Video shows moving moment girl asks man who raised her to adopt her

A video of a young woman asking the man who raised her to officially become her adoptive father has been viewed more than 31 million times on Facebook.

The three-and-a-half-minute video was posted on Misty Nicole Knight’s Facebook page on March 5 with a message saying, “So everyone has been waiting for this but I finally asked the man that raised me to adopt me  love you with all my heart and can’t wait to be a FARRELL 😊 Ryan Farrell

The video begins with Misty handing him a gift, with the instructions to read the note out loud.

“You’ve raised me my whole life, from putting my hair in tight Princess Leia buns, forging my signature in fifth grade, jamming out to alternative music, going on Warped Tour and even our first rock concert together, leading up to us laughing at cats wearing leggings. I know we are so weird together, but that’s what makes you you, and I cannot imagine not having you in my life. I’m so grateful to be able to call you Dad.”

When he opens the box, there are several presents inside, and he shows excitement for each, but when he gets to the real present he can’t hold back his emotions.

Mom Says Her Family Of 6 Lives In This RV. When She Opens The Door? Unbelievable!

Family Of 6 Lives Together Inside This Awesome RV Camper

How on earth does a family of six — Mom, Dad and four growing kids — fit into a home less than 300 square feet?! You’d be surprised. In this video, Heather Harger opens her doors to show viewers how her big family manages to live comfortably in their camper home.

Belongings are kept to a minimum and pieces of furniture serve dual-purpose. Even still, the atmosphere is bright, fun and lively. There’s a patio area; picnic/crafting tables; family room; creative corner; fully-functioning kitchen; double sinks; and plenty of room to sleep and relax. Not only is the RV their home, but it’s also where the children are home-schooled. In addition, Heather’s oldest son, Sy, has eosinophilic esophagitis, meaning he’s allergic to all foods and must live on a very strict diet. Incredibly, Heather and her family have no problem catering to Sy’s health and therapeutic needs within the comfort of their RV. In fact, you could even say it’s given the family the chance to further delve into their minimalistic lifestyle.

But with two girls and two boys, where do the children sleep? Guess you’ll have to watch the video below to find out!

On the Harger family website, Heather says, “We are a crazy and ordinary radical family of six that left a wonderful, comfortable life in suburbia U.S.A. (by Disney World, nonetheless) to move to South Africa in order to pursue our personal calling to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly to those who are voiceless, powerless, and forgotten. Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty and bring dignity, restoration, and transformation back to communities.”

Sounds like this family knows exactly how to live and love. Please SHARE this awesome RV tour with your friends on Facebook!

Woman rescued by homeless man after missing last train launches crowd funding appeal to repay kindness

A woman rescued by a homeless man after missing her last train home has launched a crowd funding campaign in his honour to repay his kindness.

Nicole Sedgebeer, who was in London for a night out on 3 March, found herself stranded after missing her train from Euston Station to Milton Keynes.

But, just as she was “about to burst into tears”, a homeless man named Mark approached her and showed her the way to a cafe that stayed opened all night, and made sure she was safe.

Mark even returned to the café at 5am to escort her back to Euston station and ensure she caught the first train, after leaving to collect his sleeping bag.

A Facebook post by Ms Sedgebeer recounting their serendipitous meeting was shared nearly 14,000 times, in which she said Mark “completely changed such a negative event into the most eye opening event in my life”.

Woman rescued by homeless man after missing last train launches crowd funding appeal to repay kindness
Nicole Sedgebeer with Mark, a homeless man who offered to help her when she missed her last train from Euston Nicole Sedgebeer / Facebook

To honour Mark’s kindness, Ms Sedgebeer has launched a crowd funding campaign with JustGiving to “help Mark and all the other homeless people around Euston”.

The campaign initially hoped to raise £1,000 but after hitting its target in under 24 hours now aims to raise £5,000.

So far, more than 100 supporters have already given £1,129 to the page.

Writing on Facebook, Ms Sedgebeer said : “I am completely overwhelmed by how much my story has been shared over the last few days and I want to thank everyone who has shared  their experiences with me, it is amazing to see.

“I have created a crowd funding page with the help of the Justgiving team for Mark and all of the homeless people in London. The kind act of one homeless man can help many others.”

She added on her campaign page: “Mark embodies the best of humanity. He went out of his way to help me, a complete stranger, when the reality of his situation is that people walk past him every day without offering him help.

“Mark you are one special man, I will never look down on a homeless person again and so want to do something to help Mark and all other homeless people around Euston.”

The pair were due to be reunited at Euston Station on Wednesday. Please share this amazing story and spread the Kindness!

She Sprinkles Baby Powder On Her Floor To Solve A Common Problem – These Tips Are Genius

Baby Powder Proves Perfect For Quick Fixes

Baby powder isn’t just for pampering sensitive skin. This light and airy concoction loved by moms for decades has some surprising uses around the house and in your beauty routine.


Thicken Your Eyelashes

Beautiful eyelashes are possible with just a tiny bit of baby powder dusted across your lashes. Simply use a clean mascara brush to apply some to your lashes before you apply mascara. Eyelashes are primed to look fuller!



Baby Powder Barrier For Bulbs

Boost your flower bulb’s potential by dusting each of them with baby powder in a plastic bag. Add three tablespoons and give the bag containing the bulbs a few shakes. The powder coats the roots of the bulbs helping to protect them from rotting. It also wards off voles, grubs, moles and other critters that want to eat the bulbs.


Powder Lessens Painful Waxing

Lots of ladies wax, but sometimes this process can be painful and leave redness. Sprinkling on just a bit of baby powder before applying the wax will help reduce the pain, because the powder absorbs existing moisture, allowing the wax to work better. It also helps protect the skin.


Eliminate Squeaky Floorboards

There’s that one squeaky floorboard that always trips you up, whether you’re sneaking down the hallway to check on the kids or snagging a late-night snack. Sprinkle baby powder on your floor, then sweep it into the cracks to quiet them.

squeaky floorboards

Remove Stains

Oil-based stains on your clothes can be frustrating, but just dab that stain with some baby powder to soak up the grease, then launder as usual.


Au Revoir Ants

Surprisingly, ants are not fans of scented baby powder. So if they’re invading your home, just sprinkle some baby powder in their path and they should stay away.


Goodbye Greasy Hair

Tame greasy hair with baby powder, which is similar to dry shampoos that are starch-based. Just sprinkle some baby powder on your hands and gently massage it through your scalp to soak up the excess oil.

baby powder hair

Musty Smells Are Gone

If you love antique furniture, but not the musty smell that can accompany it, lightly line baby powder under drawer liners for a fresh scent.

antique furniture

Unknot Necklaces

It’s frustrating when your necklaces tangle together in the jewelry box. But a sprinkle of baby powder and gentle wiggling with a pin and those necklaces will come apart easily.

baby powder necklace

See how you can make your own matte nail polish using baby powder.

Baby Powder’s Power

Whether you need to untangle your jewelry, fight pests, protect flower bulbs or plump up your lashes, a bottle of baby powder will do the trick.

Mom Takes Son Out For Lunch. When The Waiter Hears Him Stutter, He Writes Her A Note That Brings Her To Tears.

One Texas mom and her three children (including a son who stutters) recently received extraordinary service when they went out for dinner at a local restaurant. The mom became overwhelmed when the waiter later offered her son something much better than the daily special.

The boy’s mother later told the day’s very special events in a Facebook post, that has since been shared by thousands across the world.

“I took my three children to an early dinner at Stone Werks restaurant in San Antonio. We were greeted by a kind young man who took our order and had patience with my 11-year-old who sometimes stutters when ordering or talking to new people. After he left, my son said with a smile ‘Mom, did you hear our waiter? He stutters also.’ I did not even notice. Dinner was great but what happened when we left touched this mamas heart. Exiting the restaurant, I was handed a note from one of the staff who said it was from our waiter. It read,

‘Sudden emotion came over me when I heard your son stutter. I myself stutter and developed it around his age. I know how hard it can be in the beginning. I had a lot of questions that I didn’t ask because I was too afraid. If you or him have any questions, I would be honored to help make this process easier.’

He proceeded to leave his name and phone number. Ian, please know I will be calling. You have shown my son that he is not alone. I am forever grateful for your kindness.’”

Please share this story if you agree Ian’s simple gesture is priceless.

This woman demanded her boyfriend get rid of his dog. So he placed the following advert…

Not everyone loves animals. There are some people out there who can’t live without pets, but there are also plenty of others who simply can’t stand having any animals in their home. It was the latter kind of person whom a guy named Getzen ended up being in a relationship with.

After being together for four years, he decided that it was time to move in with his girlfriend. But he could never have imagined how much she would end up hating his dog, Molly. Getzen’s girlfriend even went so far as to put an ultimatum to him: she demanded that he get rid of the dog, however much it pained him to do so. Having given the matter considerable thought, Getzen placed an advert in the local newspaper:

For free to a good owner:dog-oo

’My girlfriend doesn’t like my dog, Molly. So I have to find a new home for her. She’s purebred, from a good area, and we’ve spent four years together. She likes playing games, but isn’t very well trained. She has long hair, so she requires more thorough care than usual, especially with regards to her nails. But she loves being looked after. She doesn’t sleep much, and makes a lot of noise all night; instead she sleeps when I’m at work. She eats only the best and most expensive meals. She NEVER greets you at the door after a long day at work, and she’ll never give you unconditional love even when you’re down. She doesn’t bite, but she’s quick to kick up a fuss.

So…if anyone’s interested in my thirty-year-old selfish, bitchy and greedy girlfriend, come and take her! My dog and I want her to move out as soon as possible. This is urgent!’

A few days after placing the ad, Getzen provided an update: his girlfriend had returned to her owners (her parents) — and he and Molly were looking for a new partner.

Mom’s In Jail So She Got Sent To Foster Homes – 20 Years Later She Hears THIS From A Judge

Marine Fights For Custody Of Brothers In Foster Care

What an angel! Melissa had a rough childhood that most people couldn’t even imagine. Her mother was always in and out of prison, for a variety of offences, which left Melissa in the hands of foster care the majority of the time.

Despite her rocky start to life, Melissa worked hard in school and joined the Marines as a way to get structure in her life. It turned out to be everything she had hoped for and the possibilities were now limitless for the driven young lady. But when Melissa got word that her younger brothers, J.J. and Christian, were in the hands of foster care after her mother tested positive for meth, she took immediate action.

Melissa drove from her home in sunny California to the Appalachian Mountains in Alabama, where her younger brothers lived. She approached the local judge and petitioned for the right to have full custody of J.J. and Christian. She was nervous that the judge would think she was too young or money-strapped to handle the boys, but then he broke the news: the boys were to live with Melissa, effective immediately. Overjoyed, Melissa went to the boys school to surprise them! Now the boys have a chance to show their true potential, just like Melissa.

Baby Only Eats Green Beans For Daddy. When Mom Saw Why, She Couldn’t Stop Laughing

This might be the only kid on the planet that actually enjoys eating his vegetables. Well, when you have an awesome Dad that sings a fun green bean song during the meal – what’s not to love? This video is sure to have you smiling AND clapping along.

If this Dad is looking to earn an award for “Father of the Year,” than he certainly has a shot! After all, he creates the most amazing songs for his son while he feeds him, which have been sweeping their way across the Internet. In this video, we have the pleasure of seeing what kind of lyrics Dad can come up with that relate to green beans…and he completely nails it.

The baby sits in his highchair, ready to eat his dinner. That’s when Dad goes off singing. He starts, “Green on beans…green on your soul, and I’ll be your friend. I’ll feed you vegetables!” The entire time his son happily takes in every spoonful while he listens to Dad’s hilarious version of “Lean on Me.” Good job Dad, apparently THIS is how you get your kids to eat their veggies!