Season’s greeting: Winter invites you to life’s greatest beauties!

Wise man once said – „Winter makes a bridge between one year and another and, in this case, one century and the next“, making this time of the year the most magical and gathering one. Taking into consideration the cold and the snow, most people think that challenges mean more when obstacles are higher than usual.

Being attracted to the season’s greeting, the white landscapes attract many eyes and fantasies; inviting us to create a list of seven scenarios for a perfect winter…

1.Midnight walks in the city park

The photograph above stands as an open invite-card. Does your city own a park? Are you happy enough no one to took care about cleaning the snow until now? Grab your significant other or call your friends for a midnight walk – you can never guess how the intimacy of the quiet nature can make you fell like the king of the world. And being blessed to have the most important persons by your side this evening.

2.Quality time with family

A spot in front of the fireplace, cups with hot chocolate and colorful socks which can guarantee a chat with smiles can only happen during the winter. The cold brings people together – staying in the most warm room, (near the router), waiting for some snacks and after all, using the free holiday time as everyone should, by being in family mood.

3.Gateway into cozy village

The escape from the city chaos and red lights while it’s snowing is probably the best choice you can make. Even if you are not a winter-sport addict, you can still enjoy the sun on the mountain, by drinking tea with rum. You can still climb by foot and breathe some fresh air. And at the nights… what is better than a fire and a glass of wine, while the silence provides relaxation for all senses…

4.Renewing the old Sleights

Every tale about Santa Clause has to consist at least one sleight – the place where presents are taken, the dreams are carried. Several reindeers are giving their efforts to fly across the sky and to choose the right chimney, to leave Santa on the table with milk and cookies. This is what children think when they look upon the sky in winter, this is how they feel the magic while using a sleight. Some of them, maybe for first time in their lives.  

5.Finally time for the read-list

A1 103.tif
Books are the most tolerant friend of them all, because they will always wait for the perfect timing. They will always agree on your schedule and definition of enjoying – while being comfortable in a cozy blanket, with appropriate light and enough amount of caffeine in a cup. Why wouldn’t you hide in your book-fortress? Winter wouldn’t mind, she asks you to!

6.Travel. Travel while it’s cold outside

Warm seat and the real company next to you. Is it a person or a book, it’s only up to you. If you choose to travel alone, keep in mind that one book wouldn’t be enough for all the roads and all the cafeterias; and if you travel with a selected human being, make sure he/she is the right one. Make sure that you know who you’re whispering „baby, it’s cold outside…“.

7.Fall in love, love what you have

Kissing under the mistletoe? Not only on Christmas! Kissing and hugging is a must while the winter is on, because we all know that only the warmth of the ones you love can keep you warm like it should. As the author of Game of Thrones says, „Nothing burns like the cold.”. And he is absolutely right!

7 Important Life Lessons Everyone Learns the Hard Way by Marc and Angel

“People never learn anything by being told,
they have to find out for themselves.”
―Paulo Coelho

Today marks the five-year anniversary of a close friend’s unexpected passing.  This morning I caught myself reflecting on that dreary morning when I received the news, and how several colleagues and acquaintances whom I barely knew came up to me over the subsequent hours and gave me a pat on the back, a hug, or a genuine “I’m sorry.”

In the midst of my sorrow I now realize this tragic loss taught me three important things.  First, the worst things can happen to the best people for no obvious reason at all.  Second, most people, even the ones you don’t think care, are genuinely good people who do care.  And finally, just as it is difficult to see all the opportunities life gives you until you’re looking back, it is virtually impossible to fully understand certain life circumstances until they actually happen to you.

It’s a variation of this final point that I want to explore further today – seven important life lessons almost everyone learns the hard way, eventually.

1.  The people you lose remain a part of you.

Someday you will be faced with the reality of loss.  And as life goes on, days rolling into nights, it will become clear that you never really stop missing someone special who’s gone, you just learn to live around the gaping hole of their absence.

When you lose someone you can’t imagine living without, your heart breaks wide open, and the bad news is you never completely get over the loss.  You will never forget them.  However, in a backwards way, this is also the good news.  They willlive on in the warmth of your broken heart that doesn’t fully heal back up, and you will continue to grow and experience life, even with your wound.  It’s like badly breaking an ankle that never heals perfectly, and that still hurts when you dance, but you dance anyway with a slight limp, and this limp just adds to the depth of your performance and the authenticity of your character.

2.  The pursuit of happiness is about finding meaning.

Pursuing happiness is not at all the same as being happy, which is a fleeting feeling dependent on momentary circumstances.  If the sun is shining, by all means bask in it.  Happy times are great and often fun-filled, but happy times pass, because time passes.  This is something we rarely grasp at first.

The lifelong pursuit of happiness, on the other hand, is more elusive; it’s not based on a particular outcome.  What you are really pursuing is meaning – living a meaningful life.  It starts with your “why.”  (Why are you doing what you’re doing with your life?)  When your “why” is meaningful, you are pursuing happiness.  There will be times when things go so wrong that you barely feel alive.  And there will also be times when you realize that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a lifeless existence for eighty years on someone else’s terms.  The pursuit isn’t all or nothing; it’s all AND nothing, with ups and downs and worthwhile lessons along the way.

In other words, happiness comes most easily when you know what you’re doing, believe in what you’re doing, and love what you’re doing (and who you’re doing it with), regardless of how things turn out. 

3.  Seeking validation from others invalidates YOU.

Has the fear of rejection held you back?  Have you ever been so fearful of what others might think or say about you that it kept you from taking positive action?  I bet you’re shaking your head, “yes.”

It’s time to change your mindset…

Today, the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.  Prove yourself to yourself, not others.  You are GOOD enough, SMART enough, FINE enough, and STRONG enough.  You don’t need other people to validate you; you are already valuable.

If someone says “no” to you, or if someone says something negative about you, that doesn’t change anything about YOU.  The words and opinions of others have no real bearing on your worth.  Certainly it can be helpful and desirable to make a good impression in certain situations, yet it’s not the end of the world when you are faced with rejection.

It’s great to receive positive feedback, but it simply doesn’t always happen.  That’s OK though, because you know where you’re headed and you know your true worth does not depend on the judgment of others.  When you set out to make a true difference in life, there will be those who disagree with you, those who ignore you, and those who flat out reject your ideas and efforts.  Look beyond them, step confidently forward, do what must be done, and let them think what they will.

4.  Regret hurts far worse than fear.

When we give in to our fears, we have a harder time looking at ourselves in the mirror.  Sadly, very few of us escape learning this lesson firsthand.  If you have already experienced this a time or two, you know what you need to do.

It is only when we risk losing that we truly open the possibility to win.  Whether it is quitting your job to build a business, running a marathon, or traveling to unknown parts of the world, any worthy endeavor requires risk, struggle and sacrifice.  Some of these things may even terrify you, but ask yourself if these fears are stronger than the most powerful of fears, the fear of a wasted life?

If you’ve never lost your mind, you’ve never followed your heart.  It’s better to look back on life and say, “I can’t believe I did that,” than to look back and say, “I wish I did that.”  Don’t let time pass you by like a hand waving from a train you desperately want to be on.  Don’t spend the rest of your life thinking about why you didn’t do what you can do right now.  Live your life.  Take risks.  Feel passion.  Discover love.  Run free. 

5.  Life is too unpredictable for rigid expectations.

When you stop predicting and expecting things to be a certain way, you can appreciate them for what they are.  Ultimately you will realize that life’s greatest gifts are rarely wrapped the way you expected.

With a positive attitude and an open mind, you will find that life isn’t necessarily any easier or harder than you thought it was going to be; it’s just that “the easy” and “the hard” aren’t exactly the way you had anticipated, and don’t always occur when you expect them to.  This isn’t a bad thing; it makes life interesting.

Ninety-nine percent of the time life delivers the experiences that are most helpful for your personal growth.  How do you know it’s the experience you need?  Because it’s the experience you’re having.  The only question is:  Will you embrace it and grow, or fight it and fade?

The key, of course, is to accept that not everything is meant to be.  When things don’t turn out how you expected, you have to seriously sit down with yourself and come to grips with the fact that you were wrong about it all along.  It was just an illusion that never really was what you thought it was.  It’s one of the most difficult realizations to accept, to realize that you feel a sense of loss, even though you never really had what you thought you had in the first place.

6.  When you try to run away, you end up running in place.

“Don’t think about eating that chocolate donut!”  What are you thinking about now?  Eating that chocolate donut, right?  When you focus on not thinking about something, you end up thinking about it.

The same philosophy holds true when it comes to freeing your mind from a negative past experience.  By persistently trying to move away from what you didn’t like and don’t want, you are forced to think about it so much that you end up carrying it’s weight along with you.  But if you instead choose to focus your energy on moving toward something you do like and do want, you naturally leave the negative weight behind as you progress forward.

Bottom line:  Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win.  Move TOWARDS something instead of AWAY.  Rather than trying to eliminate the negative, focus on creating something positive that just happens to replace the negative.  

7.  Unanticipated hardships are inevitable and helpful.

Nobody in this world is going to blindside you and hit you as hard as life will.  Sometimes life will beat you to the ground and try to keep you there if you let it.  But it’s not about how hard life can hit you, it’s about how hard you can be hit while continuing to move forward.  That’s what true strength is, and that’s what winning the game of life is all about.

When you have a lot to cry and complain about, but you prefer to smile and take a step forward instead, you are growing stronger.  Work through your struggles and hardships.  Even when it feels like things are falling apart, they’re not.  Take control of your emotions before they take control of you.  Everything will fall into place eventually.  Until then, learn what you can, laugh often, live for the moments, and know that it’s all worthwhile in the end.


Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever.”  I love this quote.  There’s no doubt that every day is a gift, and the gift is an opportunity to live, to learn, and to grow.

Be a student of life.  Indulge in it and absorb all the knowledge you can, while you can.  You may have to loose some things to gain some things, and you may have to learn some things the hard way.  That’s OK.  All experiences are necessary.  The purpose of your life is to live it in full, to partake in it to the utmost, to reach out with an open mind and an honest heart for the newest and richest experience being offered.

Your turn…

Uncanny Moments on the Streets of China Photographed by Water Meter Reader Tao Liu

Up until recently, Tao Liu was just an unknown water meter reader in China with an interest in photography. Then people started noticing his clever photos captured on sidewalks, and now Liu has become one of China’s hottest street photographers.

The 32-year-old photographer captures his images in Hefei, a city in Eastern China. For the past decade, he has gotten up at 8:30am and traveled all over the city on his motorbike to read water meters for the Hefei Water Supply Company. Three years ago, he developed an interest in photography and picked up a Fujfilm X100 to capture unexpected moments during his lunch break and journey home after work.

He began posting his images onto the Internet, and in late 2014 the world started noticing his work. A set of his photos went viral in Chinese social networks, and they eventually got picked up by mainstream television networks in the country.

Liu says his goal is to “remind people of the touching moments in life.” His photographic process involves roaming the streets of his city and snapping a photograph when something catches his eye; he looks for subtle things that most people will walk by and completely miss.
















15 Infographics to Help You Eat Healthy and Save Money

The great debate on what is healthy seems to rage on endlessly these days, with no shortage of “experts”. There are bacon fanatics, vegans, paleo believers, raw foodies, wheat haters, vegetarians, and a million others in between the extremes.

The amazing infographics below represent a generally “healthy” diet with some catering more towards the vegetarians/vegans and some obviously leaning toward the meat eaters. I assure you, there is something useful in here for everyone.

1. Quick and easy meals.

Women’s Health / Via

2. Are you eating enough fruit every day?


3. Sugar lurks behind many interesting and healthy-sounding names. 


4. Cancer thrives in an acidic (sugary) environment. How much do you consume?


5. Choose your vegetables wisely. Adding ANY sort of veggie to your meal is a great idea, but these offer the most bang for the buck. It is surprising to find kale so far down the list, given its hip, trendy nature these days!

15top_nutrientdense6. Looking to spruce up your salad? Here is a handy guide from the classic to the daring.


7. Worried your fresh foods will spoil or wilt before you get around to eating them? Here are some pointers on the best practices for storing your food to keep them fresh and safe!

Jenny Chang for BuzzFeed / Via

8. 13 Exciting hummus recipes!


9. Snacking on Nuts? You don’t need to stock up for winter. You’re not a squirrel!


10. Shopping for one? Here is an effective guide to help you cover the basics (non-vegetarian, non-paleo) without wasting money or food.


11. Ten tasty, homemade soups. I’m a big fan of soups, especially after purchasing a Vitamix blender/juicer. I just throw bits and pieces of veggies that are nearly at the end of their freshness cycle in there and blend with some sort of broth or stock, perhaps some frozen or canned, organic vegetables, spices and herbs, and voila!, a super healthy, steaming hot dinner in 5 minutes. I think I’ve made a dozen different types of tomato soup in the last two weeks alone!

These soups all use the same basic recipe. Check out more information at All Souped Up, via Shape.

12. Mason Jar Salad. This is perfect for the office worker or those on the go!

Beth / Eat Within Your Means / Via

13. The definitive Paleo guide.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed / Via

14. Want a snack? Put down the cookies and chips, and reap the financial rewards, not just the healthy ones! Plus, you’ll be avoiding a lot of extra, empty calories, void of any nutrition.


15. “Plant the Plate,” illustrates how American farmers could produce enough fruits and vegetables to meet growing demand, create jobs, and support their local economies.


19 Photos of Animals Getting Cozy with Camera Gear

Some of the most popular wildlife photos on 500px have happened when the photographer stepped away from their camera and let the animals take over.

From a red squirrel seeking the cozy shelter of a massive lens hood, to adorable meerkat camera assistants, to an owl that is NOT impressed with the GoPro Hero trying to take its portrait, here are 19 of our favorite images of wildlife getting cozy with camera equipment.

1.Seems as good a place as any to take a breather and enjoy a peanut.
2.What are you lookin’ at!?Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear2
3.May I?Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
4.Changing settings can be a real pain when you don’t have opposable thumbs…Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
5.Close enough?Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
6.Most adorable camera assistants.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
8.Hero down! Puffin to the rescue.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
9.Well… they’re not getting that camera back.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
10.Trying out a film SLR for the first time can be pretty scary.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
11.Group shot!Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
12.Striking a pose with her new camera.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
13.Not sure if he wants to take my photo… or eat me.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
14.Squirrely image stabilization.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
15.Seems a bit… smug, doesn’t he?Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
16.Patiently waiting for that perfect shot.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
17.Lining up the shot… Kingfisher style.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
18.I’m sure he’s just checking the lens for scratches.Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1
19.Gimme!Animals-Getting-Cozy-with-Camera-Gear1To see more photos of wildlife — both behind and in front of the lens — check out the 500px’s Editors’ Choice Animal photos or click here to browse through some adorable photos of foxes frolicking in the snow.

14 Winter Images to turn You into Ice

Winter is coming (because it’s surely not here yet). Get your frozen-weather fix right here.

Winter may be a bit late coming this year (especially in Europe!), so we thought we’d share a few of our favourite snow-inspired images.

From ice climbing in some unexpected places to camping in the snow, here’s a few ways to have some winter fun!


1.Climbing (man-made) ice

Climbing the Harbin ice.


The Harbin Ice Festival sees incredible man-made constructions out of ice – statues, sculptures, even buildings. And if it goes up, why not climb it?

© Franz Walter

2.Rocking the ice

Stephanie Maureau bouldering on the ice.


Stephanie Maureau on an ice-bouldering route under the Mer de Glace, the glacier on the Mt Blanc Massif.

© Lukasz Warzecha

3.Above the clouds

Andrzej Bargiel hiking up the Kasprowy Wierch.


Andrzej Bargiel approaches the top of “Kasprowy Wierch”, high above the clouds in Tatry. The ski down is certain to be much faster than the climb up.

© Marcin Kin

4.Hanging out

Gordon McArthur climbing over rocks and ice at the Bull River Canyon in Canada.


Overhanging and overheating. Gordon McArthur, during a challenging mixed route in Bull River Canyon, BC, Canada.

© Lukasz Warzecha

5.Edging on ice

Andrzej Bargiel skiing on a iceberg in Tibet.


Wanna see how sharp the edges on your skis are? Andrzej Bargiel has a (not so?) fun way to find out – hanging out on the side of a small hill of rock-hard ice in the Himalayas. Dangerous? Less dangerous than other places he’s probably done this.

© Marcin Kin

6.Lighting the ice

Light shining through ice.


Ice and light combine to create an incredible, surreal image.

© Getty Images/Flickr RF

7.Crystal clear

The sun shining through ice at the Lake Baikal.


The sun shining through ice at the Lake Baikal. The lake – one of the consistently coldest in the world – is nearly entirely devoid of plant or animal life, meaning it produces crystal clear ice as seen above.

© Getty Images

8.Waterfall of the Gods

Cold water flowing down the Godafoss waterfall in Iceland.


The Godafoss – one of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland – in mid-winter. It’s name literally means ‘waterfall of the gods’, and it’s over 12m high and 30m wide.

© Getty Images

9.Cold caving

Male ice climber exploring the ice cave.


An ice climber explorers a very cold – and possibly old – cave, likely inside a glacier.

© Getty Images

10.Blue hole

Icicles hanging down but you can still see the sky.


This is somewhere you don’t want to fall down – unless you’ve got a pair of ice axes and crampons to climb out with.

© Getty Images/Flickr Open

11.Biking the blue wall

Biking behind blue frozen waterfall


Haven’t heard of ‘fat bikes’? They’re the easiest way to go biking where one normally would ride there skis. Where is this frozen waterfall? It’s a secret.

© Getty Images

12.Camping in the cold

The sun is rising over the camp in Nepal.


Camp 1 in Manaslu, Nepal, in October, 2014. 5,800m of altitude. Some places in the world aren’t lacking for snow – ever.

© Marcin Kin

13.Cracking the climb

Pawel Karczmarczyk ice climbing high above in Rjukan.


Pawel Karczmarczyk in Rjukan. Ice climbing is about knowing how to use your tools. A solid swing of his ice axe sends cracks spider-webbing out into the ice block.

© Marcin Kin

14.Himalaya sunset

Sunset over the Himalaya


Sunsets aren’t all about the beach. The day draws to a close in Tibet. Get a good night’s rest, for tomorrow brings more adventure!


These Dreamlike Photo Manipulations Were Created Using Only an iPhone

By day, Robert Jahns is a digital artist and art director based in Germany. By night, he’s known as nois7 on Instagram and runs a popular account boasting more than 600,000 followers. His stream of images consists of dreamlike photos that are often clearly the result of compositing, but there’s one hidden fact that sets Jahns apart: his editing is done strictly on his phone.

Each of the surreal images was created by using a number of image editing apps on Jahns’ iPhone — apps like VSCOcam, ArtStudio, PhotoForge2, Snapseed, and Filterstorm. The editing takes between two hours and several days to complete.

Many of the photographs are from Jahns’ personal collection of images created during vacations around the world and shot with either an iPhone or a DSLR. Others are stock photos purchased and combined with other images. Still others are from collaborations with photographers Jahns comes in contact with.

It seems that people are mesmerized by his work. Jahns tells us that his Instagram posts currently average 37,000 likes and 800 comments. The success of his social media endeavors have turned into “real world” achievements as well: in addition to being interviewed by some major newspapers around the world and collaborating with famous individuals (e.g. Tyra Banks), Jahns has exhibited images in Los Angeles and has sold a work at a charity exhibition in Berlin.

Here’s a number of popular images he has posted:


















Some of Jahns’ photographs aren’t the result of clever manipulations at all, but are instead created from unique perspectives and opportunities. This “sitting above central park” photograph was shot from a helicopter:



You can see more of Jahns’ work on his website and through his Instagram account.

17 Cats Who Partied A Little Too Much On New Year’s Eve

Oof. January 1st is here again: the day for Advil, vitamin C, sunglasses, closed curtains, and a vast array of hangover remedies.

That fifth, sixth, or seventh glass of celebratory champagne seemed like the best idea you ever had at 1AM, but come morning, there’s nothing you regret more.

Your head is pounding and you wish that you had a robot to bring you the tallest glass of ice water, because the kitchen is so… far… away.

The Cats kingdom also goes a little wild on NYE, and 2014 was no different. Should we check in and see how they’re doing after their raucous night of celebrating?

1. “Just woke up but I think I’m still feelin’ it a lil bit.”

"Just woke up but I think I'm still feelin' it a lil bit."

2. “I’m not leaving this bed. Not today. NOT EVER.”

"I'm not leaving this bed. Not today. NOT EVER."

3. “Uhhh…will I ever remember how to cat again??”

"Uhhh...will I ever remember how to cat again??"

4. “Who the hell do you think you are waking me up before noon?”

"Who the hell do you think you are waking me up before noon?"

5. “I kissed WHO at midnight?!”

"I kissed WHO at midnight?!"

6. “Heh…so…anyone wanna explain how I ended up in here?”

" wanna explain how I ended up in here?"

7. “I can’t come out for another ten years the light will melt me and my pounding head.”

"I can't come out for another ten years the light will melt me and my pounding head."

8. “K, anyone care to explain why I woke up like this??”

"K, anyone care to explain why I woke up like this??"

9. “HAHAHA everything hurts and I hate myself.”

"HAHAHA everything hurts and I hate myself."

10. “Just wondering…will the feeling in my paws ever return?”

"Just wondering...will the feeling in my paws ever return?"

11. “Haha, why did I Instagram 23 selfies from this child’s playground swing last night?”

"Haha, why did I Instagram 23 selfies from this child's playground swing last night?"

12. “Maybe if I hide here forever everyone will forget about all my drunk texts from last night.”

"Maybe if I hide here forever everyone will forget about all my drunk texts from last night."

13. “You have three seconds to get the hell out of my bedroom.”

"You have three seconds to get the hell out of my bedroom."

14. “I know we only drunkenly kissed once at midnight but I think it might be love.”

"I know we only drunkenly kissed once at midnight but I think it might be love."

15. “Hood is stayin’ up all day long and nothin’ is gonna change that.”

"Hood is stayin' up all day long and nothin' is gonna change that."

16. “I thought you said you loved me, not that youloafed me..”

"I thought you said you loved me, not that you loafed me.."

17. “17. “I love all of you, let’s stay here forever.”

"I love all of you, let's stay here forever."