He Caught His Daughter Lying Bare Naked Next to a Stranger. His Reaction? Best Dad EVER

If there’s one thing that is essentially challenging yet equally rewarding job in the world, then that would be no other than parenting.

Aside from assuring that the basic necessities for all children are met, the social, emotional and psychological upbringing should also be compatible with the struggles that life has to offer. As for this Russian father, being a good provider is not just enough. For him, fatherhood is defined on how brave you have risen to the challenges of becoming the epitome of a good role model to those who are next-in-line or at least for the bold ones who are willing to sacrifice singlehood in pursuit of family life.

A Russian father shared this on Reddit:


(English is not my native language, please be kind)

One morning I came down the stairs, seeing this exact scene – my 17 year old daughter with a young man, asleep after what must have been a night of ‘hard labor’. I very quietly made breakfast, went back upstairs and told my wife, son and other (youngest) daughter to be very quiet because people were still asleep.

Our dinner table is on the other side of the room, about 20 feet from the couch but right in front of it. we all sat down and I yelled “YOUNG MAN” – never ever have I seen someone wake up and move from horizontal to vertical that fast. “Breakfast is ready!” I said with a tone as if I gladly would suck his soul out of his body. I pulled out the chair beside me. “Sit!” my family was silent, staring at their plates, not even twitching.

It must have been the hardest 20 feet for a butt naked youngster to cross. Trying to hide his, I must say, rather impressive morning wood. My youngest daughter looking in awe at said piece of wood, as did my wife. After he put on his clothes, which lay beside the dinner table, he sat down. My son (6’4″) patted him on the shoulder, looked him in the eyes, sighed and shook his head. By now he was really, really nervous. You could almost smell it. In my best Russian accent: “My friend, I’m going to ask you a question. The answer you give is very important…. for you.” At this point he was sweating.

“Do you like cats?”

He was a very likeable and friendly guy. Clearly uneducated but not dumb. There was something odd about him. My daughter assured me he was a very nice and attentive guy. She knew him for about a month by then. He came by every day since that morning, never stayed overnight though.

Every morning he came to pick her up for school on his bicycle, brought her home after, and made sure she did her homework. He looked after her when she was sick and we were at work. He invested time end effort. He had the patience of an angel when she had one of her terrible moods.

He said he had no family, no education, no steady job. She adores him. He adores her. Who am I to prevent her from learning from her own mistakes?

After this had been going on for about 8 months my son came to me. He had been asking around about him. It turns out the guy was homeless. His abusive father killed himself. His mother, a crackhead, took off three weeks after that. They lived in a rented trailer. He was 15 then and survived for three years on the streets – sleeping in parks, at the Salvation Army, with “friends”, cheap hotels. He worked construction jobs.

Now, there I was. I knew a young man, 18 or 19 years old, who was polite and comes in smiling; who leaves smiling; who cares; who helps, no need to ask; who makes my child happy. This is a kid who never had a chance to be a kid.

Sometimes when he does not come over because he has a job, we miss him. They are not buddies, but my son gets along with him very well. My youngest daughter trusts him unconditionally and my wife’s motherly instinct seems to have expanded. And me? I sometimes worry for him. I want him to be happy.

I told my wife and youngest daughter what I learned about him. They cried. I had a hard time telling them. I was disappointed in my oldest daughter. She knew. She should have told us. She loves him and lets him leave every night to go….where????

The next day I gave him a key of our house. I told him I expected him home every night. Home. In the next few weeks we fixed our spare room and took him shopping for furniture. He was quite good at making things. He wanted to be his own boss, he liked building things. We saw to it that he got an education which enabled him to do just that.

That was in 2000. Now, 15 years later, my found son and my daughter have a thriving business. They gave us our three beautiful grandchildren. Last year, twins. 1 girl, 1 boy!

Oftentimes people would complain about the life that was given to them. For some, a burdened life is nothing but a barren land. However, while some are close to giving up, there are also a handful who are willing to stand up regardless of the times they stumble and fall. Thanks to the good Samaritans who are always willing to extend an extra hand and hope. Somehow, what used to be a hopeless case is now as brand as new. For their case, both the young man and the father are living testaments of hope and change.

Couple Quits Jobs And Sells Everything To Travel The World With Their Cat

This couple took the plunge, sold all of their belongings, bought a boat, and have been living the dream since August 12, 2011. Matt and Jessica Johnson, 32, left their respective jobs as an automobile sales manager and billing specialist for the high seas, living off about $1000 USD per month. The Johnsons have visited 16 countries so far, including the Bahamas, Jamaica, Cuba and Peru; their cat Georgie, who knows  how to swim, has been travelling with them since 2012.

“Our lives were the typical American Dream. Go to school, get married, buy a house, start a career. So far we’ve also left out the part of having 2.5 kids,” the Grand Rapids, Michigan, couple told the Daily Mail. “For too long we had spent all of our weekends in front of the TV without ever doing anything productive or enjoyable. We realised this needed to change.”

More info: mjsailing.com | Facebook | (h/t: news.au.com)

“It started in late summer of 2007 while on the shores of Lake Michigan”

“Matt would look at the sailboats on the water and comment on how he’d like to try that someday”

“He asked, ‘We can either get a piece of property or spend the money to get a sailboat, which do you think would be best?’”

“Eventually we decided…that we would rather spend our summers on the water”

“We sold our house in June of 2011…when we realized we wanted to be gone for longer, possibly 4-5 years and go much further”

“In July we both quit our jobs, sold our cars, and were ready to start the cruising life”

The couple adopted their cat, Georgie, in 2012

Georgie “does very well with the sailing and is more steady on her feet than we are”

“I think that sailing the world has been great for our relationship”

“There’s no walking away from an argument when one person gets mad at the other, you have to keep working together until the job is done”

The cat “loves sitting on the deck and watching the fish over the side of the boat when we are at anchor”

“We’d also been hearing stories from so many others that had been putting their dream on hold until retirement and for one reason or another until their dreams were no longer attainable”

The couple “found out [Georgie] can swim when she jumped overboard in Grand Cayman”

“She swam around the back of the boat and climbed up the ladder”

“Our lives were the typical American Dream. Go to school, get married, buy a house, start a career”

“So far we’ve also left out the part of having 2.5 kids”

“For too long we had spent all of our weekends in front of the TV without ever doing anything productive or enjoyable”

“We never wanted that to be us”

20 Adorable “Dad and Son” photos that’ll completely melt your heart.

There’s nothing more beautiful than the relationship between parents and sons, and with Father’s day behind the corner, this is the perfect moment to celebrate all the fathers around the world.

We are doing this by sharing with you the following pictures, depicting some incredibly beautiful moments between fathers and sons.

Some of these photos completely melt my heart.

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Defiant Iranian Women Uncover Their Hair To Protest Strict Laws On Wearing Hijab

Since May last year, thousands of Iranian women have been posting pictures of themselves on Facebook not wearing headscarves. In Iran, where Islamic law is enforced, the simple act of women showing their hair is considered a punishable offence.

Since the Islamic revolution in 1979, religious fundamentalists who lead the Iranian government have required Iranian women over the age of 9 years to wear a hijab whenever they are out in public.

This rule is strictly enforced by the “morality police”. Last year there were 3.6 million cases of women being warned, fined, or arrested for “crimes against public prudence and morality.” To many Iranians, the hijab is a form of religious compliance as well as an exercise in modesty. But for many others, it is considered oppressive and limiting.

Masih Alinejad is one such woman. Aside from being an Iranian journalist, 38-year-old Alinejad is also an advocate and activist for religious freedom and women’s rights.


A year ago, she expressed her frustration about the compulsory hijab by posting a photo of herself driving in Iran without a hijab.


To Alinejad’s astonishment, her post was met with huge support from her fellow Iranian women, and soon thousands of them began sending in photos of themselves with their hair flying in the wind.


The response was so overwhelming that Alinejad decided to set up a Facebook page called My Stealthy Freedom. With over 803,000 followers, the page has become a place for quiet and courageous protest.


Even some women who believe in the hijab on religious grounds are joining the movement, calling for the freedom to choose to wear the veil.


In a film by Vox, Alinejad tells of her childhood in Iran, where she saw her brother enjoy the freedom that she never had. “How he was free to run in a green, lovely farm without headscarf,” she says in the video.


Living in the United States, she was witness to the stark difference between the diversity and freedom around her as compared with her home country.


“I love that!” she says. “Two women with headscarves, and two women without head scarves. Look at how they are free! They just, you know, walk past each other without judging each other. Without getting arrested by the morality police. Isn’t that beautiful?”


Alinejad points out that many men are also supportive of this movement.


Along with the photos submitted by Iranian women also come beautiful messages. One woman wrote: “I dream of the day that I can choose the style and color of my clothing, a tiny share of anyone’s human rights.”



But sadly, Alinejad says that “to be like this is forbidden in Iran.”



“Iran is for all Iranians. Iran is me and my mother. My mother wants to wear a scarf. I don’t want to wear a scarf,” Alinejad says defiantly. “Iran should be for both of us.”


Watch the powerful video below:

Learn more about My Stealthy Freedom via the Facebook page.

15 Bad Letter Spacing Examples That Made All The Difference

Poor letter spacing can ruin (or make hilarious) even the best thought-out text, as these examples demonstrate. If these mistakes are not the result of an errant space, then they might be result of automatic “kerning,” which is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters.

When type was printed using cast metal, parts that needed to overlap adjacent letters hung off the edge. Computer typefaces might have manual, automatic, or no kerning whatsoever; no kerning can make it appear that there is a space between letters when there, while automatic kerning produces mixed results.

(h/t: justsomething)

#1 What Style Of Massage Is This?

What Style Of Massage Is This?

#2 Another Reminder That Yes, Fonts And Kerning Matter

Another Reminder That Yes, Fonts And Kerning Matter

#3 Spacing Is Important

Spacing Is Important

#4 I’m Sorry, What’s Broken?

I'm Sorry, What's Broken?

#5 Badly Misspelled Name

Badly Misspelled Name

#6 My Math Teacher Also Taught Us The Importance Of Kerning

My Math Teacher Also Taught Us The Importance Of Kerning

#7 Bull Titan Us

Bull Titan Us

#8 Space Bar, You Had One Job

Space Bar, You Had One Job

#9 Hey Walmart… Kerning Is Important

Hey Walmart... Kerning Is Important

#10 Worst Tart Ever

Worst Tart Ever

#11 My Aunt In The Philippines Made A Nice Birthday Cake For My Relative Curt

My Aunt In The Philippines Made A Nice Birthday Cake For My Relative Curt

#12 Sign Above The Megaflicks Store

Sign Above The Megaflicks Store

#13 Bad Kerning, Good ‘shrooms

Bad Kerning, Good 'shrooms

#14 Lego Click Brick

Lego Click Brick

#15 Maybe They Should Pick A Different Font Next TimeMaybe They Should Pick A Different Font Next Time

The story of two apples

A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands. Her mom came in and soflty asked her little daughter with a smile:

“My sweetie,
could you give your mom one of your two apples?”



The girl looked up at her mom for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite of the apple and then quickly of the other. The mom felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her dissapoitment. Then the little girl handed one of the bitten apples to her mom and said:

here you are.
This is the sweeter one.”.

Zodiac in Fashion Statement

Zodiac offers a lot of characteristics, visualizations and meanings, where Dubai based fashion photographer Tejal Patni made his creation of stunning calendar titled “In Love With Fashion” for the Splash Fashion Magazine not that long ago. The calendar features creative interpretations of the 12 zodiac signs in his interpretation and meaning of beauty. Take a look and try to guess who is who below…

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

8 Ways To Manage Negative People And Relationships

1. Be conscious of how much of yourself you give to them.

Especially when all you give is unwanted and they end up withdrawing from you. Be cautious when dealing with negative people. You don’t want to waste your energy.

2. Give them less power over you.

But let them in if they earn it. Truth be told, we don’t want negative people ruling over their lives. Just remember that if they’re trying to change, let the change come! Give them another chance.

3. Remember, you’re not responsible.

If they’re sad, complaining, unhappy, feeling undervalued or just not in a good mood, remember, you aren’t responsible for those feelings and you also aren’t responsible for helping them overcome those feelings. See #1. Be careful of how much of yourself you give to them.

4. Don’t take them personally.

If they do hurtful things, know that they can’t always help it. They’re negative people, but you aren’t. Brush it off and move on.

5. Remember that you can’t win.

Sometimes you just aren’t going to be able to win over an person who isn’t ever wrong. You’ll never triumph in an argument where their minds are so deeply rooted in cynicism. Let it go and move on.

6. They aren’t like this because of you.

People who are hard to deal with, angry, sensitive, needy, and just plain negative aren’t like this because of you. Other things have happened in their life to lead them down that path. Don’t blame yourself. Be there for them, but remember #1.

7. You can be compassionate but…

Don’t sacrifice yourself! This ties in again with #1. Be careful of how much you give away to people. If they honestly want to improve their moods, be right there with them! But if they withdraw, forget it.

8. At the end of the day, remember one thing:

It’s not about you. Don’t take it personally. You can’t fix everyone.