This 98-Year-Old Couple Recreated Their Wedding Photos After 70 Years Together

A 70th wedding anniversary is a big deal, so this couple went all out to celebrate seven decades of love and loyalty.

Chinese couple Wang Deyi, 98, and Cao Yuehua, 97, traveled back to where they exchanged vows seven decades ago in order to recreate their wedding photos.

China News

After Wang Deyi asked Cao Yuehua to dance, the pair fell in love “almost at first sight”, says their youngest son Cao Pangpei.

China News

They were married in 1945 at Northern Hot Springs Park, Chongqing, China.

China News

With the help of their four children, the couple were determined to recreate the happy memories of their wedding day.

China News

Cao Pangpei told CNN, “They can barely remember many things in their life, but they can recite the love poems they wrote to each other during wartime.”

China News

“They have been together for so long, going through the war, the political turmoil and diseases, and can still stay with each other and love each other.”

China News

“They never stopped loving each other. We want to help them to commemorate their love.”

China News

“When we are both 100 years old, we will come back again, ok?” the happy wife told her husband.

Wife Told Husband She Got Pregnant By Another Man, But Never Expected Him to Do This

How would you feel if your partner tells you that he or she has been unfaithful? What would you do? Regardless if it was in the past or the present, it truly hurts to know that the person you love betrayed your trust. For those who have had such a heartbreaking experience, you know that it’s not easy to forgive and that it takes a special kind of love and a deeper bond to be able to accept your partner again with open arms.

Infidelity is often rooted in one’s selfishness and the other person’s neglect. Of course, there are those who are unfaithful despite having an ideal relationship with their spouses. And, although it is more common for males to get involved in extra-marital affairs, there are women who fall into temptation.

This husband’s story is about his wife who made the mistake of giving into a one-night stand and consequently getting herself pregnant. This may not have been the most unsurprising consequence of what happened that night, but she certainly did not expect her husband to do what he did.

Here is the story:


My wife and I had known each other for about 5 years, together for about 3 or 4. She’s from Eastern Europe originally but came here as a student. She ended up not completing her course and dropping out, moving in with me while we were dating. We made plans for marriage a while ago, and everything fell into place according to plan. Things were going perfectly. She met my family, they loved her, things were going great.

Well, less than a month before we got married, we found out she was pregnant. No big deal, it happens. We were using condoms, but whatever, it happens, there could have been a few times where we just did the pullout method instead.

We went ahead with the marriage as planned. I am absolutely certain I am in love with this woman, I thought everything was going great.

Photo credit: huffingtonpost

However, after the wedding, things weren’t the same. I always felt there was a distance, something strange in her behavior. Well, recently she opened up to me and confessed to me the truth: there was a chance the baby wasn’t mine. She was crying and extremely apologetic, telling me she loved me. I believe her.

Apparently around the time she conceived, she had gone to a party with some of her friends and ended up having drunk sex with some stranger. She didn’t even know his name, she could barely remember what he looks like. She said she’s regretted it ever since.


I was shocked, I felt numb. I had no idea how to respond. I told her we need to do a paternity test, she agreed. She made me promise I’d stay with her if the baby was mine, I relented.

She said it was the worst decision of her life and she regretted every day ever since, and she had only trusted me to open up to me because she loved me, and I knew I loved her and would forgive her.

Photo credit: huffingtonpost

At the time, I didn’t know what I’d do if I found out the baby wasn’t mine.

Well, we did the procedure, we had to see a geneticist, explain our reasons. It wasn’t cheap, but I had to know. It involved taking a sample from the placenta of the child.

Well it turns out I wasn’t the father. I couldn’t believe it. My wife, the woman I loved, cheated on me and was pregnant with someone else’s child.

Photo credit: elephant journal

I didn’t know what to do. Part of me loved her and know she loved me, but the other part of me couldn’t handle this.

I had no idea what would happen to her if I left her. She has no source of income, she has no family here, only a few friends. She has to support herself and a child on her own. I don’t think I’d have it in me to keep supporting them.

Part of me strongly wanted a divorce or an annulment. But I wasn’t sure if that’s the right thing to do, or if I should just stay in this marriage. I know she would suffer incredibly if I left her, personally, emotionally, and financially. But I also know I don’t really have an obligation to this child that’s not mine, or to her once we divorce.

Photo credit: huffingtonpost
I know she made a mistake. But I still loved her. I think it could happen to anybody, especially under the influence of useless friends.

I was confused and I decided to go to a quiet place. I went to the church, sat there for a long time asking God for help. An old couple noticed me and approached me asking what’s wrong? AsI started crying I told them everything and explained my dilemma. I don’t know what made me tell my personal story, but I did. Then they told me if I truly loved her I’d forgive her and accept the child. If she is sorry, I should give her a chance. They told me to be strong and go be with her as she needed me more than ever, to comfort her.

Wife Writes a Final Letter to Her Cheating Husband And It’s Heartbreaking

How long could you keep holding on to a relationship knowing that your spouse or partner has already fallen out of love with you? That burning passion that once kept you both yearning for each other’s arms had died—your partner’s at least—and you don’t know how to get it back.

It’s a sad and ugly truth that no person in this world would want to go through, but unfortunately, you are in that miserable situation. And slowly, you feel the love of your life slipping away.

Have you gone complacent? Is there someone else in your beloved’s life? What have you done to deserve the emotional neglect? These questions torture your restless mind. Some are brave enough to ask, and some are just strong enough to let go and walk away. And, yes, there are those who choose to stay, hold on, and keep mum about it. People might call them a martyr, a weakling, or downright stupid. But, can you blame them for loving and hoping that someday, the person they cherish more than their lives will rekindle that love?

A wife wrote this letter to her husband to let him know how she felt over the years of infidelity and the emotional neglect she tolerated when they were together.

It’s a heartbreaking letter filled with despair, sacrifice, hope, and love; emotions that people like her und

To My Husband of 10 Years
Photo credit: renegade tribune

You’ve been lying to me for the longest time. You’ve been lying to me almost every day. You think I cannot tell? It’s been 18 years since we started dating and you’re a terrible liar. When you lie, I can see it in your face, I can hear it in your voice. I know for the longest time that you’ve been cheating on me, but I let it slip.

Photo credit: huffington post
Come to think of it, it has been a very long time since you last noticed me. When you wake up, breakfast is ready, you eat and then you leave. When you get home, dinner is well prepared, you eat and do some paperwork and then you sleep. I’ve wanted to ask you what’s wrong and communicate, but you barely notice my existence. I wanted to know where I went wrong or where I came short so I can make arrangements to meet them for you. But you were barely home. Not even on the weekends. Until such time, I found out you’ve been sleeping around with someone for the longest time.
Crying woman
Photo credit: skirt collective

I fell apart upon finding out. I can’t understand; I want to understand. I did what I could to be the best other half anyone could have, right? But I held myself back from confronting you and we went about our regular routine and this has gone on for another year and more.

Photo credit: wikimedia

Until such time, about a year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. When I told you, you finally cared. You finally noticed my existence. I felt important to you once again. I was happy. I once again, is visible in your map. And I thought to myself, “I think everything is falling into place.” Until such time, I found out that, you were still in contact with that someone and occasionally rendezvoused with them. And once again, it’s back to square one but still, I refused to confront you.

Photo credit: missionhusband
I was already happy at the fact that you were noticing my existence. That you once again, give comments about the food I cook for breakfast before you leave for work, the food I cook for your lunch, and the food I cook when you came home. But I never stopped thinking. Thinking that when you’re away, you’re with that person; that whenever your phone gets SMS notification, it’s them. I cried far too many times, away from your eyes. I didn’t want you to see me when I’m weak.
Photo credit: the abundance project

I cried because I know all I have is your pity. Pity because I was sick. Honestly, I feel like a beggar; a beggar who deserves nothing but spare change; a beggar who deserves only the leftovers given by those who are more fortunate; a worthless trash of society who deserves nothing but to be shunned. I want to run away, but a homeless beggar like me has nowhere to go; no place to come home to.

Photo credit: Black Rose Propaganda

But don’t worry, honey. I don’t have much time left anyway. Soon you’ll be free to be with them. You won’t have to go around my back anymore. Because by then, I will just be a bitter memory to you; a nightmare you might have always so avoided. To you my love; I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I wasn’t enough. I’m sorry if I was not able to fulfil your needs. I’m sorry if I was too much of a coward to speak up. I love you, believe me, I love you so much and even if you did so much that made me cry, I will still love you.


I hope one day, you’d be able to read this and realize it’s me. I hope one day you find out that this is the voice I have always suppressed in the last few years of our life together. Honey, you know that I love you so much that’s why you’re free. Find that person who will make you happy and make you feel content. But I have one request to ask you: Please do not make that person cry. Do not let them shed even a single tear of sadness and if you did, only tears of joy. Thank you for all the years, sweetheart I love you.

The toughest part of letting go is realizing that the other person already did.

What can you say about this letter? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

When None Of The Kids Have Time To Spend Christmas With Their Dad, He Does Something That Moves Millions To Tears.

Under a month to go until Christmas – for many, the most precious time of the year to be spent among friends and family. But not everyone has that luxury of spend Christmas with loved ones – and we sometimes are too preoccupied with ourselves to even notice it.

This commercial by German supermarket chain Edeka carries an incredibly important message. It has in just a few days been viewed by close to 20 million viewers. Insane.

An elderly man prepares to sit alone to have Christmas dinner. His children constantly cancel and don’t show up. The video then takes two sudden twists. The first will make you cry with grief – the second with a mix of joy and relief. This smart commercial is a real eye-opener and I think it serves as an important reminder to everyone on how important it is to show your loved ones just how much you care, right here, right now.

Please like if you agree that you should always put your loved ones first.

He Loves Super Hit “Uptown Funk” So He Transforms 66 Classic Movies Into A Music Video. AMAZING.

Mark Ronson’s super hit “Uptown Funk” was perhaps the most played song around the world in 2015. In this clip, immortal dancing legends such as Gene Kelly, Shirley Temple, Judy Garland and Fred Astaire dance to the incredibly catchy song. How it is possible? All thanks to film nerd Michael Binder.

Michael had seen a clip of different dance scenes synchronized to the catchy track. Inspired, he chose to do the same, but in his case decided to take things to a whole new level. As a film geek, he knew where to go to find various scenes, and ended up using 66 different movies to achieve the task.

The end result is seriously one of the coolest videos I’ve ever seen. My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time.

Watch the full video below and please share if you were fascinated and very impressed, too.


Pediatrician Reveals Secret To Calm Crying Baby: “Shake Their Little Booty”

Dr Robert Hamilton is a doctor at Pacific Ocean Pediatrics in Santa Monica, California.

The pediatrician, who has over 30 years experience, recently revealed the secret to calming a crying baby: “shake their little booty.”

Yes, seriously. It actually works.

Unfortunately, he has a rather boring name for this amazingly effective technique, “the hold.”

To calm a crying baby, it’s simple: fold their arms across their chest, grasp the diaper area, then GENTLY rock the baby at a 45 degree angle and shake their bottom back and forth. See for yourself below:


A Son And His Old father Had Lunch in a Restaurant, What He Left Behind Made the Entire Restaurant be in Dead Silence


Son Gives Restaurant-Goers A Lesson In Family Duty

A son took his old father to a restaurant for an evening dinner.

Father being very old and weak, while eating, dropped food on his shirt and trousers.

Others diners watched him in disgust while his son was calm.

After he finished eating, his son who was not at all embarrassed, quietly took him to the wash room, wiped the food particles, removed the stains, combed his hair and fitted his spectacles firmly.

Whenthey came out, the entire restaurant was watching them in dead silence, not able to grasp how someone could embarrass themselves publicly like that.

The son settled the bill and started walking out with his father.

At that time, an old man amongst the diners

called out to the son and asked him, “Don’t you think you have left something behind?”.

The son replied, “No sir, I haven’t”.

The old man retorted, “Yes, you have! You left a lesson for every son and hope for every father”.

The restaurant went silent.

To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors. Share this if you agree