Most popular Photography on

popular Photography
YMMD © Heinrich v. Schimmer The shoot of Anna (right) was planned, of course. The cyclist entering the scene, and getting a frontal view, wasn't.

1X is an online photo gallery and social network. What makes 1Xx different from most other photo sites is that every photo displayed has been hand picked by a professional curator. Only 1/20 photos uploaded are published, which has resulted in a gallery of world class photography. Many of the exceptional photos published on 1x can be bought as premium fine art prints, delivered right to your doorstep.

Here we are presenting the Most popular photography ever on 1X.COM- Enjoy!

popular Photography
YMMD © Heinrich v. Schimmer
The shoot of Anna (right) was planned, of course. The cyclist entering the scene, and getting a frontal view, wasn’t.
Pushing the limits © Christer Lindh
Oh no, not again! © Marsel van Oosten
Japanese macaques (macaca fuscata), also known as snow monkeys, like to bathe in the warm water of the natural hot springs. With outside temperatures below freezing and a constant water temperature of 42C, who can blame them? These photogenic animals have become used to humans wanting to photograph them, so they are not shy and stay very relaxed in human presence. This little one however seemed to think ‘Oh no, not again!’ when one of the participants on our workshop tried to take a photograph.
The autumn has come © Magda Berny
Shyness © Alin Petrus
Silly Walk © andreas612
“It’s not what you think” … © yaki zander
What’s up doc! © Jeannette Oerlemans
A very long thinking © mathilde guillemot
The Gateway to Iceland © Skarphedinn Thrainsson
An Ice cave in Vatnajökull ice cap, southern Iceland. Vatnajökull is the largest ice cap in Europe, around 3,100 km³ constanly changing it’s formation. It´s pretty hard to photograph the real depth of the ice inside the caves, but looking into the walls is like an endless 3d depth of blue ice.
Natalie © michal szymeczko
Look © Ahmad Reihan
Smackdown!! © Syuwandi Sien
Theatrical kids © Andre Arment
Nature’s Best © Marsel van Oosten
Crater lake © Raymó
Into the Poppies © John Wilhelm
My daughter (4 years old) running into the poppy-field. For me this photo is an expression of exactly the way those little people are… they feel free, they are able to enjoy mother nature in a way we have forgotten long time ago… so it makes me very happy to look at this scene but also some kind of sad…
Nita © Andre Arment
AnnTena © Alexander Gubin
Baskeeeeett:)) © Roman_tik
Mother and Child © Jonathan Munshi
A Muslim woman and her child in a frame shop, next to one of the ubiquitous symbols of Christianity, and of maternal love. It reminds me that the things that bind us are greater than those that separate.
Freedom © Christophe Kiciak
After checking the sun orientation, sunset and low tide times, I found a place on the coast when all of these were happening together. I wanted low tide on a long flat beach, so that the sand would create lots of reflections.
I like the children © Cesar March
The home of the stars.La caseta de José Manuel. © martin zalba
F 5,6
332” exp.
Please Talk To Me Again . . .© Ario Wibisono
Dancing with the Devil © Skarphedinn Thrainsson
A fellow photographer Joi in the frontline of the erupting volcano in Eyjafjallajokull / Fimmvorduhals, south Iceland. April 2010.
Hope and Spirit © Agah Permadi
Reflection by John spies
Kiruna Aurora © Antony Spencer
Natures finest light show, Kiruna, Swedish Lapland. This image was the result of a massive drive of 8 hrs to beat the storms we were being battered with in Tromsø¸.
Plunge diver © Alexander Safonov
Shooting diving cape gannets is not trivial task, they enter water at speed sometimes exceeding 60 km/h, making loud low frequency boom noise, and it took few attempts before relative success.
Family Fishing. Firewall Alaska style © Roman Golubenko

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18 Tips for a Toned Stomach

Everywhere you look, there are articles with tips for a toned stomach, but they just seem so… vague. Follow a healthy diet… what does that mean, exactly? And you know you have to exercise, but which exercises should you do, how often, and why? All the other articles I’ve read don’t answer these pressing questions… until now. I’ve chatted with my personal trainer and demanded specifics from him… and here’s what I’ve found out. Here are 18 tips for a toned stomach. Notice that they’re very specific, and that they fall into two categories, diet and exercise, starting with exercise. Let’s go!


Let me be very clear: there is no one magical food, or one magical exercise, that’s going to magically tone your stomach. While we’re busting myths, there’s also no way to single out your abs and only tone them… you have to tone all over to get toned abs… but that’s not a bad thing, is it? Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on to some diet tips for a toned stomach.


Aside from being bland and boring, white bread is terribly unhealthy and certainly won’t help you get a toned stomach. It’s literally bleached of its nutrients, taking the fiber and the flavor with them. Make the swap to wholesome, hearty whole grains, which taste better, and because they’re loaded with fiber, will help you feel fuller, longer.


Now that you’ve made the grains swap, it’s time to make the dairy swap. Trade in your calcium-rich whole-fat dairy for dairy products made with reduced-fat milk. The flavor is just as rich (try a 2%-milk Greek yoghurt if you don’t believe me) and they’re a lot healthier for you.


Simply put, soda is a sad, sorry mistake, albeit a tasty one. If you drink the regular kind, you’re consuming loads of empty calories, most of them from high fructose corn syrup, which has an unpleasant tendency to end up around your middle. If you drink the diet kind, you’re not going to fare much better: it’s loaded with nasty, potentially cancer-causing artificial sweeteners, and a recent study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio found that people who drink diet soda are likely to gain weight, not lose it… up to 43% more weight, in fact. So it’d best if you skip the soda altogether, or at least drastically limit your intake.


Want to kick your metabolism into high gear, and keep it there? Try eating five small meals a day, rather than three large ones. Aim for a small, nutritious breakfast, a light mod-morning snack, a healthy lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and a dinner with lean protein and fresh veggies. These small meals will keep your metabolism going all day, rather than stopping it and starting it, which will help you keep fit and toned.


If you want a toned stomach, you need the right fuel to keep you going to get it that way! According to the USDA, at least some of that fuel ought to be from five servings of fresh fruits and veggies. They provide loads of fiber and antioxidants, and they also give you a slow-burning energy. Can sweets or chips do that? Nope. So one of the best ways to tone your stomach is actually to feed it properly… fantastic! Now let’s move on to some exercise tips for a toned stomach, shall we?


Ah, of course. My very first exercise tip for toning your stomach has to be crunches, doesn’t it? For good reason, as much as we all loathe them — they work. Don’t bore yourself with set after set of plain old crunches, though. Mix it up. Use a decline bench to do oblique twist crunches and standard, straightforward crunches. Aim for 2 sets of 15 each day, of each kind. Gradually increase the number of crunches and sets. Remember to use your abs, not your neck or arms, to complete the crunch motion.


While you’re on the decline bench, add 2 sets of 15 sit-backs to your routine. As the name implies, they’re a bit different from sit-ups, in that you start in the sitting (or crunched) position, then slowly lower yourself back, about half-way, then sit back up again. It sounds easy, but it’s not.


There’s a piece of equipment at the gym, a stand, that you’ll use to do your sets of reverse flys. The trick is to keep a good form. When you fly back up, don’t arch your back; simply come up as straight as possible, then bend at the waist to start the next rep. Twist to one side as you come up, and that’s a side fly, which will also tone your obliques.


Quite literally, one of the best tips for a toned stomach involves strengthening your core, and to do that, you’ll do standard exercises (like crunches) while struggling to maintain your balance… by using a bosu or other exercise ball.


There are two types of leg lifts that are stellar tips for a toned stomach, and likely more, though these two are my favorites. For the first, sit sideways on a bench with your feet flat on the floor, your arms behind you for support (maybe grasp the side of the bench), and your back straight. Keeping your back straight, bend your knees and use your abs to bring your legs up. Slowly draw them back down, but don’t let them touch the floor before you bring them up again. Do these leg lifts for 2 sets of 15. The second leg lifts you do flat on your back, with your arms at your sides. Keeping your legs straight, bring your heels off the floor about six to eight inches, and leave them there for as long as you can (aim for 30 to 45 seconds at first). Both of these leg lifts help work your lower abs. Wow, do they hurt at first… but you can do it!


Together, these two exercises work wonder for a toned stomach. Again, like many of these other exercises, form is key. Keep the line from your head to your heels as straight as possible, without poking your butt in the air or sagging in the middle. Try for 2 sets of 15 push-ups, and a good 30 to 45 second plank, if you can.


Have you noticed a trend among these exercise tips for a toned stomach? They all have one big thing in common: they all force you to get up and move around! That’s why running, or jogging or even just brisk walking, is another marvelous way to tone your tummy! It not only keeps your tummy (and other body parts) toned, it also keeps your heart fit, and it’s even good for your bones.


After a long, hard workout, you might be tempted to lie down on the couch, but don’t do it! Instead, pop in a yoga video or head to yoga class to stretch out your warmed-up muscles. This is good for your entire body, tip to toe, and it helps relieve stress, too.


I feel bad for not believing my mother all those years… but she was right! Keeping your ab muscles tight helps improve your posture, which in turn, strengthens your core, which keeps your abs toned… what a wonderfully effective circle effect! Try it now. Tighten your tummy muscles, and see how much straighter you’re sitting?


Once you’ve been doing any of these exercises, it’s time to add some weight to them. Well, except for the sitting up straight bit. Anyway, use small hand weights, starting with 2 pounds, and work your way up to 8 or 10 pound weights. Now your arms will be toned, along with your stomach… but this helps tone your stomach, too.

17. AMP IT UP!

Once you’re comfortable with the reps and the weights, it’s time to amp up your toned-tummy workout a little more. Add a few more reps, or one whole new set, or add a new exercise to the routine. Or, go for broke and try a new DVD or exercise class!


If all else fails, and you’re just not getting the results you want, here’s one last tip for a toned stomach, one that’s guaranteed to work: hire a personal trainer. Think about it: his or her reason for being would be to whip you into the shape you want to be in, and they have the knowledge and experience to get you there. If you can afford it, this may be the way to go, before you start on your own.

Wow, this is a long, varied list of tips for a toned stomach, so there’s bound to be something new and interesting here that you haven’t seen or considered before, maybe just the thing to get you back into your favorite bikini! Which of these tips do you like best, and which are you dreading? Or is there another tip for a toned stomach you’d like to share? Please do!

Talented Teen Shoots Adorably Creative Dog Portraits

17-year-old Jessica Trinh is an up and coming talent who’s photography has been generating a lot of buzz online with her creativity and polished style. Her Flickr account featuring 500+ photos is quite popular and her presence on Facebook is growing as well.

Many of her photos use her pets as subjects and the creative ways she finds to capture their personality demonstrates a talent beyond her years. On her passion for photography Jessica remarks:
“Ever since I set my hands on a camera, I knew I had unlocked a new dimension. One where you can expand your imagination and run for endless miles. Photography makes you look at things differently. You notice rain drops and the way the sun kisses the Earth. You breath in every moment of your life. You love to live and live to love. There is no time to waste because there is an urgency to capture each loving gesture, smile, and laugh in both humans and animals. Then every photograph becomes timeless and you smile, knowing that you hold a few split seconds in your hands. I live in a box called a camera with the lens as my window and everyday I sit on my couch watching the world outside through a different perspective. No worries, my dogs are right beside me looking at it the same way.” – via

Pro Dude

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Six Thought-Provoking Quotes from Albert Einstein

Do you want to live a more enjoyable and creative life?
One great way to get inspired is by reflecting on words of wisdom from the past. Words that have stood the test of time and been a powerful motivator for generations of people. Alfred Einstein was born in 1879, and his words are still relevant today.

Below you’ll find six powerful quotes from him. But don’t just read them and move on, pick at least one you can apply to your life today.

Change doesn’t just happen, you have to make change happen.

1. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”

As humans, we have a unique capacity to think and to interpret our world. In this regard, we are also time travelers: we can envision the beginning of time and the Big Bang all the way to, perhaps, the end of our universe.

Let’s get real for a moment. This is not what we actually do on a daily basis – except for theoretical physicists. We do, however, visit the past often and fortunately or unfortunately, relive it. We often live in the future of possibility and “what if” and lose what’s right in front of us and the “now.”


*How can you use the lessons of the past to live a more fulfilling life today?

*How can your hopes and dreams for the future help you take action today to realize your tomorrows?

*How can you savor each and every moment of today as a glorious bridge between the past and the future?

 2. “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

When I was in school, success was all about getting the correct answer. In recent years, I have become fascinated by powerful questions and the fact that there are often many possible answers.

I am becoming far more comfortable with ambiguity and shades of grey. I think Einstein, through his study of quantum physics and his quotes pertaining to the mysteries of life, has led many (including myself) in this direction.


*How can you use powerful questions to do some heavy lifting and find the added strength and capacity to advance your life?

3.  “The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions…Our inner balance, and even our very existence, depends on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to our lives.”

Watching the Olympic Games in August was a highlight of my summer. Beyond the gold medals and extraordinary human achievement, we all got to see some special human moments of great beauty and dignity.

Did you see them too?

Athletes showing tears of joy in respect and honor of their country’s national anthem.

Athletes thanking a higher power for their gifts and achievements.

Athletes honoring their team-mates and competitors.

The world coming together in peace to celebrate the human spirit.


*How can you bring your highest moral values and actions to each day and to those people around you, to experience greater beauty, balance and dignity in your life?

4.  “Life is all about choices. How many people are trapped in their everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent? To have a better life we must keep choosing how we’re living.”

As far as I know, all of the current subscribers to The Quotable Coach live in democratic societies where they have the freedom to fully choose how they live each day.

As a coach, I often see individuals who are limiting their freedom to fully choose. Which of these choices have you been fully intentional about?

– The choice of career or vocation
– The choice to be healthy and fit
– The choice of friends and associates
– The choice of how you spend your free time
– The choice of where you live, and the communities you associate with
– The choice of the thoughts and attitudes you bring to each day


*Where are you currently trapped and limited by your everyday habits and thinking?

*What new and intentional choices can you make to achieve a better life?

5.  “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

What issues in your life frustrate you? Who are the people in your world you can barely tolerate? Where is your world stuck in neutral, or slipping backwards?

No-one would ever wish to be called “insane” – and yet most people continue their current behaviors and wonder why things don’t change.

The remedy to this insanity quote is – you guessed it – another quote, this one by Tuli Kupferberg. It happens to be one of my absolute favorites and I use it on my website and in my email signature.
It reads: “When patterns are broken, new worlds will emerge.”


*What new worlds would you like to emerge?

*How can your commitment to this better future provide the leverage for you to break these “insane” behaviors that are keeping you in the same place?

*Find someone with whom you can share this insight, and request support.

6. There are only two ways to live your life: one is as though nothing is a miracle; one is as though everything is a miracle.

As a “glass half-full” rather than a “glass half-empty” person, I bet you can guess which perspective I favor regarding this quote!

As a former science teacher, I see life itself as a miracle, due to the following facts:

1. You and I are living, breathing human beings made up of over 100 trillion cells that seem to work quite nicely together.

2. We live on a planet that supports a vast diversity of other life forms that go beyond our ability to comprehend.

3. We can see beauty, breathe clean air, feel a warm touch, smell a flower, and think – and even heal our own bodies.


*Put on an imaginary pair of “miracle glasses” to discover and embrace the small and large miracles that abound.

*Have a “miracle conversation” with your family or close friends to discover what each of you sees.

Written on 10/27/2012 by Barry Demp. If you’d like to receive a daily dose of inspiration and motivation straight to your inbox, head on over to Barry Demp’s site, The Quotable Coach and pop your details in the sidebar. You’ll get a daily email with a great quote, plus a short commentary to help you reflect, and an exercise to encourage you to take action.

Top 40 Hilariously Terrified People from a Haunted House

The Haunted House in Niagara Falls, Canada, prides itself of it’s world famous Nightmares Fear Factory attraction – and they sure got the pictures to support it. The funny pictures are shot by strategically placed secret cameras which capture the visitors at their most vulnerable stage. Now that’s just doomed to be good!

Curiously, a pattern emerges that guys tend to either hind behind or hold on tightly to their girls when they’re terrified; crunching together is another common natural reaction. You can also spot pictures where some people already know they’re being photographed, and that way try to play the joke on the photographers. What works as a hell of a good commercial for the Haunted House, sure gives us quite some laughs, too!


Crazy huh! 🙂

Exploring the Longest Underwater Cave in Russia

Orda Cave is the most extended underwater cave in Russia, the second in Eurasia, with regards to length, and the world’s greatest gypsum cave. It has status of All-Russia natural monument. It is the first and the world only underwater gypsum excursion cave, member of I.S.C.A (Association of Excursion Caves of the World). In 2008 Orda cave was applied to be included in the List of UNESCO World Natural Heritage. Unique beauty of Orda cave was marked by the world-famous British cave-diver, cave-diving instructor of the Royal court of Great Britain and Martin Farr.

Initiators of the project: Vitya Lyagushkin, famous underwater photographer, journalist and dive-instructor, and Bogdana Vashchenko, diving journalist. The leaders of the project possess unique photo-collection, with regards to high quality and numbers of pictures, that resulted from numerous expeditions to Orda Cave.

Project includes publication of photo-album, dedicated to Orda Cave (size 235х275 mm, full color, hard cover, 160 pages, circulation 3,000 issues, with Russian and English text). Besides pictures, the book contains interesting articles: Orda Cave origin and history, discovery of the cave, ITW’s with the cave pioneers. The technique of cave diving and tech-diving education are  also discussed. Famous cave-divers, who did Orda Cave: Lamar Hires, Pascal Bernabe, Reggie Ross – shared their personal experience.

Via: Orda Cave

Diego Fazio’s Photorealistic Pencil Drawings

Currently when you google the phrase “Diego Koi,” the majority of the links thrown back have to do with koi ponds in San Diego. That situation is surely not long for this world (wide web). Self-taught Italian artist Diego Fazio, who goes by DiegoKoi on his Deviant Art page, is racking up major Google points as we speak. Why? Because with only a pencil and paper, he can do this:

Diego Fazio – 22-year-old “self-appointed” artist from Italy. He started as a tattoo artist, but for several years he practiced the art of photorealism and actually perfected it. Pencil on paper, he draws a black-and-white pictures that are almost impossible to distinguish from photographs. In 2011, in his home country, he received the award for best new artist.

Final work

Enjoy the process of the production of one of his last paintings, entitled “Feelings.”
Check out a selection of Fazio’s work below (plenty of eyes included), and let us know what you think. For the full trip, head to Fazio’s Deviant Art page.

World’s Best Father, An Amazing & Funny Dad & Daughter Photo Series

Workout Partners - World's Best Father by Dave Engledow

Workout Partners by Dave Engledow

Washington, D.C. father and photographer Dave Engledow has created, with help from his wife Jen, an amazing and funny World’s Best Father photo series where he portrays a clueless, sleep-deprived and unsafe Dad to his adorable daughter Alice Bee, which is the type of father that he never plans to be. Each photo has Engledow humorously holding a “World’s Best Father” coffee mug. You can view more great photos from the series on Facebook (link) or Fotoblur(link)Dave is also raising money on Kickstarter to fund the creation of his World’s Best Father 2013 calendar and offers great backer rewards for those who help out. Also, take a look at the behind-the-scenes video of Ballet Master.

The character I portray in this series is intended to be a parody of the father I hope I never become–distracted, self-absorbed, neglectful, clueless, or even occasionally overbearing.

I’ve always used humor as a way to deal with my personal fears and neuroses, and in many way these images are often an attempt to do just that–to illustrate humorously the fears that I and, as I’ve learned, many other new fathers have about fatherhood.