Here’s What The Canadian Passport Looks Like Under Black Light And It’s Fabulous

Over the weekend, someone flipped open his Canadian passport under a UV black light and uncovered that the Canadian government had hidden a PARTY in its pages.

The “secret” UV images are cleverly incorporated into the parts of each page that are visible under normal lighting so that the two complement each other when seen under UV light. These images, along with a biometric chip in the back of the passport, are all security measures designed to ensure that duplicating or forging a passport would be as difficult and complicated as possible.

They posted their discoveries to Imgur: Here’s what the old passports look like under normal light.

BONUS: Animated Finnish Pasport

The Climb of a Lifetime – Hanging Out on El Capitan

I am hanging off a rope in the middle of a granite wall, about 1500 feet off the ground as we speak. My team and I are going full out to document this historic climb with Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson on the Dawn Wall of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park and I don’t even have three minutes to write this down (Editor’s note: Corey sent this story in via voice memo from the wall).

My roots are in the climbing world. I fell in love with climbing first, then picked up a camera to document my weekend adventures. I began my photography career at the Modesto Bee in 1996 precisely because it was the closest newspaper to Yosemite. I have spent a lot of years and a lot of days hanging out on El Capitan and rock faces around the globe, from Asia to South America, and now have come full circle.

What’s so novel about shooting in the climbing world, unlike mainstream sports, is that we are not just photographers on the sidelines, we are part of the experience. You need a background in climbing as well as a photojournalism skill set. Once you get into these crazy positions you have to switch gears and forget that you are hanging 2000 feet off the ground by a 10mm rope and focus on light, composition and the moment.

My partner Brett Lowell and I are hanging on ropes for hours, waiting for either Tommy or Kevin to climb. And they only climb once or twice each day. We’re carrying heavy cameras. So Tommy and Kevin give us a two-hour warning before they’re about to climb. We’re super slow. Brett and I move up the ropes and try to get into position. It’s a real web of color-coded ropes up here. You go up blue, get on black, swing over to green, get on the tan line, and then tension yourself off the white rope. It all takes a lot of time and you still have a very limited number of places you can actually get to. If you thought that a spot over there would be the best perspective, it’s still impossible to reach unless there’s an anchor. Or if someone like Tommy, who is a Jedi at rigging ropes, can figure out a way to get you into position.

One of the unique characteristics of this climb, in 2015, is that we are in Yosemite Valley where the cell coverage is good. We have series of ropes that allow us to send cards down where my team extracts images and sends them out daily. It’s exciting as a climber and a storyteller to share this experience; we are exposing people to a sport, a culture and a lifestyle that I’m so passionate about and have done so much for me. But equally it exposes people to national parks, wild places and the spirit of adventure.

If you saw me right now, I’m sitting on a granite ledge about the size of my ass, with my feet dangling off into space. I’m staring at Yosemite Valley below, and above me I can see the most insane section of free climbing I’ve ever seen. I love the idea that this is where I get to live and work.


Tommy Caldwell on Dawn Wall, Pitch 16.
Kevin Jorgeson on Dawn Wall, Pitch 15.
Tommy climbs Dawn Wall.
Kevin Jorgeson in his portaledge.
Tommy Caldwell’s hands.
Tommy on Dawn Wall.
Kevin on Dawn Wall.
Tommy Caldwell stands up in his portaledge.

Photo: Tommy Caldwell on pitch 19 on the Dawn Wall of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, January 11. Photo by Corey Rich/Big Up Productions/Aurora Photos

Camera Details:
Camera: Nikon D750
Lens: Nikon 17-35mm f/2.8 zoom at 17mm
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/1000th second
Aperture: f/3.2

33 Adorable Animal Friendships That Break The Species Barrier

Despite their differences, these adorable animals have made the best of friends with other species.

Bubbles and Bella

Bubble the elephant was adopted by the Myrtle Beach Safari in 1983. Bella the lab was left there in 2007 by the contractor hired to build a swimming pool for Bubble. Their mutual love of the water brought them together and they are almost inseparable today.

This dog taking care of a baby opossum.

“Are you my dad? Because you don’t look like my dad.”

Horse and puppy

Thelma and Albert

Thelma, the elephant, lost its mother and was taken in by a South African wildlife rehabilitation center where she was introduced to her new friend, Albert. After a rough first day together, with Thelma chasing Albert around the enclosure, the two became best of friends when Thelma figured out how to control her weight.

Greyhound and owlet

Shrek the owlet was taken in by the head falconer at an animal center. His greyhound puppy, Torque, took to the owl soon after and cared for her. They now enjoy hanging out together on the couch and watching TV.

Bambi and Thumper in real life

A woman found a fawn alone by the side. The baby’s mother had unfortunately been struck by a car. After a few days, the fawn became friends with the woman’s dog and cat. Then, she settled on her best friend, the family bunny, Ben.

Kangaroo kisses for the dog

Pippin and little bambi

Three species of natural enemies living in perfect harmony

Koko and her kittens

Koko the “talking” gorilla is perhaps the most famous adoptive parent. She has had several cats as pets during her 40 years at the Gorilla Foundation in California. When her first kitten died after being hit by a car, Koko expressed her sadness to researchers using sign language.

Spotted lamb and spotted dog

Australian dog breeders took in a lamb after it was rejected by it’s mother. Zoe, their dog, adopted the lamb soon after. It’s thought that the dog mistook the lamb for a dalmatian puppy.

Cat, dog, and ducks having a cuddle party

Lion cubs raised by dog

In China three lion cubs were abandoned by their mother and were cared for by a dog. Using female dogs to care for unwanted cubs is common in China.

Rooster with his doggy friend

Jess the dog lives on a sheep farm and helps her owner feed the orphaned sheep. She not only helps out by feeding them milk three times a day, but also carries around food buckets.

Suryia and Roscoe

This unlikely duo met at a reserve for endangered animals in South Carolina, when Roscoe the blue tick hound, a former stray, followed workers to the reserve. He was later found playing with Suryia the orangutan. Gathering world wide attention, they have appeared in National Geographic magazine and on Oprah Winfrey.

Oh my…a lion, tiger, and bear are friends

Taken by police during a drug raid back in 2001, Baloo the bear, Leo the lion, and Shere Khan the tiger have been living together as pals ever since in an animal rescue center in Georgia. Even though in the wild they wouldn’t be friends, they are very happy together.

Anjana, the heroic chimpanzee

Cat raises baby hedgehogs

When four hedgehogs lost their mother, the orphaned babies found themselves in a dangerous predicament. Luckily, this mama house cat took them in as her own, and nursed the little guys back to health.

Croc and turtle

Chendra and Gus

Chendra the Asian Elephant goes on morning walks at the Oregon Zoo and likes to visit Gus the sea lion.

Bunny wants to join the cat cuddles

Shakira taken in by dogs

Shakira is a seval (an African wild cat) that was rejected by her mother at a zoo in Germany. A friend of the zookeeper took the kitten in when it was only 14 days old and his Rhodesian ridgeback quickly accepted it along with its puppies.

Sox the cat and Liab the lamb

Liab was the smallest of three lambs and was sadly rejected by his mother. That’s when Sox had the heart to take over. Now all grown up, Liab is back out on the farm with his family, thanks to the care of the family cat.

Clarence and Cindy

Clarence the dog plays with Cindy the alpaca in Goeming, Austria. The two have lived together on the farm since they were 3 months old.

Boston terrier and well, obviously not a Boston terrier.

Bonedigger and his dachshunds

Bonedigger the lion has been friends with the dachshunds for five years now. Joe Schreibvogel, an animal expert with the Garold Wayne Zoo in Oklahoma, introduced his four dogs to the lion when he was just a cub and they have been sharing meals and napping together ever since.

This kitty should be eating the rat, but instead gives him a hug

Tiger Cup takes care of monkey

An orphaned monkey was being picked on by the other primates at a zoo. The zookeepers let Tiger Cup (a dog not a tiger) help protect him.

Cat and duck going for a stroll together

Macaque monkey cares for cat

A wild macaque male monkey took in and cared for a deserted orange kitten. The monkey has been seen in the forest taking excellent care of the cat by nuzzling and grooming it. The first spotting of the monkey and it’s kitten was at the Monkey Forest in Bali, Indonesia.

If only humans were so kind to others that looked different than themselves.

When You Start Doing These 15 Things, Your Quality Of Life Will Improve Instantly

Though we all give our best to make the most out of our limited time on this planet, there is always something missing. To improve your life doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Sometimes a few tips are all that you need to start living better.

1. Realize that only you can make your dreams come true

Take little steps every day to move closer to your dreams and ambitions. Speak to the people you need to speak to, learn the skills you need to have, and gain all the knowledge you need to know.

Simply, do all of the things you need to do to reach a better quality of life; no-one else can do it for you.

2. Cut out fake people

Most people have a friend or two who isn’t worth their time. It can be hard to cut people out of your life, but surrounding yourself with loving and supportive people can make a huge difference to your well-being.

Try to describe how you feel when you are around your friends in five words. Are any of those words negative? If so, it might be time that you two move in separate directions.

3. Cut out being fake

It can be hard to admit, but no one is perfect. Often people end up in difficult situations, leading to little lies which can snowball quickly. Lying and keeping up false pretenses can be stressful and exhausting, as well as lowering the quality of life you have. Try being honest every day, to everyone you meet; you may be surprised to see how well it works.

4. Understand that failure is important

This may seem cliched, but it is unarguably true. There are often hugely beneficial lessons to learn whenever you make a mistake. Failure isn’t a choice, but learning is. Make sure you get the best out of the worst whenever you can.

5. Spend some time alone

With work, hobbies, socializing and sleeping, it can be hard to actually find time to spend by yourself. However hanging out by yourself can be great for your general well being. Catch a movie, cook a meal you love – do anything that makes you happy. Learn to love yourself, and you may notice a lot of unrest in your life leaving.

6. Live life by your own expectations

Often people live life according to what other people think is best for them; their friends, their family, the media, or the society we live in. However, pleasing other people and living up to their expectations can leave you feeling like a failure, or at best stressed out.

Don’t try to keep up with everyone else’s expectations, set your own and achieve them. You only get one life – personalize it, and live it.

 7. Be good to your body

While joining an extreme ocean diving club could actually add more stress to your life, exercise and good food have been proven to improve your well being. If you hate running, try walking or yoga. Drink more water and buy more greens. You don’t have to become a fitness freak, but love your body as much as you can.

8. Keep exercising your mind

Not many people want to do Math once they’ve left school, but exercising your mind can help sharpen your intelligence and your mind at any age. If you hate Math, find something else that challenges you, from knitting to crosswords to learning new recipes. Keep your mind fresh and keep learning, and you may notice some restlessness leaving from your life.

9. Put aside your fears

While confronting your fear of spiders could be useful, it could admittedly also be terrifying. Specific fears like this tend to stuck, but we have already made a huge step in the right direction, if we manage to get rid of general fears like the fear of failure, or step backs, or your job. Develop a deep trust within yourself, and watch your quality of life improve.

10. Don’t hold on to negative feelings

Everyone has felt betrayal, pain, anger and resentment. How you act on these feelings determines how much they will upset you. You cannot avoid being hurt by other people, but only you can choose how you deal with pain. Let your anger over past hardships go. It is extremely likely the anger is affecting you more than anyone else.

11. Live in the present moment

Be happy and grateful for all that you have now. One day you may have more, and once you may have had less. You are travelling towards a goal, but often people find the happiest times in their lives are during the challenge, not the success.

12. Unplug from technology

Whether it is once a day or once a month, spend some time without any technology around you. In this society social media plays a huge role in most people’s free time, and often it can cause you stress, lowering your quality of life. Make the effort to enjoy some time alone without checking up on everyone else around you. Read a book, do anything you want – just log off and spend some time with yourself.

13. Actively be kind to others

Most people would class themselves as kind to others, but thinking you are doing something and actually doing it are different things. Ask yourself when you last helped someone and got nothing back in return. Was it recently? Do you feel good about it?

Helping others makes most people feel great, and it adds purpose to your day. From volunteering to donating to charities, there are hundreds of ways you could raise your quality of life while helping others.

14. Don’t be a pushover

While being rude or stubborn won’t help improve your life, stick up for yourself whenever you have to; at work, at home, with family. Stand up for yourself if you believe you are being taken advantage of or wronged, because feeling this way can be stressful and upsetting – and it will only encourage others to keep taking advantage of you.

15. Make a commitment to yourself

Make a commitment to stick to all of the changes you wish to make. Promise yourself you will, and then create a plan you can stick to on a daily basis. Little changes can become big changes, and promising yourself this is the beginning of something new which means you’re much more likely to stick to it. Good luck!

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The Age of Happiness – These 60+ Year Seniors Will Destroy Your Age Stereotype

Many of us are guilty of holding an unfair stereotype – that, once we grow old, our best days are behind us and that we can no longer fully realize our dreams. As photographer Vladimir Yakovlev has discovered, however, that’s just not true.

His Age Of Happiness photo project introduces us to people who, at 70, 80 or even 100 years of age, are still following their dreams and trying new things.


#1 78-Year-Old Skateboarder Lloyd Kahn Decided That The Time Had Come For Him To Try Skateboarding At 65

78-Year-Old Skateboarder Lloyd Kahn Decided That The Time Had Come For Him To Try Skateboarding At 65


#2 72-Year-Old Ruth Flowers Decided To Become A Club Dj At 68

72-Year-Old Ruth Flowers Decided To Become A Club Dj At 68
72-Year-Old Ruth Flowers Decided To Become A Club Dj At 68


#3 102-Year-Old Cyclist Robert Marchand

102-Year-Old Cyclist Robert Marchand


#4 87-Year-Old Ice Skater Yvonne Dowlen

87-Year-Old Ice Skater Yvonne Dowlen


#5 70-Year-Old Annette Larkins Looks Like She Just Turned 40 Thanks To Raw Vegan Diet

70-Year-Old Annette Larkins Looks Like She Just Turned 40 Thanks To Raw Vegan Diet
70-Year-Old Annette Larkins Looks Like She Just Turned 40 Thanks To Raw Vegan Diet


#6 Lynn Ruth Miller, 80, Stand Up Comedian, Started Doing Stand-up Comedy At 70

Lynn Ruth Miller, 80, Stand Up Comedian, Started Doing Stand-up Comedy At 70


#7 Doris Long, 100, Took Up Industrial Climbing When She Was 85

Doris Long, 100, Took Up Industrial Climbing When She Was 85


#8 96-Year-Old Mountain Skier Alexander Rozental

96-Year-Old Mountain Skier Alexander Rozental


#9 Greta Pontarelly, 61, Pole Dancer

Greta Pontarelly, 61, Pole DancerGreta Pontarelly, 61, Pole Dancer


#10 70-Year-Old Dr. Jeffrey Life Started To Take Fitness Pretty Seriously At The Age Of 60

70-Year-Old Dr. Jeffrey Life Started To Take Fitness Pretty Seriously At The Age Of 60


#11 Pat And Alicia Moorhead, 81 And 66-Year-Old Skydivers

Pat And Alicia Moorhead, 81 And 66-Year-Old Skydivers


#12 61-Year-Old Cindy Joseph Is Active In Physical Fitness, Works As A Photo Model, And Runs A Popular Video Blog

61-Year-Old Cindy Joseph Is Active In Physical Fitness, Works As A Photo Model, And Runs A Popular Video Blog


#13 Duan Tzinfu, 73, Tzinfu Performs Moves That Are So Complex That Even Young Athletes Can’t Compete.

Duan Tzinfu, 73, Tzinfu Performs Moves That Are So Complex That Even Young Athletes Can’t Compete.Duan Tzinfu, 73, Tzinfu Performs Moves That Are So Complex That Even Young Athletes Can’t Compete.


#14 Madonna Buder, 83, A Marathon Runner And A Nun

Madonna Buder, 83, A Marathon Runner And A Nun


#15 Paul Fegen, 78, A Magician. Former Multi-millionaire, Now He Makes His Living Doing Card Tricks

Paul Fegen, 78, A Magician. Former Multi-millionaire, Now He Makes His Living Doing Card Tricks


#16 Women Aikido Group In Novosibirsk. Youngest Member Is 55 Years Old, The Oldest – 75

Women Aikido Group In Novosibirsk. Youngest Member Is 55 Years Old, The Oldest - 75


#17 This 70 Year Travels Around The Globe Photographing Everywhere He Goes Each Year For Fun And To Help People Become More Creative

This 70 Year Travels Around The Globe Photographing Everywhere He Goes Each Year For Fun And To Help People Become More Creative

More info:

Something to brighten your day, a love story… “Latte Love” Motion

1 ,000 cups of latte were used to create a warmhearted love story, “Latte Love”. Japanese coffee company ‘Maxim Stick’ created this latte animation ad to tell a love story that will warm everyone’s heart during the winter. Be sure to watch the last min or so with the behind the scenes.

22+ Adorable Animal Family Portraits Of The Cutest Parenting Moments

A parent’s love for their child knows no boundaries, and this is true both of us and of our animal friends. In these heartwarming photos of animal parenting, you’ll recognize many of the same tender and stressful childhood moments that you may have also experienced as a parent or a child.

Animals (especially wild animals) don’t have the vanity or the discipline to pose for organized family photos, but wildlife photographers will still do their best to capture photos that look like they could be corny family holiday post-cards. This list features some of the best animal family photos we’ve ever seen.

There are plenty of species throughout the animal kingdom that find life-long soulmates like we do (or try to), and quite a few of these happen to be birds – swans, barn owls, albatrosses and bald eagles are just a few of the many bird species that mate for life.

 Here we have gathered collection of touching pictures of animal surrounded by their familes.

Now smile!


Philadelphia Pizzeria Helps Feed the Homeless with Heartwarming Pay-it-Foward Initiative

Rosa’s Fresh Pizza is making a difference among the homeless population of Philadelphia, one pizza slice at a time.

In December 2013, 26-year-old Mason Wartman left his Wall Street finance job to return to his hometown and open a restaurant named after his mother. The shop became popular, especially among the homeless community, for selling delicious, freshly made pizza for only $1 a slice. One day, a customer handed Wartman an extra dollar and asked him to use it to buy a slice for the next homeless person who walked in. Struck with a new idea, Wartman drew a smiley face on a Post-it note and stuck it on the wall to signify one free slice for a person in need. Since then, the simple act of kindness has blossomed into an extraordinary pay-it-forward initiative sustained by Rosa’s staff and customers to help anyone who can’t afford to eat.

Walking into the pizzeria, customers are greeted with the sight of hundreds of colorful Post-it notes covering the walls. Over the past 10 months, the shop has given away over 8,000 slices of pizza, averaging about 30-40 slices per day. Hearing of the heartwarming initiative, many of Rosa’s customers choose to donate an extra dollar—or two, or twenty, or even a hundred—to help those in need. Wartman now keeps track of the free slices on the cash register, but customers can still scribble short messages or drawings on Post-it notes, which the pizzeria owner sticks up on his walls next to letters of gratitude from people who have felt the generosity of the program.

Now, after nearly a year of giving away pizza slices, Wartman is thinking up new ways to help the homeless community. He’s created an apparel line for the shop, with the sale of one T-shirt translating to seven free slices, and the sale of one sweatshirt providing another sweatshirt for a homeless person. Each sweatshirt has a tag on the inside that lists a schedule of meals and computer classes nearby. This is only Wartman’s first attempt at providing the homeless population with more durable resources and ways to break the poverty cycle. Looking forward, we can’t wait to see what Rosa’s Fresh Pizza comes up with next to help those in need.

Rosa’s Fresh Pizza website
Rosa’s Fresh Pizza on Facebook