Interior design comes in so many forms, and while so many are working on creating lighter and brighter spaces; lighting design and the use of blacklights is highly underrated. From pools to theater rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and everything in between– blacklights can be applied in a tasteful way that doesn’t only allude to the psychedelic times of the 60s.

Whether you’re looking to go all the way with your lighting design or just add a touch of the blacklight bulbs somewhere in (or outside of) your space– we’ve got you covered with 10 spaces that all include some sort of blacklight designs.











Start your day the right way with a healthy breakfast and this will help you to lose weight; there are so many reasons why breakfast is important for weight loss. Yes, breakfast in still the most important meal of the day. Studies show if you eat breakfast, you will have lower body fat, perform better at work and will be in a better mood. So what are you waiting for? Here are the reasons breakfast is important for weight loss.


By eating breakfast you will break the night fasting state your body is in, and increase your metabolism, which will help you to lose weight. Studies also show by eating breakfast you will be less hungry throughout the day, which is one of the many reasons why breakfast is important for weight loss.


Eating a high protein meal for breakfast will help to curb your hunger so you will make better nutrition choices throughout the day. So start your day with some eggs and this will aid in your weight loss efforts!


Studies show that people who eat breakfast have more stable insulin levels, and this will put them in a better mood. Happy people usually make better nutrition choices and this will aid in your weight loss journey.


Breakfast is one of the easiest meals to make. You can boil some eggs, make an egg white omelet or a healthy green shake, all made with minimal effort. No sweat, right? And while your breakfast is cooking you can jog in place to burn some extra calories!


Let’s face it: if your daily breakfast consists of a cup of coffee you are going to lack energy. Why? Because coffee is without any nutritional value… so have a healthy meal. Have a omelet and you will have more energy to exercise and this will help you lose weight.


Eating a healthy breakfast will boost your immune system and as a result you will be sick less often, if at all. And when you are healthy you can get your workouts in to reach your weight loss goals. So make sure to choose your healthy breakfast wisely!


Studies show that if you start the day the right way, by choosing a healthy breakfast, you will be more likely to make healthy high fiber, and low glycemic choices throughout the day! This, of course, will help you lose weight more efficiently.

Remember you are capable of starting your day with a healthy breakfast each day! With proper meal planning you can make healthy choices that will affect your weight and health today, tomorrow and for many years to come! And you will show your friends and family a healthy lifestyle that they can embrace as well. Now what will you eat for breakfast to start your day the right way?


If you have ever wanted to go somewhere just a little different, this list of some secret tourist destinations might help you find what you are looking for. Don’t follow the crowds to the usual destinations try one of these lesser known locations instead. You will be amazed what these top secret tourist destinations have to offer and how much fun you will have telling your family and friends about the exotically different vacation you have had.



Whilst Australia certainly isn’t one of the world’s secret tourist destinations, the island of Tasmania off the southern coast is. You will love the beautiful landscape of Tasmania. With its many national parks packed with unspoiled beauty you will have no problem finding something to see or to do. With vibrant and picturesque cities and towns, a strong sailing tradition and a very on-trend foodie scene, Tasmania is a charm.


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The Pyrenees serve as a natural border between Spain and France. This unspoilt location flourishes with an abundance of native flora and fauna and is recognised worldwide for its wild natural beauty. A visit here away from the hustle and bustle of life will put you on the path of relaxation. To explore the Pyrenees fully though could take a lifetime as there is just so much to see. Andorra, a tiny principality in the mountains, is one of Europe’s best kept secret destinations.



Bartolome Island is famous for Pinnacle Rock, a towering spearheaded obelisk that rises from the ocean’s edge and is the best known landmark in the Galapagos. Just east of the pinnacle is a perfectly crescent sandy beach that sea turtles use as a nesting site. You might also see the Galapagos penguins, the only penguins found north of the equator, not to mention sea lions and a multitude of tropical fish, even sharks. There is a pathway with boardwalks and stairs leading to Bartolome’s summit where you are rewarded with spectacular views of the island and nearby Santiago Island. It’s a little secret slice of paradise.


One of the little known secret destinations for tourists is “Mano Del Desierto.” This huge 11 meter tall sculpture of a human hand protrudes from the desert about 75 km south of the town of Antofagasta. It is the work of the Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrazabal and was built in the 1980s. It is so surprising to see as there is nothing else around but sand.



This is one of the only completely preserved Roman cities in the world. It is a great place to soak up the history of an ancient civilisation. Like a typical Roman city there is a gigantic Amphitheatre with a seating capacity for hundreds. Other sites to see are the Hadrianic Bath which has steps leading into these large rectangular pools and the Severan Basilica which is made of red stone. One of the great things about this being one of the lesser known tourist attractions is that there a fewer visitors than in places like Rome, Egypt and Caesarea – means you get to explore ancient ruins at your leisure.


This huge wilderness in Alaska is a wonderful place to visit. There is copious wildlife such as timber wolves, bear, caribou and moose to mention a few. Here you can hike, kayak, go white water rafting, mountain climbing or for something a little less strenuous, take a bush plane flight. A secret treasure in this busy world.


Have you ever wondered what it would have felt like to be Moses and walk through the parting in the Red Sea? Well wonder no more! In the Netherlands, they have a unique attraction, the Moses Bridge where you can feel what it would have been like. Created by RO and AD Structures Group and made completely out of waterproof wood, it lays like a trench through the water, parting it.



The Amazon and the magnificent cities of Rio and Brasilia are always quoted as being amazing places to visit, but one of the best and secret tourist destinations in Brazil is the Pantanal Wetlands – especially for wildlife lovers. The massive ponds and vast grasslands make wildlife viewing much easier than in the Amazon and this is reputedly the best place in the world to see jaguars.



This amazing place is probably one of the lesser known tourist destinations because it only exists for part of the year. In winter, the Gruner See (Green Lake) is a shallow lake, often frozen over, surrounded by the gorgeous snow covered Alps. Come summer, however, the lake has been swelled by the flood waters of melted snow and ice, and in some parts the water is 30 feet deep. The summer lake becomes a diving playground and as well as seeing fish and water life, divers can swim past road signs, under bridges and past benches that are visible above ground on winter hikes.



It’s good that you’ve probably never heard of the Tuamotu Islands – that makes it one of the best secret tourist destinations. Part of French Polynesia, these islands are a massive series of atolls and it surely deserves the title paradise on earth. Who is going to love this place? Lovers of stunning beaches – absolutely. Divers and snorkelers – definitely. Completely unspoiled, uncrowded and unpolluted, the waters around the coral atolls are crystal clear and packed with tropical fish, sharks and rays.

If you’re looking for something a little different or off the beaten track for your next vacation, maybe some of these secret tourist destinations have inspired you?

Amazing street Art

Street art has long moved on to a new level. It is not just writing in the style of “Sasha + Masha = Love”, are true works of art. And it’s not just about graffiti, some of which have long be called masterpieces, but also on a more non-traditional street art. Enjoy with this amazing collection of more than 100 amazing pieces of street art.

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1. Glasgow. (Photo by SmugOne)

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2. Boeing, Liverpool. (Photo by SmugOne)

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3. “I like a bite …”. Denmark, 2011. (Photo by SmugOne)

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4. “Good Morning, Vietnam … or even Glasgow ..”. (Photo by SmugOne)

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5. Breakthrough, Tula, Russia. (Photo by Graffiti & Streetart Corner)

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6. “Bronco guy.” (Photo by Sam Horine)

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7. (Photo by Sirak)

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8. Rat by Banksy, New Orleans. (Photo by Infrogmation of New Orleans)

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9. “The walls speak to us.” Santiago. (Photo by Leon Calquin)

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10. Jack – Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Kai)

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11. “Reunion”. Kolonaki, Athens, Greece. (Photo by Alέxandros Bairamidis)

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12. Classics. Bristol, 2011. (Photo by FAKE)

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13. “The world’s largest museum in the open air.” (Photo by Iluminada Fajardo-Castigador)

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15. “Death, too, need to rest.” (Photo by MTO)

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16. “Dirty Luke.” Bristol, 2010. (Photo by Alex Ellison)

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17. Striptease. London, 2011. (Photo by Paolo)

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18. London, 2010. (Photo by urbanartcore.eu)

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19. “A walk on the wild nature.” Seoul, South Korea. (Photo by Rob Allen)

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20. Dr. D., London, 2010. (Photo by Paolo)

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21. “Manifesto”, Hamburg. (Photo by ZONENKINDER Collective)

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22. “Slime”. (Photo by Romany WG)

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23. “Eagle”, Hayward, California. (Photo by Sherrie Thai)

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24. “Lilliput”. Brooklyn, United States, 2011. (Photo by Luna Park)

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25. Paris, France, 2011. (Photo by ZHE155)

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26. Child – brainwashing. Paris, 2010. (Photo by Olivier B.)

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27. “Girl with a cat.” Athens. (Photo by Michel)

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28. “Ha-ha.” Brussels, Belgium. (Photo by egonb12)

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29. At the festival in France. (Photo by Thomas Chrétien)

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30. “Processing”. Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by MV Jantzen)

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31. Paris, 2011. (Photo by oeildetat)

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32. “Time of signs.” London, 2011. (Photo by annar_50)

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33. Bristol, United Kingdom, 2011. (Photo by iyers)

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34. “Out of sight – out of mind.” Salzburg, Austria, 2011. (Photo by MeerSau Lumpenpack)

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35. Stencil Art, Amsterdam. (Photo by Anneke van Beek)

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36. Lodz, Poland. (Photo by Aryz)

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37. Leakage paint Brooklyn, USA. , 2011. (Photo by Luna Park)

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38. “Bouncer”, Munich, Germany, in 2011. (Photo by txmx 2)

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39. “The Army.” Mexico City. (Photo by Pixelpancho)

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40. London, United Kingdom. (Photo by High Roller Society)

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41. Urban researcher. (Photo by Romany WG)

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42. Milan. (Photo by Walls Of Milano)

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43. Festival of chalk. (Photo by Craig Lefebvre)

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44. “Escape”, Athens. (Photo by iNO-1)

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45. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Photo by ROA!)

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46. “What kind of animal are you?”. Macao, 2012. (Photo by Roger Price)

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47. Nick Walker, 2012. (Photo by Marc Panchaud)

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48. Berlin. (Photo by AliCè)

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49. “Murrr.” Italy. (Photo by Margherita Atzori)

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50. Stick. London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Myriam JC Preston)

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51. London. (Photo by Annar_50)

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52. Graffiti from Paulo Ito. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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53. Hamburg, 2012. (Photo by rauter25)

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54. Festival of Nature, 2012. (Photo by ZONENKINDER Collective)

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55. Oslo, 2012. (Photo by Leon Calquin)

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56. Sydney, 2012. (Photo by baddogwhiskas)

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57. “Garbage in the face.” Hamburg, 2012. (Photo by Tanja Djordjevic)

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58. Street art from the tap. (Photo by Cranio)

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59. Paris. (Photo by Ender)

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60. Fred Ille. (Photo by W.HB)

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61. Paris. (Photo by Ender)

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62. Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia. (Photo by Amir Ganu)

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63. “Kids want to regain the city.” Copenhagen. (Photo by Colville-Andersen)

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64. City Garden, Seville, 2013. (Photo by Alejandro Dorda Mevs)

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65. Barcelona. (Photo by Leo)

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66. New York, USA. (Photo by sabeth718)

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67. “Shark Attack”. Belgium. (Photo by Bart Smeets / Yves Calomme)

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68. Church of Saint-Germain in Paris. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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69. Brooklyn, USA. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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70. London. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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71. Paris. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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72. Paris. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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73. Paris. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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74. Paris. (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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75. Paris. “They are made out of clay.” (Photo by Christian Guémy)

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76. Lviv, Ukraine. (Photo by Julien Malland)

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77. Cambodia, Phnom Penh, street 209. (Photo by Julien Malland)

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78. Ho Chi Minh City. (Photo by Julien Malland)

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79. (Photo by Julien Malland)

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80. Sevastopol, Ukraine. (Photo by Julien Malland)

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81. Sao Paulo, 2007. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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82. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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83. São Paulo, in 2009. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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84. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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85. Sao Paulo. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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86. São Paulo, in 2009. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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87. São Paulo, in 2009. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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88. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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89. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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90. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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91. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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92. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo by Fernando Gomes)

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93. São Paulo, in 2011. (Photo byFernando Gomes)

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94. São Paulo, in 2011. (Photo byFernando Gomes)

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95. São Paulo, in 2011. (Photo byFernando Gomes)

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96. São Paulo, in 2011. (Photo byFernando Gomes)

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97. Sao Paulo, 2010. (Photo byFernando Gomes)

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98. Rennes. (Photo by Žilda)

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99. (Photo by Žilda)

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100. Rome. (Photo by Žilda)

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101. London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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102. London. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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103. London. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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104. London. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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105. Banksy. Velikobirtaniya. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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106. “Teddy Baden.” UK. (Phoimg class =

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107. UK. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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108. “Pablo Delgado.” (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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109. “Slime”, UK. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

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110. “Pathos”, UK. (Photo by Mike Panayi)

Leading around the World

Photographer’s girlfriend leads him around the world…. What an amazing project and idea by Murad Osmann and his lovely girlfriend. Check out some of their amazing instagram photos.

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Murad Osmann - Leading around the world

Some of the Most amazing tattoo designs


Highway to Hell – Bolivia’s Road of Death

Bolivia’s North Yungas Road, more commonly known as ‘El Camino de la Muerte’ or ‘The Road of Death’, is said to be the most dangerous road in the world.

A bold claim? Possibly. But when you stop and consider the vast number of accidents occuring along this short stretch of road (at the time of writing, some reports suggest it claims the life of at least 1 unfortunate soul every other day) it certainly ain’t Clapham High Street.

After reading Neil Woodburn’s article on California’s Second Best Stretch of Road, I couldn’t help but compare it to other highways that aren’t quite in the same league. The clear winner in this particular hall of shame – by a long chalk – must go to the perilous North Yungas Road in Bolivia.

This deadly 35 mile stretch between La Paz and Coroico – rightfully nicknamed El Camino de la Muerte, or The Road of Death – is estimated to claim the lives of 200-300 users every year. It’s easy to see why this highway has been labled ‘The World’s Most Dangerous Road‘.

And it’s even easier to understand why tragedies along this particular Bolivian road are so frequent. The coalescence of 900 meter sheer drop-offs, wickedly tight hairpin bends, narrow gauges, and unsealed roads littered with debris from the hillside above simply compound its inherent treachery. And the rain and thick fog that can swiftly envelop the mountainside doesn’t help much either.

“But what about guardrails?” I hear you holler. Guardrails…? No bastante, amigo.

But where there is danger, so shall you find thrill seekers. In recent years, Bolivia’s road of death has seen a considerable increase in the amount of people that actually traverse it for fun.

Now, if you think the buses sound like suicide in a tin then I urge you to read no further.



The foolhardy, or otherwise charmed individual, can now risk meeting their maker along the road of death in another altogether more novel way. Gravity assisted Mountain Biking. Yep, I’m serious.

Adrenaline junkies can now sign up for this white knuckle extravaganza with one of several adventure companies operating within the area. Further information on this extreme downhill mountain biking can probably be Google up by typing “Bicycle”, “Insane B*stard” and “Death wish”.

As for me, I’d prefer to cross my fingers, stuff my backpack full of four leafed clovers and lucky rabbit’s feet (lucky, of course, unless you happen to be that rabbit) and stick with the bus. Activities along the highway of death are clearly best left to those with nerves as robust as their travel insurance.

I do, however, reserve the right to change my mind. It’s been reported that a new road, also connecting La Paz to Coroico, in almost finished. This latest development will no doubt come as welcome news to those that ply Bolivia’s Road of Death, and, of course, to the growing number of daredevils that fancy their chances on this increasingly popular downhill racetrack.

Hotels with rooftop Restaurants

Banyan Tree, Bangkok

There has long been a debate about which Bangkok rooftop restaurant is the best: Sirocco, which claims to offer the highest al fresco dining experience in the world, on the 63rd floor of the Dome at lebua, or Vertigo, on the 61st floor of the Banyan Tree Bangkok. While Sirocco, which is by the river, is slightly higher, Banyan Tree is more central, at the heart of the business district, so the views are even better, taking in both river and city. Expect to be offered seared bay scallops, roasted snow fish and tenderloin Wagyu – and refreshing cocktails such as a Vertigo Sunset (Malibu, pineapple juice, cranberry juice and lime juice) at the adjoining Moon Bar.
If you are going to stay at the hotel, try to book a bedroom as high up as possible, as all have floor-to-ceiling windows that offer the most amazing views. There is also a very good award-winning spa, a health club and an outdoor swimming-pool on the 21st floor. While you are not right next to the river, you are not far away, so be sure to join one of Banyan Tree’s nightly Apsara gourmet river cruises.

Palazzo Manfredi, Rome

It is easy to become slightly blasé about spine-tinglingly beautiful ancient monuments when in Rome, because there are just so many of them, but I will never get blasé about the view from Ristorante Aroma at Hotel Palazzo Manfredi, which is so close to the Colosseum, you could flick an olive stone at it. In fact, the only things between it and the hotel are more ancient ruins. With only 15 elegant rooms and suites (there were 16 but the glorious new Colosseum Suite has been fashioned from two of them), the hotel has a grand but warm, intimate feel about it. Definitely the sort of place you dress up for dinner, Ristorante Aroma is encased in glass in winter but for the rest of the year it is easily Rome’s best al fresco dining terrace.
The utterly delicious seasonal regional food is by Giuseppe Di Iorio with such delights as anchovy flan in a tomato sauce, swordfish parcels with mature Provolone cheese, pine nuts and fresh tomato coulis, and yellow pumpkin risotto. If you are looking for something a little less formal, you can always opt for G&Ts in the hotel’s candlelit rooftop American Bar.

Hôtel de Paris, Monaco

Opened in 1864 to accommodate the influx of high-rollers going to the adjacent Place du Casino de Monte-Carlo, this belle époque monument of a Monaco hotel is probably the glitziest place to stay, although not for the faint of heart or pocket. While the three Michelin-starred Le Louis XV-Alain Ducasse is in some ways the hotel’s main event, I prefer the eighth-floor rooftop restaurant Le Grill, serving a reinterpretation of classic Mediterranean dishes (chilled Brittany lobster, black truffle with spiked artichokes, imperial tangerine soufflé, etc), for its sea views and its retractable roof, ideal for star-gazing on summer nights. The hotel’s dining options are complemented by one of the finest wine cellars in the world.
The other highlight is the Thermes Marins Spa, which is connected to the hotel by a tunnel and has a huge sea-facing indoor seawater pool. The hotel begins an ambitious, four-year refurbishment next January and while it will remain partially open, they cannot confirm whether the sliding roof will be retained, so go now while it is still intact.

Delano, Marrakech

If comfort and glamour win you over more than a sense of place in a hotel, you will probably love the Delano Marrakech, a modern hotel in the Hivernage district of Morocco’s imperial city. Bringing its unique brand of Miami-chic to north Africa, this luxury urban resort designed by Jacques Garcia has lots of bold, Moroccan-influenced design statements but is unrepentantly international. There are three restaurants, including an excellent seasonal northern Italian (try one of the head chef’s signature risottos), and Namazake, an upscale Japanese sake and sashimi affair on the top floor of the hotel. This spills out on to a lovely timber-clad rooftop deck, also home to the Sky Lounge bar, which has breathtaking panoramic views of Marrakech, taking in the medina, Agdal Gardens, the imperial ramparts and the Atlas mountains.
There are also three pools, several boutiques, the Pearl Spa – offering everything from a traditional Moroccan hammam experience to aromatherapy facials – and, opening later this year, a subterranean nightclub.