Japan Railways Build “Turtle Tunnels” To Save Turtles And Prevent Delays To Commuters

In Japan, turtles often get stuck in train tracks causing disruptions to services and delays to commuters, but more tragically, death to the turtles themselves.


So West Japan Railway Co. teamed up with Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe to design and install five U-shaped concrete “turtle tunnels” that ensure safe passage when turtles try to cross train tracks.


This means the slow moving reptiles won’t get crushed by trains or get stuck in track switches.

According to The Japan Times, railway staff inspect the ditches during their monthly track check and rescue any turtles that may have fallen in.

The ditches were built at two stations in Nara Prefecture in April and November and a total of 10 turtles have been saved from death so far. Fantastic!


“The system prevents turtles from getting into accidents and avoids causing trouble for our passengers. We hope to continue using it,” a JR West official said.

13 Devastating Photos to show your friend who doesn’t believe in climate change.

Human activity is affecting our planet. Big time.

Don’t take my word for it, though — take the 97% of climate scientists’ who believe climate change is not, um, voodoo, but, in fact, a real thing largely caused by us.

Although science says climate change is certainly happening, however, Americans are a bit less sure. In a Gallup poll published back in March, only slightly over half the country believes the effects of global warming are occurring.

That … isn’t good. Because, as Dana Nuccitelli wrote for The Guardian, when people are less certain of climate change, they’re, of course, less inclined to fight it.

“Research has shown that perception of consensus is linked to support for climate policy. This is true along most of the ideological spectrum — when people are aware of the expert consensus on human-caused global warming, they are more likely to support taking action to solve the problem.”

So, in order to convince your friend/dad/aunt/neighbor that climate change is not actually a vast conspiracy so that we can push progress along…

Here are 13 astounding images that reflect how drastically climate change has already altered planet Earth.

1. A critical water shortage in Lodwar, Kenya, is no joke.

East Africa has been hit hard by a critical shortage of water, which climate change has only exacerbated. We’ll be seeing a lot more droughts, like this one in 2009, due to rising global temperatures. Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images.

2. The Passu Glacier in Pakistan is disappearing. Quickly.

This photo, taken in September 2015, shows a shrinking Passu Glacier in Pakistan’s Gojal Valley. It’s melting, and fast. Thanks, climate change. Photo by Aamir Qureshi/AFP/Getty Images.

3. Bedono, Indonesia, is no stranger to massive flooding…

These floodwaters in Bedono, Indonesia, in 2013 were no laughing matter. Just like we can expect more droughts, we can also expect more flooding due to a warming planet. Photo by Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images.

4. …Neither is Somerset, United Kingdom…

This flood from 2014 in England wiped out an outrageous amount of farmland. In general, climate change means wet places will get wetter, and dry places get drier. (In both cases, not good.) Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images.

5. …Or Fischbeck, Germany.

OK, last flood photo (I swear). But doesn’t this one truly show how big of a deal this is? It was taken back in 2013. You can imagine how dangerous these flood were — to both the region’s wildlife and people. Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images.

6. Brush fires, like this one in Lake Hughes, California, will be getting more and more common.

This photo, taken in 2013 in Southern California, hits particularly close to home. Forest fires — a symptom of climate change that will only get worse with rising temperatures (remember when I mentioned dry places getting drier?) — remain a serious concern in the Golden State. Photo by David McNew/Getty Images.

7. And polluted air, seen here in Wuhan, China, will make Earth warmer while hurting our health.

8. Isn’t Greenland gorgeous? But wait … there’s a catch.

Whoa, the glacial ice sheet of Greenland is freaking gorgeous. Unfortunately (I hate to be Debbie Downer, but), that beautiful blue streak you see there? It’s melted water. And that’s not a good sign for coastal cities around the world, seeing as melting ice means rising sea levels. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.

9. That big red blob in the Gulf Coast? Yeah, not good.

This satellite image of the Gulf Coast from 2008 captures Hurricane Gustav. It/he was a Category 3 storm that tore through Louisiana and endangered thousands. Climate change means more severe storms, just like this guy. Photo by NOAA via Getty Images.

10. Vincennes Bay, Antarctica, is getting warmer (and wetter).

This image, taken in Antarctica in 2008, is beautiful … but also sad. Similar to what’s happening in Greenland, the ice near Earth’s poles is melting. And Vincennes Bay is no exception. Photo by Torsten Blackwood – Pool/Getty Images.

11. And Tehuacán, Mexico, is getting hotter (and drier).

A water hole in Tehuacán has definitely seen better days. The region, captured here in 2006, has been drastically affected by climate change, suffering from long, dire water shortages. Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images.

12. Coastlines, like this one in Shishmaref, Alaska, are literally falling into the sea.

This is Alaska in 2006. Rising temperatures have resulted in less sea ice and thawing of coastline permafrost, which, in turn, means more erosion. And more erosion means beach communities can end up looking like this. Photo by Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images.

13. And Marree, Australia, is one hot place.

Australia — already a pretty warm place — is getting hotter because of climate change. This photo, taken of the outback in 2005, shows what increasingly hot temperatures are doing to landscapes Down Under. Photo by Ian Waldie/Getty Images.

You just saw 13 depressing photos and feel hopeless and helpless and #OmgTheWorldIsEnding, right?

Don’t feel that way!

The good news: People are increasingly waking up to the reality of climate change. Increased pressure on leaders to fight warming temperatures (both in the U.S. and abroad) has resulted in more eco-friendly policies around the world. And at the end of November, world leaders will gather in Paris for the United Nations COP21 summit with a mission to combat climate change for decades to come.

So what can you do this very moment? Fight oil drilling in the Arctic. Put more pressure on the president to make climate change action a top priority. Or learn how to live a little bit greener every day, just by doing the simple things.

The problem of climate change can seem overwhelming. But it’s problem we created, and it’s a problem only we can fix.

Can You See As Well As You Think? This Test Will Tell You.

I have to admit I’m getting addicted to these quizzes. Sometimes they strike me as a bit silly but this one in particular I actually enjoyed. I definitely had to focus to get some of the answers right!

Try it out and let us know in the comments which question you found hardest. Number 7 and especially 8 definitely took me longer to figure out.

Simply begin the quiz by clicking the “LET’S PLAY” button below, and don’t forget to share it with all your friends.

Your eyes can say a lot about your personality and special set of skills. What are your eyes saying?

This Husband Wrote a Beautiful Open Letter to His Nurse Wife, and it Went Viral!

Bobby lives in Gardendale, Alabama with his wife, Rayena, and their young son. Rayena is not only a dedicated mom, she’s also a trauma nurse. And in the eyes of her husband, she’s a hero.

Recently, Bobby shared a touching open letter about his wife that he posted on Facebook, and that letter is now going viral with over half a million likes. His post begins with a photo of his wife taking a quick nap before she has to head out on a shift. Her arms are wrapped around their son.

Here’s what he wrote:

“This is my wife taking a nap. In an hour she will wake up, put on her scrubs and get ready for work.

“The tools and items she needs to perform her job will be gathered and checked meticulously – her hair and makeup will be done quickly. She will complain that she looks awful. I will disagree, emphatically, and get her a cup of coffee.

“She will sit on the couch with her legs crossed under her and try to drink it while happily playing with the toddler that’s crawling all over her.

“She will occasionally stare off blankly as we talk; silently steeling herself for the coming shift. She thinks I don’t notice.

“She will kiss the baby, she will kiss me and she will leave to go take care of people that are having the worst day of their entire lives. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and breaks – professionals, poor, pastors, addicts and prostitutes – mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families – it doesn’t matter who you are or what happened to you.

“She will take care of you.

“She will come home 14 hours later and remove shoes that have walked through blood, bile, tears and fire from aching feet and leave them outside.

“Sometimes she will not want to talk about it. Sometimes she can’t wait to talk about it.
Sometimes she will laugh until she cries and sometimes she will just cry – but regardless of those sometimes she will be on time for her next shift.

“My wife is a nurse. My wife is a hero.”

Bobby’s letter is like a beautiful mixture of a love note and awestruck tribute to his wife’s dedication to helping others.

“Those of you that know my wife know that she flinches at the word hero,” he wrote in a follow up after his post went viral. “She doesn’t miss an opportunity to say that she is a small part of a very large team – but she is a large part of my very small team and I’m proud of her.”


Bobby has such tremendous pride and love for his wife. The respect he shows for her is something we can all aspire to with our loved ones. Please share Bobby’s moving letter with your friends and family and the nurse heroes you know!


A Man Pushed His Wife to Save Himself from a Sinking Ship. The Reason Will Break Your Heart.

Maybe you’ve come across this story before but never bothered to read the entire thing because you found it a bit disturbing. After all, what kind of husband wouldn’t give up his life for his wife?

The story which has gone viral in the Internet tells a tale of a couple who found themselves stuck in a sinking ship. Luckily, they were able to find a lifeboat only to discover that it can only accommodate one person. As the title indicates, the man chose to save himself instead of his wife and the reason will probably shock you.

Before you judge a book by its cover, give this story a chance since you just might find a valuable lesson at the end.

I’m in tears after reading the entire thing. I would have done the same if I were in his place.

Were you moved by this story? Don’t forget to hit the share button below.

Her mother doesn’t get why she’s depressed. So she explains the best way she knows how

Sabrina Benaim’s “Explaining My Depression to My Mother” is pretty powerful on its own:

But, in it, her mother exhibits some of the most common misconceptions about depression, and I’d like to point out three of them here.

Misconception #1: Depression is triggered by a single event or series of traumatic events.

Most people think depression is triggered by a traumatic event: a loved one dying, a job loss, a national tragedy, some THING. The truth is that depression sometimes just appears out of nowhere. So when you think that a friend or loved one is just in an extended bad mood, reconsider. They could be suffering from depression.

Misconception #2: People with depression are only sad.

Most people who have never experienced depression think depression is just an overwhelming sadness. In reality, depression is a complex set of feelings and physical changes in the body. People who suffer from depression are sad, yes, but they can also be anxious, worried, apathetic, and tense, among other things.

Misconception #3: You can snap out of it.

The thing with depression is that it’s a medical condition that affects your brain chemistry. It has to do with environmental or biological factors first and foremost. Sabrina’s mother seems to think that if her daughter would only go through the motions of being happy that then she would become happy. But that’s not the case. Depression is a biological illness that leaks into your state of being.

Think of it this way: If you had a cold, could you just “snap out of it”?

No? Exactly.

Share and spread the Knowledge!

Here Is The Famous Japanese Method To Lose Weight And Improve Your Posture.

For 10 long years, well-known Japanese doctor and medical pioneer Toshiki Fukutsudzi fought to develop a method to prevents bad posture. She became famous in her homeland, gaining widespread attention after publishing her book on how to overcome bad posture, combat back problems and strengthen one’s abdominal muscles. Her best-selling book has sold over six million copies throughout Asia.

Dr. Fukutsudzi specializes in treating patients with problems in their pelvic bone and her method is also said to reduce fat around the waist.

I always take these kinds of “treatments” with a grain of salt, careful not to take them too seriously. This method however has gained such popularity that I cannot help but feel tempted to at the least try it out.

Obviously, for serious or extended back issues, I would say, see your doctor. But otherwise, why not give this a shot? After all, it’s extremely easy and only takes 5 minutes.

Here’s how it works:

Roll an ordinary towel to form a thick and stable “sausage”. Wrap it with some tape or string so that it stays put. Lay down on your back on a flat and hard surface – beds and couches are too soft. Place the towel at the height of your navel, where your spine begins to curve.

Famous Japanese Method To Lose Weight
Once you’re in the correct position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing inward toward each other. Stretch your arms above your head, palms down, with your pinkies touching. Lay still in this position for 5 minutes. The exercise may feel a bit painful at first, but try to hold for 5 minutes — it does get easier every time you do it.
Famous Japanese Method To Lose Weight2

For best results, repeat the exercise 3 times a day for a few weeks.

Famous Japanese Method To Lose Weight3

The method may strike you as too simple to actually produce results, but as I said, I think you have nothing to lose, so feel free to experiment. I know in any case that I will! Please share the method with your friends if you know someone who suffers from back problems.


Harry Became A Regular At McDonald’s After His Wife Died. When He Turns 93, Here’s What Happens.

Harry Scott from Workington, England has been alone since his wife died six years ago. In 2013, he began to visit his local McDonalds almost daily for a happy meal – and some company.

It became a way to ease the loneliness he felt since his wife passed away. On Sundays, he would meet his goddaughter for dinner, but otherwise, 6 days a week, it was a Happy Meal at the Workington, Cumbria McDonalds location for Harry.

When his 93rd birthday approached, Harry assumed he would have to celebrate it by himself.

Little did he expect that his McDonalds restaurant had a very special Happy Meal in store for him that day.

They prepared balloons and birthday banners – even whiskey and a special cake for their very favorite customer.

“He’s a one-off. We get regular customers but he’s one that stands out. He’s bubbly and full of life, especially for a 93-year-old,” the restaurant’s personnel manager Jack Holliday told the UK’s Daily Mail.

Harry has his own regular table at the restaurant, and since he does not have any children of his own, he says that he feels that the young people at the restaurant are like his children.

“When they threw the surprise party I had to wipe my eyes,” Harry said.


He now goes every day, apart from Sundays, when he goes to his goddaughter’s for a meal.


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