A little Boost to get you through the midweek slump


inspirational motivational photos 1 A little boost to get you through the midweek slump (40 Photos)













































































This has no place in the gallery....or does it work perfectly?



10 Quick Ways to Give Yourself a Motivational Boost

Everyone has trouble with motivation.

Sometimes you need to get something done, but it just isn’t happening.

That’s when you need a motivational boost.

But remember, there are no quick fixes.

In the end, you have to be the one to take the first step.

There are things that can help, however, and today, we’ll cover 10 of them.

Focus on the End Result

Whatever you’re working on has a purpose. Even if the process is boring or frustrating, the end result is worth having.

Think how useful it’ll be to have all your files organized. Remember that getting a newsletter out to your clients will bring in new sales and repeat business.

Take a Break

Sometimes, your motivation wanes because you’ve been working too hard for too long.
Take a break.
Even a few minutes away from your computer can help you unwind. This is also a great way to recover a sense of perspective, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.

Go for a Walk

One of the best ways to take a break is to go for a walk.

Even a five-minute walk helps. You’ll get your body moving and your blood pumping, and you’ll return to your work feeling re-energized.

Write a Task List

Sometimes, your motivation might take a nosedive because you’ve got so much on your plate, you don’t know where to begin.

Write a task list for the rest of the day. Get everything out of your head and onto paper. It’ll only take a few minutes – and everything will look much more manageable.

Race Against the Clock

Struggling with a tedious task? Challenge yourself to work faster.

Aim to clear your inbox in just 30 minutes. Push yourself to sort that huge stack of files in under an hour. Set a timer, and try to beat it.

Talk to a Friend

Friends are a great source of support. A quick chat online or on the phone can give you a genuine motivation boost.

If you’re struggling with your diet or exercise plan, call a friend and tell them. If you’re having doubts about your freelance design work, talk to other designers. Remind yourself of the value of what you’re doing.

Drink a Glass of Water

Are you drinking enough water?

Mild dehydration makes it hard to stay focused – so if your concentration levels are dipping, grab a tall glass of water.¨

Alternate Between Two Tasks

Got several big tasks to tackle? Pick two and alternate between them: work on one for ten – fifteen minutes, then the other, and so on.

This helps keep you moving (if you’ve only got ten minutes, you’ll focus better than if you’ve got two hours) and stops you from getting bored with doing the same thing endlessly.

Tackle an Easy Task

If your motivation is low in general, do something easy. Get one simple task knocked off your list.

That might be sending an email, making a phone call, sorting out a niggling problem with your computer – anything that takes under fifteen minutes. If it’s something you’ve been putting off, you’ll feel great that you’ve finally got it done.

Write Down What You’ve Already Accomplished

Perhaps you feel like you’re not making much progress towards your goals. If so, get a piece of paper and write down everything you’ve already accomplished.

Maybe you’ve started working for yourself, gathered some testimonials from people you worked with in the past, and found your first client. Those are genuine, big achievements – writing them down will remind you how far you’ve already come.

Why Drive Up To A Theater, When You Can Float Up To It

Earlier this month, a clutch of avid filmgoers experienced their own cinematic moment: Amidst the rocky shoreline of Yao Noi, Thailand, the group was delivered by boat to a auditorium floating in the middle of a quiet lagoon. The event was organized by Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, a new film festival, which commissioned the architect Ole Scheeren to build what he came to call the Archipelago Cinema, a large raft built out of recycled materials.
Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

“The thought of watching films here seemed surprising,” Ole Scheeren writes on his website. “And the audience floating, hovering above the sea, somewhere in the middle of this incredible space of the lagoon, focused on the moving images across the water: a sense of temporality, randomness, almost like driftwood.” The German-born, Beijing-based architect studied the local construction of floating lobster farms to design a structure of modular pieces that look like islands that have come together to form a solid mass. Previously, Scheeren staged a similar project: Marfa Drive-In, a site-specific intervention that re-created the feel of a classic outdoor movie theater in the middle of the Texas desert.

Photos by Piyatat Hemmatat, Doug Bruce and Ole Scheeren:
Floating Cinema ThailandFloating Cinema Thailand

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.
Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren for Film on the Rocks Yao Noi, Thailand.

Following its debut, Archipelago Cinema was dismantled and donated to the village where it was built, for use as a playground and floating theater. Or perhaps as a lobster farm.

film on the rocks – Official site.
film on the rocks yao noi tumblr – Tumblr

How to Effortlessly Attract Your Dream Life by Designing Your Perfect Average Day

Are you happy with the life you’re living now?

Do you think there’s room for improvement?

There always is, isn’t there?

Having a clear vision and knowing exactly what your ideal life looks like will get you moving towards your dream life faster.

I’m not talking about cars, houses and lots of money. I’m talking about what you REALLY want, think experiences, friends and so on.

We tend to think in vague terms and not really know what we want. We just know we want something better than what we have.

I know I’m guilty of this. I’ve always found it hard to write things down, but once I’ve done it, I feel clearer and much more motivated.

The Definition of a Perfect Average Day

When I say perfect average day, I want you to think about a day that you’d want to live right now. There’s no need to go into what ifs, because we can’t predict the future.

Just have fun when you’re doing this exercise. Your focus should be on getting this done. Even if it is half-assed, you will get a lot of benefit out of it.

What to Do Before You Start

Set aside some quiet time and make sure you don’t get interrupted, because the last thing you want is someone disrupting your flow.

This may take you anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours depending on how detailed you get. The more details you can dive into, the better!

And remember, there are no limitations whatsoever. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the money to do something or don’t live where you want to live. Write down exactly what you want. Let your heart speak!

What Does an Average Awesome Day Look Like?

Go through absolutely every single detail you can think of. Write down what you want your thoughts to be as you go through your perfect average day.

What do you think about when you wake up? What do you think about when you’re having lunch? What are you having for lunch? What are your last thoughts as you fall asleep?

Absolutely everything has to come out. This really gets your mind going, because you have to think about what you truly and deeply want.

Do you want to have kids? Do you want a spouse? If so, what is your spouse like? Why does your spouse like you? Why do your kids like you?

Something that helped me is to look at this like writing a story. You are the puppet master and you get to come up with your dream life.

Questions to Get You Going

It’s easy to get stuck and sit there staring at a blank piece of paper. If this is you, try interviewing yourself. Start asking yourself questions on what you do at different points of your day.

Here are a few questions to get you going:

  • What do you think about when you wake up?
  • How do you think?
  • What’s your mindset?
  • How do you deal with obstacles?
  • Who do you wake up with?
  • Do you have kids?
  • Where do you live?
  • What do you think about?
  • Where do you eat lunch?
  • What do you eat?
  • Who do you eat with?
  • What are your friends like?
  • What do you work with?
  • Who do you work with?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • What do you do for fulfillment?

The list goes on and on. The point I want to get across is this: get as detailed as possible. Go through every minute of your average perfect day in your mind. But don’t try to get it perfect. Just get it done.

This is why I said to allot some alone time when you’re doing this. The more details you can go through, the more you will be telling your brain what you want.

When you do this, be ready for surprises, because you probably don’t know what you want. You may think you do, but you don’t. At least not in great detail.

You May Not Always Know What You Want

The scary part about this exercise is that you may realize that you’re heading in the opposite direction of what you truly want.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the money, the cars and all those THINGS. We’re human and we like bright, shiny objects and gadgets.

This is normal, and it happens to me all the time. That’s why it helps to re-focus and do an exercise like this from time to time.

But whatever you do, stop making excuses and take action.

Now it’s your turn. Start writing right now and get this on paper, because if you don’t start now, when will you?

7 Life Changing Quotes from Will Smith

Willard Christopher Smith, Jr. is one of the most successful actors alive today. He has enjoyed success in music, television and film. He has been called the most powerful actor on the planet.In the late 1980s, Will Smith became famous through his music, and through the tv-series “Fresh Prince in Bel-Air”. He’s always been an inspiration to me, plus it doesn’t hurt that most of his movies are way above average.
He was born in Wynnefield, West Philadelphia, U.S. He is currently married to actress Jada Pinkett Smith.

Now that we have some of the background information out of the way, let’s jump right into the life-changing quotes:

1. Ignorance

 “Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.”

We all have something to share. We all have at least one passion that we can follow. Comparing yourself to someone else doesn’t work. We’re all ignorant, yet we’re all geniuses in our own way.
You can sit there and make excuses and feel sorry for yourself all day, but it won’t change anything. Start taking action now and doing what you think your passion is. It may change with time, but the important thing is to get going.

2. Determination

 “If it was something that I really committed myself to, I don’t think there’s anything that could stop me becoming President of the United States.”

Belief in yourself is vital if you want to do anything in this world. Of course, we all doubt ourselves. We get frustrated when things go wrong, but when you’re determined to go after the life you want, you will grow stronger and stronger with time.

3. Authenticity

 “You can cry, ain’t no shame in it.”

Life has its ups and downs. You will go through your fair share of bad, and good. There’s nothing wrong in admitting that. Accepting it and saying yes to the pain will help you transcend it.
It seems counter-intuitive, but the more you resist whatever it is you are resisting, the more it stays put.

4. Values

 “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.”

We’re too focused on material things. We care too much about what others think, and we think buying more stuff will make us happy.
More and more people are waking up to the fact that this simply doesn’t work. This shift happens once you’ve indulged yourself in materialism and have had enough.

5. Failure & Success

 “My grandmother once told me, ‘Don`t let failure go to your heart and don`t let success go to your head.’”

And his grandmother was spot on. It’s easy to let both success and failure affect you too much, but both will come, and both will pass.
It seems stupid to not take advantage of success, but I’m not saying not to enjoy it. I’m saying to be calm, and not go crazy.

6. Purpose

 “I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.”

Even Will Smith doesn’t know what his calling is, but he keeps doing what he loves. He’s continually evolving. He’s done TV-series, music, movies and a lot more.
You do not have to know exactly what your passion is, or what you will be doing ten years from now. Do what you love. Take one day at a time.
Start now.

7. Hate

 “Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

There’s no need to get hung up on what ifs. It will only end up consuming you and wasting your energy.
Focus on releasing all the stuff you’re keeping inside of you.
It’s easier said than done, I know, but it will make a big difference in your life. You’re here to do what you love and to follow your passion.
Always remember that.

Some of the best Google+ Photos

In this collection we show you some of the best photos published by Google+ photography enthusiasts around the world. Enjoy!

Victory by Yaman ibrahim

Wildcats by Rocco Sette
The Earl's Road by Andy Gray
The Earl’s Road by Andy Gray
This lion cub was smaller and less adventurous than his siblings and always stayed close to the lionesses. Taken in the Masai Mara, Kenya. By David Lazar
Silhouette by Marek Longauer
Vysoka near Podkonice by Vladimir Budinsky
Dent Blanche Morning Rise: Be There by Wilfried Haferland
Black and white family portrait by Chris McLennan
In the depth of Puddle by Daniel Winter
Slaughter by Peter Majkut
Father introducing his child to the dawn by Ray Bilcliff
Eagle’s flight by Zdenek Ondrasek
Where to next boss? by Andy Gray
Where to next boss? by Andy Gray
Photo manipulation saturday by Josh Adamski
Starling by libor sejna & makov.cz
Good morning Maiga by Yaman ibrahim
Gondola Ride In Venice, Italy ♥
Saxon Switzerland by Martin Rak
KOZAR by Marek Repko
Rain if Fire by Josell Mariano
Rain if Fire by Josell Mariano
In Petra by Michael Bonocore
Solar defenders by Josef Kala
The eye of a whale by Bryn Forbes
Tree Tuesday by Jan H. Andersen
Sacred Sunday by Ron Bearry
Sacred Sunday by Ron Bearry
Morning Surf by Joe Azure
September evening on Schrammsteinaussicht by Martin Rak
Sea of ice by Håkan Dahlström
“Remember When” by A.D. Wheeler
Mountain Landscapes by Jesse Estes
Crater Lake National Park at night by Ben Canales
Guilin Scenery,China by Helminadia Ranford
Hanuman langur catching the last rays of the setting sun. Amber Fort, Jaipur. by Chris Miller
Faraoe Islands by Gunnar Kristian Kopperud
Incoming Black Skimmer by Michael Libbe
Dolomites with some nice Autumn colors by Martin Rak
Archibald Young by Paul Monaghan
Fresh from a shoot for German outdoor clothing brand Vaude, Francis Kelsey on a very wintery SE ridge of Tour Ronde, on the Italian side of Mont Blanc by Alexandre Buisse
Bubbles by Victor Bezrukov
Flux Eternal by Sairam Sundaresan
Bohemian Switzerland by Jan Cejka
Capturing Everyday Life x 2 by Lotus Carroll
Enjoy your trip by Alessio Andreani
Enjoy your trip by Alessio Andreani
Francis and Hulya on the SE ridge. One of the money shots from the day! by Alexandre Buisse
Plums by Bill Gekas
The musician by Tatyana Tomsickova

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Triptychs of Strangers by Adde Adesokan

A person’s favorite subject in his hands and shoes. In his photo series “triptych strangers” German street photographer Adde Adesokan made a series of pictures of unfamiliar people and he has created an unusual triptychs, which perfectly fits the entire personality of strangers. Enjoy it!

Triptychs of Strangers #5: The way too honest Parisian, Montmartre – Paris


Triptychs of Strangers #7: France got talent > Full story


Triptychs of Strangers #24, The Constant Friend


Triptychs of Strangers #25 – The Graffitect


Triptychs of Strangers #18: The old fellow


Triptychs of Strangers #17 Hunny Bunny












Triptychs of Strangers #2: The Leg-Stretcher, Paris


Triptychs of Strangers #3: The Cyclist Paris




Triptychs of Strangers #9: The German – Paris


Triptychs of Strangers #1, The Islander


Triptychs of Strangers #4 – The Couple


Six Powerful and Wise Quotes from Theodore Roosevelt

Do you ever find yourself wondering how to achieve success, how best to live your life, and how to make progress towards your goals? Sure, we all do. But let’s not over-think the source of the solution. You don’t need to seek answers from the latest self-help books or seminars. Truly great advice rings just as true today as it did a hundred years ago. These six quotes from Theodore Roosevelt (US president from 1901 – 1909) are all fully relevant in the 21st century. Which ones might you begin applying to your life today?

“1. The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.”

What man or woman do you know who truly stood alone and had a successful life? Even the archetype of the rugged individual, John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, seems to be missing the vital component of community and quality relationships. Quality relationships at home, work, and in our communities are a vital catalyst in making things work. ExerciseWhat do you observe when people do not have the ability or the desire to get along with others? What specific relationships in your world need your best efforts to create the shared successes you desire?

“2.Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Many of us are waiting for the perfect time, the perfect person, for all the stars to align before we take action, and before we will be happy. Even if this were to happen occasionally, it never seems to last. What then? Roosevelt was both a visionary and a realist, charting the course to a better future while still taking into consideration the reality of our daily lives. ExerciseLook at the day ahead of you. What can you do with what you have and where you are? You may surprise yourself.

“3. Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

How often do you find yourself on the playing field versus in the stands as a spectator? As spectators to a sporting event, or even a business interaction, we find ourselves in a relatively safe spot where we risk little or nothing. When we actually suit up and get in the game, we are putting ourselves to the test. Will we win and achieve success, or will we lose and fail? One sure thing is that without risk, without getting in the game, we will never truly test ourselves, grow fully, and turn our potential for success into glorious triumphs. Exercise:Where in your life and career can you shift from being a spectator to getting on the field, so as to experience the excitement of participating – and yes, the potential of defeat. It’s better to be fully alive on the field than to simply survive in the stand. Live your life; don’t play it so safe that you never go anywhere.

“4. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

Some say that all great journeys begin with the first step. This quote suggests that belief, which comes before actually taking your first step, puts you halfway towards your destination. It’s clear that without belief, we are all pretty much stopped before we ever begin. Our belief in a goal, a cause or a person, or even our spiritual belief(s), have the mysterious power to mobilize all kinds of forces or resources to pull or propel us forward. Exercise:What can you do to clarify or strengthen your belief in yourself or others, to help make dramatic leaps forward towards your professional or personal objectives?

“5. If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.”

Did you ever realize that you can’t ever get away from yourself? Sure, sometimes we find a temporary escape through various methods. But when these methods wear off, we often find ourselves right where we started with things no better … and maybe worse. Taking full responsibility and being 100% accountable for one’s life is a bold and challenging endeavor. Doing this, however, has great rewards, since much of life is a matter of perspective, attitude, intention and commitment. Exercise:What percent of your troubles are caused by or negatively influenced by the person looking back at you in the mirror? How would taking greater responsibility for these problems lead you to a happier and more fulfilling life?

“6. Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.”

We have all heard that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second best is now. When is the best time to begin living your life fully, so that when you are old, you have no regrets? Many people, including myself, raced through parts of our lives hoping to get to the good stuff faster – but we simply found ourselves not paying attention as the days, weeks, and even years slipped by. Did you ever look into the mirror, surprised to see an older person looking back at you? Exercise: As with the tree, how can you plant your intention to lead an extraordinary life each and every day? How can you close your eyes each night with no regret, with the hope that you will have this opportunity again tomorrow?