The life of a proud cat owner: Expectations vs. Reality

Water is wet, and cats are super cute (and they look great in Instagram pictures) — these are the laws of nature. But felines are also extremely mysterious. Cat owners will confirm: sometimes you simply don’t know what to expect from your furry friend. And sometimes it seems that these creatures specifically seek to defy any and all expectations.

We prepared a little presentation for you about human-cat relationships and how they do not always go according to plan.

Sleeping next to a cat

Bathing a cat

Taking pictures of a cat

Cats and furniture

When you buy your kitty a comfy house

Bringing in a lady friend for your cat

When you get a dog as well

A cat’s dream meal

Petting a cat

What do cats think about?

When School Unjustly Punishes Him, They Didn’t Expect Grandma To Do THIS. What A Heroine!

No child should be punished for things that are out of their control. Which is why it’s heartbreaking to see what this school did to this first grader several times when he arrived a few minutes late to school.

The boy, Hunter, wasn’t intentionally skipping class or showing up late on purpose. It’s just that his mother had trouble starting her car and sometimes dropped him off a little bit late.

But for this offense, school officials forced Hunter to sit by himself at lunch. And they even put up a piece of cardboard in front of him to further separate him from the rest of the class.  The troubling pictures show a little boy cut off from his classmates at an age when kids are beginning to develop their social skills and are making friends on their own for the first time.

Lucky for Hunter, he had someone in his life who was able to stick up for him. Hunter’s grandmother, Laura Hoover, told his story on social media and asked people to call the school. The overwhelming response led the school to change its detention policy.

But what the community did to help Hunter get to school on time is even more heartwarming.hunter-1


Mother of 6 Builds Coolest Laundry Room Ever…For Under $400

With 6 kids, Ronda Batchelor knows laundry. Sick of how inefficient her laundry room was, she took matters into her own hands. With just $400 and lots of ingenuity, Rhonda created one of the most effecient laundry rooms ever.

See the 8 clever DIY solutions this busy mom came up with to turn her 7 square foot laundry into a temple of effeciency. The drying racks she made for hand washable items from a simple dollar store item are truly brilliant!

Don’t Give in to that Candy Bar! Make One of These Healthy 3-Ingredient Snacks Instead!

When three o’clock in the afternoon rolls around, we all have a little dip in energy. We all know we shouldn’t grab that candy bar from the vending machine or a cookie from the pantry, but they’re just . . . so . . . tasty. Plus, they’re quick and convenient! To try to stick to our healthy eating plans, we need grab-and-go snacks that won’t take forever to prepare and that aren’t full of bad fats and calories.
How do FIVE sound? They come to us from The Domestic Geek, and what’s more, each only require three ingredients. Check them out!

You’ll Need
– ½ cup vanilla yogurt
– 1 tablespoon crunchy peanut butter
– 2 teaspoons jam
How To

  1. In a small bowl mix yogurt and peanut butter until they become smooth.
  2. Top with jam and, if you want, some crushed peanuts.

You’ll Need
– 1 banana
– 2 tablespoons almond butter
– 1 whole wheat tortilla
How To

  1. Spread the almond butter in an even layer on the whole wheat tortilla. Be sure to get all the way to the edges.
  2. Place a banana at the end of the wrap and roll it up.
  3. Use a sharp knife to gently cut the wrap into slices.

You’ll Need
– 1 cup roasted salted almonds
– ½ cup dried cherries
– ¼ cup chocolate chips
How To

  1. Combine all three ingredients in a bowl and stir. Create individual portions to prevent over-indulging!

You’ll Need
– 1 ½ cups vanilla yogurt
– ¼ cup dried cranberries
– ¼ cup pistachios, shelled and crushed
How To

  1. Line a muffin tin with baking cups. Fill each with ¼ cup of yogurt.
  2. Top with cranberries and pistachios.

You’ll Need
– ¾ cup dates, pitted and soaked
– ½ cup toasted hazelnuts (or peanuts), shelled and peeled
– 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
How To

  1. Combine ingredients in the bowl of your food processor. Blend until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  2. Roll into balls.
  3. Refrigerate for up to 7 days or freeze for 6 months.

Yes! I can’t wait to try these froyo bites. Which ones will you taste first?

21 People Share Something Someone Said That Forever Changed Their Way Of Thinking.

Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to get you through the day.

People on Reddit were asked: “What is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking?” Here are some of the best responses.

1. “You know you’re an adult when you can be right without proving the other person wrong.”


2. “Next year, you’ll wish you had started today.”


3. My mom was dying. A friend told me “you have your whole life to freak out about this– don’t do it in front of her.

It really helped me to understand that my feelings are not always what’s important. It IS possible to delay a freakout, and that skill has served me innumerable times.


4. I was 13 years old, trying to teach my 6 year old sister how to dive into a swimming pool from the side of the pool. We were at a big, public pool, and nearby there was a woman, about 75 years old, slowly swimming laps. Finally she swam over to us just when I was really putting the pressure on, trying to get my sister to try the dive, and my sister was shouting, “but I’m afraid!! I’m so afraid!!” The old woman looked at my sister, raised her fist defiantly in the air and said, “So be afraid! And then do it anyway!”


5. “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm”.


6. I was sitting in a bus once, and we came to the railroad tracks. There were some cars sitting inbetween us and the next red light, so if a train came, we’d be stuck until it had passed. That was always a couple of annoying minutes.

Then the light turned green, and the bus went across the train tracks without having to wait for a train. Pheew, crisis averted. Then, behind me, a mother said to her small child:

“That was too bad, we didn’t get to see the train today.”

That was the perfect way to frame that. Why not enjoy what you get?


7. “Do it to do it, not to have done it.”


8. I’m the oldest of three kids. I’m older than my little brother by 2.5 years and my little sister by 9.5. When I was about fourteen or so, arguing with my dad in private about something I don’t remember, he, being the second-oldest of eight kids, told me:

“Any decision you make in this household, you make three times. Once when you make it, once when your brother makes the same decision after watching you do it, and once when your sister makes the same decision after watching you and your brother do it. How you treat your brother will tell him how he can treat your sister; and how you treat your sister tells her how she will expect to be treated for the rest of her life, even as far as her future boyfriends.”

That kinda shook me up and made me rethink my role as the oldest child; I started taking my responsibilities as the role model a lot more seriously after that.


9. “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but, when we look back everything is different…” – C.S Lewis


10. “I learned to give… not because I have too much. But because I know how it feels to have nothing.”


11. My old boss, the CEO of a small hospital, told me a story from back when he was a lab technician (for simplicity, let’s call him Dan). Dan had forgotten to check some sort of mechanism on a piece of equipment he used, it malfunctioned and broke the equipment which ended up having around a $250,000 repair bill. The next day Dan’s boss called him in to talk about it, and he was sure he was going to be fired. His boss asked him why he didn’t do a proper check, made sure he understood what happened and sent him back to work. Dan asked him “Am I not getting fired? I was almost sure that’s what this was about.” His boss said “No way, I just spent $250,000 teaching you a lesson you’ll never forget. Why would I fire you now?”

It seems silly, but that attitude always resonated with me. Don’t make professional decisions based on emotional responses. Always know what your goal is when dealing with someone, and what exact problem you are trying to solve. Everyone makes mistakes, and yelling at them just makes them resent you and become defensive. Being calm and understanding will make people look up to you.


12. “If you’re scared of doing it because you’re afraid that people will judge you, trust me they won’t even remember it after a year.”


13. “A fool thinks himself to be a wise man, a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”


14. I was having a bad day one time and being all “Why me?” when a coworker said “Why not you?”. I had never thought about it before, but it was a good point. So I shut up and got over it.


15. “There’s no point trying to track down your SO when they go out, or even asking them not to go, just because you’re afraid of being cheated on. If they want to cheat on you, they will. They will miss a day of work, or lie about visiting their parents, or even fake a medical appointment. There’s nothing you can do about that. The only thing you can do, is being a loving, caring person. This is the most effective way of obtaining someones love and trust.”


16. “The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so try to make yourself as interesting as possible. ”


17. “We judge others by their actions and ourselves on our intentions.” Really made me think about people and I try telling myself that when the fucking idiot in front on me doesn’t indicate when merging.


18. When I was 38 I contemplated beginning a two year Associates Degree in Radiography. I was talking to a friend and had almost talked myself out of doing it. I said “I’m too old to start that. I’ll be 40 when I get my degree.” My friend said “If you don’t do it, you’ll still be 40, but without the degree.” I’m nearly 60 now, and that degree has been the difference between making a decent living, and struggling to get by.


19. I met a person who was in a wheelchair. He related a story about how a person once asked if it was difficult to be confined to a wheelchair. He responded, “I’m not confined to my wheelchair – I am liberated by it. If it wasn’t for my wheelchair, I would be bed-bound and never able to leave my room or house. ”


20. “Education is expensive, but no education is more expensive”. Definitely took school more seriously after someone said that to me.


21. “Everyone you meet knows something you don’t.” My grandfather told me this, and it’s been a good reminder that I am surrounded by teachers.


Did any of these make you change the way you think? Share with friends and family!

Sea Otter Pup Was Stranded At 4 Weeks Old. But When Her Rescuer Lets Her Go, Incredible!

A sea otter pup found stranded on a California beach is making great strides in her new home at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium.

Pup 719, who was about 4 weeks old when she was found by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Sea Otter Program in early January, is learning how to groom herself, navigate her pup pool, and even becoming a pro at mealtime.

“She learned to take formula from a bottle in the Sea Otter Program at Monterey Bay Aquarium and had graduated to eating chopped solid food, including squid and deshelled clam, shrimp and mussel, by the time she arrived at Shedd,” the aquarium writes on its website. “Still to come is figuring out how to crack open shellfish.”

While stranded sea otters are sometimes able to return to the wild, that won’t be the case for Pup 719. Much like the memorable Pup 681, this one didn’t get to spend the much-needed time with her mom (normally up to nine months) to learn how to survive on her own in the wild. And with no surrogate sea otter mom available to help in that department, Pup 719 will stay put at the aquarium. Judging by the new footage below, she doesn’t seem to mind!

“The rescue and continued care of Pup 719 was a team effort and a testament to both aquariums’ commitment to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals,” said Tim Binder with Shedd Aquarium.

Watch below and please SHARE to commend these rescuers on a job well done!

Piano Player Left Speechless When Young Girl Sings THIS On Stage…

Get ready to be blown away when you hear the big note in this song. This girl has got some strong pipes…

You may have heard of a young singer named Charice, who has already become a respected singer in her own right. Music legend and renowned songwriter/producer David Foster helped mentor Charice, and here she is joining him on stage for an incredible rendition of “All By Myself.” As any singer will tell you, this song is extremely difficult to sing and requires a strong vocal range. Charice performs it with emotion and such a high level of skill that it makes perfect sense that Celine Dion and Whitney Houston are her main influences.

A few seconds into the song, and Charice blew me away — but just wait until the climax of the song, when she hits that superb high note with everything she’s got. Now that’s talent.

Seeing a music powerhouse like David Foster in such awe of her talent truly inspired me. What a surreal, beautiful experience this must have been for Charice!

If you enjoyed this performance, please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!

She Cuts Into Her Mini Blinds, But The End Result? This Is Stunning!

Say you have some old mini blinds that have broken pieces or you’re just bored with your plain white ones — there’s a perfect way to recycle them instead of throwing them away. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to make custom window treatments on a budget by turning mini blinds into pretty Roman shades, all on your own. These shades are operational like normal blinds, but much prettier. Roman shades are a type of window covering used to block out the sun. They’re different from standard window shades in that they stack up evenly when being opened — but when opened, they are visibly smooth, not bumpy or ribbed like typical vertical shades or blinds. Here are the tools you’ll need:

  • White faux wood blinds
  • Thick upholstery fabric
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Decoupage and bowl
  • Foam brush
  • Clothespins
  • Tape measure
  • Iron

Some people on YouTube are concerned about seeing the unfinished side of the shade from outside. To solve this issue, one YouTube commenter says, “I would get the same length of fabric and just simply decoupage it to the other side. As long as you line it up correctly it’d look good.” Check out the video below to see the process in action, and create simple and inexpensive, but stylish coasters perfect for enjoying a beverage indoors or out! And don’t forget to SHARE this tutorial with your friends on Facebook!