Best Natural Ways For Cleaning Your Lungs Of Nicotine And Tar

No matter how aware people are of the harmful ingredients in cigarettes and how they are the number 1 cause of lung cancer, they still can’t quit smoking. Well if you recognize yourself in the sentence above, the least you can do is clean your lungs of nicotine and tar build up and decrease your risk of infections.

There’s no magical formula that will cleanse the lungs instantly, but here is a list of foods that works best at throwing out the nicotine and tar.


Corn is a food that contains beta-cryptoxanthin, which is believed that can protect you from lung cancer, because it is a powerful antioxidant. However, consume only organic, fresh corn.

Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant. Brazil nuts contain the highest source of selenium compared to other foods, so eat it as much as possible.

Onion is also a good lung cleaner. Onions can be of great help to prevent many diseases, including lung infections. In the case of people who already have cancer, it prevents the growth of new cells.

Ginger as a natural medicine and food, helps to defend against malignant diseases. This is another strong tool to relive you from the toxins in your lungs. You can consume ginger root tea, because it facilitates breathing. Also, you can eat a piece of ginger with a meal.

Oranges contain cryptoxanthin, which has a preventive effect against lung cancer.

Nettle is a plant full of iron, but it is very useful as a mean of disinfection for the lungs and plays an important role in fighting infections.

Pine needles tea is traditionally used for rinsing the mouth and throat, but can also be a good ally in the fight against lung cancer.


The Best Foods to Cleanse your Lungs

18 Perfectly Timed Photos That Turn Dogs Into Giants

No, giant dogs have not invaded earth. These photos of enormous pooches create the illusion of great size through the intentional or accidental use of mixed distances without clear reference points.
Hippolyte Bayard, a pioneer of photography who claimed to have invented photography earlier than Daguerre, was one of the first to stage a shot. His “Self Portrait As A Drowned Man” was a reaction to not being recognized as the first photographer.
Pandas, do you have any seemingly giant-dog pictures? Vote on your favorite, or post your own below!
(h/t: thedodo)

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Find Out What Your Coffee Order Reveals About Your Personality

Iam a big fan of coffee.

I love to kick off each day with a hot cup of coffee, complete with milk and sugar. But I was very surprised to read that the type of coffee I drink is actually in direct correlation to my personality.

Dr. Gary L. Wenk writes in Psychology Today, “Coffee makes us feel so good because it is able to tap into virtually every reward system our brain has evolved.” It makes total sense that there is a connection between the mind and the type of coffee we drink.

Of course, a person who loves to order a frappuccino will be much different than someone who orders black coffee. And when I took the quiz below and read what was revealed by my cream-and-sugar coffee order? I was shocked by how accurate it was!

I love taking quizzes that reveal your personality, but this coffee quiz really takes the cake with how spot on it is.

Were your results as spot on as mine? Let us know in the comments.

Please SHARE with all of your friends!

Which one of these coffee beverages do you most want to drink? Keep scrolling to find out what it reveals about your personality!

what your coffee order says about your personality



If you are an espresso drinker, you are someone who is a natural born leader. You work very hard and you also play very hard. Your Type A personality makes you a person who know how to get things done. And your hardworking nature is an inspiration to others, both at work and in your social life.

Obviously, as an espresso drinker, you enjoy the taste of coffee and you like things a little more straightforward. Your morning shot of espresso is what propels you to the head of the pack each and every day!

Please SHARE if you think this is accurate!

Double Espresso

Double Espresso

If you are a double espresso drinker, you are someone who believes in logic. You are an extremely practical person and are not susceptible to flights of whimsy like some of your friends. Like a single espresso drinker, you are a very hardworking person. However, you function much better with clear, concise direction from others. You do your best at work when your boss tells you exactly what they want.

As someone who likes that double dose of espresso, you require a little extra boost of caffeine to keep you going through the day. Your morning beverage helps you to focus and get your day in perfect logical order!



If you are a latte drinker, you may be someone who has trouble making decisions. You have a more laid back nature and, as a result, you don’t worry about overanalyzing every decision. In fact, you are much more reflective in nature, preferring to let your imagination consider all the options in a leisurely manner.

As a latte drinker, you are someone who likes to be comfortable. Your morning latte is just one of those small comforts that make life truly worth living!

Please SHARE if you think this is accurate!



If you are a cappuccino drinker, you are a very sophisticated individual. Your sense of style is very polished and put together. Unlike some of your friends, you aren’t the type of person to make crass jokes. You prefer to keep things a little classier. You also have a very creative mind, and your sociable nature makes you a very good friend to others.

Obviously, a cappuccino is one of the classiest beverages out there, so it reveals just how sophisticated you are (or desire to be). Your morning cappuccino sets the mood for a day of creativity and style!

Please SHARE if you think this is accurate!



If you are a frappuccino drinker, you are a much more adventurous person that a lot of your friends. You prefer to be spontaneous and live in the moment, rather than plan every detail of your day. By nature, you are a very happy person, and your positive energy makes you very easy to be around.

And speaking of energy, you have a lot of it, making a highly caffeinated beverage unnecessary. You would much rather give in to your spontaneous nature and satisfy your craving for something sweet!

Iced Coffee

Iced Coffee

If you are an iced coffee drinker, you are a very assertive person. You have a take-charge attitude and don’t have time for pettiness or drama. You feel very confident in expressing your opinions and you think of yourself as somewhat of a trendsetter.

As someone who is drawn to an iced beverage at all times of the year, you are not effected by the weather like others are. You are much more in control of your emotions, and you love strutting confidently down the street with your iced coffee in hand!

Please SHARE if you think this is accurate!

Regular Coffee, Black

Regular Coffee, Black

If you are a black coffee drinker, you lead a much more minimalistic lifestyle. You don’t need splashy clothes or gaudy jewelry. You much prefer a straightforward approach in fashion and in life. You tend to be on the quiet side and can sometimes be prone to mood swings. But your straightforward nature makes you a friend that others want to be around.

Your minimalist coffee order matches your minimalist personality perfectly. And with your black coffee in hand, you are ready to start your day free from chaos or nonsense!

Please SHARE if you think this is accurate!

Regular Coffee, Cream And Sugar

Regular Coffee, Cream And Sugar

If you are a cream-and-sugar coffee drinker, you have somewhat of a dual personality. On the one hand, you are organized and put-together. But on the other hand, you love to cut loose and get a little messy. Each day, you find yourself trying to strike the perfect balance between the logical and creative sides of your brain.

You are someone whose minimalist side enjoys the taste of coffee and whose spontaneous side loves the sweet taste of sugar. With your cream-and-sugar coffee in hand, you are ready to have a fun and productive day!

Were your results accurate? Let us know in the comments.

Please SHARE with all of your friends!

This 7-Year-Old Boy Insisted On Donating His Kidney To His Dying Mother

Often, when we hear words like “children” and “sacrifices,” it’s parents that first come to mind. Mothers and fathers give everything they have — their time, their resources, and all the good advice they can muster — to ensure their children have the best.

But sometimes, sacrifices come in different forms — and occasionally, it’s the child who does the giving. Sometimes the biggest miracles come in the smallest packages.

That’s why this tale is so tremendously powerful. Who knew that such a small boy could make such a lasting impact? His sacrifice has not only saved lives but touched the hearts of millions around the world.

I didn’t think that reading a story could so affect me, but by the end of this, I was in tears. This is one story that will stay with me for a very long time.

Please SHARE to keep this little boy’s precious memory alive forever!

Little Chen was just 5 years old when he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

But his mother, Zhou, didn’t have much time to adjust to this difficult news: Just months later, doctors would inform her she’d contracted kidney disease.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

The two battled side-by-side in the hospital for years. Zhou required dialysis, while Chen needed round-the-clock care.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Initially, doctors thought Chen would recover — but his aggressive cancer eventually returned.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Eventually, cancer would blind and paralyze Chen — but his devoted mother never gave up hope.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

But Zhou’s kidney disease had begun to weaken her, and eventually, it became clear that a kidney transplant would be her only hope.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

That’s when doctors pulled aside Zhou’s mother, Lu. “They told me that my grandson would not survive,” she told Daily Mail, “but his kidneys could help his mother, and also save two other lives as well.”

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Zhou refused. “She absolutely didn’t want to hear any talk of that happening,” her mother said.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

But when 7-year-old Chen overheard talk about his mother’s dilemma, he demanded Zhou take his kidney. “Mom, I want to save your life,” he begged.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

After much debate, a heartbroken Zhou finally agreed. Her only consolation was that her little boy would live on within her.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Days later, little Chen would pass away. Doctors rushed him to the operating theater where they planned to remove his kidneys and liver.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Before beginning the procedure, the medical team took a moment of silence to pray for the little boy. They then began the operation.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Chen’s tissue was a perfect match, and Zhou made a full recovery. Doctors said it was a miracle.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

But Zhou’s was not the only life changed by little Chen: His right kidney went to a 21-year-old woman, and his liver was given to a 27-year-old man. Now, thanks to this precious little boy, three lives have been saved — and forever changed.

chen xiao tian kidney donation child tumor saves mom's life

Please SHARE if little Chen’s sacrifice touched your heart!

Maddy Stuart, Teen With Down Syndrome, Lands Her First Modelling Contract

Madeline Stuart, the courageous and inspiring teen model with Down syndrome whose story we first told here, has just landed her first major modeling contract. Manifesta, a U.S.-based women’s athletic-wear brand that targets women of all shapes, sizes and types, has taken on Stuart as one of their representatives. The match seems like one made in heaven – after all, Madeline decided to become a model after she lost 44lbs (20kg) in a big to improve her health and slim down. Manifesta, on the other hand, is an athletic apparel brand whose goal is to make and advertise clothing for women of all body types. “With all that Madeline is doing, we’re so excited to have her represent Manifesta,” the company writes on their blog. “Just as Madeline is committed to expanding people’s ideas of what a model can be, Manifesta is determined to show that the clothing and fashion industry doesn’t have to be exclusionary, that one brand can work for women of various sizes.” More info:

Madeline Stuart’s dream was to become a professional model

She also happens to have Down syndrome

After she lost 44lbs (20kg) to keep healthy, she decided to start modeling

She’s been working hard to achieve her dream, with a bit of help from her supportive mother

“She really wants to change the way people discriminate against disability,” said Maddy’s mother

She just became the newest face of Manifesta, a U.S. women’s athletic apparel brand

It is this budding model’s first big professional contract

“People with Down syndrome can do anything, they just do it at their own pace”

“Give them a chance and you will be rewarded beyond your greatest expectations”

“I think it is time people realized that people with Down syndrome can be sexy and beautiful”

“I want people to stop saying ‘I’m sorry’ when I tell them my daughter has Down syndrome, because it’s a very naive statement”

“If the average person could see the beauty Maddy has inside, how loving and caring she is and if that is what people measured beauty on, then most of the models in the world would have Down syndrome”

This Guy Spent 4 Years Growing A Church From Trees

The enchantingly beautiful live-tree church in New Zealander Brian Cox’s backyard is already impressive enough, but it’s even more amazing when you learn that it took him only 4 years to create!

Cox carefully selected from a wide variety of trees for his beautiful church. Some have stone-colored trunks, while, others, with sparse foliage, ensure that his church will always be illuminated by sunlight. His secret is that he owns a gardening company called Treelocations, which replants whole, live trees using enormous mechanized spades. This allowed him to plant live trees in any way he wanted, completing this church (and the iron frame supporting it) in only 4 years.

Cox was inspired by the years he spent traveling abroad and observing churches around the world; “I walked out my back door one day and thought, ‘That space needs a church’ – and so it began. I cleared the area in April 2011 and made the iron frame, drawing on all the research I had done over the years of studying churches,” he told

More info: | (h/t: mymodernmet,

Image credits: Sally Tagg

30 Genius Parenting Hacks To Keep Kids Happy And Parents Sane This Summer

Rising temperatures and rising tempers don’t make for a good combination. Thankfully, a little ingenuity will go a long way to take the edge off summer parenting.

#1. Behold, the secret to drip-free ice popsicles: GELATIN.

Here’s how.

#2. Keep snacks organized with a bead container.

Find out more here.

#3. Don’t throw out those containers of baby wipes. Use them to carry toys, craft supplies, and snacks, instead.

Plain Vanilla Mom

#4. Use Press ‘n Seal to make a spill-proof cup. Perfect for road trips!

Life as Mama

#5. Glue magnets to drinking cups to keep hot and thirsty kids hydrated.

More here.

#6. Turn a large sheet into a huge art canvas.

Call Me Mama Aleisha

#7. Soothe itchy mosquito bites with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Get the instructions here.

#8. Create your own magnetic travel games using old candy tins.

Here’s how.

#9. Serve condiments in muffin tins.

Yesterday on Tuesday

It’s convenient, and helps you cut down on dishwashing, too.

#10. Label popsicle sticks with activities for inspiration when boredom strikes.

Artists Helping Children

Have fun brainstorming ideas together.

#11. Create a giant game board right on your deck.

Here are some game ideas.

#12. Use cupcake liners to keep popsicle drips in check.

Remain Simple

#13. Traveling? Use ziplock bags to organize your kids’ clothing by day.

Queen Bee Coupons

The bags can also be used to store wet clothing.

#14. Make your own bubble station for easy refills.

Here’s how.

#15. Another use for cupcake liners? Keeping juice bug-free.

Pop Sugar

#16. Freeze aloe vera in ice-cube trays for a more convenient way to soothe sunburn.


#17. Create an old-fashioned sundial to give kids a fun way to tell time.

Here’s how.

#18. Keep fruits that bruise easily in egg cartons.


#19. Make your own track for fun soap-boat races.

Here’s how.

#20. Make your own drying rack with PVC pipes and keep it by the poolside.

Here’s how.

#21. Get kids to prepare their own cereal breakfast by making your own cereal breakfast station.

More here.

#22. Say goodbye to sandy blankets by using fitted sheets. Genius!


#23. Keep off the damp grass while stargazing by putting blankets inside a blown-up pool.

The Dating Divas

Why didn’t we think of this before?

#24. Remove damp sand from hands and feet with baby powder.

Mum in the Madhouse

#25. Wash toys and shoes in the dishwasher.

It even washes those hard-to-reach spots. Here’s how.

#26. Keep your trunk organized by storing summer essentials in shoe sorters.

Kids Activities Blog

#27. Use this recipe to create giant bubbles.

More here.

#28. The best way to keep your valuables safe at the beach (or any public area).

Parent Hacks

#29. Fill a cooler or bucket with frozen balloons to keep drinks cold.

Here’s how.

#30. Keep pesky mosquitoes at bay by making your own bug-repellent bracelets.

Here’s how.



High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than 80 million Americans. Although high blood pressure is asymptomatic, it causes a lot of damage to the body. Untreated, high blood pressure can lead to strokes, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, impotence, and memory loss. The American Heart Association recommends that all adults have their blood pressure checked every 2 years.


The standard treatments for high blood pressure revolve around lifestyle changes. Exercise, weight loss, dietary changes, treatment for sleep disorders, quitting smoking, and other alterations are suggested. If lifestyle changes are ineffective in lowering blood pressure, doctors usually suggest medication. Most people find it difficult to comply with lifestyle changes, and medications always come with side effects. Medications for high blood pressure often produce effects such as dizziness and headaches.

An alternative method for treating high blood pressure is an ancient Chinese medicine approach. Chinese medicine believes that disruptions in the flow of the blood and the life force (chi) through the body are what cause diseases. If the disruptions in the flow can be relieved, the body will rapidly recover.

One method Chinese medicine uses to restore proper flow is through manipulation of key points, sometimes referred to as acupuncture points. The key points that regulate blood pressure are on the jaw and neck. Points 1 and 2 run in a line down the neck, from the earlobe to the collar bone. Point 3 is located right in front of the ear, about half an inch away from ear canal in the direction of the nose.

The vagus nerve runs down the head and neck, directly underneath these pressure points. Stimulating the vagus nerve reduces stress, lowers the heart rate, and reduces blood pressure. Doctors have been implanting special devices to stimulate the vagus nerve in order to control blood pressure in patients who haven’t responded to medication. However, a simple Chinese medicine approach can be used to stimulate the nerve via these pressure points without having to undergo painful surgery.

    To stimulate these points properly, follow the following steps:

  • Slowly run the fingers down Points 1 to 2
  • Caress lightly- do not press or massage
  • Repeat 10 times on each side
  • Next, press the fingers firmly against Point 2
  • Massage firmly in a counter-clockwise direction
  • Continue for 1 minute on each side

Simply repeat this simple key point stimulation procedure at least once a day to reduce blood pressure. It should also be performed whenever you feel stressed or anxious, to quickly lower blood pressure.

American Heart Association NCBI Technologyreview