How to Make a Homemade Coffee Table on the Cheap

We don’t have to tell you how ridiculously expensive furniture can get. You’ve more than likely had to purchase some of your own furniture in the past (no matter how small) and you’ve undoubtedly seen some of the hefty price tags. The worst part? The cuter the furniture, the more expensive it tends to be.
This DIY craft coffee table, however, is the best of both worlds! It looks absolutely adorable and the materials only cost around $60 total – a lot better than paying double that price. Learn how to make this trendy coffee table below.

It even has extra storage space underneath! What a perfect piece for a smaller apartment.

Do you like this DIY? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Penguin Swims 8,000KM Every Year To See The Man Who Saved His Life

It’s illegal for you to keep wild animals as pets in Brazil. But despite what the law may say, Dindim comes to live with his best friend, whom he met on the beaches of Brazil, every year since 2011.

71-year-old retired bricklayer and part time fisherman Joao Pereira de Souza found Dindim, a South American Magellanic penguin, covered in oil and close to death. When De Souza nursed him back to health, however, he found that Dindim didn’t want to leave; when he finally did, De Souza was surprised to see him return the next year, and the years following.

“I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin loves me,” Joao told Globo TV. “No one else is allowed to touch him. He pecks them if they do. He lays on my lap, lets me give him showers, allows me to feed him sardines and to pick him up.”
(h/t: independent)

“Everyone said he wouldn’t return but he has been coming back to visit me for the past four years”

71-year-old Joao found this penguin covered in oil and close to death in 2011

“He stayed with me for 11 months and then…he disappeared

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But Dindim kept coming back every year, swimming 8,000km to do so

“I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin loves me. When he sees him he wags his tail like a dog and honks with delight”

“No one else is allowed to touch him. He pecks them if they do”

“I have never seen anything like this before. I think the penguin believes Joao is part of his family and probably a penguin as well” – said Biologist Professor Krajewski

She’s Never Met A Baby Before. But When The Bunny Starts To Hop? Keep Your Eyes On The Dog!

Just about everyone who lives on our planet Earth loves dogs. While there are certainly those few people who think dogs make beastly pets, the vast majority of us have looked a dog in the eyes and felt that undeniable love and affection.

And while dogs certainly love humans more than anything else in the world, the adorable little video below proves that they seem to love tiny and soft baby animals just as much as humans do!

While humans know not to hurt little defenseless creatures, it often comes as a bit of a surprise when we see an animal holding back on what we would expect its instincts to be. A lot of people would expect this beautiful golden Labrador to hurt this tiny baby bunny, but Meg the dog shows just how gentle our furry animal friends can actually be!

Meg sniffs this baby bunny with absolutely no interest in hurting her. Even when the baby bunny is ferociously hopping at her, Meg keeps calm and makes sure there is no possible way that this bunny can get hurt.

Dogs are certainly special animals; we’ve shared our existence with them for more years than we haven’t, we’ve grown up together since the beginning of time, and they’re one of the few animals that can correctly read what are faces are saying.

So for a dog to fall in love with something cute and cuddly isn’t that crazy at all. In fact, it’s something that all of us should fully come to expect!

Please SHARE this adorable video if you think dogs make the greatest pets in the world!

Couple Adopts Newborn Baby. But When They Return To The Doctor? I’m FLOORED!”

Angie and Nick of Twin Falls, ID always wanted a family. They assumed it would happen naturally as it did for all of their friends, but they were surprised when doctors diagnosed them with unexplained infertility. It was around that time that Angie’s period stopped completely. Doctors told her to relax; she was constantly overstressed, and the anxiety was affecting her hormones.

When fertility treatments didn’t work, the couple decided to adopt. They were thrilled to be matched with a pregnant woman who wanted to give her baby to Angie and Nick. Two months before the baby was due, Angie’s period returned to normal. The couple was overjoyed to watch the delivery of their newborn son, and then take him home. That’s when things took another unexpected turn. After three years of infertility, Angie discovered she was finally pregnant.

Angie and Nick struggled to find an explanation as to why they got pregnant only after deciding to adopt — but doctors say anxiety and stress can fuel infertility for couples who can’t conceive biological children. “Infertility causes the same level of stress as cancer. If you can relieve the stress, you can restore normal fertility… which is what happened with them,” psychologist Alice Domar told CBS. It’s pretty fascinating to see just how powerful stress can be.

Thank God Angie and Nick were able to grow their family, even if it happened in the most unexpected way. Please SHARE this story with your friends on Facebook!

Frightened Mom Hides In The Corner, But Watch When She Sees Her Puppy’s Face…

Two terrified dogs were recently surrendered to the Marin Humane Society in Novato, California. Upon examining the female, the staff learned she just had puppies. After some detective work and a lot of convincing, they were able to get the person who surrendered the dogs to also surrender her four puppies. Not only did the puppies still desperately need their mother, but they were living in an unsafe environment.

At first, Mama is frightened and whimpering, refusing to move and inch from the corner of the kennel. All she wants is to see her babies again. But as soon as the kindhearted shelter worker picks up and shows her the first of her pups, her entire demeanor changes. “We captured the moment when sad and scared mom got to see her puppies again,” the staff writes on Facebook. “Tears of joy all around at this happy reunion.”

Once they are old enough and ready, the Marin Humane Society plans to find loving forever homes for Mama and her litter.

The Marin Humane Society offers refuge, rehabilitation, and support services to more than 10,000 domestic animals and wildlife each year through adoptions, foster care, behavior and training, humane education, pet assistance for people in need, lost-and-found pet services, low-cost clinics, and more.

Please SHARE this incredible reunion with your friends on Facebook!

Learn more about Marin Humane Society by following them on Facebook.

They Told Steve Harvey They Could Sing – But Even He Wasn’t Prepared For THIS

Everyone’s jaws were on the floor. Coming from Canada, 10-year-old Jeffrey met 7-year-old Celine from Hong Kong on stage for a breathtaking duet. They were invited to chat with Steve Harvey on Little Big Shots, and their charming personalities will capture you from moment one. Little Celine has an adorable giggle that lights up the room, and Jeffrey can’t help but laugh along. When they are announced on stage, no one could have expected such talented voices, but when they belt out “You Raise Me Up,” everyone in the audience was completely astounded. The expression on Steve Harvey’s face is absolutely priceless.

Jeffrey began the song while darling little Celine stood next to him, just waiting to join along. When their voices met, it was like their voices were match-made in heaven. They stood among the most radiant cloud-like mist on stage that made them not only sound like angels, but look like them as well. The glorious lighting made it appear as if the sunlight itself lit their beautiful faces.

Everyone was enthralled with these two extremely talented children. The soft notes at the ending are so sweet that they put tears in your eyes. Watch their stunning performance for an adorable day-brightener.

Chimp Spent 18 Years Alone. But Now Watch When He Meets His New Friend. Beautiful.

Sometimes when you meet somebody new, you just know that you may have just met a friend for life. It may only happen once or twice in a lifetime, but when it does, it’s an unforgettable feeling.

And this is exactly what happened when a chimpanzee named Terry arrived at a Florida sanctuary called Save the Chimps and met Jeannie.

Jeannie was born in the wild before being captured and sold to a research laboratory. She then spent the next 40 years undergoing medical testing before arriving at the sanctuary.

When Terry was little, he lived with an Ice Capades trainer. Later, he was moved to the now-closed Las Vegas Zoo. Without any other chimpanzees to socialize with, Terry spent 18 lonely years in solitude.

But Terry’s friendless streak ended when he was brought to Save the Chimps. The sanctuary staff quickly introduced him to Jeannie and, as you can see in this video, Terry and Jeannie instantly hit it off. It’s a joy to see them reach out to hold each other’s hands and lovingly play with each other’s fingers.

Now thanks, to Save the Chimps, these two have the chance to be best friends forever.

Mondays are better with a friend.

Terry recently met Jeannie and they didn't want to let go of each other's hand. How sweet is this?

#STCMovieMonday #MovieMonday #TerryTheChimp #JeannieTheChimp

Terry was rescued from a small zoo and Jeannie spent over three decades in a biomedical research lab.
Get to know Terry by visiting:

Posted by Save the Chimps, Inc. on Monday, March 7, 2016

If you’d like to help Terry, Jeannie and any of the other chimps at Save the Chimps, visit the sanctuary’s website.

Share if you believe in friendship at first sight and the right of animals to live good lives!

Test: How good is your logic?

From time to time life throws us some tough puzzles, and the ability to think quickly and logically in such situations becomes an invaluable skill.
We offers you the chance to give this short test a try and see how advanced your logic is.