14 Weird Christmas Stock Photos That Make Your Holidays Look Normal

Once the first couple of holiday parties have passed, and the stress of shopping and travel kick in, the magic of Christmas starts to dull a little.

Here you are, trying to enjoy a candy cane and Nat King Cole, and the holidays have become a never-ending to-do list that just won’t let up. And what’s at the end of all the hustle and bustle? A rushed, chaotic evening with your entire crazy extended family.

Never fear, because you’re not alone. Take a deep breath, and remember that your Christmas could always be a little bit crazier, and a lot weirder. After all, that’s how stock photography has perceived this season.

1. You might think your family is dysfunctional at Christmas.


2. But in reality, whose family isn’t a little weird?


3. Even your drunk uncle screaming about politics isn’t so bad, in retrospect.


4. Don’t be overwhelmed with decorating — keep it simple.


5. The same goes for shopping and gift wrapping.


6. Be sure to keep the pets out of the kitchen, lest you want a Christmas disaster.


7. But even if the turkey burns, party subs never fail when you’re in a jam.


8. Try to remember what the spirit of Christmas is really about ….


9. … It’s about day-dreaming for the year you finally skip Christmas and go on vacation.



10. And stop stressing over the perfect holiday look.


11. At least you’re out of your alternative phase.



12. Remember that when you’re shaking your head at your high school cousin.


13. So don’t worry about making it a holiday your family won’t soon forget.


14. One day, you’ll have a Mele Kalikimaka.



Some of the best Inspirational Life quotes and sayings.

2013 is almost over. It’s nearly that time of year again where you can turn over a new leaf, start from scratch, or just try and be a little bit better in 2014.
In this article we decided to collect some of the best inspirational Sayings about the Life that might use to improve yourself in 2014.
Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others. To be inspired is Great, but to inspire is an Honor! Always have a positive approach in life. Enjoy these beautiful sayings and quotes.

1. “The best can’t find you, until you put the worst behind you.”

The best can't find you, until you put the worst behind you.
Morning Meditation by Lizzy Gadd

2.”Sometimes you’ll never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory!”

Boardwalk by Frank Stathes
Boardwalk by Frank Stathes

3. “Life isn’t always sunshine and butterflies. Sometimes you got to learn to smile through the pain.”

The weight of the pain or the pain by weight  by Miguel Silva
The weight of the pain or the pain by weight by Miguel Silva

4. “Don’t wait until it’s too late, you might not get another chance.”

Photo by Ben Heine
Photo by Ben Heine

5. “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

Photo by Random
Photo by Random

6. “When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you.”

Inspire by Suradej Chuephanich
Inspire by Suradej Chuephanich

7. “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”

Friends by Romualdas Drungilas
Friends by Romualdas Drungilas

8. “Like the sunrise, some things just have to happen and all you can do is watch.”

Sunrise by Random
Sunrise by Random

9. “If they can’t accept you for who you are, they’re not worth it.”

Rose by Random
Rose by Random

10. “Life is nothing but a journey, you choose which road you take to accomplish your dreams and There’s no reason to look back when you have so much to look forward to.”

Road Of Life by Ario Radmanesh
Road Of Life by Ario Radmanesh

11. “You can’t control where you come from, but you can always control where you are going, Life goes on, so don’t waste your time worrying about your mistakes. Leave the past where it belongs”.

Room with a view by Andrew Murdock
Room with a view by Andrew Murdock

12. In my life;
I’ve lived, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve missed, I’ve hurt, I’ve trusted, I’ve made mistakes, but most of all, I’ve learned…

Photo by Random
Photo by Random

13. “Don’t confuse your Path with your Destination, just because it’s stormy now, doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for Sunshine”.

Storm and Sunshine by Beauty
Storm and Sunshine by Beauty

14.”Life fails to be perfect, but never fails to be beautiful. Never give up. Great things take time”

Photo by Random
Photo by Random

Whether it’s the BEST times or the WORST times…It’s the ONLY time you’ve got.

Once upon a time  by Ľubomír Červenec
Once upon a time by Ľubomír Červenec

Awesome parents recreate famous movie scenes with their adorable baby

This is adorable. Lilly and Leon Mackie play dress up with their little kid Orson and turn him into baby versions of Luke Skywalker, baby Batman, baby Macaulay Culkin, baby Castaway and so forth so that they could recreate scenes from famous movies. You’ll see mom, dad and child pose for photos of baby versions of Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Die Hard, Terminator, Jaws and so many more classics. Orson is going to grow up awesome.

Lilly and Leon use cardboard boxes (accumulated from moving to a new country) and their baby to set the scene. Everything is homemade and the pictures are posted to their websiteCardboardBoxOffice.com. The scenes are often perfect, almost always cute and just a lovable exercise to do with your little one.

THE LIFE DOMESTIC   film: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
film: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Film: Home Alone
THE WORLD’S SMALLEST INDIAN Film: The World’s Fastest Indian
Film: The World’s Fastest Indian
Film: Jurassic Park
Film: The Dark Knight
THE CRADLE OF DOOM Film: The Temple of Doom
Film: The Temple of Doom
“PAPA LA VISTA, BABY.” Film: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Film: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DRIBBLY Film: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Film: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Film: Die Hard
WAH WARS film: Star Wars
film: Star Wars

How Our World Would Look If You Were A Bird

Most of the pictures are of places or things that most of us could easily identify right away. The images illustrate just how much a change in perspective can alter. It’s also worth noting that a few of these sites, like the Pyramids of Giza and the hotels in Dubai, were designed with an aerial perspective in mind. The designs of certain Dubai hotels can only be appreciated fully from above, and some theorize that the Pyramids of Giza were meant to be aligned with the stars in Orion’s Belt.

Although taking photographs from a bird’s actual perspective is possible, most photographers prefer taking pictures like these from hot-air balloons, helicopters, gliders, or very tall structures. A few of the photographs also seem to be taken from altitudes that even birds couldn’t reach. None of this, however, detracts from their epic beauty.

1. Barcelona

Image credits: Aldas Kirvaitis

2. Central Park, New York City

Image credits: Sergey Semenov

3. Maze at Longleat, England

Image credits: archive.4plebs.org

4. Mexico City

Image credits: Pablo Lopez Luz

5. Venice

Image credits: Yann Arthus Bertrand

6. Amsterdam

Image credits: unknown

7. Giza Pyramids, Egypt

Image credits: satimagingcorp.com

8. Niagara Falls, U.S.A.

Image credits: thezooom.com

9. Namib Desert, Namibia

Image credits: SysaWorld Roberto Moiola

10. Chicago

Image credits:  Robert Elves

11. Tulip Fields, The Netherlands

Image credits: Normann Szkop

12. Bern

Image credits: imgur.com

13. Mangroves in New Caledonia

Image credits: Yann Arthus Bertrand

14. Dubai

Image credits: unknown

15. Dubrovnik

Image credits: Michaelphillipr

16. Paris

Image credits: imgur.com

17. Meskendir Valley, Turkey

Image credits: Beng Lieu Song

18. Shanghai

Image credits: imgur.com

19. Cape Town

Image credits: imgur.com

20. Moscow

Image credits: imgur.com

21. Athens

Image credits: imgur.com

22. Vancouver

Image credits: Evan Leeson

23. Male, Maldives

Image credits:  Mohamed Abdulla Shafeeg

24. Seattle

Image credits: thatcherphotography.com

25. Vatican City

Image credits: Randy P

26. Bac Son Valley, Vietnam

Image credits: Hai Thinh

27. Marina Bay, Dubai

Image credits: airpano.com

28. Rio de Janeiro

Image credits: Antonello

29. Terraced Rice Fields, China

Image credits: Thierry Bornier

30. A Lake in Pomerania, Poland

Image credits: Kacper Kowalski

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The Godfather Guide To A Good And Happy Life

Do you ever feel that you have so many ‘life rules’ thrown at you that you can’t even remember them, let alone make sense of them?

You’re not alone in feeling like that.

The ‘rules of life’ that have stuck most easily with me have come from movies – perhaps because they’re not only visual, they’re visceral.

There is a scene in The Last Samuraiwhere Katsumoto and Algren are about to advance to almost certain death and Katsumoto says: “Do you believe a man can change his destiny?’ Algren answers: ‘I believe a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed to him.’ There’s Buddha right there, a philosophy of life you can live by.

Perhaps one of the greatest movies that provides some of the greatest rules for living well is The Godfather. Michael Corleone lived a Shakespearian tragedy. But if he had taken his own good advice and that of his family it might all have been so different:

Here are 9 Corleone rules you could build a good and happy life on:

1. A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man – Don Corleone to Sunny Corleone

Building a business is hard work. There are countless hours spent stressing, planning, focusing – and no guarantees at the end of it. And it requires Olympic level mental energy. You have to prioritize your time; but don’t let your family come second. You’re doing it for them, right? What’s the point if they’re not there when it’s all done? Set strict work hours and keep to them. Or your successful business will end up owning you. And what’s successful about that?

2. You act like a man (slap!!). What’s the matter with you?– Don Corleone to Johnny Fontaine

Don’t whine when things don’t go your way. Change what you can and what you can’t change – suck it up. Lose your cool about it and you just lose other people’s respect. Remember: Life is not always fair. Deal with it. (slap!)

3. I don’t like violence, Tom. I’m a businessman. Blood is a big expense.– Solozzo to Tom Hagen

Anger is unhealthy in business and in relationships. It doesn’t mean you can’t get pissed off – if you didn’t, there would be something wrong. But how you deal with it, that’s another matter. Go to the gym, run ten kilometres, burn off the rage, get away from whatever is scorching you up BEFORE you lose it. Deal with the problem yes, but do it when you’re calm. Once there’s blood on the street, literally or figuratively, it’s too late. If you accept anger isn’t a good answer to problems, you have a chance of being happy at home and productive at work. If you can’t control your anger, get help before it screws up your life.

4. My father taught me many things. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. – Michael Corleone to Pentangeli

It’s only too easy to get into conflict with difficult people. Going into battle with them may feel good at the time but it will always end in tears. The answer to people giving you problems is not to tune them out or bawl them out. Have you noticed how that just makes it worse? People are often loud and obnoxious because they think nobody cares about them. Listen to them – everyone is entitled to five minutes of fame. Most negative people feel powerless – show them how to solve their problems rather than blowing them off.

5.Don’t overestimate the power of forgiveness– Michael Corleone to the Archbishop

Your husband left you for an underwear model; your business partner emptied the business account and went to Brazil. Of course you want to get even. You’re only human. But as the ancient saying goes: “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Forgiving doesn’t mean you roll over and let people walk over you, it’s about letting it go. It means they only hurt you once and not every day for the rest of your life. Remember: the best revenge is happiness.

6. I have always believed helping our fellow man is profitable in every sense, personally and bottom line– Michael Corleone to reporters

Whether you feel altruistic or not, helping others is the bottom line of every business and indeed every human endeavour. In a financial sense we prosper by solving other people’s problems, whether we’re writing blogs, taking out an inflamed appendix or selling a car. If you keep this principle in mind in your personal relationships, it will serve you spiritually and emotionally too

7. Go to the mattresses– Sonny Corleone

When things get tough, there are times we have to dig in and just plan on getting through. At these times, life is stripped down to its bare essentials. Maybe we have lost someone close to us; perhaps it’s a personal financial disaster; or we face a health crisis. All we can do is sleep, eat, fight and think of nothing else till the peace returns. We all have to go to the mattresses sometimes. Know the time, and do it.

8. There wasn’t enough time, Michael, there wasn’t enough time.– Don Corleone to Michael

Life is short. It never seems that way when we’re young. But as you get older, reality bites. Remembering the brevity of existence should be a spur not a cause for despair. While you’re alive there’s still time to fulfil your dreams. So seize the day. Life is not a dress rehearsal, you only get one shot. More than money, charm or looks, time is the greatest gift there is. If you’re reading this, you still have some left. Spend it wisely.
Life is never like the movies. There isn’t always a happy ending when we want one, and the bad guys don’t always get what’s coming to them.

We’ve all seen the way it really works, right?

But that doesn’t mean it’s all wrong and sometimes there’s some great truths in great movies, if we would only pay attention.

So listen to what the Godfather is telling you; pay attention to your family, don’t let anger control you, remember that serving others is the way to success. Maybe you’ve heard all these things before. But the way the Don says them, maybe you’ll pay better attention.

There’s plenty for everyone to wet their beak a little. Start wetting yours.

And last and most important of all, remember this:

 9.Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.– Clemenza to Rocco

If you’ve ever had cannoli, you know it makes sense.

Christmas Gift Ideas



So it’s that time of year again! The time when Christmas is slowly closing in & you’re only now realizing you still have more than 1/2 your friends & family to shop for. And you’re on a budget. And you’re also not completely sure what to get them. Never fear, I’ve compiled a list of items, and personality traits you may want to look out for when thinking about purchasing (or starting to make) gifts.

1) Sentimental People: Make something!

If you know someone who’s particularly sentimental (they never throw away things for memories, they have lots of albums, and things of that nature) they’ll probably love if you made them something, rather than buy. Now, I can’t tell you exactly what to make, but maybe a small album of pictures with you guys together, or a frame with a picture, or something like that! Keep your gift sweet!

2) Not So Sentimental People: Don’t feel obligated to break the bank.

Now, we also all know those people who seem to think Christmas is a time to get showered in diamonds and jewels & who seemingly just don’t understand you’re not Bill Gates & cannot get them a Ferrari for Christmas. For these people I say, buy them something you know they’ll like (jewelry, electronics) but don’t feel obligated to break the bank for them (unless you want to ofcourse). Stay within your budget, and if they can’t appreciate your effort then…why are you friends again?

3) People who say, “I don’t want anything, I already have everything I need.”

These are the kinds of people who will probably value your time, and just being able to see you over the holidays than anything you could ever give them. Which is great. These are the kinds of people who truly do make the world go ’round. For them I’d say get them something that gives them an opportunity to spend time with their friends, or family (or you). Treat them to a dinner, a movie ticket for them and a friend, a vacation (if you can afford it) or something along those lines. They just enjoy your company & the company of loved ones.

Hope these things were helpful, and if you’ve got any other kind of personality traits, or gift ideas, feel free to comment them. Someone somewhere will greatly appreciate the help. This could be your gift to someone else.



What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful – Amazing quotes

“Spend less time shopping, more time traveling.”

– Amy Chan

“The right person is made, not found.”

-Nadeen Neary

“Gratitude is a choice. Happiness is an attitude.”

– Amy C.

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”

– Rumi

“If you want to know someone, just look at who they choose to spend their time with”

– Amy C.

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

– Roald Dahl

“Design your life.”

Amy C.

“And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the world is unfolding as it should.”

– Desiderata

“You may not be able to change the events of your history, but you can change the story you’ve attached to those events.”

– Amy C.

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

– Elizabeth Kubler Ross

“You cannot teach ambition.”

Amy C.

“All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.”

Mitch Albom

“Integrity is when your good intentions meet your actions – on a consistent basis.”

Amy C.

“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”

– Napoleon Hill

“You don’t achieve greatness in life by being surrounded by mediocre people with mediocre values. Choose your company wisely.”

– Amy C.

“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”

– Madeleine Albright

“You allow people to treat you the way they do. Your energy, confidence and attitude is the currency that others will transact with.”

– Amy C.

“Never make decisions from a place of lack.”

– Arianna Huffington

“Strive to be authentic, not perfect.”

Amy C.

“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”

– Margaret Thatcher

“Hold yourself on your own. A man’s job in a romantic dynamic is not to be your butler, bank account or your father.”

– Amy C.

“Love when you are ready, not when you’re lonely.”

– Annonymous

“Sometimes, things need to come undone for better things to come together.”

– Amy C.

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”

– Perks of Being a Wallflower

“There’s a great difference between being positive and being delusional.”

– Amy C.

“There is no in-between. You are either a bystander or a difference maker in the face of changing trauma.”

– Devon Brooks

“People will become what you think of them. See them for their beauty and they will rise up. See them for their darkness, and they will fall.”

– Amy C.

How to Be a Better Human – A Contract With Myself

Photo by Soyon Im

I’ve never been big on new years resolutions. Setting grand, lofty resolutions only to be forgotten weeks into the year may be well intended, but for the most part, are ineffective.

I am a true believer that it’s the small, everyday changes we make that collectively result in great change. So this year, instead of creating a new set of goals and resolutions, I’ve decided to create a contract. This is a contract with myself, on the everyday behaviors and perspectives I can incorporate so I can grow – so that I can be the best version of “me”, that I can be.

1. Spend less time shopping, more time traveling.

Yes, those stilettos have a slightly different heel than the ones already have in your closet, and yes, they are gorgeous. But you’ll forget about those shoes in a season, and could have spent that money on a trip where you would have met new people and savored a heart enriching memory. Invest in experiences, not things.

2. Start honoring your intuition.

You know that feeling of resistance and hesitation you’ve ignored all these years? Well, it’s time to start listening. You’ve been through enough life situations and met enough people to give your intuition the trust and respect it deserves. Next time your gut tells you something, don’t make excuses to justify it into silence. Listen.

3. Remember that your parents are aging. And one day it will be too late to call, write and make time for them.

There is this naivety that comes along with youth, where you think that you’re invincible, and nothing bad will ever happen to you or the people you love. But as you grow older, you start to realize this isn’t the case. No matter what your relationship is with your parents, you will miss them when they are gone. Make the time now to show that you appreciate them. Learn their stories, ask them new questions and find out as much about their history as possible. “Don’t wait until a crisis to discover what is important in your life.”

4. When you’re feeling impatient, adjust your reaction.

Yes you’re busy. But don’t think you’re more important or more entitled that you actually are. Before you roll your eyes because the cashier is being too slow, or silently judge someone’s intelligence because they are taking too long, adjust your reaction and remember, it’s not your place to make someone feel anxiety because they aren’t performing a task at the pace you’d prefer.

5. Each week, do something to show appreciation for someone.

Write a card, send flowers ‘just because’, or pick up the phone and call. Do something random to show someone you love that you appreciate and care about them. Making someone feel special shouldn’t be reserved for birthdays or Hallmark holidays. Make proactive gestures of appreciation a part of your weekly routine.

6. Start your morning with “me” time.

Before the rush of the workday begins, start your morning off with some “me” time. Fill that time with something that feeds your spirit. Meditate, read, go for a walk… Don’t make the first thing you do before you get out of bed to grab your phone and check your email. If you start your day with a sense of calm, you can set precedent for the tone of the rest of your day.

7. Say a positive affirmation aloud every morning.

Seems cheesy. But it works. Every morning, look in the mirror, say a positive affirmation. Start your morning that way and it will affect the attitude you choose for the day.

8. Carve out time everyday to feed a passion.

Make it a daily habit to carve time out to do something that feeds a passion or builds on your personal development. Write, doodle, make something with your hands, dance…. It’s easy to get caught up in the minutia of everyday. If you need to, schedule that time in your calendar. If you woke up half an hour earlier and slept half an hour later each day to feed a side project, by the end of the year, you’d have over two extra full weeks spent doing something that is soul enriching.

9. Before bed, write or say aloud something you’re grateful for.

Gratitude rewires your brain for happiness. Write down something you’re grateful for every night before bed. Make that ritual of gratitude be the last thing you do before you sleep.

10. The person in front of you is more important than your phone.

As someone who prides yourself on having good manners, since when did it become normalized to check your phone in the middle of a conversation? It’s easy to get addicted to your Instagram feed. We’ve become so accustomed to racing to react to the sound of a new message, alert or email coming in, that we forget that such constant “connection” is what’s disconnecting us more than ever. Remind yourself that the email can wait. Your Instagram followers will understand if you don’t post that photo of our meal in real time. Remind yourself that being present is the most authentic way of truly experiencing something – whether that be a dinner conversation, a concert or a hike. That urge to capture the moment in a picture, document and share with the world doesn’t add to that experience’s authenticity, in fact, it detracts from it.

It’s addictive, being a slave to your phone. Start by small changes. When someone is speaking to you, stop typing, looking at your screen and pay full attention. When you’re having a meal with someone, leave your phone off the table so that you’re not tempted to keep checking it.

11. When you’re feeling judgmental, remember, empathy always wins.

People are going to frustrate you, hurt you and even enrage you. It’ll be easy to hate or judge these people. But try to think about why that person is behaving that way. Remember that “hurt people hurt people”. Think about what their childhood may have been like, what they may be going through, what they’re scared of. When you’re angry or blaming someone, it’s easy to dehumanize the person. But even the target of your frustration has a history and a story. Ask yourself why the person is affecting you so much as there’s likely something you can learn from the challenging interaction.


Lastly, don’t be so hard on yourself. You will slip. There will be times where you’ll be lazy and lack the discipline to follow the points of this contract. Don’t self loathe when you do. Remember to be gentle with yourself. Give yourself permission to be soft, to not know all the answers, to be vulnerable, and most importantly, to be human…