He Observes The Stump – What He Does With It Gets All The Neighbors Talking

Jordan Anderson is a professional sculptor, today working with a Redwood trunk. With six different chainsaws and angle/die grinders, he completely transforms the huge piece of wood into an amazing work of art. Watching his process is mesmerizing.

This is the sixth elk carving Jordan has done out of Redwood, so it’s no wonder he looks quite confident in what he is doing. In fact, he has carved many unique pieces for people to fit their needs. From bears holding custom signs to elaborate benches, from exterior landmark sculptures to community art projects, he is capable of a wide variety of artwork.

As the bull elk slowly comes to life before our eyes, it’s fascinating to watch the final touches he puts on, like the antlers. The finished bull elk carving is a wonderful tribute to nature. On his website, Jordan talks about his goal being to put a piece of his soul in each of his works. Looking at this beautiful sculpture, it would seem he is succeeding.

4 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Mold and Mildew (Including How to Get Rid of It)

Mold and mildew can not only be a pain in the neck (and extremely gross) but it can be a health hazard, too. Unless you do your research though, you may not know how to handle mold in your home. To stay prepared and handle the situation as soon as possible, watch the video below. Brought to us by Clean My Space, this quick and helpful video will teach you everything you need to know about mold and how to handle it.

30 Amazing Facts about Animals guaranteed to make you Smile

Rather than just offer you another round of photos, we thought this time we’d remind you of just how unusual and amazing are the lives of all the different animals which inhabit our world.

Here are 30 facts — some odd, some funny, some cute and some just incredible — about our smaller cousins you almost certainly never knew before.

Sea otters hold hands while they sleep in order to avoid being carried away by the current.

Squirrels plant thousands of new trees every year because they forget where they hid all of their acorns.

A male puppy will often let a female puppy win a game, even if he has a physical advantage over her.

This is what the paws of a lynx look like.

Tortoises can breathe through their behinds.

Cows have best friends who they spend most of their time with.

Penguins ’propose’ to other penguins by offering them pebbles as a gift.

There is a prison in Washington where the inmates help to socialise aggressive and unfriendly cats which can’t be given over to families. These cats would otherwise be threatened with being put to sleep because of their behavioural problems. The cats begin to be socialised by the love they receive from the inmates, which in turn offers the possibility that they might be rehoused.

Macaques in Japan know how to use coins in order to buy snacks from vending machines.

In Edinburgh, a knighthood has been awarded to a penguin. His full name is Sir Nils Olav.

In China, killing a panda carries a death sentence.

Spiders can’t fly. And we’re very, very glad.

Show jumping competitions for rabbits are held in Sweden. The competition is called Kaninhoppning.

Pigs experience orgasms which last for 30 minutes.

Dolphins give each other names.

Puffins have life-long mates. They build homes for themselves and their partner in steep cliffs and even set up a toilet nearby.

Scientists have determined that cows produce more milk if they listen to calming music. But they produce most of all when they hear ’Everybody Hurts’ by R.E.M. and ’Perfect Day’ by Lou Reed.

Oysters can change their sex depending on that of their mate.

Snow leopards cover their faces with their tail when they sleep in order to keep warm.

Japanese macaques play in the snow for fun.

There is a cat equivalent of the Welsh corgi: the Munchkin cat.

In some countries, prison inmates help to train guide dogs. Many of them claim that this helps them feel that they are atoning for their crimes.

Seahorses also mate for life. They latch on to each other by the tail when they swim.

Before a chick hatches from its egg, it communicates with its mother and other chicks with special sounds heard through the shell.

The nose print of every dog is unique and can be used to identify individual animals.

The jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula is the only known creature on Earth which lives forever.

Crows are clever enough to play tricks on each other.

Butterflies taste things through their legs.

Scientists have discovered that goats have accents depending on where they come from, just like humans.

Cats show their trust by touching a person with their forehead. This is also a cat’s way of letting you know that you are safe.

Squirrels adopt the children of other squirrels if they have been abandoned.

18 seriously cool ways to use ice cube trays

Has anybody ever tried to add flowers to some ice cubes? We certainly haven’t. But it seems that we should have. They can make any drink much more interesting, even if it’s just plain water.

We recommend that you start getting ready for the next heat wave right now, and play around with ice cubes.


If you have some coffee left in the pot, try freezing it, and then add iced coffee cubes to your milk. You will end up with a very yummy cocktail!


You can also try freezing leftover wine. Wine cubes can be a perfect addition to your Sangria.


If you have some yoghurt that is about to hit its use-by date, you can freeze it in an ice cube tray and use it for smoothies.

Peach purée

Frozen peach purée cubes can become a colourful and delicious addition to any kind of dessert.

Watermelon chunks

You don’t even need an ice cube tray to get these perfectly natural, fruity cubes.

Frozen flowers

Ice cubes with frozen flowers are the perfect little touch for your romantic evening.

Chocolate-covered strawberries

These will probably become the most delightful thing you’ve ever eaten!


Frozen grenadine cubes will give a peculiar but very sweet flavour to your champagne.

Blood orange juice

These will give a lovely citrus flavour to your favourite drinks.

Edible tinsel

Put these in your cocktails and they will light up any party!


Unusual, you might be thinking, but this is a great way to keep your Japanese appetizers fresh for a really long time.

Aloe juice

This can be used for cosmetic purposes.

Puréed fruits

A colourful addition to your smoothies.

Edible flowers

They have no flavour at all, but they look awesome!


Make chocolate ice cubes and add some milk to get a delicious chocolate cocktail.

Lime juice and mint

Perfect for making a home-made Mojito.

Ice cream

A seriously original way to serve milkshakes. Your children will be delighted!

Multilayered fruit ice cubes

These will look spectacular even in plain water.

Loving dog gently rocks baby cradle

A very caring dog knows how to gently rock a baby’s cradle in this absolutely precious clip. Good doggy!

10 Ways to Clean with Borax That No One Ever Told You About


You’ve probably seen Borax mentioned in lots of other DIY cleaner recipes, but what do you really know about it? When you learn everything Clean My Space has to share about this old-fashioned but AMAZING product, you’re going to run out and buy every box you can! Not only is it totally natural – it’s made from just oxygen, water, and the naturally-occurring element sodium borate – it can be used in TEN ways you’ve probably never imagined. Watch to learn what they are and see why Borax is a super-powered cleaning product!

A man left a strange note on her car. When she reads the bottom, she has to share this!

Brené Brown is a famous author and motivational figure. She’s also happily married. Recently, she shared an flirty encounter on her facebook that surprised her readers.

(Facebook/Brené Brown)

While walking out of the gym after her workout, she found a note on her windshield. The note said, “You are really cute. I am going 2-stepping tonight, if you would like to join me.” And at the very bottom was a phone number, underneath the words, “call me.”

(Facebook/Brené Brown)

Bold move for a stranger, right? Brené was taken aback at first. But when she took a closer look at the note, she recognized the phone number – her husband’s phone number. He had left her the flirty note in the hopes of giving her a laugh.

Do you think it worked? What a fun way to let your wife know you’re thinking of her! Share this cute correspondence with your family and friends!

This father gave his daughter the most wonderful present anyone could ever ask for

Parents are truly the most priceless thing anyone can have in this world. They’re the ones who know and understand us better than anyone else. And without a doubt, they love us more than anyone else in the world.

The following little story written by Brenna Martin is touching proof of this wonderful fact. Read on.

’I graduated High School this week. When my Dad said he had a present for me I thought I was getting some cheesy graduation card. But what I received was something truly priceless. Following the ceremony he handed me a bag with a copy of ’’Oh the Places You’ll Go,’’ by Doctor Seuss inside. At first I just smiled and said that it meant a lot and that I loved that book.

But then he told me ’’No, open it up.’’ …On the first page I see a short paragraph written by none other than my kindergarten teacher. I start tearing up but I’m still confused. He tells me ’’Every year, for the past 13 years, since the day you started kindergarten I’ve gotten every teacher, coach, and principal to write a little something about you inside this book.’’

He managed to keep this book a secret for 13 years, and apparently everyone else in my life knew about it! Yes the intended effect occurred… I burst out in tears. Sitting there reading through this book there are encouraging and sweet words from every teacher I love and remember through my years in this small town. My early teachers mention my ’’Pigtails and giggles,’’ while my high school teachers mention my ’’Wit and sharp thinking…’’ But they all mention my humor and love for life. It is astounding to receive something this moving, touching, nostalgic, and thoughtful.

I can’t express how much I love my Dad for this labor of love.’

This father gave his daughter the most wonderful present anyone could ever ask for This father gave his daughter the most wonderful present anyone could ever ask for

We were truly touched when we read this wonderful story. Remember to tell your parents how much you love them!

Source: Brenna Martin