Sisters Save Themselves By Hiding From Burglars In The Bathroom Cabinet

When I hear stories like this I breathe a sigh of relief. Imagine if these were your children?

We certainly don’t want our kids to go through this. Nevertheless we’d like to know that if they did, they would respond as wisely as these two Tennessee sisters.

Heck, I’d hope they even respond as innocently as 10-year-old Willie Myrick, who sung gospel songs for 3 hours after being kidnapped. He sung so persistently that the kidnappers let him free!

The siblings, 13 and 16, from Nashville chose to remain anonymous for their safety. When the sisters were home alone one morning they realized there were burglars in their house.

Quickly, they ran into the bathroom and hid in the cabinet. Then they called 911.

“They’re in the house,” the older sister whispered to a dispatcher. “Please hurry.” In one terrifying moment, the burglar hid in the same bathroom from the police.

“He came back in here, came in this room with us and locked himself,” the 16-year-old told WKRN Nashville. “He managed to get the door shut and locked himself in here with us.”

Officers credit the quick-thinking sisters for catching the two thieves and, of course, for saving themselves.

One of the burglars tried to flee the house on foot, but police quickly captured him. The other drove away but was later tracked down by a police dog.

See these two young women’s brave act and SHARE if you hope your kids would be as savvy!

The More You Connect, The Less You Connect

Shiyang he, a designer in advertising agency Ogilvy’s Beijing office, has created a series of ads for the Shenyang Center For Psychological Research, which highlight the detrimental effects smartphones can have on human relationships.

The three ads show typical home-life situations, with an oversized smartphone in the middle blocking any conversation between the two people in the image.

Shiyang is not the only one worried about increasing levels of smartphone addiction. In fact, we are too. Last year, one of our readers submitted a series of photos called The Death Of Conversation, in which he created a photo-gallery depicting smartphone users glued to their devices.

The caption at the bottom of the image reads “The More You Connect, The Less You Connect” – do you agree?

More info: Behance

Images credits: Oglivy (for the Center For Psychological Research, Shenyang)

110 Things I Will Teach My Daughter, And You Should Too

Raising children is challenging, but as many parents learn, in many ways it’s more complicated if you’re blessed with a daughter. Sadly, the world just treats women differently to men.

Which is why I’m sharing advice my mom and grandma gave me when I was growing up. And it’s the same thing I’m going to teach my little girl, should I ever be lucky enough to have one.

1. You will always remember your first, so choose wisely.

2. Cut your hair shorter than you dare. It will grow back.
3. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.
4. Pizza is always a good idea.
5. So is a good run.
6. Be strict with your own grammar and spelling. Be lenient with others’.
7. Never skip breakfast if you can help it.
8. Surround yourself with people smarter than you.
9. People deserve second chances, but there is no such thing as a third or fourth.

10. If someone tells you that you can’t do something because you’re a girl, do it anyway, and do it better.

11. Know your limits, and exceed them.
12. Except when you’re drinking.
13. Never bite off more than you can chew.
14. Especially when you’re drinking.
15. Don’t ever feel obligated to explain yourself.
16. Dance whenever you feel like it.
17. Your problems may seem overwhelming right now, but you will get through them. I’ll make sure of that.
18. You never know when you need to wipe away a tear, so always have a pack of tissues at the ready.
19. Wash behind your ears.

20. If you happen to be in the closet, take your time.

Kelly Prizel Photography

21. Just know that I will be waiting outside with open arms.
22. Drink water like it’s the most delicious beverage on earth.
23. Sleep early.
24. Train yourself to rise with the sun.
25. Pets are a lifelong commitment.
26. Learn how to say “no.”
27. Learn to love walking.
28. Your weight does not define you.
29. Feminism is not a bad word, despite what others may say.

30. No one has to earn your respect. Everyone deserves it, regardless of who they are.

Yes Magazine

31. Once you wear a properly-fitting bra, you’ll wonder how you went so long without it.
32. You are more than just your looks, your GPA, or your sexuality.
33. Choose comfort over style every single time.
34. A smile is your best accessory.
35. But if someone tells you ‘you’d look prettier if you’d smile more’, walk the other way.
36. Even if you’re tall, wear those heels anyway.
37. Read. A lot. Read even those books that you think you can’t understand yet, because you will, eventually.
38. And if you do decide to be a reader, start with classic literature. They’ve lasted this long for a reason.
39. Never quiet your voice for someone else. There is always room for more than one person’s opinion.

40. It’s okay to like pink things and play with toy trucks at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.

41. Do the cliche movie scene of walking along the beach under the stars with someone you love, at least once in your life.
42. There is a lot of bad in the world, but there is also a lot of good.
43. Expect the good, but be prepared for the bad.
44. Fruits are your friends.
45. Cola is not.
46. Be impeccable with your word.
47. Your sadness, anger, and pain must all have a reason, and must all be within reason.
48. Floss.
49. Being “intimidating” is not a bad thing.


51. And make sure you talk to the locals.
52. Swimming is a necessary skill, not an optional hobby.
53. Don’t be afraid to ask for my help.
54. Don’t let high school be the best time of your life.
55. Or the worst.
56. Get lost in a city you’ve never been to before.
57. But buy a map just in case.
58. Wherever you go, make sure you smell good.
59. Master a different language.

60. Be unapologetically yourself.

61. Meet someone who makes you laugh so hard your stomach and cheeks hurt.
62. Hold on to that person.
63. Don’t be naive.
64. Know that you can tell me anything.
65. Exercise.
66. Always question authority. If they can’t give you the answer you need, then they aren’t worth following.
67. If you feel homesick, bake yourself some cookies. You’ll feel a lot better.
68. Don’t underestimate the power of a large blanket, a mug of hot cocoa, and a good movie.
69. Don’t EVER drink and drive.

70. Grades aren’t everything, but just know that a degree will take you places.

71. Make sure you understand the question before answering it.
72. Tattoos are permanent.
73. Learn to enjoy your own company.
74. Be thoughtful.
75. Be eager.
76. Never skip English class.
77. Or math.
78. Or science.
79. Never skip class, ever.

80. My hugs are free and available 24/7.

81. Start saving your money as early as possible. Your college self will thank you.
82. Turn off that iPad and spend the day outside. Your most memorable experiences will be when you’re under the sun.
83. Beauty is relative.
84. Jump on hotel room beds.
85. No matter where you go, never forget where you’re from.
86. Offer to help a friend move.
87. Always take what you deserve.
88. Be gentle with other people’s feelings. Everyone is fighting their own battle.
89. Take criticism as a challenge.

90. Prove them wrong.

91. Know the difference between studying and learning.
92. Learn to play at least one musical instrument.
93. Buy clothes for the body that you have, not the body you are getting in two months after you give up carbs.
94. Moisturise.
95. Exfoliate.
96. Wash your face two times: once in the morning, and once before going to bed.
97. Smoking will make you look older than your age.
98. The only way to get into something is to just dive in.
99. I’m talking about life in general. And also, pools.

100. Don’t be afraid of wearing red lipstick.

101. Be bold in your choices.
102. I will love you no matter whom you choose to love.
103. He should make you his priority, not an afterthought.
104. You could call me your best friend, because you will forever be mine.
105. Don’t take things too personally.
106. Hit like a girl.
107. Run like a girl.
108. Fight like a girl.
109. And by that, I mean WIN.

110. You will never be too old for me to call you my baby.


The Way You Walk Reveals THIS About Your Personality. Mine’s So True, I’m Amazed

Lots of little things say a lot about who we are.

It’s actually pretty crazy, and some of these things we think we have no control over. They’re just a part of who we are or how we were born, like the position we sleep in, eye color, or the shape of our nails. These things seem so arbitrary but they actually unveil some pretty intimate things about who we truly are — it’s like an au natural personality quiz.

Cultural experts and social scientists have conducted research that reveals that our walking styles, including our walking speed and stride, have a huge impact on our personalities.

According to Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions there are a few broad categories of strolling styles that people fall into.

“Most people are some combination of two of these categories,” she explained to Men’s Health. “Although one in particular usually dominates.” Wood breaks down the four major walking styles, what each says about your personality, and how to walk if you want people to get a different impression. We’ve also added a few more common walking habits or quirks and the secrets they unveil as well…

The Driver

The Driver

If your weight is usually forward and your stride is quick, like you’re charging ahead, you are a “Driver.” Bonus points if you multitask while you walk, like using your phone, thinking of a solution for a problem, or making some kind of list in your head. “If there’s an obstacle in [your] way, [you] are going to take the most direct path through or around it,” Wood said. If that means occasionally bumping into someone, a Driver probably won’t care too much, she adds.

If this sounds like you, you have some very positive personality traits. You know how to get things done, are extremely productive, very logical, and most likely very intelligent. People admire you, but they may find you a little cold. You tend to be a competitive and your fiery personality can get the better of you.

Wood suggests that you slow down and smell the roses every now and again, make eye contact, and make an effort to say “hello” to someone you know and like. You don’t have to do this all the time, but if you do this occasionally, people will know you are also friendly and have lots of positive personality traits as well.

The Influencer

The Influencer

If you walk with your chest forward, shoulders back, and your head held high, there’s a good chance you’re an “Influencer.” Another key factor is that, like the Driver, you walk quickly, but you have a springy pep in your step. Influencers are also engaged with most of the people they pass and tend to smile, wave, make eye contact, or shout out a friendly “hello!”

According to Wood, a lot of politicians and celebrities have an Influencer gait.

If you are in Influencer you are fun, charismatic, socially adept, but some people may think you’re a little much. Your over-the-top personality tends to hog the spotlight, and sometimes you rob it from others when they have a right to it. Wood suggests reeling in your enthusiasm and thinking before you act.

“Consider your situation,” Wood suggests. “Is it a good time to make your presence known, or is this an opportunity to hold back and defer to others?”

The Supporter

The Supporter

If your weight is over your legs, not forward or back, you may be a “Supporter.”  Your speed is medium-paced and your movements are anything but choppy — you’ve got one smooth swagger. Much like an Influencer, you tend to gesture and engage with people while walking, though you tend to make eye contact rather than wave or shout.

If you’re a supporter, you tend to be more interested in people than tasks, and prefer enjoying your personal life rather than focusing on career. You feel a great satisfaction being part of a group, and may thrive in your family life or being part of a team sport. You also like to be acknowledged but are too humble to admit it, and something like a random phone call or card from one you love can go a long way. Yet, you do tend to get distracted sometimes.

You have a lot of admirable qualities, but Drivers and Influencers may perceive you as weak and try to take advantage of you. Try to stay focused when you’re around someone you are trying to impress and it will go a long way.

The Corrector

The Corrector

If you’re light on your toes when you walk and your eyes are glued to the floor, you may be a “Corrector.” Your pace is slow and cautious, like you’re afraid to make a wrong step. Your arms are held close to his sides as well, as to no intrude in others’ personal space. You do not use a phone while you walk, nor do you engage with friends as you walk with them — unless you have to.

You’re most likely introverted, but polite. You like to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Yet, due to your introverted nature, you don’t verbally communicate what you want or need. You just expect people to know. This may lead to annoyance towards others and those others being confused by your irritable nature.

Try your best to verbally communicate, even if what you say isn’t polite. Try to find the nicest way to express yourself while being honest and you’ll be surprised by how much smoother your life suddenly becomes.

The following are not part of the four main walking personalities, but are quirks and habits that can relay really important information about you. Let’s start with “The Short Strider”…

The following are not part of the four main walking personalities, but are quirks and habits that can relay really important information about you. Let’s start with "The Short Strider"…

If you’re a woman with a short stride, and are having aches in your calves and hamstrings, it may be time to hang up your high heels, says walking expert Cheyne Voss, head of physio-therapy at TenPhysio in London, England. Short strides can be an indicator of a looming hip problem.

Need more reason to hang up those heels? A study in The Journal Of Sexual Medicine, found that women with longer strides were more likely to be satisfied in the bedroom.

The Arm Crosser

The Arm Crosser

Do you tend to cross your arms while walking? This could indicate you feel vulnerable Eliot Hoppe, communication trainer and author told the Huffington Post. This is a habit you may consider changing, especially if you’re a woman.

Females tend to cross their arms when walking alone at night or through a rough neighborhood they are unfamiliar with. Attackers tend to prey on those who look weak, so try uncrossing your arms and walking upright at a quick pace, he advises.

The Arm Swinger

The Arm Swinger

Our arms are attached to our lower backs by a muscle called the “latissimus dorsi” and because of this we swing the arm on the opposite side of the leg that is striding to support our lower backs when we walk. So the bigger the arm swing, the better lower back health you have, according to Voss.

But be forewarned: If one of your shoulders rolls freely and the other is more awkward or stuck, this can indicate a back or neck problem, which can happen if you have an inactive lifestyle.

The Foot Shuffler

The Foot Shuffler

According to, a site that specializes in providing information to those caring for seniors, “a shuffle may be caused by a fear of falling due to changes in depth perception or orientation; the person takes more tentative steps.”

A foot shuffle can also lead to more serious medical issues down the road as well, so it’s important that if you catch yourself shuffling to mention it to a doctor during your next checkup.

The Stomper

The Stomper

When our feet hit the ground, they send signals to our brains about the position of the limb.

“Impaired proprioception can occur due to loss of sensation,” consultant podiatrist Haydn Kelly of the London Medical Centre told the Daily Mail.

If you’re stomping your feet, it means you have lost sensation in this limb and may have a B12 vitamin deficiency, which can lead to tiredness, sore tongue, and bleeding gums, according to WebMD.

So, if you find yourself stomping about, try eating more dairy, eggs, or attempt to drink less alcohol. If you are a vegetarian, ask your doctor for supplements.

The Multitasker

The Multitasker

Believe it or not, if you walk and talk and chew gum — or do other things — all at once, it can create positive energy, according to Wood.

For instance, if you walk around your house on your phone and cook, do a craft, or organize it can actually give you a boost of creativity. So, if you do this often, most likely you’re very imaginative.

Wood also points out that when you see someone walking and talking on the phone and they suddenly stop, it means that the conversation just got serious. People will stop walking, pause, and sit if the conversation gets personal.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

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He Demanded His Wife Bury Him With ALL His Money. So She Did THIS Instead…

A Wife Finds A Loophole For Her Husband’s Greedy Dying Wish
Maya Angelou once poignantly said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Many of us strive for this. We do good, moral, and upright things because we want to leave a positive legacy in our wake.

Unfortunately, not all of us feel this way. Some people give in to their more selfish emotions, wanting to enjoy their lives on their own terms regardless of how it affects others, and one of the most common ways people do this is by succumbing to greed.

One widow, in a story that has haunted me for years, was nothing like her late spouse. Her husband was a man who worked very hard for his money and felt that because he did, he deserved to keep it all to himself. Guided by this kind of moral compass, he also expected his honorable wife put her morals on the line to grant him a dying wish. At the funeral of her husband, however, she figured out a way of keeping her integrity while granting his wish, and the idea is nothing short of brilliant…

“There was a man who had worked all of his life and has saved all of his money.

He was a real cheapskate when it came to his money. He loved money more than just about anything, and just before he died, he said to his wife, ‘Now listen, when I die I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. Because I want to take all my money to the after life.’

So he got his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died she would put all the money in the casket with him. When one day he died.”
“He was stretched out in the casket, the wife was sitting there in black next to their best friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, ‘Wait a minute!’

She had a shoebox with her, she came over with the box and placed it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket and rolled it away.”


“Her friend said, ‘I hope you weren’t crazy enough to put all that money in there with that stingy old man.’

She said, ‘Yes, I promised. I’m a good Christian, I can’t lie. I promised him that I was to put that money in that casket with him.’
You mean to tell me you put every cent of his money in the casket with him?’

‘I sure did,’ said the wife. ‘I got it all together, put it into my account and I wrote him a check.’ ”

Please SHARE if you love this story!

Is Drinking Water While Eating Good For You?

You have probably often heard advice about drinking water with your meals. Over the years it has become a topic of debate, some say it’s better to drink it before meals while others believe after meals is best. To be honest, what’s most important is that you get enough water, not as much when you do it. Timing does matter, a little.

The golden rule is to maintain the ratio of 30 and 60 minutes, drinking water 30 minutes before a meal and an hour is good for digestion and overall health.

You should know that drinking water too close to eating will dilute the digestive juices. Most of us do not keep this ratio, we drink water when we are thirsty and want it. To overcome this habit we need to figure out the reasons for it.

We often see some people drinking water with meals, and doctors say that it’s fine to do, but according to yogic and Ayurvedic philosophy you should avoid drinking water during meals to avoid overloading your stomach. Half of the stomach should be filled with food, one-fourth should be filled with water, and the remainder should be empty. If you are frequently feel thirsty during your meal make it a habit to drink a full glass of water 30 minutes before eating.

Many simply cannot eat without drinking something, and it is good for cleansing your palate to take a sip now and then. Pay attention to what you are eating when making a beverage choice, if eating warm foods then hot tea or water is appropriate and not as shocking to your system as cold, and vice versa. To aid digestion consider adding fresh lemon or a splash of apple cider vinegar to your beverage.


Drinking water after meals is not bad, nor does it hamper digestion, but drinking water 30 minutes before meals has better benefits.

Here are a few:

Drinking a glass of water before meals will help you achieve correct body weight and have better skin! Make it a habit and enjoy the results. Drinking water before meals helps you consume less calories which eventually results in fat loss, this is because your stomach feels full faster. As for your skin, drinking water hydrates rough, dry skin This is even more effective during the winter when your water intake is often lower.

Our body’s perform a number of processes while eating and digesting so it’s important to understand and consider each while determining if drinking water while eating is best for us.

  • Our mouthes create saliva while eating as it contains digestive enzymes to help break down food. These enzymes are very important in creating a healthy digestive process.
  • Our stomachs contain gastric juices that aid in digestion and are instrumental in killing any bacteria we might consume in the food we eat. It is important these juices function properly as they help break down food and allow the stomach to contract and pulverize food into a state that can be pushed to the small intestine.
  • The liver is also important as once nutrients are taken from the food we eat they are sent through the bloodstream to the liver. From there, the liver distributes the nutrients to different areas of the body. It determines what to keep for later and what to utilize right away. The liver requires an ample amount of water to function and do its job properly.

To Drink or Not to Drink


The main area of debate is whether or not drinking water during a meal is harmful or beneficial to the digestive process. There is no doubting the fact that drinking too much water during meals can interfere with the natural and necessary levels of bile and stomach acid. This would slow the digestion process and reduce the body’s ability to produce enough digestive enzymes to digest foods properly. Without proper digestion, a build up of toxic waste can occur no matter what you are eating. We can apply the same principles when thinking about other beverages we might consume during a meal. In the case of alcoholic drinks and acidic beverages like soda, they tend to dry up the saliva your glands have produced, making it even more difficult to properly digest food. Drinking water or other beverages while they are cold also slows down digestion and can create cramping in some individuals.

It is clear that drinking water before and after you eat aids the digestive process. The general consensus on this is that drinking water about 30 minutes before you eat will help keep the body hydrated which results in optimal digestion. For the liver, this is also important as overall body hydration aids in optimal liver performance. Drinking water about 30 minutes after can also assist in hydrating the body through the latter parts of digestion and replenish the lost liquids from digestion. It is important to note that drinking water during a meal would be more beneficial than not drinking while eating if you are not properly hydrated before hand. Eating while dehydrated can cause the body to have a very tough time digesting food.

The Other Side of The Coin

It’s also important to mention that according to Michael F Picco, M.D. and the MayoClinic: “There’s no concern that water will dilute the digestive juices or interfere with digestion. In fact, drinking water during or after a meal actually aids digestion. Water and other liquids help break down food so that your body can absorb the nutrients. Water also softens stools, which helps prevent constipation.” While they do not make any mention of temperature or amount of water, and don’t reference their statement, it is clear they feel drinking while eating is generally OK.


Based on the information presented, when thinking about how to approach eating meals yourself, there are several tips we can apply. It appears most beneficial to stay hydrated throughout the day and if you must drink while you eat, avoid drinking too much, as well as alcohol and acidic drinks. Drink warm water and drink it sparingly. A small glass will likely not interfere with digestion and by adding a dash of apple cider vinegar or lemon, you can aid in the digestive process further. If you can, you might want to try drinking 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after a meal with no drinking during, see how you feel. If it works for you, then stick with what works, if not, adjust accordingly. Listening to and becoming more conscious of your body and body awareness is a great step to take when thinking about new foods and how you treat your body. Sometimes going with what the body feels and wants is more important than staying rigid to information. Things change, the body changes, flow with it. Listen to your body!


This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

Whether or not you like the pungent veggie, we all know that onions are viewed mostly as food.

Did you know you could also use an onion to clean your grill? That, however, is not the strangest thing you can do with onions…

We recently heard rumblings that onions can actually heal you by putting them in your socks and sleeping with them by your feet at night. Apparently it can help alleviate cold, flu, and fever-like symptoms.

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

In fact, a few people who have heard about sleeping with onions in their socks have given it a whirl.

“You have nothing to lose by giving the onion theory a try,” said Jennifer Thompson, a blogger that decided to peel back the theory and get to the heart of it.

She shared the idea with her readers and a few of them gave it a try and — well, you will be absolutely amazed!

This is what Jennifer tweeted to her readers after writing about the healing power of onions:


She then received an outpour of responses from her followers who also tried the sock onion trick.

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So how does this work? Reflexologists will point out that the bottom of your foot has approximately 7,000 nerve endings that link to different organs within your body.


Dr. Lauren Feder, a Los Angeles-based homeopathic doctor and author of the bookNatural Pregnancy, believes that onions do indeed have healing powers.



“For colds, an onion pouch in [a] room can help with congestion,” she suggested. “In addition to treating colds, onion socks can be used for earaches, teething, and bladder infections.”

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

So if you’re sold, now what do you do? First thing you need to do is cut up and attach some onion to your feet in the proper places. You can use red or white onions.

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

Once you have every piece strapped into place, put on a pair (or two) of socks, elevate your feet with a pillow or two, and catch some Zs.


Once you wake up, you will have purified your blood and killed bacteria, germs, and pathogens because onions have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral benefits!

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

We’ve heard that this could work, but what do you think? Is it something you’d try, or do you think it’s crazy?

Have you tried this or want to try it? Let us know in the comments.

Please SHARE this with everyone you know and give the gift of feeling good!


Photos That Are Impossible to look Indifferently

They say picture can tell more than a thousand words. Unique images are always the most important and insignificant times are always the most valuable. Photographers are artists and chroniclers at the same time. They take images of many events, things, opinions. Some of them do it by accident. Others do it to make time stand still.

Here are pictures that can cause very different emotions in people. No one should remain indifferent. Happy viewing!

Winner of life.


The Iron Man.


Laughter is the Best Medicine

This loyalty. 🙁

The joy of birth.

Strong Men Also Cry.

Someone who understands.

Mom, I’m with you.

Sir, Yes sir!!

And what everyone is afraid of?

The most loyal friend.

Love Has No Boundaries, No Barriers, No Distance <3.

Caring in Africa.

Long-awaited meeting.

Corey Allen kisses his daughter

Corey Allen kisses his daughter, Lacey Allen, during the welcoming ceremony at the return home from Afghanistan soldiers Stephen Morton-AP