Every Day, The Mailman Tries Delivering Mail To This House. Now Keep Your Eye On The Front Door.

Cat And Mailman Share A Hilarious Daily Ritual

Being a mailman is no easy profession. And though it may sound cliché, one of the biggest points of frustration in this type of field can definitely involve dealing with other people’s territorial pets. While it’s not unusual to come across a persistent guard dog or overly enthusiastic puppy in this line of duty, it’s those sharp-clawed cats who tend to give mail carriers the most trouble. No one knows this more than the mailman in the following video, whose daily encounter with a feisty feline has become an everyday battle encountering a feisty feline is an every day battle. Every single day, this cat — now famously known on the internet as the “Mail Slot Menace” — waits by the window for the mail carrier to come. Like clockwork, the mailman knows exactly what is about to happen the second he tries to deliver this family’s mail. Let’s just say, it’s a fight to the finish and not one I would want to personally face. Check out how this guard kitty tries to snatch and/or reject the delivery. I couldn’t help but laugh, and luckily our uniformed hero has a great sense of humor about it, too. This is too hilarious! If this moment made you laugh, please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook! [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn3ymQB4iqQ?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0&w=100&h=345]

Father Is Left Alone With Quadruplets. What These Strangers Online Do For Him Just Warms My Heart!

When Carlos and Erica Morales realized they were going to be parents, they were as excited as could be. They had tried before, but their efforts had ended in miscarriage. This time, the couple decided to go through fertility treatment and were shocked to find out that Erica was expecting three girls and a boy. But their happiness vanished when Erica, at seven months pregnant, underwent a C-section. After delivering all four babies, Erica went into hypovolemic shock, lost a massive amount of blood, and died within hours. “I went from having the best day of my life to the next morning experiencing the worst day of my life,” Carlos said. “My four babies came into the world and then my wife died.”

Cop Finds Homeless 11-Year-Old In Car. But When He’s Caught Doing THIS With Her? Wow

I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a police officer play hopscotch. At least not one in uniform. And especially not one that appears to be at least 6 feet and 200 lbs. But that is precisely what Officer Pricer from the Huntington Beach Police Department in the US was caught doing on camera on March 30, after he and his partner were called in to investigate a suspicious vehicle. Once on scene, they sadly discovered a woman and her young 11-year-old girl living out of the car. Little is known about the homeless family, why and how they ended up living out of a car. What’s certain however is that no one should live that way – and certainly not a young 11-year-old girl. It pained me to imagine what she may have been through, and I can only imagine likely has had a difficult time. That’s what makes this big-hearted officer’s small gesture the more significant. Watch the touching clip below. Agree this cop is just awesome? Share his sweetness with others!

Here’s a Brilliant DIY Trick to Speed Clean Your Kitchen and Bathroom

Grout is everywhere in your home…and it can get incredibly disgusting. Whether it’s on your bathroom tile or in your kitchen, grout is one of the most difficult things to get clean in your home. It’s tough to get sparkling and tends to just keep getting dirty unless it’s really power cleaned. Enter: The Grout Grime Buster 3000. Fancy. In reality, The Grout Grime Buster 3000 is a DIY home cleaning hack that you can make yourself for under $5! Watch the video below to learn how to make this power cleaner yourself and prepare to kiss your dirty grout goodbye.

This Man Confessed To The Waitress He Had Lost All His Family. She Was Stunned What He Did Right After.

It was a normal day at the diner for this woman when this man who looked lost came in and did something she’d never seen in her life. fasf Share this with your friends by clicking below!

This Father and Son Are Lip Syncing to the Radio. Then Taylor Swift’s Song “Shake It Off” Comes on. Watch What Happens!

This father-and-son duo starts their road trip singing with Guns ‘n’ Roses’ “Welcome to the Jungle,” so when some Taylor Swift comes on after it, it’s a bit of a tonal shift. They let “Shake It Off” keep playing, though— and they keep singing. Watch the fun video from Chris O’Mals!