A Boy Sexually Assaults Her Daughter In School. Mom’s Reaction? This Is Gold!

An angry mother delivered a scathing response after her daughter was punished for punching a classmate who snapped her bra. The details of this story are impossible to verify since all names and locations have been changed. But I certainly think it is an important subject, and that’s why I absolutely wanted to share the story right away. At the end of the day, it teaches us an important lesson. And everyone should stand up for their children this way, especially when it comes to sexual abuse or assault, as mild as it may appear. Well done to this mom. A Boy Sexually Assaults Her Daughter In School. Mom’s Reaction? This Is Gold! (I’m an A&E nurse. We’re not allowed our phones on us; they’re to be kept in our lockers. A call comes into hospital reception on a private line for me.) Phone: “This is [Teacher] from [School]. There’s been an incident involving [Daughter]. We need you to come in.” Me: “Is she ill or injured? Can it wait until my shift is over in two hours?” Phone: “[Daughter] has struck another pupil. We’ve been trying to call you for 45 minutes. It really is very serious.” (I go to the school and am ushered into the head’s office. I see my daughter, her head of year, a male teacher, the headmaster, a boy with blood around his nose and a red face, and his parents.) Head: “Mrs. [My Name], how kind of you to FINALLY join us!” Me: “Yeah, things get busy in A&E. I’ve spent the last hour administering over 40 stitches to a seven-year-old who was beaten by his mother with a metal ladle and then I had to deal with the police regarding the matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.” (After watching him try to not act embarrassed, he tells me what has happened. The boy had twanged my daughter’s bra and she had punched him in the face twice. I got the impression they were more angry with my daughter than the boy.) Me: “Oh. And you want to know if I’m going to press charges against him for sexually assaulting my daughter and against the school for allowing him to do it?” (They all get jittery when I mention sexual assault and start speaking at once.) Teacher: “I don’t think it was that serious.” Head Of Year: “Let’s not over-react.” Head: “I think you’re missing the point.” (The boy’s mother then starts crying. I turn to my daughter to find out what happened.) Daughter: “He kept pinging my bra. I asked him to stop but he didn’t, so I told Mr. [Teacher]. He told me to ‘ignore it.’ [Boy] did it again and undid my bra so I hit him. Then he stopped.” (I turn to the teacher.) Me: “You let him do this? Why didn’t you stop him? Come over here and let me touch the front of your trousers.” Teacher: “What?! No!” Me: “Does that seem inappropriate to you? Why don’t you go and pull on Mrs. [Head Of Year]’s bra right now. See how fun it is for her. Or on that boy’s mum’s bra. Or mine. You think just because they’re kids it’s fun?” Head: “Mrs. [My Name]. With all due respect, [Daughter] still beat another child.” Me: “No. She defended herself against a sexual attack from another pupil. Look at them; he’s nearly 6 feet and 11 or 12 stone. She’s 5 feet and 6 stone. He’s a foot taller than her and twice as heavy. How many times should she have let him touch her? If the person who was supposed to help and protect her in a classroom couldn’t be bothered what should she have done? He pulled her bra so hard it came undone.” (The boy’s mum is still crying and his dad looks both angry and embarrassed. The teacher won’t make eye contact with me. I look at the headmaster.) Me: “I’m taking her home. I think the boy has learnt his lesson. And I hope nothing like this ever happens again, not only to [Daughter], but to any other girl at this school. You wouldn’t let him do it to a member of staff so what makes you think he can do it to a girl of 15 is beyond me. I will be reporting this to the governors. And if you—” *turning to the boy* “—EVER touch my daughter again I WILL have you arrested for sexual assault. Do you understand me?” (I was so angry I gathered my daughter’s things and left. I reported it to the Board of Governors, several of whom I know from Church (it’s a Catholic school), and was assured it would be strongly dealt with. I also reported it to OFSTED (Government-run school monitoring) and they were equally as horrified and assured me they would contact the school. My daughter was put into a different class for that subject, away from the teacher and the boy.) Share this story if you agree what the mom did was right!

Cop Follows Her Instinct And Enters An Abandoned House. What She Finds Inside? Life-Changing!

Police Officer Finds A Dog Inside An Abandoned House And Adopts It.

It just another day on the job at the Baltimore Police Department. That is until Officer Ashley Acord stopped at a house on Division Street and sensed something was amiss.he house was abandoned, but still, she wanted to take a look and make sure that all was well. Officer Acord quickly discovered that the house wasn’t completely empty. Tied to a door knob was an abandoned dog.asd Luckily, the dog was in pretty good condition. Its coat was clean and he wasn’t at all gaunt. His owners must have taken good care of him—until they got tired of him and left him in the abandoned house. Ashley took the dog in her car and left him at Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter. But sometime between the time she met the pup and brought him to the shelter, something had happened. Ashley realized she couldn’t let this dog go. Instead, she filled out adoption papers at the animal shelter and offered to take care of him. So after three days, when no one came forward to claim the dog, Ashley got to take the dog home. She named him Grayson.afsafss1 Now, Grayson lives with his new owner, and doesn’t need to worry about ever being abandoned again. What luck that Officer Acord opened the door to that abandoned house! If you were inspired by Officer Acord’s kindness to Grayson, please share this article.

These Pixelated Portraits Are Created Using Something Unexpected, But Genius.

Food Summer
A lifetime of working with nuclear power has left me with a healthy green glow…and left me as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner. Kids, kids. I’m not going to die. That only happens to bad people. Kids, kids. I’m not going to die. That only happens to bad people. Slow down, Bart! My legs don’t know how to be as long as yours.

The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show

D’oh. What’s the point of going out? We’re just going to wind up back here anyway. When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power…like God must feel when he’s holding a gun. Your questions have become more redundant and annoying than the last three “Highlander” movies.
  • Son, a woman is like a beer. They smell good, they look good, you’d step over your own mother just to get one! But you can’t stop at one. You wanna drink another woman!
  • When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power…like God must feel when he’s holding a gun.

Natural Born Kissers

They only come out in the night. Or in this case, the day. Save me, Jeebus. I didn’t get rich by signing checks.

The Last Temptation of Homer

I can’t go to juvie. They use guys like me as currency. Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. What good is money if it can’t inspire terror in your fellow man? Jesus must be spinning in his grave! Yes! I am a citizen! Now which way to the welfare office? I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I work, I work. And now, in the spirit of the season: start shopping. And for every dollar of Krusty merchandise you buy, I will be nice to a sick kid. For legal purposes, sick kids may include hookers with a cold.
  1. Jesus must be spinning in his grave!
  2. We started out like Romeo and Juliet, but it ended up in tragedy.
  3. I was saying “Boo-urns.”
  4. I’m a Spalding Gray in a Rick Dees world.
Marge vs. Monorail
Fame was like a drug. But what was even more like a drug were the drugs. Human contact: the final frontier. Oh, so they have Internet on computers now!
Homer the Great
How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive? I don’t like being outdoors, Smithers. For one thing, there’s too many fat children. I’ve done everything the Bible says — even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff! Homer no function beer well without. Me fail English? That’s unpossible.

Dad Walks Into His Daughters Bare Bedroom. The Next Night? They Can’t Believe Their Eyes

If you grew up as the oldest sibling in your family, you know what it’s like for your life to all of a sudden be very, very crowded. The toys in the living room sometimes overflow from their storage places. The kitchen table has more hands grabbing at those precious biscuits. You end up getting squished into the middle backseat of the car on the long trip to Grandma’s house. But, most of all? If you’re sharing a bedroom, it’s going to get extra cozy. These three young girls were crammed into one room with three beds, with hardly any other space for playing, or even walking. Their bedroom wasn’t a place for imagination or adventure, rather it was simply a place to fall asleep, restlessly, it seems. Then, after one final night of sleeping in this old, crowded bedroom, the whole family clears almost everything out of the room in the morning. The cool part is that everyone got to help! This wasn’t just a project for Mom or Dad alone. When the whole project is all finished? You can tell how much these three sisters are going to love their room — it’s so much less crowded than before! What they did with one of the beds is genius, and allows for so much more space! Would you do something like this for your kids’ room? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!

Angry Wife Writes The Best Letter Ever To Husband’s Mistress. This Is Gold.

Infidelity is not something you just laugh away. It is extremely painful for the victims of cheating partners. This woman found an absolutely brilliant way to handle her situation when she discovered that her husband was being unfaithful. She decided to write a letter to her husband’s mistress… pointing out in detail how his life was about to drastically change. I came across her letter online, and can’t verify its authenticity. However, it sounds pretty realistic to me. Either way — her vengeance was quite unique so I wanted to share it along and see what people thought! llu Dear Carla, Thanks so much for leaving those little bite marks all over my husband’s chest the other night. I really appreciate it, girl! You have set me and my kids free! As a reward for your thoughtful services to our family, I’m offering you my husband, for keeps! Should you choose to claim your prize, please pay attention to the following rules: You must financially support him. He will be responsible for child support for our two children, and alimony for me since I have spent the last 10 years of my life raising these children. So forget about his money, honey, that’s all mine! You will have to clothe him. See, this crazy thing happened! When he got out of the shower the other day, and I saw all of those cute little “love bites,” a giant black hole appeared in our bedroom. It was the craziest thing! All of his clothing got sucked in, so you can outfit him any way you choose. Buy some leather pants, maybe a leash, whatever you want, girlfriend. You will have to say goodbye to him every other weekend. This time will be set aside for supervised visits with his children. You must say goodbye to a proper sex life. You see, I know that you didn’t sleep with him last night. Ever since his back injury five years ago, his penis hasn’t functioned properly. The only way for him to even attempt arousal is with a little blue pill, and even with that, you get only two minutes, three minutes tops. Most of the time he won’t even try. So stock up on those batteries, sweetheart! It’s nerve damage and cannot be fixed, so you’ll have to deal with it just like I did. You will never return him to me. I will not take him back or let him in my home. He had a great thing going here, and he threw it all away with you. You can try, but I sincerely doubt that you’ll ever live up to what we had. You must accept it when he blames you for all of this. You see, he told me whilst begging for my forgiveness with tears streaming down his face, that you giggled and said, “I hope your wife sees my bites.” Well, your wish came true, honey, and he’s pissed, severely pissed… at you. And last, but not least, this is more of a friendly warning than a rule. I will make it my mission in life to take up all of his time with the pettiest stuff I can think of just to spite you. I will work to hurt him and you to the degree that my kids are hurting right now. He will smile and deal with it for me and the kids, but then will spend hours every day complaining to you about it. And in case you were wondering, I feel completely justified doing this. So thanks again, Carla! You’ve shown me that 13 years and two children were no match for you and your adorable little bite marks. I accept defeat and applaud you on a man well won… HE’S ALL YOURS! Woa! That’s one letter! Do you agree with this woman’s fury? Leave your comments on our Facebook page 🙂

She Starts By Drilling Holes In An Old Pallet. The Finished Result Is Unbelievably Gorgeous!

Make A Gorgeous Flower Box Right In Time For Spring


What You’ll Need

If you want to give your front or backyard a little something extra this spring, try making this eye-catching planter box! You’ll be able to enjoy the perfect weather and build something that will look amazing for months to come. For this project, you’ll need: – Petunias (or flower of your choosing) – Two pallets (or 1″ x 4″ wood purchased from a home improvement store) – Hole saw – Drill – Screws – A lot of soil – Packing peanuts (as filler if your planter won’t be seen from the back) Optional – Weed guard – Soil moist granules To learn how to construct a planter box similar to the one you see here, visit the Her Tool Belt website. Once you have your pallets disassembled and your planter put together, it’s time to move onto to the fun part – the planting of the flowers! 11

Some (Easy) Assembly Required

Start with the weed guard and then fill with a solid layer of soil, then a thin layer of soil moist granules until it’s right under the first row of horizontal holes. Gently pull the flowers through the holes and leave the roots resting on the soil inside the box, like you see below.

Layer It Up

Once all of the flowers in the row are in place, you can fill the box with soil and the packing peanut filler until you reach the next row of holes! Repeat the process until box is filled.

Showing Signs Of Life

The box of somewhat scraggly flowers will completely transform and you’ll hardly be able to recognize the planter you built months earlier!

It’s Really Growing

Three months after planting, the flowers will begin to grow long downward stems. Your hard work is finally paying off in a big way! Just wait until you see what happens in a few more months…

The Grand Finale

Six months after first planting the petunias, you’ll have a huge flower bush that will be surprisingly easy to maintain! You’ll know exactly where each shootoff stems from and where to trim, if need be.
Get tips on how to take apart your pallet boxes here! [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2L3TQkvcHA?rel=0]

Just In Time For Spring

This is the perfect project to try during spring’s sunny days! You’ll definitely enjoy it in the summertime when dinner guests comment on the beautiful flowers lining your yard.

11 Reasons Why You Should Start Losing Weight Right Now. Like, Right Now.

Graps Photo 27723
Keep your mind limber. Rorschach would say you have a hard time relating to others. Somehow, I doubt that. You have a good heart, Dexter. This man is a knight in shining armor. Keep your mind limber. You all right, Dexter?

Born Free

Watching ice melt. This is fun. Oh I beg to differ, I think we have a lot to discuss. After all, you are a client. I’m real proud of you for coming, bro. I know you hate funerals. He taught me a code. To survive.
  • I love Halloween. The one time of year when everyone wears a mask … not just me.
  • Finding a needle in a haystack isn’t hard when every straw is computerized.

Take It!

I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone before. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. Like a sloth. I can do that. Cops, another community I’m not part of. I’m really more an apartment person.

Father Knows Best

You all right, Dexter? You all right, Dexter? He taught me a code. To survive. I’m really more an apartment person.
  1. Cops, another community I’m not part of.
  2. I’m doing mental jumping jacks.
  3. I think he’s got a crush on you, Dex!
  4. I’m really more an apartment person.
Popping Cherry
I think he’s got a crush on you, Dex! Cops, another community I’m not part of. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. He taught me a code. To survive. I think he’s got a crush on you, Dex! Watching ice melt. This is fun.
An Inconvenient Lie
I’m generally confused most of the time. Rorschach would say you have a hard time relating to others. I love Halloween. The one time of year when everyone wears a mask … not just me. I’m really more an apartment person. Somehow, I doubt that. You have a good heart, Dexter.

Dad Gives Him Leftover Scraps Of Wood. How He Transforms Them? This Is Beautiful!

It can be easy to overlook simple, old leftover materials, or pieces of scrap wood lying in the garage or on the sidewalk. The truth is, however, that things like this can be transformed into something completely unexpected and beautiful. Whether you decide to make an adorable bed for your pet, or build a nice new piece of furniture for your home with these materials, the ideas for DIY projects are endless. Below, we take a look at what Imgur user oryarimi made with a few spare planks of pinewood that was left over at his father’s place. He had been wanting to make a special bed for his 2-year-old pup, Jacky, for a while, and now found the best way to repurpose these scraps of wood into something totally incredible… Scroll further to see how this amazing DIY project turned out, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!   huvKwLC-850x637 Imgur user oryarimi was browsing on Facebook when he got inspired to build an incredible bed for his 2-year-old Pekingese-Chihuahua mix, Jacky. He picked up some of his dad’s spare pinewood, and started to saw it into little planks. yDCWwoN-850x637
The base of the bed would look very much like a “crate,” but it would have a surprise twist to it at the end… afaff First, he connected all the pieces of woods to make the sides and floor of the bed. Not everything went as smoothly as planned: the sides tilted, and there were little gaps between the planks.afagga But not to worry! He had bought a powerful drill from eBay for just $3, and it worked perfectly to fix up the little mistakes.agag After more drilling and fixing, he ended up with the main box for the bed, and even added a little step underneath to make room for the food and water bowls.agasggs Afterward, he built a railing with a small piece of wood, and fixed it around the top part of the bed. It looked like a beautiful little staircase that Jacky could climb up and down on!124afsa He had a bit of trouble actually cutting holes for the food and water bowls, as the jack saw didn’t fit properly in the right places. But he continued to improvise, and managed to carve decently rounded holes.I34ANJP-850x637 After the bowls were all neatly fitted, the bed was given one last layer of paint and varnish.asgaga2 It sure looks like Jacky enjoys the new platform bed. We think it was an absolutely ingenious DIY project, and hope you did as well. Please SHARE if you thought this DIY dog bed turned out great!