He Was Getting Prepared To Defend His Autistic Son, Until The Man In Front Said This.

Do you know the value of kindness? Some people can live such harsh lives that they may not be aware of how important this is in the world, or they may not have experienced enough of it in their lives.

Here’s a story on how one man discovered the truth of that value.


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Amazing Woman Spends 3 Hours Clinging To Her Horse As It Sinks In The Mud

Nicole Graham thought she was going for another one of her regular leisurely horse rides along the beach. With her daughter in tow, Nicole suddenly found herself in the midst of a nightmare. Her horse Astro unexpectedly ventured into treacherous mud, and to make matters worse, he was followed by her daughter’s horse.

Fortunately, Nicole got herself, her daughter, and her daughter’s smaller horse free, but Astro remained firmly stuck in the mud.

Nicole clung to Astro for 3 hours as he struggled to break free of the mud.

Graham spent 3 hours clinging to the horse as he continued to struggle.

The more Astro struggled, the more stuck he became. Trying to help her horse only resulted in Nicole becoming stuck again.

At over 1,000 lbs, attempts to free the horse before help arrived only resulted in both becoming more stuck.

Rescuers helped Nicole out of the mud, but could not budge Astro, who weighs at over 1,000 lbs.

Once help arrived and she was freed again, Graham remained by Astro's side, comforting him.

The clock was racing — they only had a few hours before the tide would come in and drown Astro.

They had to fight time to get the big guy out before the tide washed over him.

Lots of people came to his aid: fighter fighters, veterinarians and a nearby farmer, who loaned his tractor.

Fire crews arrived, assisted by veterinarians and a nearby farmer, who loaned his tractor.

Astro was sedated so that he would sleep during the rescue efforts.

Astro was sedated so he wouldn't continue exhausting himself while they worked to free him.

Several different types of equipment were used but nothing worked.

They tried several different types of equipment and even had a helicopter on standby. Nothing would budge in the mud.

Fire lieutenant Roger Buckle said the mud was “like quicksand.”

Fire lieutenant Roger Buckle said the mud was "like quicksand."

Everyone was anxious as the tide drew in. Time was ticking fast.

Everyone was anxious as the tide drew in nearer and nearer.

Lady luck finally paid a visit and Astro was freed. Phew!

Luck finally came with their combined efforts and Astro made his way out of the mire.

The tractor really came in handy.

The tractor really came in handy.

Once he was out of the danger zone, Astro collapsed in a heap — he was so exhausted by his ordeal.

Once he was 100% free, the poor guy collapsed in fatigue.

After a much deserved rest, everyone was cleaned up. Home time!

After a much needed rest, everyone was cleaned up and able to make their way back home.

Miraculously, Astro only suffered mild dehydration and is making a full recovery.

The horse only suffered mild dehydration and will make a full recovery.

Nicole runs an equine dentistry business, and as such has a deep love of horses — she personally owns around 10. In the two decades she’s been a horse owner, she’s never had such any issues on the beach. We are just relieved that everyone is safe.

Guy Proposes Using Custom-Made Monopoly Board With Secret Compartment For Ring

Justin Lebon knew he wanted to marry girlfriend Michal Ott years ago. But he wanted it to be special, and so, last Christmas, he made his move — literally.

Michal’s favorite game is Monopoly and the couple spent countless hours playing the game together.

And so, with the help of gifted wood-worker and friend Mark Becker, Justin went about creating a personalized game to rule all games: a marriage proposal Monopoly board, complete with a special “Chance” card, loaded dice, and secret compartment with a ring.

“I handed her a pair of loaded dice” Justin wrote on Imgur. “They would only allow her to roll a 7. The number she needed to land on Chance.”

“That’s where I put the ‘will you marry me card.’ She reads the chance card out loud ‘…Will you marry me?’ and said ‘is this REAL!?’”

The card read, “If yes advance to luxury tax.” Michal moved her piece, Justin dropped to one knee, and produced a ring from a secret compartment in the board.

And of course, she said yes!

“She loved every second of the proposal, and I’m glad she did. It took a lot of planning, but I enjoyed every second of it.”


Two Starving Dogs Transformed From Skeletons Back To Dogs Again

Double the rescue, double the joy — that was the case for two dogs named Oscar and Emmy, who the Chicago Police Department found in an abandoned building back in July.

Oscar and Emmy were dangerously underweight and in need of emergency medical care, so the police called in a local rescue group, Trio Animal Foundation, to help.

These before-and-after shots show how a little bit of love can do wonders!

Emmy and Oscar were found starving in an abandoned building by the Chicago Police

Emmy weighed only 24 lbs(10.8 kg) when she was found

They both looked like walking skeletons, so the vets had to give them a special diet

Soon, Emmy was adopted by one of her vet technicians, Anthony

Oscar got in shape too, but he is still looking for a forever home!

Man Recreates Heartwarming Photos Of Late Wife With Little Girl Three Years After Tragic Accident

Four years ago, Rafael Del Col’s beautiful and beloved wife Tatiane died in a car crash.

The Brazilian couple’s unborn child died with its mother. But Tatiane left behind a lovely one-year-old daughter, Raisa.

To honour his late wife’s memory, Rafael recently decided to recreate a photoshoot he and Tatiane did back in 2009, a week before their wedding. But this time, he would do it with Raisa.

The resulting photos show the special bond between father and daughter, and if you find yourself in tears, you’re not alone.

Raisa even wore the same jewellery that Tatiana used in the shoot.

And those are the same high heels, too.

Even the dog is the same — Rafael had bought Raul for Tatiane when they had just started dating.

More than anything, the photos illustrate Rafael’s enduring love for Tatiane.

In his blog, Rafael talks about the hardships of losing a loved one: “Beside my responsibilities with my princess, I need to deal with feelings of grief, and the loss of my partner with whom I lived for 10 wonderful years.”

“I confess that I cried a lot when I watched it and I couldn’t watch it only once. The music in the clip is a tribute to Raisa. She sings this song very often (it’s second only to “Let it go…” from Frozen on her list)”


Toddler With Down Syndrome Wins TWO Modeling Contract Thanks To Her “Cheeky Smile”

An adorable toddler who has Down’s Syndrome is set to become Britain’s next top child model after being snapped up by a casting agency.
Connie-Rose Seabourne, from Morley, near Leeds, attracted the attention of three scouts after her mother Julie Britton, 42, sent them photographs of her. Now the 23-month-old has bagged two campaigns.
For proud Julie it is a sign that her daughter’s disability ‘does not define who she is’.

Indeed, her smile has already won Connie TWO modelling contracts.

“When I spoke to the agencies about her Down’s syndrome diagnosis, no one even batted an eyelid,” Julie told the Daily Mail.

“She absolutely loved it. She follows direction very well and she has so much fun in front of the cameras.”

Connie was born two months premature to parents Julie and Peter. She wasn’t diagnosed with Down syndrome until she was two weeks old.

“We have friends whose children have been diagnosed with Down’s syndrome and have had nothing but positive experiences of children with the diagnosis. It’s just another little baby who needs to be loved.”

Julie now visits other parents of children with Down’s Syndrome to try and help families who feel overwhelmed with the diagnosis.

“Some parents struggle with the idea of Down’s Syndrome initially and think that life isn’t going to be the same again. I try to explain just how much support there is out there for them.”

“The inclusiveness and equality that my family has experienced has been amazing. It’s absolutely fantastic that Connie-Rose will be in the public eye — it’s just so positive.”

She has Down’s Syndrome, it’s not that she is Down’s Syndrome. That’s the major problem we face but that’s about education.’
Julie now visits other parents whose children have Down’s Syndrome on local hospital wards to try to help families that at first feel overwhelmed with the diagnosis.
She said: ‘Some parents struggle with the idea of Down’s Syndrome initially and think that life isn’t going to be the same again. I try to explain just how much support there is out there for them.
‘The inclusiveness and equality that my family has experienced has been amazing. It’s absolutely fantastic that Connie-Rose will be in the public eye – it’s just so positive.’

Gorillas like photos too! Incredible moment Jelani ‘asks’ to see a new picture as man scrolls through ape images on his iPhone

  • Gorilla stares at phone, which a man holds to the glass of Louisville Zoo
  • Man flicks through pictures of apes and gorilla looks to be very interested
  • Later the gorilla rests its head on the glass and reads over man’s shoulder 

It’s not just us humans that are addicted to mobile phones.
Some of our closest living relatives are as obsessed with modern technology as we are, as this gorilla showed when it became engrossed in an iPhone.
The clip, which emerged on YouTube, features a man sitting on the other side of the safety glass from a gorilla named Jelani at Louisville Zoo in Kentucky.

The man holds his phone up against the window and scrolls through photographs while the enormous ape watches attentively.
Humorously it bends its head slightly to focus on the phone and then once it has seen the image it looks away and waits for the next picture.

At that moment the video maker asks the man what he is showing the gorilla and he presents his phone, which shows a human posing with an ape, to the camera.

The man then returns to showing the gorilla, who returns to staring at the phone in interest.

The attentive gorilla stared at the phone and even gestured for the man to scroll to the next picture

The attentive gorilla stared at the phone and even gestured for the man to scroll to the next picture

Later the gorilla leaned up against the glass and rather adorably appeared to read over the man's shoulder

Later the gorilla leaned up against the glass and rather adorably appeared to read over the man’s shoulder

He continues to show the ape a few more images and on every occasion it stares down at the screen of the phone, despite a number of other distracting things happening in front of it.

Later the man leans up against the wall alongside the glass and rather adorably the gorilla does the same from the other side.

The ape almost reads over his shoulder as the man scrolls through even more pictures, occasionally tilting the phone so the gorilla can have a better look.

The man tilted his phone towards the gorilla so that it could see the photographs more clearly

The man tilted his phone towards the gorilla so that it could see the photographs more clearly

The video maker later said: ‘I stumbled upon the boy sharing pictures with Jelani touring the zoo with my one-year-old daughter.

‘The boy was scrolling through gorilla pictures, and Jelani would motion with his hand to move to the next photo. Both seemed to really enjoy sharing the experience.’

Since appearing online the video has been viewed almost 100,000 times.


Cutie And The Beast: Adorable Girl And Doberman Duo Do Everything Together

Four-year-old Siena and her two-year-old Doberman Buddha are the most unusual and adorable couple around.


The cute little Siena stands in contrast to the huge Buddha — a gentle giant whose tenderness towards his best friend is captured by Tara Prucha, Siena’s mother.


They have become an massive Instagram hit with their account “Cutie and the Beast: A Little Girl and Her Big Doberman.”


“Dobermans are also known as ‘Velcro dogs’,” Tara toldToday. “They just want to be with their one human.”


“And he has obviously chosen my daughter. We’re really happy with the attention Buddha is getting. People are seeing how sweet and mellow they can be.”


Indeed, the 80-pound mutt is as docile as can be.


The pair do everything together. From getting a haircut…


… To napping.


Buddha helps Siena with her reading.


And shows her the world.


But mostly, they just do what best friends do best: be silly and laugh.


And play!














See more of this adorable pair on Facebook and Instagram.