20 Heart-melting Photos of Dogs who are waiting for new family member

Do you know how dogs react to human pregnancy? Some dogs react whenever a member of a family is pregnant. This probably comes from the dog’s extraordinarily keen senses, almost like ESP for humans.

Dogs have an astounding ability to sense change in the world around them, and that includes when their owner is pregnant. This shouldn’t be surprising. After all, dogs are excellent at reading human body language and behavior, and there is even some evidence that dogs can detect when a person has cancer or is about to have an epileptic fit.

We’ve gathered 20 heartwarming photos of dogs that shows how the bond between humans and their dogs is astonishingly strong. Enjoy!

I think I can hear his heart!

Mom, pls don’t ignore me when she/came out okeyh …

Hey, there, inside, I’m waiting for you.

I do not know if it’s a girl or a boy, but I already love it.

You’re gonna let me play with him?!! Please!

The master seems hungry toddler. And I also …

Mmm, and smells delicious.

And is taste good as well.

My master,  are you sure you haven’t swallowed a watermelon?

I hope he will secretly throw me snacks from the table …

Ta-a-ak, all indicators are normal, the baby is expected in a week or two.

I will be always here for you …

Oh, one more month and that’s it!

I Don’t understand ….

I have a feeling he’s going to be a good big brother to his new little sister. 😉

Have we decide about the name.

Thank you for being my best  friend! ……. Babe, i’ll always be! <3

Ohh, how cosy it is…

Children = happiness. And the dogs, too.

22 Things To Start Doing Now That Will Improve The Rest Of Your Life

1. Exercise.

And if you can, exercise in the morning. This helps in so many ways. It will help you sleep better at night and be more alert during the day. It will help wake you up in the morning by getting your blood flowing. It will help to sharpen and focus your mind. It will help relieve stress. There are just so many benefits.

2. Don’t say “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I don’t have time.”

Tomorrow tends to be the imaginary land that never arrives, and 95-99% of the time when people say “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I don’t have time” it really means “I’d rather just be lazy.”

3. Don’t make excuses.

Just do it. If there is something that you want to do, whether it is just something that you think would be fun, a new experience, or something to better yourself then do it. This sort of goes with point #2. If you’re making excuses then all that means is your really don’t want it that badly.

4. Read books.

Get off the internet. Stop reading pointless 3 paragraph articles and read something substantial. It will help expand your vocabulary, it will open your mind, it will inspire real thinking and creativity, and more.

5. Make sure you understand your credit score.

6. Save money.

Be aggressive about it. In the next 5-10 years, you’ll probably be extremely happy that you did so.

7. Don’t hold grudges.

Do not harbor hate. It takes a lot of energy to be mad at people so don’t bother. Just let things go. And if someone continues to inspire these bad feelings in you, then let them go. It’s that simple.

8. Laugh and smile.

Always. Having a bad day? First, Smile. A big one. Ear to ear. Force it. Smiling doesn’t just happen when you are happy, but it always happens to make you happier. It’s scientifically proven. Then go to YouTube (I know earlier I said get off the internet, but laughter is a necessity.), look up a funny video or your favorite comedian and just laugh. Just let go. It’ll help.

9. Stop and smell the roses.

It’s good to want to better yourself, but you also need to know when to take time for yourself and relax. Let your batteries recharge.

10. Be thankful and grateful.

Sometimes it can be hard in the moment to realize that you actually have it pretty good, but every now and then just stop and think about everything that you have in your life. There is always someone who has it worse so you should be happy that you have what you have. It’s also good to want to be better and to not just accept things for what they are, to challenge the status quo, but at the same time if you are always surging forward and you never stop to appreciate what and who is around you then one day when you finally do stop, you may realize there’s nothing left.

11. Be charitable.

Not just with your money or your time, but with who you are. Being charitable isn’t just about giving when it makes sense, it’s about being the type of person who will go out of their way to help the old woman cross a slippery, snow covered street. It’s about tipping the waitress even when she was bitchy because maybe she’s just having a really bad day. It’s about smiling at that person across from you on the bus who looks upset, maybe even ask them if they need to talk. It’s about giving that kid who won’t stop asking for a job a chance even though their resume doesn’t look that great.

12. Be selfish.

Sometimes. This may sound contradictory, but hear me out. Sometimes you just need to ignore everyone else, and step away from the world for you. Go on that ski trip. Get yourself those shoes. That might sound vain, but you know what, if you don’t have a healthy mind and a healthy body then how will you help others to do so?

13. Keep your phone in your pocket when with friends and family. Enjoy your time with them. You can always use technology, you won’t always have time with your loved ones.

14. Don’t be shy.

Talk to people. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with strangers. What’s the worst that will happen? They’ll ignore you? Be rude? So what? You don’t ever have to talk to them again. Not only will this teach you not to be afraid of rejection, but it will teach you how to network, be personable, read people, and maybe meet some really great people.

15. Listen.

When someone is talking to you, LISTEN. Don’t just think about what you are going to say, but really listen to what they are saying. Then when they are done you can take a second to think about what you want to say.

16. Be yourself, but don’t be an A-Hole.

Never be afraid to be who you are. Don’t worry about other people’s BS opinion of you. Enjoy life and yourself. If people don’t like you for who you are then you don’t need them in your life. Simple as that. At the same time, if everyone you meet seems to think you’re an A-Hole, maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate yourself.

17. Travel.

If you can, travel. It’s a great thing to do. It can open you up to so many things that you will never experience in your own little corner of the world. Whether that be lifestyles and culture you could never have imagined, seeing nature in a new light, or giving you the shocking realization that there is something horribly wrong with the balance of power and wealth in this world. Traveling can lead to some great introspection and thought provoking experiences.

18. Be open minded.

You don’t know it all. You never will. You also couldn’t possibly understand everything so be aware of that.

19. Love like a puppy.

Don’t be afraid to let others in. Love unconditionally. If your heart gets broken, it will heal, and you will learn. But do not let it close you. At the same time, make sure that just because you love so openly that you don’t let others walk all over you. You can leave someone behind who treats you wrong, but still have a strong love for them. A lot of us have experienced that.

20. Ask why and be curious.

Why is one of the single most powerful words we have as humans. It can open so many doors and lead to so much knowledge. Next time someone tells you something, instead of just accepting it, ask why. Dig deeper. Learn.

21. Follow your passions and your dreams.

Do what you love and what you enjoy. Don’t settle. Not for a job. Not for a spouse. Not for anything. If you believe that you are capable of more, then go for it, but don’t forget to keep at least 1 toe on the ground so that you don’t lose everything great that you may already have.

22. Be a child.

This is a culmination of many of the previous pieces of advice. Being a child means to love like a puppy. You open your arms with a blissful ignorance. You travel wherever you go, looking at things with a curiosity unmatched by any adult. You see things in a creative light and let your imagination run wild. When you’re in a taxi, you’re not just on your way to work avoiding traffic, you’re avoiding the bad guys and on a mission to save the world. You don’t judge. You don’t assume. You just accept. You listen and you learn, so intensely that others may assume you had no idea they were talking to you, but one day you’ll repeat what they said and surprise them. You ask why because you want to truly understand. You are yourself because you haven’t yet learned how to be anything but yourself, but at the same time your imagination will allow you to be and do anything you can dream. As a child, you are often selfish, but at the same time often so surprisingly giving because you don’t like to see others sad. You laugh and smile often because there’s not much else that feels better than that. You save your money, your pennies and your quarters go into the piggy jar because one day, you know you’ll buy something big. Each day is new and exciting. You don’t make excuses for not doing something because you don’t have any, when there is something you want to do, something you dream of, you go for it because you haven’t been told you can’t. You don’t understand that others might believe it’s impossible. You just be the best version of yourself because that is how life should be.

Now, I understand some may read all this and think, “Wow, this A-Hole lives in a fantasy land.” And you’re right. I do. Those who know me can attest, I believe I’m capable of anything. I hate to fail because I think I shouldn’t.

Some people think I’m too cocky, but that’s not exactly it. It’s that I believe there can be more. I believe very strongly in the quote “He who says he can, and he who says he can’t are both usually right.”

I actively try to live as I have mentioned above, and while it may be overly optimistic and sugar coated, I understand that life can be hard, but it doesn’t mean that you have to let it bring you down. Those people who you read about, those people who live on past their death through their legacies, those people, they believed in more. They believed that they could be more. They didn’t believe in giving up. They weren’t afraid to fail because all they could see was themselves past the finish line in a future where the world was a better place or where they reached their goal, and the only reason anyone else can’t be like that… is because they are holding themselves back.

If you’re not happy with your life. If you’re not happy with where you’re at. Then make a change. You can do it. You just need to believe.

22 Cool Shabby Chic Ideas for Small Rooms

Looking for inspiration on how to decorate a small bedroom? Prepare to be overwhelmed with fantastic ideas

No matter how tiny that studio apartment is, nothing beats having your own space. Here are some actually feasible ideas that don’t involve remodeling or a completely unrealistic warehouse loft.

Improvised little room under the ceiling

John Clark

Pull-out bed for two children


Good solution for children room.


Ideal for the living room or bedroom


Bedroom – upstairs, working area – at the bottom

Eli Meir Kaplan

Cozy attic


Light and lovely room


Reading room


Minimalist design


Children will be delighted


Secret bed


A good solution for narrow, rectangular rooms


Bed in the closet


Bedroom for a teenager’s dream and not only


Freshness, purity, nothing more


Very cool textile solution


Aerial room


The room in the style of boho


Extremely functional bedroom


Stylish and simple


This storage room under the bed


Three sofas/single beds in one. family guest room solution


The bed turns into a table


15 Photos in 2015 You Won’t Believe Aren’t Photoshopped

It’s time again for another installment of our popular feature wherein we show you photographs that are 100 percent real, despite the fact that they all look 100 percent fake.

They seem SO real even if you blinked a hundred times or rubbed your eyes repeatedly you STILL won’t believe what you’re seeing!

And now …

Walking on water.© Fox Grom
The illusion of a huge wave.© Alexandra Mednaya  / National Geographic
River Po, Italy.© Annalaura D.
The holiday village near Arkhangelsk, Russia.© Fedor Savintsev
Tornado on Lake Victoria, Uganda.© Julia Cumes
Levitation – Red cardinal.reddit
UNDERWATER Roca Partida Island near Mexico.© Anuar Patjane
Photo of a solar eclipse, do a mini-satellite Proba-2.© ESA
The target detected!© Tim Boyer
Giant Double Rainbow approximately 8 km wide, USA.© Mark Metternich
Helicopter near Yosemite Falls, USA.© Adriano Neves
The Alien world!National Geographic
Alien invasion in Charlotte, USA.© Vincent Brady
Avian hurricane © 진철 김
Lizard playing the guitar. Aditya Permana

Visit Keukenhof: The most magical Spring Garden in the world

What better place to celebrate the awakening of spring than the Keukenhof gardens?

Keukenhof or “the kitchen garden” is the second largest flower garden in the world, situated in Lisse, a small town in the Netherlands, which is less than an hour drive from Amsterdam.This Spring Garden was established in 1949 by the mayor of Lisse. The idea was to present a flower exhibit where growers from all over the Netherlands and Europe could show off their bulbs, thus helping the Dutch export industry. The opening made a huge success and since then almost a quarter million people visit these gardens every year.


Seven million blooming bulbs, flowering trees, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, windmills, bike-paths along the dikes are all part of the wonderful Holland panorama that you’ll enjoy in Keukenhof. Just to remind you, Keukenhof is open every year from 20 March to 17 May. Visit this wonderful place and truly feel the preciousness of spring and nature!


22 Eye-Catching Wall Murals to Buy or DIY

A colorful statement wall is one of the quickest and cheapest ways to completely change the look of a room without having to overhaul your home decor. Depending on how ambitious you’re feeling, you can paint your own mural or purchase an incredible full wall design.

You can go with something abstract and painterly, a graphic decal or pick one of your favorite photos to enlarge. Check out these 20+ incredible wall makeovers and get ready for some bold inspiration.

Through life with a steep wave

In the whole universe

Tidal bore

The rustling of leaves

In The East

Lightness of Being

Rocky shores

Old streets

Full Moon

Near the ocean


In a quiet more

Snow Leopard DIY

For those who dream of mountains

Spring mood

Jurassic Park

Paris is closer than you think

Among the bamboo trees


What will you be featuring on your next statement wall? Which of these murals is getting you inspired to transform a space? Let us know in the comments below.

39 Reasons Why Italy Is Actually The Worst

Please never go there! 🙂

1. If people tell you Italy is beautiful, do NOT believe them.

If people tell you Italy is beautiful, do NOT believe them.

Eurotravel / Getty Images

Lake Como (Lombardia).

2. Italy is just the worst.

Italy is just the worst.

Getty Images via Thinkstock

Lecce (Puglia)

3. Seriously.


Bobbushphoto / Getty Images

Matera (Basilicata)

4. It is absolutely vile.

It is absolutely vile.

Poike / Getty Images

Vieste (Puglia)

5. Boring.


Getty Images via Thinkstock

Rome (Lazio)

6. And unremarkable.

And unremarkable.

Luiginifosi / Getty Images

Aeolian Islands

7. This country has literally nothing to offer.

This country has literally nothing to offer.

Jaropienza / Getty Images

Montepulciano (Tuscany)

8. And I mean NOTHING.

And I mean NOTHING.

Stevenmayatt / Getty Images

Mount Etna (Sicily)

9. The coastline is plain and uneventful.

The coastline is plain and uneventful.

Gbarm / Getty Images

Scilla (Calabria)

10. The beaches are crowded and ugly.

The beaches are crowded and ugly.

Lidian Neeleman / Getty Images

Gargano, in Puglia.

11. The whole coastline is just painful to look at.

The whole coastline is just painful to look at.

Agustavop / Getty Images

Capri (Campania)

12. Seriously, look at this!

Seriously, look at this!

Freeartist / Getty Images

Amalfi (Campania)

13. It’s an insult to the eye.

It's an insult to the eye.

Francesco Ricca Iacomino / Getty Images

Procida (Campania)

14. It’s revolting!

It's revolting!

Emicristea / Getty Images

Manarola, Cinque Terre (Liguria)

15. Eww.


Haveseen / Getty Images

Portofino (Liguria)

16. Gross.


Amoklv / Getty Images

Genoa (Liguria)

17. And don’t get me started on the architecture.

And don't get me started on the architecture.

Marco_ficili / Getty Images


18. It’s all dull-looking villages.

It's all dull-looking villages.

Lianem / Getty Images

Ostuni (Puglia)

19. And soulless hamlets.

And soulless hamlets.

Janmiko / Getty Images

Civita di Bagnoregio (Lazio)

20. Even the sunsets are lame.

Even the sunsets are lame.

Nosfevil / Getty Images

Pacentro (Abruzzo)

21. And you thought the food would be good? Well, I’m sorry to tell you that you’re wrong: it’s disgusting!

And you thought the food would be good? Well, I'm sorry to tell you that you're wrong: it's disgusting!

Matt Jones / Via Flickr: blackbeltjones

22. The desserts are gag-worthy.

The desserts are gag-worthy.

Marrakeshh / Getty Images

23. And I wouldn’t wish their espressos or cappuccinos on my worst enemy.

And I wouldn't wish their espressos or cappuccinos on my worst enemy.

somenametoforget / Via Flickr: somenametoforget

24. Italy’s history is uneventful.

Italy's history is uneventful.

Fazon1 / Getty Images

Rome (Lazio)

25. There is literally no sight of interest anywhere.

There is literally no sight of interest anywhere.

Alexander Hassenstein / Getty Images

Pisa (Tuscany)

26. Its countryside is yawn-inducing.

Its countryside is yawn-inducing.

Shaiith / Getty Images


27. The mountains are grotesque.

The mountains are grotesque.

Zanve / Getty Images

Dolomites, Italian Alps (Trentino-Alto Adige)

28. And the volcanoes hideous.

And the volcanoes hideous.

Getty Images via Thinkstock

Etna (Sicily)

29. The whole country has no class.

The whole country has no class.

Jojobob / Getty Images

Verona (Veneto)

30. And no distinction.

And no distinction.

Oneinchpunch / Getty Images

Milan (Lombardia)

31. Turin is like a big and ugly mole in the middle of the country.

Turin is like a big and ugly mole in the middle of the country.

Getty Images via Thinkstock

Turin (Piemonte)

32. Bologna is the least interesting place on earth.

Bologna is the least interesting place on earth.

Nickolayv / Getty Images

Bologna (Emilia-Romagna)

33. Venice is like a big old nothing surrounded by water.

Venice is like a big old nothing surrounded by water.

Dikoz / Getty Images

Venice (Veneto)

34. Seriously.


Fazon1 / Getty Images

Venice (Veneto)

35. And you’d have to be insane to find Florence beautiful.

And you'd have to be insane to find Florence beautiful.

Apichsn / Getty Images

Florence (Tuscany)

36. There is LITERALLY NOTHING attractive about this city.

There is LITERALLY NOTHING attractive about this city.

Serrnovik / Getty Images

Florence (Tuscany)

37. And if you thought going to Sardinia would be better, well I’ve got news for you: Sardinia is actually the worst.

And if you thought going to Sardinia would be better, well I've got news for you: Sardinia is actually the worst.

Stefano Gargiulo / Getty Images

Cala Domestica beach (Sardinia)

38. The whole country is seriously uninspiring.

The whole country is seriously uninspiring.

Jozef Sedmak / Getty Images

Verona (Veneto)

39. Never go there.

Never go there.

Martinm303 / Getty Images

San Gimignano (Tuscany)

20 Beautiful Brides who just Shine Happiness

“Life’s turning points rarely happen on days that require you to throw overpriced events and fret excessively about your appearance. After all a wedding is just a giant party.”

As little girls we dream of the day we can be a princess. Every one wants to marry their Prince Charming in an elegant fantasy wedding. Every little girl dreams of her wedding day, when she is a princess for a day in a beautiful white gown, walking on rose petals and dancing with her prince charming.

BoredDaddy’ve collected for you 20 pictures of brides that glow with happiness so that it is impossible to look differently! 🙂
