Recently, Hayley Lyons had to make a difficult decision: go with her motherly instinct or follow doctors’ orders. The reason? She suspected that the very medicine doctors prescribed for her son was actually making him worse. Hayley’s son Lewis was...
The Cashier’s Response To The Lady That Mocked His Colleage Is Just Perfect. One thing that really upsets me is when people don’t respect those around them, and I especially think it is beyond unacceptable to mistreat people that are...
An angry mother delivered a scathing response after her daughter was punished for punching a classmate who snapped her bra. The details of this story are impossible to verify since all names and locations have been changed. But I certainly...
Police Officer Finds A Dog Inside An Abandoned House And Adopts It. It just another day on the job at the Baltimore Police Department. That is until Officer Ashley Acord stopped at a house on Division Street and sensed something was amiss.he...
A lifetime of working with nuclear power has left me with a healthy green glow…and left me as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner. Kids, kids. I'm not going to die. That only happens to bad people. Kids, kids....
If you grew up as the oldest sibling in your family, you know what it’s like for your life to all of a sudden be very, very crowded. The toys in the living room sometimes overflow from their storage places....