Boyfriend’s Romantic Marriage Proposal Has Been Seen By Millions And I Totally Understand Why.

We all have our own dream scenario of how the love of our life may one day propose. But this video honestly left me wondering if this beats every possible scenario in every single head out there.

A girl is offered the cutest little puppy on the very day of her birthday. Naturally, she is completely thrilled. But then her boyfriend asks her to take a closer look at the pup’s collar. That’s when she discovers an engagement ring, just as he kneels down…

After watching this, I totally understood why in just a few days it has already been viewed an incredible 17 million times!

This “puppy proposal” was one of the most romantic proposals I have ever seen. I totally teared up!

Please like if this totally touched you, too.

Couple’s Dog Films Their Wedding And The Result Is Better Than Most Wedding Videos

When Addie and Marshall Burnette decided to elope in Roan Mountain, Tennessee, they didn’t have time to find a videographer to film their wedding. So they got their Siberian husky Ryder to do it instead.

“Our dog, Ryder, insisted on filming the wedding video, so we let her do her thing,” wrote Burnette on Youtube.
The couple strapped a GoPro camera to Ryder’s back, and let her do her thing as they went about getting ready for their big day.
The resulting wedding video is everything you could hope for: intimate, unique, and plain adorable. Watch it for yourself below:

Forget What You Know About De-Icing Your Car, This Simple Trick Melts It Instantly

It’s cold in most of the country right now and that means ice on your windshield.

There are many ways to remove ice, but this one is genius.

This also works on walkways, I had to use this last year when stores ran our of salt for the driveway, I used 1/2 gal containers mixed with 2/3 alcohol and 1/3 water with a tblsp of dish soap. Worked great

Check it out.

A Huge World Map on the Edge of a Lake. It Took One Man 25 Years to Build

Mark this down as one of the stranger maps we’ve covered. Along the banks of Denmark’s Lake Klejtrup is a 4,000-square-meter map, built from stones, soil and grass. It’s creator Søren Poulsen spent the last 25 years of his life completing the walkable world.

Poulsen’s inspiration for the map came in 1943 while working on the drainage for meadows surrounding the lake. Finding a stone shaped like Jutland, he decided to complete his own map of the world using more materials from the nearby area. It was a project that would last from 1944 to 1969.

Søren Poulsen, the creator of “The World Map”, was born in Denmark in 1888. Having spent part of his life in America, he returned to the village where he was born by the lake in Klejtrup. In 1943, Søren Poulsen was working on the drainage of the surrounding meadows when he found a stone shaped like Jutland, inspiring him to create a small world of his own. The following year, with the help of primitive tools and a wheelbarrow, Poulsen started laying big stones on the ice on the lake, and slowly the World Map took shape.

Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia

Søren Poulsen continued building his map until his death in 1969. The final map measures 45 meters by 90 meters, and was built entirely to scale —one 111-kilometer degrees of latitude corresponds to 27 centimeters on the map. Today, the Verdenskortet ved Klejtrup Sø (Danish for “World Map at Lake Klejtrup”) is a popular attraction in the Viborg area.

Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia
Photo credit: Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia

The map as seen on Google Maps:

worldmap-klejtrup google


It Looks Like An Ordinary Garden Shed, But Watch When He Opens The Door…

“On a normal street… in a normal house… in a normal garden… in a normal shed… Not everything is normal.”

Looks can be deceiving, and this video is proof! Because right underneath his lovely yet ordinary outdoor garden, YouTube user Colin Furze dug a hidden underground bunker with the entrance located inside his shed. Inside the shed and underneath a barbecue is an old rug, and underneath the old rug is an incredible bunker that would keep anyone safe from a disaster, a zombie apocalypse, an alien abduction… all while keeping guests completely entertained and happy.

Unsurprisingly, this video is quickly going viral with more than 5 million views in just a few days. People are blown away by Colin’s creativity, vision, and resourcefulness. This bunker has it all, from a full kitchen to a surround-sound entertainment system (also, a wall of ridiculous weapons). To what he describes as the “ultimate man cave and survival cell rolled into one sub garden room,” Colin plans to add an air filtration system and updated power source.

I must admit, I’m pretty jealous of this space. It’s bigger than my apartment!

If you’re impressed by this underground bunker, too, please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!

11 Sneaky Reasons Why You’re Always Tired

Are you consistently exhausted — even when you’re getting enough sleep? If so, there might be a few not-so-obvious reasons you’re so sluggish. Lucky for you, there are also a few pretty easy fixes!


Take your hand away from the snooze-button. While it may seem counter-intuitive, sleeping until the last possible second might actually be harming you more than helping you! “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a (wo)man healthy, wealthy and wise” isn’t just a cute rhyme. You really do need to get up and take some time for yourself to de-stress before heading out for the day. Don’t believe us? A 2008 Harvard study showed that morning people better anticipate problems than night owls and are more proactive, which is linked to better job (and life) performance and success.


Complaining coworkers and whining pals can actually make you tired. “People you allow into your life not only have the power to affect you emotionally, but can also take a toll on you physically,” explains Vicky Vlachonis, osteopath and author of The Body Doesn’t Lie. “If people that are cynical and tend to complain surround you, they can be draining your energy.” So how do you fix it? Vlachonis suggests getting “rid of time-wasters and move forward with feelings of positivity and gratitude — feelings of happiness bring your body lots of energy!”


Most people complain about being too tired to have sex, but guess what? Intimacy can actually help you get a better night’s rest. This is because an orgasm releases prolactin, which is naturally higher when we sleep. And if a morning quickie is more your style, there’s good news: Highly active sex can actually make you feel more energized than sleepy. So maybe stick to a more subdued session at night — or get frisky when you wake up!


Yes, it sounds weird, but think of magnesium “as the relaxation mineral,” explains Dr. Mark Hyman, director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. Why? It helps improves how effective your sleep is, how long it takes you to fall asleep, and how long you’re out, according to the National Institutes of Health. To make sure you’re getting a healthy dose, Jaclyn London, Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute, suggests foods like nuts, seeds, beans, avocados, and leafy greens. (Note: Just remember that this magical mineral can sometimes have a laxative effect!)


Let’s be honest: Waking up day in and day out for work already can take a toll, but that’s exacerbated when you hate what you do or are surrounded by challenging coworkers. If you’re always feeling sluggish, it may be that you need a change of office scenery. Need proof? Multiple studies have shown that people who hate their jobs have trouble falling asleep or sleeping deeply, mostly because of stress.


If you’re in a slump, you may want to get moving. Regular physical activity can “reduce your risk of depression and may help you sleep better,” according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It doesn’t take much: Just 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week can make you 65% less tired during the day!


It’s all about the circadian rhythm. “When people are exposed to sunlight or very bright artificial light in the morning, their nocturnal melatonin production occurs sooner, and they enter into sleep more easily at night,” wrote M. Nathaniel Mead in an article in Environmental Health Perspectives. (This is also why you should shut off screens long before bed.) And while too much unprotected exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer, you should definitely aim to get an hour or two of sunlight each day. Bonus: Sunshine also offers a free dose of Vitamin D, which helps fight against diseases — and nothing brings your energy down like getting sick.


Everyone knows that anxiety isn’t good — especially because it causes ulcers, gray hair, and exhaustion. Stress is also the top cause of insomnia, according to the Mayo Clinic. And it’s a vicious cycle: The lack of sleep leaves you more irritable and anxious, making problems loom larger and it more difficult to sleep the next night. So take some time for you to de-stress, and try to put problems in perspective.


Yes, they are known to cause fatigue and tiredness, the U.S. Department of Health of Human Services reveals. And since women are three times more likely than men to suffer from one, be sure to speak to your doctor if you’re always tired. There may be a much deeper health issue that you’re not paying attention to.


If it’s a mess of clothes, shoes, and piles of papers, you’re not doing yourself or the quality of your sleep any favors. According to the National Sleep Foundation, your bedroom should be clean, comfortable, and conducive to rest. So, burn some scented candles (lavender will do!), use some dim lights, tidy up, and create your own calming sanctuary. Your brain will thank you.


We’re talking about high-carb foods like burgers and fries, white rice, pasta, and bread, which usually cause a not-so-fun energy crash. Instead, you want to load up on fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein, “which can boost energy by giving you the vitamins and minerals — not to mention antioxidants! — you need,” says London. “And since fruits and veggies are mostly water, the hydration may help give you a boost as well.”

From: Good Housekeeping

20 Amazing Guys Who Took Their Marriage Proposals To The Next Level

The only thing more exciting than your actual wedding day is the moment the love of your life drops down on one knee and asks for your hand in marriage.

Like most ladies, you’ve probably dreamed about this since your childhood days of acting out picture-perfect proposal scenes via Barbie and Ken.

If there’s one person who knows a thing or two about a seriously impressive proposal, it’s Stacy Tasman.

After seeing her friend get engaged, this hopeless romantic set out to find some of the most epic marriage proposals on the face of the Earth and compiled them all onto one incredible Instagram account called How He Asked.

Now would probably be a good time to grab a couple of tissues because these proposal pictures are so heart-melting they’ll make you cry harder than the first time you watched “The Notebook.”

According to Tasman,

I started after I was part of a friend’s proposal a few years back. ‘How he asked’ was so unique and special that I began to think how beautiful all these stories could be.
Because of that, I started the website and the Instagram, and have seen over 3,000 proposals since – including my own proposal, which happened four months ago in two feet of snow.

Seriously, all of these dudes deserve an A-plus for their proposals.

Stacy Tasman is no stranger to awesome proposals.


Hey girl, wanna get married after we figure out how to get down from this cliff?

Rocking the boat with a 2-carat ring.

You just won… a brand new husband!

He’s ready to take the plunge.

Popping the question with an “Up”-themed proposal? Yes, please.

This might be the luckiest woman alive.

The hipster proposal at its finest.

He’s not afraid to fight for her love.

Give me a Y! Give me an E! Give me an S! What does that spell? YES! YES! YES!

He found his one and only fish in the sea.

Now that you’ve survived jumping out of a plane, will you marry me?

Now this is a seriously impressive place to pop the question.

Nothing can put out the burning love these two have for each other.

His heart was racing when he finally asked the question.

Talk about hitting a hole-in-one.

There’s about to be some Navy nuptials in the near future.

It’s a good thing she agreed to stay for the “Phantom of the Opera” after show.

This gal has her man trained just as well as the dog.

And they lived happily ever after.

Why a pizza shop in Ohio is throwing a free Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless.

On most days, Bada Bing! Pizzeria in Springfield, Ohio, simply cranks out the garlic knots and calzones (to great Yelp reviews). But this Thanksgiving, it’s taking on a different role: as a refuge for people in need.

“A lot of people, just like myself, we don’t really see what’s going on in the community when it comes to homelessness and poverty,” Bada Bing! owner Jason Hague told Upworthy. “A lot of us just go to Walmart or the mall to go shopping and we just don’t see the plight of others that are in need.”

Hague had already planned to host a Thanksgiving dinner in the shop for his friends, family, and members of his staff who didn’t have anywhere else to go when he thought:

Why not invite local homeless and hungry people too?

In order to make sure word got around, Hague put this sign in the window:

Photo by Bada Bing! Pizzeria/Facebook, used with permission.

“I wanted to put the sign on the door just to let people know, ‘Hey, we’re closed, but we’re here as well, so if you want to come in, stop in, we got a seat for you,” Hague said.

The photo quickly went viral in the community — and around the Internet.

As of the time of publication, the photo of the sign had been shared over 5,000 times on Facebook.

“Come dinnertime last night, we were just so inundated with not just customers, but people just coming in that wanted to help out and donate their time, services, or money to helping out with this cause,” Hague said.

According to Hague, one customer — an elementary school-aged kid — has even offered to perform magic tricks at dinner.

Hague’s plan to invite the homeless and hungry to Thanksgiving was a big hit with the pizzeria’s staff as well.

Photo by Bada Bing! Pizzeria/Facebook, used with permission.

“I think it’s absolutely amazing,” Michelle Butler, an employee of the pizzeria, told Upworthy. According to Butler, when Hague announced the Thanksgiving plan, many on staff immediately volunteered to pitch in.

“I donated four turkeys. We went from three turkeys to seven turkeys,” Butler said. She plans to make them all tonight.

Though Hague is a little nervous about being overwhelmed with people, he’s grateful for the amazing support of his staff and customers. Initially, he had enough food for 15 people, but after all the attention the post received, he went back to the grocery store and purchased 100 servings of turkey and all the trimmings.

Bada Bing! is one of a number of restaurants reaching out to those less fortunate.

Hague with a Springfield local outside Bada Bing! Photo by Bada Bing! Pizzeria/Facebook, used with permission.

Restaurants like Rosa’s Fresh Pizza in Philadelphia have received a ton of attention and praise for allowing customers to “pay it forward” by purchasing pizza slices for the needy for $1 each. Back in April, the owner of P.B. Jams in Oklahoma City left a note for a person digging through their trash inviting them in for a free meal.

The thing they all have in common? The desire to treat homeless and hungry people not as objects to be afraid of, but as fellow members of the community who might be down on their luck and in need of a hand.

“Even if we’re able to feed just one family, I’m OK with that,” Hague said.

It’s a sentiment that the Bada Bing! staff shares.

“A lot of people don’t have families to go to, and there’s a lot of homeless here in Springfield,” Butler said. “I think it’ll bring people together and just be a special time.”

For Hague, that’s exactly what the holiday is supposed to be.

“Thanksgiving is one of those days that you want to spend time with your family and friends, but it’s also a time to give thanks for what you have, and we’ve been very blessed here,” Hague said. “So if we’re able to bless someone else by giving them hope, then that makes me feel good.”

“That’s my holiday.”