Realistic Tattoos by Yomico Moreno

Yomico Moreno Tattoo Artist from Venezuela is aproximatly 8 years in the tattoo world. He has participated in several conventions in country’s like England, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, and more! Now days Yomico is developing and growing his artistic career between Europe and Latin America. As Yomico continues to deliver his raw talent in portraits, human/ muscle art, edgy/dark tattooing, TrendVend will be sure to keep you updated with his latest creations.

Caution: Some images may be too intense for some viewers, so if you are a sensitive person, please leave this page now!

Be sure to visit Yomico Moreno online to check out his original art outside of tattooing.

Nikolaj Lund’s Portraits of Classical Musicians

I was drawn to music because of a coincidence and I also shied away from it because of another series of coincidences’ says Nikolaj Lund, known for his series of photographic portraits of classical musicians. After being trained in classical music where he specialized in the cello for over 20 years, Nikolaj made a big professional leap and become fully dedicated to photography due to a neck injury. Yatzer did an exclusive interview with Nikolaj Lund to discover the witty musical mastermind behind these photographs. In his case, the lack of sound is totally compensated by jaw dropping images.


Danish-born 28 years old Nikolaj Lund is a semi-professional photographer based in the city of Aarhus, Denmark with two degrees from the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark, and the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. The quality of Nikolaj’s voice has the musicality of a cellist; it is low and kind, without a trace of arrogance. His story is most related to a music career that was brilliant from the very beginning. He picked up music at the famous Rudolf Steiner School and photography at the age of 14 years old. ”Ever since I got my first camera I carried it around with me to concerts. I always enjoyed documenting whatever was happening around me – trying to capture musical moments”. Four years after he finished with his studies, he was devoted entirely to photography. Before he started portraying influential classical composers, such as Martin Frøst, clarinet, and Isabelle van Keulen, violinist, he had already started with his old colleagues. It never appealed to him to shoot inside a studio which he found to be rather limited and less inspiring. He still enjoys being outside, exposed to the surroundings and his own ideas that, are shaped on the spot. ”If you want me to do your portrait, we have to do something different. We have to have fun”.


Toke Møldrup, Danish cellist | photo © Nikolaj Lund

Toril Vik, Norwegean flutist | photo © Nikolaj Lund

Brian Friisholm | photo © Nikolaj Lund

Brian Friisholm | photo © Nikolaj Lund

He manages to convince musicians to throw off their bows, sway their violins through the Sahara desert and play with their string or brass instruments. Taking them outside their natural environment and photographing them completely out of context, he confesses that there are some classic musicians, who are not so self-conscious about themselves; however, he wouldn’t hurl everybody in the water.

It has to match their personality, too”, he explains. Needless to say, that we end up admiring both the musicians and him. And his photographic commissions keep rolling in from all over the world. Yesterday for instance, a Spanish pianist called him saying that he wanted to go all the way to Denmark to do a shoot withNikolaj. The best thing is when he receives a mail from a client saying that he is super satisfied with his work. ”I can live upon this for a few days”, he seamlessly admits.


Professor Niels-Ole Bo Johansen of the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, Denmark| photo © Nikolaj Lund

Rikke Sandberg | photo © Nikolaj Lund

Aarhus Symphony Orchestra | photo © Nikolaj Lund

Aarhus Symphony Orchestra | photo © Nikolaj Lund

Bjarke Mogensen | photo © Nikolaj Lund

photo © Nikolaj Lund

The Danish String Quartet | photo © Nikolaj Lund

photo © Nikolaj Lund

photo © Nikolaj Lund

40 Beautiful Depth Of Field Photography

Depth of field is the range between the nearest and furthest object in a scene that appear acceptbly sharp in an image.We can aslo say the zone of sharpness is called the depth of field.The size of the zone is determined by three key factors – the aperture of the lens,the focal length of the lens used,and the distance you from the subject.Varying this three elements allow you almost complete control over depth of field in a picture.Remember the depth of field does not abruptly change from sharp to unsharp, but instead occurs as a gradual transition.Here we collected some nice shot of depth of field for your inspiration.Enjoy !

Finger Tip
HouseflyPhotographer Everywhere


Flip Flops


Apple In My Hand

Solitude:Lonesome Planet

Colour Pencil


Smoking Area

Depth Of Field

Focusing 5 Millimeter Exactly

The Objectiv


Its Big World Out There

Hanes Art Center

Post Orleans Hitching Posts At Dusk

Camera Display


Drinking Canes


After The Sun sets


Hanging On The Edge

Olympic Tourch

Crystal Sunset

Freshly Squeezed


A Lock


Color My Point


Violet Sabrewing

Danbo Through The Looking Class

The Center Of All Things

Soft Pink Smoke



The bird

Kite Tip On The Ground

A Construction Site Abstract

Happy Hunting


Have you tried the Depth Of Field technique in your photography before ? Why not share the experience and link to your photos in the comments.

Tadas Černiauskas’ ‘Bl0w Job’ Series

For the series, called “Bl0w Job,” Černiauskas invited hundreds of people to his studio during Design Week in Vilnius, Lithuania to have their faces blasted with air. The results are hilarious, if not a bit terrifying. (We have never spent so long looking at gums before, and are considering making the switch to dentistry.)


Sweet Desserts

Photographing food is a challenge for every photographer. There is something fascinating in this work, especially when it comes to photography of desserts. I love photographing Desserts! Not only did it look beautiful, it tasted as good as it looks. In this post we made a amazingly “sweet” collection of desserts for You. Enjoy

Ultraviolet Tattoos

UV tattoos are also known as black light tattoos. These tattoos are made with a special ink which becomes visible under a black light, though the tattoo itself is invisible in regular light. In the last decade these tattoos have become popular among party-goers as they are readily visible at parties where a black light may be used.

The tattoos placed with UV ink are invisible in regular light, but become visible under black light. The black light causes the UV ink to light up in different colors. The bright appearance of the colors is very captivating. The majority of these UV tattoos are placed on the visible parts of the body such as the face, arms and legs.

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

ultraviolet tattoo

Adorable Kids Transform Into Very French Gangsters

Adorable kids taking mugshots? How can you not get behind an idea like this? Very French Gangsters is not only a great name for a company, it’s also a license to create imaginative sets like this. Selling eyewear for kids has never been this much fun.

As it says on their website, “Our collection consists of three styles offering a hot and contemporary look, creating a universe of nice gangsters.” Now check out those poses…


14 Action Inducing Lessons from Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a man of action. Over his lifetime, his curiosity and passion fueled a diverse range of interests. He was a writer (often using a pseudonym), publisher, diplomat, inventor and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

His inventions included the lightning rod, bifocals and the Franklin stove. Franklin was responsible for establishing the first public library, organizing fire fighters in Philadelphia, was one of the early supporters of mutual insurance and crossed the Atlantic eight times. Self-development was a constant endeavor throughout his incredible life.

Benjamin Franklin was clearly a man who knew how to get things done.

14 Action Inducing Lessons:


Less Talk, More Action

“Well done is better than well said.”

Talk is cheap. Talking about a project won’t get it completed. We all know people who constantly talk about the things they are going to do but rarely ever take that first step. Eventually people begin to question their credibility. Taking action and seeing the task through to completion is the only way to get the job done.


Don’t Procrastinate

“Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”

This is probably one of the first quotes I remember hearing as a teenager. With an impressive list of achievements to his credit, Benjamin Franklin was not a man hung up on procrastination. He was a man with clear measurable goals who worked hard to turn his vision into reality. What are you putting off till tomorrow that could make a difference in your life today?

Be Prepared 

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

You need a plan to accomplish your goals. Charging in without giving any thought to the end result and how to achieve it, is a sure way to fall flat on your face. Think like a boy scout. Have a realistic plan of attack and a systematic approach for getting where you need to be.

Don’t Fight Change 

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

Whilst many of us don’t like change, others thrive on it. Either way change is inevitable. The stronger we fight against it, the more time and energy it consumes. Give up the fight. Focus on proactively making positive changes, instead of having change merely thrust upon you. Wherever possible, try to view change as a positive instead of a negative.

Get Moving 

“All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.”

There’s a reason we use the expression, movers and shakers. Movers are the ones who take action, the people who get things done, while the immovable are sitting around scratching their heads wondering how others could possibly be so successful. Which group do you want to belong to?

Avoid Busywork 

“Never confuse motion with action.”

We are always running around doing things. We rush from one meeting or event to the next, sometimes without achieving a great deal. At the end of the day, how much of our busywork are we proud of? How much of that running around improves anyone’s life (including ours) for the better? Make your motion mean something.

Give Yourself Permission to Make Mistakes 

“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”

If we fear making mistakes, we become scared to try new things. Fear leaves us nestled in our comfort zone. Staying in your comfort zone rarely leads to greatness. Taking risks and giving yourself permission to make mistakes, will ultimately lead you to whatever your version of success may be.

Act Quickly on Opportunities

“To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.”

Opportunities are everywhere. The trick is being quick enough and smart enough to seize them when they arise. Instead of jumping to the conclusion that something won’t work or can’t be done, allow yourself the freedom to ask what if?

Continue to Grow 

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.”

We all have vices of some description. The key is to keep them under control or preferably eradicate them entirely. Be kind to those around you, whether they are neighbors, family, co-workers or friends. Never accept that you have finished growing as a person.

Keep Going 

“Diligence is the mother of good luck.”

Have you ever looked at a successful entrepreneur or business person and thought how lucky they are? Most of the time, luck has nothing to do with it. Hard work and sacrifice on the other hand have everything to do with it. Successful people deal with failure. They tackle their demons head on. They pick themselves up and keep going.

Know Yourself 

“There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.”

Understanding ourselves is not easy. Sometimes we just don’t want to see ourselves for who we really are. It’s much easier to hold onto a romanticized version of ourselves or to simply view ourselves through other people’s eyes. Start by being brutally honest with yourself. Follow through with understanding, compassion and acceptance.

Don’t Self-Sabotage 

“Who had deceived thee so often as thyself?”

We spend so much time worrying about other people hurting us, yet fail to comprehend the damage we inflict on ourselves. If you are using negative self-talk, lying to yourself or indulging in addictive behavior you are self-sabotaging. Life can dish up enough challenges without us adding to the mix. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself like you would a best friend.

Don’t Give Up 

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”

Achieving our goals can be downright exhausting. There will be days when you want to give up. There will be times when your energy levels flatline and you wonder why you bother getting out of bed. Yet you push forward, day after day because you believe in yourself and you have the determination and strength to back up that belief.

Wise Up

“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”

Benjamin was definitely onto something with this one. Who hasn’t had the thought – I wish I could know then, what I know now? Unfortunately there is no time machine; there is no going back. The key is to wise up as early as you can to start forging a life of purpose, achievement and happiness.