Some of the best Google+ photography – Part 2

Point Reyes, San Francisco by Casey McCallister
Spring On The Way by Marek Svoboda
Climbing on Mt. Blanc by Robin Pereira
From the Cloud Collection by Nicole S. Young
El Capitan And His Three Brothers – Yosemite National Park, California by Michael Bonocore
Crater Lake Sun Spire by Toby Harriman
Rhinos and Egrets, Lake Nakuru, Kenya by Gail Beerman
Primarlly Divided by William Nichols
Fish Hawk by Zdenek Pachovsky
Fish Hawk by Zdenek Pachovsky
Bohemian Sky || Prague by Elia Locardi
Easter trip by Vit Straka
Dark Forest by Peter From
Dark Forest by Peter From
Spring Evening by Martin Rak
Rodeo by Martyn Davies
Hanging out at Hanging Rock Plantation” – Millen, Georgia by Scott Kublin
Dune in Sossusvlei area of Namib desert by Jari Salo
Approaching Apocalypse by Karel Horacek
Warming Up by Christopher Michel
Clouds by George Christakis
Magic Palace, Antartica by Martin Bailey
“Life’s Little Gifts” by Robin Griggs Wood
Up by Majeed Badizadegan
Big and small by Lumir Koutnik
Kingfisher, Oklahoma by Kelly DeLay
Slow and steady’s best Batur lake and volcano Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia by Jessy Eykendorp
Sunset over Old Faithful by Scott Kublin
Charon by Uladzislau Mihdalionak
That’s What Friends Are For by Kendisan Seruyan
Northern Lights – Crater Lake, Oregon by Michael Bonocore

Survival of the Fittest

This can be called “survival of the fittest” or “being in the wrong place at the wrong time” – depending which way you look. These photos were taken in the perfect moment: when one is about to die, and the other is about to eat. Birds, reptiles and mammals are preparing for the feast!

What BecomingDinner01 death for one, for another life

1. “Great Grey Owl fly south from Canada to Minnesota in the winter to find food. This owl on the north shore of Lake Superior was hunting at dusk. This poor man and mouse out of luck – it did not live up to the sun. “

What BecomingDinner02 death for one, for another life

2. Bald eagle and a duck.

What BecomingDinner03 death for one, for another life

3. Osprey and fish.

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4. Pelican and fish.

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5. Hoopoe and the caterpillar.

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6. Deadlock and an armful of fish.

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7. Bumslang snake and a chameleon.

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8. Indian yellow heron and mouse.

What BecomingDinner09 death for one, for another life

9. Scarletail buzzard and protein.

What BecomingDinner10 death for one, for another life

10. Snake and a big fish.

What BecomingDinner11 death for one, for another life

11. Brown bear and salmon.

What BecomingDinner12 death for one, for another life

12. Alligator bites fish.

What BecomingDinner13 death for one, for another life

13. Leopard seal and penguin.

What BecomingDinner14 death for one, for another life

14. Lion and wildebeest.

What BecomingDinner15 death for one, for another life

15. Zebra and a pack of hyenas.

What BecomingDinner15 death for one, for another life

15. Eagle and a snake.

Some of the best photographs – Elia Locardi

Elia Locardi is a lover of life, a creature born from experience, and a collection of short stories. He has a hunger for adventure and a strong thirst for caffeine. He takes shelter in the world, traveling from place to place, going with the flow and always striving to move forward – to progress – to learn – and to understand.
He fall in love with each place he visit and with each photograph he try to share his vision with others so they can see things the way he do, full of color and emotion, depth and texture. He want to inspire people to travel for themselves, visit these beautiful places, and to fall in love with the beauty of the world. Check out this amazing photography collection .


8 Powerful Lessons I learned from Will Smith

Will Smith loves life. Will smith is one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. He is a very likable person that has a unique magnetic field of enthusiasm that pulls you in. This kind of personality isn’t that common in Hollywood and because of it, Will stands out like a toothpick.

I recently landed on his interview videos that got my gears turning. After watching them, I experienced a vibrant force of courage, wisdom, and inspiration. This experience had to be shared with bright minds, which essentially led me to writing this very article. If you have an open mind, get ready to absorb interesting views on life. Here are the energetic lessons I learned from Will Smith.

Read books

Do you know how many people lived before you? Millions, billions and probably gazillions. There is not a problem that somebody hasn’t already solved and wrote a book about it. relationships, dating, school, friends, parenting, work, you name it. Even if you hate reading, you can have somebody read books to you. It’s called Audible.

There is no reason to have a plan B, because it distracts from plan A.

Focus on one thing and cut all distractions. This sort of self-discipline cannot be purchased at a local store, you must train yourself to meet it. To get up the stairs, you must take the first step. I would strongly suggest getting a white piece of paper and start writing down things that are slowing you down. Even if it’s people who are holding you back, they need to go. Remember this: Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.


When you’re running, there is a tiny person in your head that’s telling you to stop. If you learn to defeat that person in your head, then you can truly conquer any task you desire. It’s as simple as that.

You must believe your dream is possible before anyone else does. 

2 + 2 = 4 only if you believe it. You have the power to make 2 + 2 be equal to whatever the hell you want. Make a choice about who your gonna be and how you will get there. Put your head down and power through. They guy/gal who is willing to hustle the most will reach the finish line. The majority of people who aren’t getting to places they want or achieving what they want, is strictly based on hustle. Don’t ever let anybody out work you.

Using your life to make a difference in someone else’s

Helping others is fucking awesome. There I said it. You should dedicate yourself to be better every single day. Help others in need and you will get more in return. It’s like a boomerang. I don’t care if you do or do not believe in universal laws or the western version of karma. It’s pretty simple: If you act like an asshole to others, they will act like assholes to you. If you act nicely to others, they will act nicely to you.

Excel in your work ethic above your talent.

Will never pursued himself as talented, he excels in a ridiculous work ethic. Talented individuals often get lazy. Don’t ever get lazy. ”While the other guy is eating, I’m working. While the other guy is sleeping, I’m working.”

Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity.

  • It’s unrealistic to think that there are wireless waves that allow you to browse the internet without an ethernet cable.
  • It’s unrealistic to think that you can have a piece of metal that people sit in and somehow it flies.
  • It’s unrealistic to think that when you enter a room and flip the switch, the lights come on.
  • It’s unrealistic to think that you have the ability to pick up a small stone and talk to another human being that’s 1,000 miles away.

It’s unrealistic….I think you get the point. Being quote on quote realistic only leads you to limit yourself. Why the hell would you do that to yourself? It’s like jumping off a bridge, just because everyone else is doing it.

Use fear to motivate your attitude and attack things that you’re scared of.

Franklin D. Roosevelt said it best, “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself.” Fear allows others to rule and break your will. Would you ever let anybody tell you what to do, how you should do it, what you should wear, how you should look, what people you should associate yourself with, and what you should own? Our society is set up to keep people unconsciously, feel weak, do whatever everybody else does,  fear to be different, and care what others think about you. If you’re trapped in this ideology, GET   OUT NOW.

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you…you can’t do something. You got a gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves..they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something go get it“. – The Pursuit of Happyness

Typographic Furniture Collection by TABISSO

Looking for way to personalize your furniture for the home or office? Then we have just what you need in the Typographic Furniture Collection by TABISSO.

The name of this one says it all, a furniture collection that takes on the shape of both numbers and letters. These lounge chairs incorporate the entire alphabet from A to Z, numbers 0 to 9, and even 25 different punctuation marks to let them know how you really feel.  The best part is that this furniture can be customized to fit your needs, personal or corporate identity, and not just the letters and numbers either. You can even choose the type of finishes and materials you would like on the lamps and chairs.









Self Development Tips That Will Make you a Better Person

Another new year has dawned replete with new tasks and fresh challenges. If you conduct a quick poll amongst your friends, you’ll find that becoming an all-round improved person easily tops the resolutions list of 2013 – and chances are you’ve settled on this as well. Presenting a definitive guide on the finest ways to emerge a new and enhanced person expeditiously:

Be Optimistic

Optimism and positivity are extremely beneficial traits and you would do well to adopt them instantaneously.  Sanguine and cheerful persons immediately exude wholesome vibes, buoy the mood of everyone around, and – as recent studies reveal – tend to achieve greater success than their naysaying counterparts. A positive nature will make you feel much better about yourself and will seemingly extenuate even the most vexed issues. And remember – problems are seldom as serious as they appear!

Be Confident

Everybody is endowed with particular merits and proficiencies; it’s just that what’s latent has to become patent. Hence, you ought to be invariably poised and self-assured about your capabilities. Know that even the most ostensibly brilliant and successful personalities were once novices and built their prosperity through perseverance and sheer self-belief. Therefore adopt several doses of confidence right away.

Be Charitable

Compassion is a splendid virtue. Sharing your possessions, besides helping the less fortunate, has a salutary effect on your soul and makes your life more meaningful. Hence attempt to give something back to society from time to time – ungrudgingly and with a smile on your face.

Accept and Correct Your Faults

Do a thorough self-appraisal to extract your strengths and weaknesses. The latter should be then be wholeheartedly accepted and assiduously redressed. This procedure will transform you into a more complete and honest person. Apologizing gracefully and often for your mistakes are also good ideas.

Do What You Love

Happy people are those who live their passion. This maxim applies to all aspects of life. For instance if you have a fondness for language, you ought to become a writer or a journalist and not toe the prevailing job trend, even it is more remunerative. Also seek out hobbies that interest you and pertain to your expertise.

Control Your Anger

Rage can destroy you externally and from within. Indeed research has borne out that irascible persons frequently develop medical troubles such as high blood pressure and heart attacks as well as suffer from latent psychological maladies. Hence the overall effect of anger is exceedingly debilitating. So if you tend to get hot-tempered fast, you ought to take deep and deliberate breaths, relax your muscles, and dissolve the irritation away. Meditation is also a superlative long-term solution to manage fury and should be ingrained in your life.

Smile and Laugh More Often

There are two sides to this. Just the act of laughing often has been proven to be exceptionally salubrious to one’s health and a sure-fire stress destroyer. In addition, a jovial and humorous person strikes a positive chord with everyone forthwith. So remember to inject a bit of levity into your (and everyone else’s) quotidian routine regularly.

Exercise Habitually

This is one of the top commitments people adopt come the New Year – you ought to as well. Frequent and correct exercising will not only make you healthier and feel refreshed within – it will also impart more productivity at work. Having a fit and toned body will also, indubitably, make you more popular and attractive.

Eat and Drink Intelligently

The New Year is the time to shun your earlier gastronomic excesses and imbibe a well-balanced diet. Without proper nutrition, you will feel fatigued and downbeat as well as invite a genuine mortality risk. Thus you must consume wholesome foods rich in vitamins, proteins, and minerals as also include plenty of fruit and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Cutting down on tobacco assimilation would also help a great deal. With regard to drinking, you ought to stay away from excessive liquor consumption.

Revel in Life

Most of all – enjoy life as it indeed is brief. Thank your blessings, be content with what you have, and delight in merely being alive.

Go ahead – seize the moment and strive to become an enriched person – from today!

Thrill-Seeking Kayakers Paddle Across an Active Volcano

Extreme sports photographer Alexandre Socci accompanied professional kayaker Pedro Oliva and his team (including kayakers Ben Stookesberry and Chris Korbulic) as they decided to take on the turbulent waters surrounding Kilauea, an active volcano on the southeast slope of Mauna Loa in south-central Hawaii. Unlike a typical water expedition, though, the group kayaked alongside flows of molten lava as it streamed down the gushing volcano.

Originally in Hawaii to film the latest installment of their Brazilian TV program titled Kaiak for Channel OFF, Socci tells us that the group didn’t really know what to expect. He recounts the day for us: “We got out of bed at 3:30 AM to be in the harbor at 4 AM and get there at 5:45 AM, before sunrise, to get the best light to see the lava and the kayaks on water. We got there and for the first 20 minutes we were just looking at everything and trying to figure out what to do… then Pedro decided to get on his kayak and go for it…. We didn’t expect that.

“As a water photographer myself I was trying to get into the water but it was impossible, the water was about 90 degrees Celsius and there were lots of lava particles floating that could burn anything in seconds… even the kayaks came out of the water with some ‘scars’ from the floating lava!!!”

Socci’s incredible images say it all as the fiery molten rock can be seen oozing its way into the water just a few feet away from the daredevil kayakers. Like a scene straight from an exciting action sequence, the area is filled with blinding steam, wavy waters, and flaming lava. In fact, Oliva even caught one of his oars on fire due to its exposure to the lava flows. As a cautionary message, he says, “I hope people don’t see these images and think that it is safe to paddle so close to the lava because really it’s not safe at all.”

Alexandre Socci website

Smithsonian Magazine’s Photo Contest

Smithsonian Magazine’s 10th annual photo contest. See all of the finalists here:

The Milky Way Galaxy Exploding from Mount Rainier
Photo by David Morrow (Everett, Washington). Photographed at Sunrise Point in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, October 6, 2012

An Onlooker Witnesses the Annular Solar Eclipse as the Sun Sets on May 20, 2012
Photo by Colleen Pinski (Peyton, CO). Photographed in Albuquerque, NM, May 2012.
Mummy, I Am Down Here, and Hungry!
Photo by Bjorn Olesen (Singapore). Photographed in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia, November, 2010.
Breeding Penguins
Photo by Neal Piper (Washington, DC). Photographed at Damoy Point, Antarctica, January 2012.
A Man-Made Ice Geyser
Photo by Nathan Carlsen (Duluth, Minnesota). Photographed in Duluth, Minnesota, January 2012.
Ants Holding Seeds
Photo by Eko Adiyanto (Bekasi, Indonesia). Photographed in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia, April 2012.
Annual Bucking Horse Sale in Miles City, Montana
Photo by George Burgin (Billings, Montana). Photographed in Miles City, Montana, May 2012
Grandpa’s Helper
Photo by Jenny Braun (Hampton, Minnesota). Photographed in Hampton, Minnesota, July 2012.
Farmers Harvesting Salt
Photo by Alamsyah Rauf (Sulawesi-Selatan, Indonesia); Photographed Indonesia, September 2012.
Grey Smoke Hair
Photo by Michal Baran (Trim, Ireland). Photographed in Trim, County Meath, Ireland, January 2011.
People Harvesting Salt at Sunset
Photo by Hoang Giang Hai (Hanoi, Vietnam). Photographed in the Ninh Hoa District, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam, August 2012.
Rice Terraces Close to Harvest Season
Photo by Vo Anh Kiet (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). Photographed in La Pan Tan, Mu Cang Chay, Yen Bai, Viet Nam, September 2012.
River Ferry Operating in the Early Morning in Xiao Donjiang, China
Photo by James Khoo (Shah Alam, Malaysia). Photographed in La Pan Tan, Mu Cang Chay, Yen Bai, Viet Nam, August 2010.
Christine, 20-years-old, with Her First Child a Few Months Old
Photo by Paolo Patruno (Bologna, Italy). Photographed in Mulungwishi, Democratic Republic of Congo, April 2012.
Alternating Rice Plots in the Bacson Valley
Photo by Hai Thinh Hoang (Hanoi, Vietnam). Photographed in Bac Son, Lang Son, Vietnam, July 15, 2012.

A Farmer Drying Rice in the Hot Sun
Photo by Alamsyah Rauf (Sulawesi-Selatan, Indonesia). Photographed in Indonesia, August 2012

Monks Releasing Lanterns During Loy Krathong in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Photo by Daniel Nahabedian (Chiang Mai, Thailand). Photographed in Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2012.

In One of the Small Churches in Nazareth
Photo by Ilan Fain (Haifa, Israel). Photographed in Nazareth, Israel, July 2011.