Smart Answers I’m about to list here will definitely help you turn the same old boring routine around. In fact, I bet they will shock your partner so much, he or she will think twice before asking a silly cliché question ever again. I must warn you though – if your partner has no sense of humor he/she won’t find these funny, witty, smart answers appropriate at all and your efforts to crack a joke might be the start of a huge fight! Think your loved one could handle it? Well, take a look at these totally unexpected, totally shocking smart answers you can use when he/she insists on asking the same old question over and over again:


Ooops, I’m afraid this is one of those questions you cannot and will not be able to answer correctly no matter how hard you try! Why even bother when you’re either get it wrong or get accused of lying? Well, the next time your dear woman ask you this totally irritating question try using some of these smart answers and I bet she won’t even dream about asking you anything like this again!

– No, hun, you’re not fat, the dress is too tight.
– Comparing to whom? Your BFF? Nope, you’re not fat.
– Nope, THAT dress is not making you look fat.


Has your man ever asked something like this? What are you supposed to say when he asks something like this? And most importantly – is it so hard to believe that you’ve actually had “talented” lovers before or that you happen to be a talented lover yourself? This question is just as silly as the previously mentioned one we are so guilty of asking so, in case your man starts interrogating you after every demonstration of your “bedroom skills”, try one of the following lines:

– On my last job.
– Last night, while you were at your friend’s house watching Super Bowl.
– Oh, I’m just naturally gifted… you should know that by now!


And here’s another typical female question that isn’t a question as much as a clear declaration of war. You’ve either forgot something, did something wrong or she’s just in a bad mood but, as you probably know by now, it could be all of the above as well. You’re definitely not going to get lucky tonight and if this is something that’s happening for quite some time now and you can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong and why is she constantly trying to emasculate you, here are some smart answers to consider:

– Oh, no problem, I’ve just had one at work.
– Okay and how about tomorrow?
– Oh, don’t worry, I don’t believe in miracles anyways.


Back to those questions men are guilty of asking more often than women despite the fact that they might not like the answer. He’s probably expecting you to say, “Yes, baby, much better” and I’m sure you’ve already said that… all 53 times and are now wondering if you should record it and put it in his iPod as well. Don’t worry, babe, there are many smart answers you could choose to use as well, and I bet anyone of these will make him think twice before asking something like this again:

– Umm…Let me think… Not really…
– Well, you are pretty close.
– Why? Am I better than your ex?


Okay, guys, pay attention right now because this is the part where you’re supposed to use all of your imagination to describe the Shakespearean drama your life would become if she didn’t walk into it shedding sunshine, warmth, starry glow on your gray, lonely soul, covered in thick, old dust. Doesn’t she know there are more women than men on this planet? Yes, your life would certainly be much different if you didn’t meet here and I bet that, knowing what you know now, you wouldn’t be willing to go back, but why is she pushing it? Well, hope your lovely lady can take a joke because she’ll really need to have a sense of humor if you decide to use these lines:

– Umm… Watch football games all day?
– I would enjoy my life.
– I wouldn’t have to answer questions like this.


LOL! This question seriously bothers me! In fact, I can’t tell what’s worse, having him ask it or looking at him nervously going through every drawer in the house! I bet some of you know exactly what I’m talking about and for all of you ladies who are smiling right now, thinking, “Oh, I don’t have those problems. He’s very organized, you know…”, shush, now is not the time to gloat! Well, the next time he asks you this and expects you to leave everything you’re doing and help him search for the missing object, try some of the following smart answers:

-The same place where you left it, hun. (sweet smile)
– Call them, maybe they’ll come to you? In fact, wait right there, given the amount of your yelling, I bet they’ve already heard you!


And I saved the best for last! The question your girlfriend (or maybe your boyfriend) should ask in times when you seem genuinely worried but usually asks in times when you simply drift away for a couple of minutes or, even worse, seconds. What are you supposed to say? After all, you should be allowed to keep some of your own thoughts for yourself, despite of how unimportant they might be. If you say “Nothing”, you’re trying to hide something, if you pause for a second trying to think of something interesting to say (because your mind was REALLY that blank and you know he/she won’t believe that)- you’ll be accused of lying and, again, hiding things. What are you supposed to say? Well, there is no correct answer but some of these might help guide the conversation in a whole different (which, of course, doesn’t mean better) direction:

– Threesome.
– Hot new colleague I will be sharing an office with.
– You know what I’m thinking about babe (this is the part when he/she will say “Yeah” and start talking about things that are on his/her mind – awesome strategy!)

Trip Of A Lifetime – Cliff Jumping in Bermuda

Mike Wilson, Conor Toumarkine, and the Shreddy Times crew take a pimpin trip to Bermuda to huck themselves off whatever they can find!


Things Men Like in Women often have nothing to do with looks, bra size or any of the standard things we think men fall for. In fact, although physical appearance is the first thing they notice (don’t we all?), when it comes to settling down it often comes in last and counts the least. Believe it or not, there are at least 12 completely non-physical things men like in women and I’m pretty sure your boyfriend could list many more and confirm that your gorgeous physique, beautiful eyes and soft lips are not the only things that made him fall head over heels for you! Interested to learn more about those other things men like in women? Well, read carefully because every man would love to be with a woman who is…


Most men appreciate women who are able to just listen – no “ I told you so” lines, no lectures, tips or comments regarding what you would do if you were in his place. You know… just sitting, listening (and I mean REALLY listening)… just showing that you care. Oh, and that involves being patient as well, understanding that most men need to “process” their problems before they can talk about them and learning to say, “Okay, baby, whenever you want to talk about it – I’m here for you”.


Being able to “go with the flow” is one of the things men like in women the most and I must admit I’m still not as nearly as spontaneous as my fiancé would like me to be although I’m working on it. Most of our men would never sing in front of us (professional singers excluded) but they just love to hear us sing ( even if it sounds more like howling), they love to see us dance around the house, they will gladly throw us a surprise if they know the reaction would be positive and they love to see us being us (even if it involves a certain dose of silliness).


Although our men often complain about female drivers, most of them would agree driving skills are a must for a modern woman. But, some of them are ready to do go even further and admit they LOVE a woman who can make that engine purr like an overgrown kitten! Shocking? Nah, not really!


Women who actually enjoy the things they do are more attractive, which means you should definitely stop whining about the things you DON’T have and start enjoying the things you DO! It’s not about being extremely beautiful, having a good job, an impressive resume or whatnot – it’s about you being happy for who you are as a person, it’s about being positive, about knowing that you’re a great woman who deserves great things. And, believe me, it’s true that bad luck never travels alone, but the same can be said for good luck as well.


Eating healthy food and trying to cut down on unnecessary calories is one thing, obsessively counting them is something completely different and, while this first thing is actually good for you, the second one won’t really impress him. Being able to go out to a restaurant or a pizza place, to relax, to have a good time and talk about your food in terms of how good it tastes instead of how fat it’s going to make you shows that you’re confident… and we already know confidence is one of the things men (real men) like in women – don’t we?


Our grandmas used to say that the only way to get to a man’s heart is through his stomach – remember that one? Well, we did learn by now that’s not the only way although it certainly is one of the ways and, if I may add, a very good one. Men love women who can cook and women who would be willing to learn to cook for them. That’s when that traditional part of the brain turns on to note the woman in question would be a good wife. It’s a cliché, I know, but even experts agree on this one!


Although fake girls with their fake this, that and everything turn a lot of heads and probably get a lot of free drinks, most men have agreed they could never choose a girl like that for something more than just a casual romance. Whoa! What a coincidence – we feel the same way about fake guys! LOL! Which leads us back to that ideal, fun loving, girl next door all guys love– a girl that likes to smile and doesn’t care what others think of her smile (thin lips, teeth or whatever), a girl that can tell a joke, a girl that doesn’t use “words” like O.M.G or T.T.Y.L, a girl that won’t have a nervous breakdown every time her mascara starts running… a REAL girl!


Every man feels better when he knows his lady is ready to negotiate and work hard to find a solution that will be acceptable for both sides so hope you’re ready to compromise girls, because, although guys like boobs and long legs, they all agree this non-physical quality is far more important.


He really wants to know that you care for him but, be careful, because repeating “I love you” until he can’t take it anymore isn’t a good way to let him know how you feel. An average man will tell you that he loves you once and show you how much he loves you five times. You should do the same. Baby him when he’s sick or tired, surprise him every once in a while, listen to his problems – SHOW him everything you wanted to tell him because this quality is one of the very important things men like in women.


A sense of humor is also one of the things men like in women, especially in women they are planning to settle down with! Time to find your funny bone, ladies! Now, I wonder why is that so… are they planning to make a lot of jokes or they just want to make sure we’re able to find positive or maybe even funny sides in the future events that aren’t guaranteed to be stress free and easy? LOL! Don’t know but a sense of humor definitely gets my vote!


Could you believe this is one of the things men like in women? I mean, come on, could it be? They actually LIKE when we spend money on all those crèmes and beauty products? Well, hold on to your chairs now, ladies, because the experts say the answer is “Yes”. Taking care of yourself shows him you’ll take good care of him as well and since they are the ones who enjoy all the benefits of our waxing, beauty treatments and shopping, they might as well admit they like it.


The last but not the least – one of the best things men like in women, a quality like no others, a virtue that no woman of today could live without – strength. You don’t have to lose your best damsel in distress act, in fact, you can even let him “save” you once in a while, but he has to know you’ll be there in case things start to get ugly. He has to know that there is a strong rock he can grab for under that delicate butterfly façade of yours – a woman he can count on.

You see, things men like in women are almost the same as the things women like in men. Interesting, huh? Certainly! Do you know of any other things men like in women? Feel free to ask your man, too!

Top 50 Breakfast Around The World

Breakfast as the main meal of the day. Different countries eat different breakfast dishes. Let’s take a look..


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1. A full English Breakfast – it must have beans, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns and toast. Of course, it should all be knocked back with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I’m concerned.


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2. Breakfast in Iran – it usually features some sort of naan bread with butter and jam. When a light breakfast just isn’t going to hit the spot Iranians eat halim. Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with shredded meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold. You can also see the Iranian version of an omelet here too.


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3. A Cuban wake up meal – usually consists of sweetened coffee with milk with a pinch of salt thrown in. The unique Cuban bread is toasted and buttered and cut into lengths to dunk in the coffee.


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4. Polish Breakfast – known locally as Jajecznica, a traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs covered with slices of custom-made kielbasa and joined by two potato pancakes.


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5. Quick Spanish breakfast – Pan a la Catalana, or Pan con Tomate, in Spain is simple but really delicious. Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato, then drizzle with olive oil and salt. Top with cheese, ham or sausage for an extra bit.


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6. A yummy Moroccan breakfast – usually consists of different breads with some chutney, jam, cheese or butter. They have a really delicious crumpet-style bread which they make in huge slabs for you to tear a bit off, and a semolina pancake bread called Baghir – both are really tasty.


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7. A healthy Hawaiian breakfast – I couldn’t imagine Hawaiians eating anything but fruit to be honest. Of course, there’s the bagel but I’m sure they’d burn the energy from that off in a few minutes on their surf board anyway.


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8. Swedish breakfast – often involves a Swedish pancake, known as a Pannkakor. It’s a thin flat cake made from batter and fried on both sides – much like a crepe. It’s usually served with a sweet, fruity filling.


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9. Icelandic breakfast cuisine – a hearty and hot breakfast to fight off the dark, icy mornings is what’s needed here. Hafragrautur, or oatmeal, is served with a sprinkle of brown sugar with a few raisins or nuts on top, perfect.


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10. Breakfast in Portugal – a delicious and simple affair with stuffed croissants and plenty of coffee served in the sun.


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11. Breakfast in Australia – there’s only one crucial ingredient here, Vegemite. Travelling Aussies are often found with a sneaky pot of the sticky, salty brown stuff in their backpack. Just don’t get in the Vegemite vs Marmite war – everybody knows Marmite is better, but let them have their fun.


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12. A Brazilian breakfast – mmmm a delicious selection of meats, cheeses and bread is the normal breakfast fare here. Jazzy rosething crafted out of I don’t know what, optional.


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13. An Italian breakfast – a nation too fabulous for heavy breakfasts me thinks. Or maybe they’re saving themselves for a big cheesy pizza lunch and a pesto pasta dinner? (Although there’s nothing wrong with having them for breakfast you know) Either way an Italian eats on the run with a ‘cappuccino e cornetto’ aka a cappuccino and croissant.


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14. A Welsh breakfast – errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile? Welsh Rarebit aka cheese on toast is a truly, truly delicious breakfast. Just the sight of that bubbling cheese makes me want to smother it in Worcestershire Sauce and chow down, mmmmm. Anyway, 36 left, must dash.


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15. Breakfast in Denmark – top marks for presentation here. On a Dane’s breakfast plate you’ll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pâté, honey, jam and sometimes even thin ‘plates’ of chocolate. It came as a bit of a shock to me but my research has shown that bacon is not actually that popular! Dun dun durrrh. How can this be? Apparently they send in all to the UK.


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16. A Philippines breakfast – it’s all about the local fruits here. Mangoes are popular fare to keep you regular. As for keeping your energy up rice is the top choice, or the little sausages, known as longganisa, you can see above. When fried with salt and garlic cloves it’s known as sinangag. The sinangag is then combined with eggs, meats and beans and bob’s your uncle, fanny’s your aunt, a delicious Philippine breakfast is born.


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17. An Alaskan breakfast – featuring reindeer meat and an egg nestled on a pancake. Poor old Rudolph, he won’t be able to join in any reindeer games now, will he?


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18. A traditional German breakfast – wursts, local cheeses and freshly baked bread is the normal fare for a German breakfast. All washed back with a delicious coffee.


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19. The famous American breakfast – home made thick pancakes with syrup and blueberries, topped off with a few rashers of bacon. Anyone not wishing for a coronary usually opts for a bowl of muesli, so I’m told. Pancakes all the way for me!


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20. The French breakfast – ah, le croissant, le croissant, how I love le croissant! Pack them with crushed almonds, butter, chocolate or cream, they always taste good.


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21. Breakfast in India – here we have rosemary roasted potatoes, Indian tofu scramble, lentils, veggie sausage and banana pepper toast. Breakfast cuisine in India varies hugely depending on the region but if you think of your Indian breakfast somewhere along these lines, you would be correct.


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22. A hearty Scottish breakfast – much like a full English and a full Irish, but the country’s USP is the ‘sumptuous’ slab of haggis served alongside every fat-fried egg. Don’t know what haggis is? Scroll down quick if your animal eating habits err on the queasy side. It’s sheep’s heart, liver and lungs minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, salt and stock…


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23. Thailand’s breakfast offering – you’ll find this dish at stalls throughout Thailand. It’s a minty spicy fish with a sweet & spicy pork, served with rice. By all accounts it tastes excellent, and it’s cheap at only 30 Bhat. Thai breakfast fare isn’t all that different from what you’d eat for lunch and dinner.


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24. An Argentinian breakfast -usually consists of “mate” (an infusion drink made with leaves of “yerba”) or dulce de leche with “facturas,”a croissant-like typical pastry.


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25. An Irish breakfast – you’ve had English and Scottish, now it’s time to learn the Irish USP. That would be white pudding and soda bread.


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26. A Canadian breakfast – that eggy looking section is actually perogies. Perogies are boiled, baked or fried dumplings made from unleavened dough and traditionally stuffed with potato filling, sauerkraut, ground meat, cheese, or fruit. Then you’ve got some sausages and toast to mop it all up.


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27. Breakfast in Mexico – the delightful plate above consists of beef tips, chilequiles and other assorted goodies eaten in Manzanillo. Nachos, cheese and beans always feature heavily and a delicious, spicy breakfast is the norm.


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28. A Russian breakfast – oladi is the breakfast of choice in Russia. They’re sort of like pancakes and kind of like Yorkshire puddings, hot, just fried, soft inside and with a crispy edge! They’re best enjoyed with soured cream, honey, jam or fresh berries.


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29. Breakfast in Vietnam – usually consists of some meaty treat dropped in a semolina/porridge mixture. What you see above is pork porridge. It features Chinese doughnuts, beansprouts, pork intestine stuffed with peppery pork mince, sliced pork heart, stomach slivers and blood pudding. A bit more interesting than toast and jam anyway.


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30. Breakfast in Peru – ceviche is popular whatever time of day, breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s a seafood dish made from fresh raw fish marinated in citrus juices such as lemon or lime and spiced with chilli peppers. What a feast.


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31. Breakfast in Bolivia – saltenas are a bit like empanadas crossed with Cornish pasties. They’re the traditional option for a Bolivian breakfast and usually filled with meat and vegetables, and slightly sweetened with sugar.


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32. An Egyptian breakfast – the breakfast of choice here is Foul Madamas. It’s made from fava beans, chickpeas, garlic and lemon. Above you’ll see the dish topped with olive oil, cayenne, tahini sauce, a hard boiled egg, and some diced green veggies.


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33. Breakfast in Japan – what do you mean you’ve never had tofu for breakfast? It’s a popular choice in Japan, along with fish and rice. Soak it in soya sauce and you’ve got yourself one delicious, and semi-healthy breakfast.


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34. Breakfast in China – a lot like lunch and dinner in China. Expect noodles, rice, sticky coated chicken and fried veggies.


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35. Malaysian breakfast – A hot bowl of Mee – noodles mixed with egg, vegetable and tasty spices.


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36. Breakfast in Mongolia – it generally consists of boiled mutton with lots of fat and flour and maybe some dairy products or rice. In western Mongolia they add variety to their diets with horsemeat.


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37. Breakfast in Belize – fry jacks are a staple in Belize breakfast cuisine. They’re deep-fried pieces of dough that are often accompanied by beans and eggs, or jam and honey.


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38. A Hungarian breakfast – always consists of Pogácsa. Well, nearly always anyway. Throughout the year there are festivals dedicated to it and the recipe changes region to region. They have a scone-like consistency and as well as a popular breakfast item, they’re also used to bulk up goulash meals.


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39. A Korean breakfast – breakfast is similar to lunch and dinner in Korea. You’ll get a small plate of kimchi, a bowl of rice and a bowl of clear vegetable soup. A good old-fashioned slice of toast is also a popular choice, but that doesn’t make for nearly as good a picture.


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40. Breakfast in Pakistan – in Pakistan you’ll get Aloo Paratha for your breakfast. It’ s an Indian unleavened flatbread made by pan frying, wholewheat dough on a tava. The dough contains ghee and the bread is usually stuffed with vegetables. It’s best eaten with butter, chutney or some other spicy sauce. It’s not uncommon to roll it up and dip it in your tea.


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41. An Estonian breakfast – curd cheese on a wheat bloomer – known locally as ‘cheese on toast’. The creamy topping can be supplemented with ricotta or fromage fraiche instead, if you prefer.


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42. Breakfast in Jordan – the choice varies depending on the are and upbringing you’re from. Labneh, hummous and falafel are all popular choices and are usually served alongside olive oil, lamb sausage, jam and butter, turkey or beef mortadella.


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43. Breakfast in Venezuela – empenadas are the order of the day. Fill the little pastries with fresh cheese, minced meat or any combination of veggies and beans.


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44. Breakfast in Colombia – there are a variety of regional staples to keep your stomach grumbles at bay throughout the day. In Cundinamarca this changua dish is very popular. It’s made from milk, scallions and cheese.


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45. Breakfast in Ghana – the most popular breakfast item in this African country is waakye. It’s basically rice cooked in beans and is found at all the street stalls in Ghana.


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46. Breakfast in Uganda – like a lot of large countries the typical breakfasts vary region by region. But a popular dish across the country is katogo – it’s a combination of green cooking bananas mixed in a stew from beef or in a sauce from vegetables. The picture above is banana with cow organs.


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47. A Bahamas breakfast – to be a Bahamian breakfast it must contain grits. Grits are dried ground hominy, or corn, for anyone not in the loop. You mix it with boiling water and the grits becomes a porridge. Its popularity came from slavery times when it’s all the slaves had to eat. Nowadays it’s topped with fat prawns and meat to spice it up a bit.


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48. Breakfast in Costa Rica – Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast fare in Costa Rica. It’s made from black beans, rice, optional soured cream, salsa and a corn tortilla. Costa Ricans will often have a bit of avocado, fried ripe plantain or cold meat on the side.


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49. Breakfast in the Dominican Republic – you need to try the mangu. Mangu is made from mashing boiled plantains with butter and either salami, cheese or eggs. Top it off with a hot chocolate and you’ve got yourself some traditional Dominican Republic fare.


50 50 of the Worlds Best Breakfasts

50. A Turkish breakfast – the full Turkish treatment usually consists of a few varieties of cheese, butter, olives, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, jam, honey, and spicy meat.

via blog.hostelbookers.com/travel/best-breakfast/


One Newspaper repeated in many Hollywood films – WTF! :)

If you watch enough television shows and movies, then you might even start to notice that a bunch of the same props are used over and over again.  Someone on Reddit recently put together a compilation of photos from various television shows, commercials and movies, showing how one newspaper prop gets around and is reused, and reused again.

I don’t know the story behind this prop newspaper, but I assume it was created as a royalty free prop for television shows. Somewhere along the line, the prop became a recurring gag between propmasters. Something like how sound designers reuse the Wilhem Scream in every movie. Here are some examples…

Modern Family ( 2009 )

Back to the future (1989)

A murder of crows (1998)

A texasi láncfűrészes (2003)

Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy (2006)

No Country for Old Men, (2007)

Power Rangers Zeo

Dallas – 1991

Married with children – 1997

Angel – 2001

Charmed – 2001

Six Feet Under – 2003

Malcolm in The Middle – 2005

Lucky Louie – 2006

Smith – 2006

Everybody hates Chris – 2006

Desperate Housewives – 2006

Desperate Housewives -2007

Desperate Housewives -2007

Desperate Housewives – 2008

Desperate Housewives – 2010

Scrubs – 2007

Scrubs – 2008

Scrubs – 2009

Simple Ways to Super Charge Your Brain

Have you ever felt exasperated when you bumped into someone at the store but absolutely couldn’t remember their name? Sure, it happens to all of us.

Despite being the strongest computer on the planet, our brains do lapse. It’s hard to blame them really. As humans, we spend much of or existence stuffing our brains with stuff. Some stuff is worthless, some of it’s meaningful, some of it, well, it’s just stuff and there is an endless amount of it.

No matter how powerful our brains are, they need recuperation time, to be kept in shape, and even an occasional charge. Think of it as a tune up for your brain. Skipping brain maintenance is as silly as the person wandering the parking garage because they forgot where they parked. Is that you? Are you that person? Sure. We all are at some point. No worries, there is hope.

Here are some things you can begin doing as soon as today to begin the great brain tune up:

1.Eat Almonds

Almond is believed to improve memory. If a combination of almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after getting up at morning, it strengthens our memory power. Almond milk is prepared by crushing the almonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar to it.

Drink Apple Juice

Research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates that apple juice increases the production of the essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, resulting in an increased memory power.

Sleep well

Research indicates that the long-term memory is consolidated during sleep by replaying the images of the experiences of the day. These repeated playbacks program the subconscious mind to store these images and other related information.

Enjoy simple Pleasures

Stress drains our brainpower. A stress-ridden mind consumes much of our memory resources to leave us with a feeble mind. Make a habit to engage yourself in few simple pleasures everyday to dissolve stress from your mind. Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.

Enjoy music you love

  • Play with your children
  • Hug a stranger
  • Appreciate others
  • Run few miles a day, bike or swim
  • Start a blog
  • Take a yoga class or Total Wellness routine

Fast for a day

Fasting cleans and detoxifies our body. It is known fact that heavy food not only causes stress on our digestive system but also drains our brainpower. Fasting relieves toxic emotions such as anger, grief, worry, and fears – before they accumulate and cause disease. By cleansing toxic emotions, fasting strengthens metal clarity with increases memory, concentration, creativity and insight.

Exercise your mind

Just as physical exercise is essential for a strong body, mental exercise is equally essential for a sharp and agile mind. Have you noticed that children have far superior brainpower than an adult does? Children have playful minds. A playful mind exhibits superior memory power. Engage in some of the activities that require your mind to remain active and playful.

Play scrabble or crossword puzzle

  • Volunteer
  • Interact with others
  • Start a new hobby such as blogging, reading, painting, bird watching
  • Learn new skill or a language

Practice Yoga or Meditation

Yoga or Meditation relives stress. Stress is a known memory buster. With less stress, lower blood pressure, slower respiration, slower metabolism, and released muscle tension follows. All of these factors contribute significantly towards increases in our brainpower.

Reduce Sugar intake

Sugar is a non-food. It’s a form of carbohydrate that offers illusionary energy, only to cause a downhill slump once the initial burst has been worn off. Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms. Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia, memory loss and other neurotic disorders. Eat food without adding sugar. Stay away from sweet drinks or excess consumption of caffeine with sugar.

Eat whole wheat

The whole wheat germs contain lecithin. Lecithin helps ease the problem of the hardening of the arteries, which often impairs brain functioning.

Eat a light meal in the night

A heavy meal at night causes tossing and turning and a prolonged emotional stress while at sleep. It’s wise to eat heavy meal during the day when our body is in motion to consume the heavy in-take. Eating a light meal with some fruits allows us to sleep well. A good night sleep strengthens our brainpower.

Develop imagination

Greeks mastered the principle of imagination and association to memorize everything. This technique requires one to develop a vivid and colorful imagination that can be linked to a known object. If you involve all your senses – touching, feeling, smelling, hearing and seeing in the imagination process, you can remember greater details of the event.


Our sexual imagination often empowers our ability to daydream, which strengthens our brainpower with greater imagination, visualization and association.

Control your temper

Bleached food, excess of starch or excess of white bread can lead to nerve grating effect. This results in a violent and some time depressive behavior. Eat fresh vegetables. Drink lots of water and meditate or practice yoga to relieve these toxic emotions of temper and violent mood swings.

Take Vitamin B-complex

Vitamin B-complex strengthens memory power. Eat food and vegetables high in Vitamin B-complex. Stay away from the starch food or white bread, which depletes the Vitamin B-complex necessary for a healthy mind.
I don’t believe these are that tough. If you find yourself increasing stumped, give a couple of these a try.

Blue Jay Way Residence by McClean Design

Completed in 2008, this 6,800 square foot house built by Corr Contemporary Homes is located in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Blue Jay Way Residence by McClean Design:

“The 6,800-square-foot Blue Jay Way Residence by McClean Design is located on a spectacular lot above Sunset Strip with panoramic views—from downtown and west Los Angeles, to Santa Monica, the Pacific, and Catalina Island.

The design of the house maximizes access to the view such that all the main living spaces look out over it. The client desired a house designed around a long pool and this became the central design element of the project.

It begins adjacent to the driveway as a water wall, around which the entry sequence is wrapped. Upon ascending to the main level of the house, the water element becomes an ornamental pool before dropping into the spa below, and then extends to a 75-foot-long lap pool cantilevered over the slope into the view.

The entry to the house is a glass bridge over the pool below. The house is divided in half by the water feature and a pool to minimize the structure’s perceived size and to separate the private spaces (master bedroom, study) from the public (living, dining, kitchen).

The living room and master bedroom are cantilevered over outdoor spaces below and appear to hover against the background of the city beyond. The lower level includes several guestrooms, a media room, and a four-car garage. The palette of materials is soft contemporary with extensive use of concrete, wood, and stone.”

10 Ways to Find More Inside of You

We work, take care of the kids, the house and then we do it all over again the next day and feel like there must be more to life than this. Some of us have found ways to have time for ourselves to unwind, relax, enjoy life, while others struggle to find who they are, what they want, and what everything really means. Janelle from Inward Oasis™ is back with us today to help us get more out of ourselves and this thing called life, here are her 10 Ways to Find More Inside of You

Finding & Rejuvenate Your Spirit…

You know there is more for you or you would not be here reading this right now. To access the more inside of you it is important to center yourself and invigorate your soul. So, just how do you do that? You may be asking, “Just how do I rejuvenate my spirit?” or “Um, how do I connect with my Spirit to begin with?” This article will give you an overview of different methods, which can help you.

Here are 10 ways to access the infinite energy, possibilities, ideas, and relaxation that is offered to all of us if we know how to open the door….

1. Yoga…

You will gain flexibility throughout your body and the more flexible you are physically the more flexible you will become emotionally and spiritually. Energy will flow more freely through your body. You will gain muscle tone not only in the obvious muscles that we all seem to enjoy seeing toned, but in your organs as well. Your lungs will thank you along with your brain and every other organ as you breathe deeper and bring more oxygen into your body. Yoga also increases the blood flow, which helps flush toxins from the body.

2. Meditation…

You do not have to sit in the traditional cross-legged sitting position to meditate. In fact, yoga is considered a form of meditation by some. Others find a walk in nature to be a form of meditation. I have found that when I do meridian tapping that I have a similar sensation as when I meditate. You are likely to find an increase in your energy levels, an increase in your ability to focus and concentrate, a release of tension in your body and a sense of peace. Deep breathing during meditation increases the oxygen supply just as yoga does. It also helps relax you and may lower your heart rate. You can develop your intuition as you continue to practice meditation and as you begin to uncover the connection to God, the Divine, Spirit, the Universe, or whatever or whoever you want to connect with. You can spend five minutes a day meditating or you can meditate from dawn to dusk. It really is up to you and what feels right to you. There is no right or wrong when it comes to meditation. If you think you would like guided meditation, check out the guided meditation link below.

3. Spend time in nature…

Okay, this is a big one! Recent studies have shown that over the last 20 years people throughout the world have decreased their time in nature by 25%! Wow! The more we spend time in nature and are mindful of ALL that is around us the more appreciative we are, the more energy we feel, and the more we care about what happens to not only the people around us, but the World around us. By spending 10-20 minutes a day outside, even if you can only take a walk down the street, your mood is far more likely to improve and your health will be better. Being outside offers you breathing room. You can always see something new. It may be a squirrel running from one tree to the next or it may be the clouds in the sky. If you are living in a busy city, you may have to look for a new weed growing up between the cracks in the sidewalk. Ah, but appreciate the perseverance of that one little weed.

4. Altruism – helping others…

Volunteering your time to help others or making a monetary donation to a good cause or donating some of your clothes to an organization that helps fire victims or… No matter what it is you do that has altruistic value, helping others can lessen depression within you. It can help connect you to other people who have similar values as yourself and it can help reduce any negative attitudes you may be experiencing. The body is a beautiful and wondrous mechanism. Our bodies create feel good hormones or “joybursts” as I like to call them. When we do things that are for the good of others (human, animal, or planet) our bodies release these endorphins, which give us little bursts of joy and happiness.

5. Healthy diet…

I know, I know. We are bombarded with how we need to eat better. But, it really is true. The more junk food and fast food we eat the unhealthier we become. I am not going to point my finger and tell you how you must change the way you eat. I just ask you to think about how so many of us take care of our vehicles and our pets. We take them in for oil changes and tune-ups. We get our pets their shots regularly and feed them expensive pet food. Well, okay not everybody buys the best dog food, not everybody takes good care of his/her car. The point is that if you don’t put the right kind of fuel in your car, it simply won’t go anywhere anymore. Think about that the next time you start to eat a big greasy cheeseburger. I will also say that becoming vegetarian or vegan is not necessary and is most definitely an individual choice. I am a vegetarian, but it is not for everyone.

6. Music…

Ah, one of my most favorite topics and things in the world. Music pulses through my veins. Listening to beautiful music – music that reaches in and grabs you can be very moving. It can inspire you and invigorate you. Research has been conducted that has shown that music can actually stimulate the brain waves. It can reduce stress and your breathing and heart rate can change in accordance to the piece you are listening to. It has even been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce tension. Personally, if the piece is just right for me at that moment it will give me goose bumps. That is how I know I need to stop and listen and just feel. Sometimes a powerful song will bring me to tears – and these are not typically sad tears, but tears of utter joy. I don’t care if you listen to Bach or Ozzy – it is whatever touches you that is important.

7. Gratitude…

Show gratitude for things around you. Start a gratitude journal. This is a popular thing being suggested right now, but it is being suggested over and over because it works. Being thankful for experiences, things you have, people you know, the bed you sleep in, the food you eat, etc. truly can bring you more things to be thankful for. Put attention and energy into what you are grateful for and more positive things will begin to show up in your daily life. That is how Divine energy works.

8. Being present with those around you…

When you are with your family really be with your family. Turn off the television and listen to your partner. Put the iPod and cell phones away during dinner and make a rule there is to be no texting at dinner. This is a great time to go around the table and have everyone come up with at least one thing he/she was grateful for during the day/week – what made you smile. The most important thing is to pay attention and focus on who you are with. You may be hanging out in the family room together, but if one is focused on the football game and his/her fantasy football team during commercials and another is absorbed in an online game and another is buried in a book, there is little to no focus on each other. I am not saying you should completely give up these things, but be sure to spend time together when you can actually “be present” and pay attention to one another. It makes a difference for you and for all.

9. Being mindful of the language you choose to use…

This is not about saying, “Damn it.” Or “What the Hell?” This is about changing from talking negatively to finding the positive. Let’s say you have spaghetti for dinner and you really don’t like it. Instead of saying, “Just great! We are having this again. I hate spaghetti!” you could say something like, “Spaghetti isn’t my favorite, but I really love the garlic bread.” When it comes to talking to others you can change your words and your tone. In years past the salutation “Dear John,” in a letter was common. Now we often drop the “dear” and if we use it, is there really any feeling behind it? As I have grown and changed I have found that when I write something to my friends I put feeling behind those words such as, “My dear friend Anthony.” My partner and I have changed how we speak to each other as well. When we say “honey” or “sweetheart” we have brought the emotion back and attached it to the words. The difference is palpable.

10. Meridian tapping…

Our bodies have meridian lines. They actually have free-flowing liquid that moves throughout the body. There are over 500 points that can be used via acupuncture or tapping (no needles) to help release physical tension and distress and emotional distress. A few major points have been identified that can make a major difference in your life. I use it almost every day. I have been amazed at the healing that has occurred for me.

Janelle Alex, Ph.D., Co-Founder of Inward Oasis,  is a Relationship & Spiritual Guide. She and her husband Rob Alex empower couples by helping them discover their blended spirit.