not her mother. I promise to raise her to be grateful to have two strong and brave women in her life that have the courage to mother her together. Even though our situation is peaceful I pray that she is never in it, but if she ever finds herself here I promise to set an example for her of what co-parenting should look like.

Precious woman, you are a rare and beautiful gem. God bless you and I love you. This is the reply from the step-mom after millions have read this:

“Candice, I don’t know what to say. I am not good with words like you are and the way you express yourself. All I can say is I am crying like at the end of The Notebook … you make me feel so special … Thank you for this letter. It made my day and I will keep it close to my heart always. Love you.”

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Pilot Allows Kid To Start The Plane’s Engine. But Never Expected To Receive This Note From His Mom.

Christmas is a special time, in so many ways.

This pilot had an experience that would change his life forever. And because it occurred on Christmas, I thought that this little story was especially worth sharing.

I really keep my fingers crossed that this has actually happened in real life, because I was so touched that tears ran down my cheeks when I read the last line.

Sometimes the most important gifts are given unwittingly. I set about checking the instruments in preparation for my last flight of the day, a short hop from Atlanta to Macon, Ga. It was 7:30 P.M. Christmas Eve, but instead of forking into Mom’s turkey dinner, I was busy getting other people home to their families.

boy-cockpit_5Above the low buzz of talking passengers, I heard a rustle behind me. I looked over my shoulder. Just outside the cockpit doorway was a fresh-faced boy of about nine gazing intently at the flight deck. At my glance he started to turn away.

“Hold up,” I called. “Come on in here.” I had been about his age when I first saw a flight panel lit up like a Christmas tree and I could hardly wait to get my pilot’s wings. But now that I was 24 and first officer at a commuter airline, I wondered if I’d made the right choice. Here I was spending my first Christmas Eve away from home, and what was I accomplishing? How was I making my mark in the world, let alone doing God’s work, just hauling people from city to city?

The boy stepped cautiously into the cockpit. “My name’s Chad,” I said, sticking out my hand. With a shy smile he put his hand in mine. “I’m Sam.” He turned to the empty seat beside me. “Is that for the captain?”

“It sure is and that’s where Captain Jim sits.” I patted the worn fabric. “Would you like to try it out?”
Sam blinked at me from under his ball cap. “I don’t know . . . I mean . . . well, sure if it’s okay.” I lowered the seat so he could slide into it. The captain loved to give demonstrations of the plane’s gadgets to kids, but what would he think about one sitting in his seat? Well, it’s Christmas, I thought.

I glanced out at the luggage carts being wheeled toward the plane, thinking of the gifts I wouldn’t be able to give in person to my parents and friends the next day. Sam told me he and his family had flown in from Memphis. I checked my watch. The captain would be in any minute, but Sam looked so thrilled, I didn’t want to cut short his fun. I gave the instrument panel another once-over, telling Sam what each button and lever did.

Finally Captain Jim clambered aboard. “Howdy, partner.” He gave Sam a broad grin. “You know, son,” he drawled, “I don’t mind you staying with us for a while if you’ll switch with me.” Sam let the captain take his place and I made introductions.

We began previewing the startup checklist. I kept thinking the captain would send Sam away, but the boy was still peering over my shoulder when the ramp agent radioed to ask if we were ready to turn on the first engine in start sequence, number four.

I relayed the question to the captain, who was studying the weather reports. “I’m still going over these,” he said. “You guys go ahead and start it.”

“Okay, starting…” I said, positioning the switches. Then I did a double-take. “Did you say ‘you guys’?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”

I looked over at the captain, and back at the flight panel. “Right.” I flicked on the plane’s flashing red beacon to signal the start.

Then I turned to my new assistant.

“You ever start an airplane before, Sam?”

Eyes wide, he shook his head. Following my instructions, Sam carefully turned a knob on the overhead console that switched on the igniters. Then he pressed a button as big as his hand to start the engine. Finally, with both hands he slid forward a lever to introduce the fuel. The engine hummed to life.

Sam slowly let go of the lever and stepped back, awestruck. He’d gotten to start an airplane, an honest-to-goodness airliner. I’m not sure if I’d have believed it myself at his age. I thanked Sam for helping us out.
“No, thank you, sir,” Sam said. “This was really great!”

As he backed out of the doorway into the cabin, the plane resonated with the sound of the engine he’d started. “You have a merry Christmas, son, you hear?” the captain said.

Sam looked like he was about to cry with happiness.

“I will, sir, I will. Thank you!” With one last look at the flight deck he turned and walked down the aisle. We started up the other engines, took off, and arrived in Macon about 40 minutes later.

Early Christmas morning, as we settled into the cockpit for the trip back to Atlanta, one of the gate agents ducked in. “Hey, guys, some kid’s mother came by this morning. She wanted to make sure I thanked you for showing her son around last night. Said he couldn’t stop talking about the cockpit. She left this for you.”

The gate agent set a red tin on the center console.

“Well, I’ll be,” the captain said. He bit into one of the chocolate chip cookies from the tin. Then he unfolded the note taped to its cover and read it silently.

He sighed deeply and turned to me, “Boy’s got cancer,” he said, and read the note aloud:

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for allowing Sam to watch you work on Christmas Eve night. Sam has cancer and has been undergoing chemotherapy in Memphis. This is the first time he has been home since the treatment began. We drove Sam up to the hospital, but since he loves airplanes, we decided to fly him back home. I am not sure if he will ever get to fly again. His doctor has said that Sam may have only a few months left. Sam has always dreamed of becoming an airline pilot. The flight we took from Memphis to Atlanta was exhilarating for him. He wasn’t sure flying on one of your “little” airplanes would be as much fun, but you two gentlemen gave him the greatest Christmas gift imaginable. For a few short minutes his dream came true, thanks to you.

I looked out at the runway gleaming before us in the sun. When I turned back to Jim, he was still staring at the note. A flight attendant came in and said the passengers were ready for departure. She stowed the cookies away and we went through the checklist. Then Captain Jim cleared his throat and called out, “Starting number four.”

I’d wanted to be home with my loved ones, exchanging gifts for the holidays. But that little boy showed me that sometimes the most important gifts we give are given unwittingly and the most precious ones we get come from strangers. I can serve God’s purpose no matter where I am, as long as I let the spirit that moved me that night guide me always.


This beautiful story hit me right in the chest. I think that the pilots deserve a big hug for their actions.

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12 Perfect Riddles That Will Completely Break Your Head

Exercise your brain and tell us how well you did!

Jerry Falwell, Jr. Told His Liberty University Congregation to ‘End Those Muslims’

A few days before Thanksgiving, Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce noted that the United States was “sitting on a powder keg.” Three days after that post was published​, a white man shot up a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, and, five days after that, a Muslim couple shot up a center for the developmentally disabled in San Bernardino, California. Speaking during Friday morning convocation at Liberty University, a Southern Baptist college in Lynchburg, Virginia, Jerry Falwell, Jr., the school’s chancellor, closed his address by commenting on one of those two events.

“If some of those people in that community center had had what I’ve got in my back pocket right now [applause] … is it illegal to pull it out? I don’t know. I’ve always thought that if more people had concealed carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walk in and kill. So, I just want to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course. Let’s teach ’em a lesson if they ever show up here.”

Falwell, Jr., whose university requires all students to take a course in Creationism in order to graduate, did not make a call to action to “end” the life of Robert Lewis Dear, the 57-year-old Colorado Springs shooter. To be sure, a local ABC affiliate noted that Falwell, Jr., claims he meant to use the word “terrorists,” instead.

After the revelation that the female shooter had pledged allegiance to ISIS before carrying out the shooting, most of the country is now referring to San Bernardino as a “terrorist attack.” And yet, what happened at Planned Parenthood is labeled a “mass shooting.” What happened in Charleston was a “mass shooting.” But the people holding those guns, like Falwell Jr., were white.

In Falwell, Jr.’s America, can a white person be a terrorist?


Mom And Newborn Dies Only Minutes Apart. Then A Miracle Shocks Everyone In The Delivery Room.

It was Christmas Eve. Eve Mike and Tracey Hermanstorfer from Colorado, USA, checked into a hospital: It was time for Lucy to give birth. They were both excited to grow their small family with their new baby.

But the delivery soon took a tragic turn. Tracey’s heart stopped as she delivered her son.

“She was dead. She had no heartbeat, no breathing. She was as grey as her sweat suit. No signs of life,” said Dr. Stephanie Martin, according to AP.

The doctors attempted to revive her, unsuccessfully.

The doctors performed an emergency caesarean section to try to save the baby’s life. But even there, their efforts were in vain and they soon had to deliver devastating news to Mike that both wife and child had not survived.

In just minutes, what should have been a wonderful day, had turned into the worst nightmare anyone can imagine.

“Once her heartbeat stopped, it felt like mine did too,” Mike said.

Thankfully, this story completely changes direction.

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But just moments later something that can only be described as a miracle occurred. Tracy’s pulse returned, and her baby boy then incredibly began to breathe again. Doctors were shocked by what they had just witnessed in the delivery room.

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The whole family made it through those dramatic hours, and some days later they returned home to be with their other two children.
“This truly is a miracle,” says Mike.

Skärmavbild 2015-12-03 kl. 13.43.29I completely agree. What an amazing story – I really wish this family all the best!

Watch the news story about the dramatic events here:

Please share if you were moved by this family’s miracle, too.

15 Christmas Tree Ideas Perfect For Your Christmas DIY Hacks!

It’s that time of the year again when the spirit of Christmas is all around us. Yuletide season is probably the best one to celebrate every year and with this comes some of our enduring holiday traditions.

We can’t just let the season pass without the festive and colorful Christmas vibes–family gatherings, singing of Christmas carols, preparing and wrapping gifts. There are also a few struggles here and there when decorating our homes and setting up the Christmas tree. But thanks to these Christmas hacks, we don’t have to spend so much money, effort and time, or still end up getting the same mediocre results.

Decorating can be tedious and difficult but not anymore. Recreate your old Christmas tree at home or simply choose one from these unique, artsy, affordable and differently themed Christmas trees. Here are 15 Christmas tree ideas perfect for your Christmas DIY Hacks!

A hanging Christmas tree.
Photo credit: imgur / pinterest

Hang those Christmas ornaments in a form of a tree and voilà!

How about this step-ladder Christmas tree?
Photo credit: nedesignbuild / pinterest

This would surely come in handy for Christmas. Simple and easy.

Or a spinning Christmas tree maybe? Cool!
Photo credit: imgur

Kids will definitely love this!

Quite an artsy Christmas tree made of twigs.
Photo credit: ueberallunirgendwo / thecityslipper

Perfect for that rustic Christmas feel.

Recycled wine corks can make a fine Christmas tree too.
Photo credit: etsy / pumslife

Making mini Christmas trees out of corks is another way to be artistic.

Colorful fairy lights Christmas tree is always fun to see.
Photo credit: bellandpistol / familyholiday

Less is more and these fairy lights are all you need to achieve that beautiful tree.

Embrace your creative side with a painted Christmas tree.
Photo credit: architecturendesign / pinterest

Draw your own Christmas tree or get a ready made yet good quality poster.

Go grab your favorite books and turn them into any of these.
Photo credit: blogspot / pinterest

Paper comes from trees and so are these books.

Asymmetrical Christmas tree.
Photo credit: imgur / art.ekstrax


Some unused cardboards can be put to a great use as well.
Photo credit: sean richards / imgur

Aren’t these beautiful? With proper lighting, your tree is set.

A minimalist Christmas tree.
Photo credit: imgur / makezine

If you want to do away with the usual decorating styles, might as well try this–plain, simple and uncluttered.

Christmas tree made from bottles. Wow!
Photo credit: blogspot / pinterest

Yes, possible. Recycle those bottles and get that extremely unique Christmas tree.

An upside-down Christmas tree.
Photo credit: pinterest / imgur

In case you want to playful and more fun this Christmas. Surprise your guests with this.

Christmas tree made from ropes.
Photo credit: pinterest / photoity

For that classy or elegant vibe.

This Christmas tree dress works like magic too.
Photo credit: styleestate

Be imaginative and try this one.

Here’s How You Create A Cozy Christmas Lamp From An Old Coca-Cola Bottle.

There’s hardly anything more cozy than candles on a dark winter night.

But burning candles can also be risky, especially if you have pets or small children at home. That’s what makes this alternative so clever.

By using this smart trick you get coziness, minus the risk. It’s safe and you only need things you probably already have in your home.

Since I’m the kind of person that loves making use of things I no longer need, I found this hack just perfect – and that’s why I wanted to share it with you.

Here’s what you need

An empty coca-cola bottle (plastic)
A string of white Christmas lights
Parchment or wax paper
Construction paper
A knife
Clear tape

1. Start by removing the label.

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2. Cut off the top of the bottle but leave the bottom intact.

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3. Make a small hole where you can fit the plug.

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4. Put the string of lights in the bottle.

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5. Cut a piece of parchment or wax paper.

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6. Wrap it around the bottle and use tape to hold it in place.

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7. Use the construction paper to cut out a star (or what ever shape you prefer).

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8. Attach the second layer to the bottle.

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9. Done! Doesn’t it look lovely?

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Feel free to pass this clever holiday hack to your family and friends!

Homeless Lady Is Ignored By Everyone, Then A Stranger Does THIS And Shocks Everyone With Her Simple Act Of Kindness.

often pass homeless people on my way home and everytime it makes me sad to see, no matter what their story is. All people deserve to be treated with respect. To have a roof over their heads.

What makes me even more upset is when I see how some people look down on these people in need.

Something similar happened to this woman as she was having dinner in a restaurant in California. A homeless woman showed up in the restaurant and began to ask the guests if she could have their leftovers instead of them being thrown away.

No one cared, instead they ignored the woman completely. Everyone except Carmen Mendez.

Carmen and her boyfriend were at a fast food restaurant together when the homeless woman entered the establishment. She walked from table to table politely asking customers if they would consider giving her their leftovers.

Everyone ignored her, many even looked at her with disgust. Carmen – who has been working with homeless persons for many years – just couldn’t take it. She decided to take action.

When she had finished her meal, she gave the woman what was left of her food.

“I gave her my food and watched her sit and eat it… but something didn’t feel right. I felt like a horrible human being feeding her my leftover chicken strip. She deserved so much more…”, Carmen wrote in a Facebook.

Carmen then went to the counter and ordered the woman a full meal.

“She was getting ready to get up and leave when I surprised her with this meal (…)The look on her face said it all…I have never felt something like this…pure, real gratitude,” Carmen continues.

Photo: Carmen Mendez/Facebook

“That hug she gave me was like a hug I had never felt… Those tears she shed were felt deep in my heart…I held her tight and let her let it out. I wasn’t repulsed by it… I just held her. And that is a moment I will never ever forget. So next time you judge a homeless person think twice… Not all of them are homeless because of a drug addiction or because they are lazy.”

Carmen posted the picture of her and the woman on Facebook. In a little over a week her post has received over 220,000 likes, with close to 100,000 sharing the beautiful story behind it. Thousands more have shown their love and support by commenting on the post.

I truly believe that people like Carmen deserve all the attention and love in the world. If more people were like her, this world would be a far better place. Please help spread this simple act of kindness so that we can inspire others!