15 Motivational Workout Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Working out is one of my favorite ways to de-stress, and these favorite motivational workout quotes I found in Women’s Health Magazine a little bit of time ago really help me power through when I want to give up. Working out increases your physical and mental health. Each time you push past your previous level of strength or endurance, you’re giving yourself a free self esteem boost, along with seriously strong muscles both mentally and physically. Working out is a great way to prevent disease, lose or maintain weight, gain strength, develop lean muscles, increase your flexibility, work your heart and prevent bone loss. Next time you’re thinking about quitting halfway through your workout, or feel afraid to push to a new level, try some of the following situations with specific motivational quotes for each one that always work for me.


One of the best times to use these motivational workout quotes is when you’re considering working out at all, such as first thing in the morning, or late at night when you get off work. Here’s my favorite quote for this situation, which gets my booty in gear every time: “I never regret it when I do it, but I always regret it when I don’t.”


When you’re up against a new workout, sometimes it can be embarrassing in front of other people, or uncomfortable because you’re not familiar with the workout itself. To combat this fear of the unknown, here’s my go to quote: “Don’t judge it, just do it.”


Running uphill is certainly a time when motivational workout quotes come in handy. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve huffed and puffed my way up a hill with a quote in the back of my mind. I recently found this funny quote that keeps me lighthearted and gives me a good laugh that pushes me through: “Kill…Kill…Kill. The. Hill.” (You say the words to match your feet hitting the ground, and it creates a rhythm for you to fall into. A little violent, but hey, it works.)


The following quote is from an associate editor from Women’s Health Magazine, and I find it hilarious but so true! No one can work out for you, nor can anyone tone your booty, or any other body part you have, but you! Take responsibility and try this perspective: “If you don’t focus on your butt, no one else will.” — Cristina Goyanes, 27, Women’s Health associate editor, New York City


In some of my most trying personal times, working out has literally saved my life. Releasing emotions through nonviolent physical action is such a healthy way to develop your inner strength. It gives you a physical reminder that you are stronger than you imagine. Here’s my favorite quote for this scenario: “A strong outside strengthens the inside.”


When you want to pull your hair out and scream at the top of your lungs from anger, stress or hurt, then go for a run or intense cardio session, or a nice strength training session. Repeat the following quote that I happen to love, until you literally perform this action: “Push the stress out!”


Maybe you need a visual image to get you through a workout. I’ve got the perfect quote for you in this case, especially a yoga session. I love using this repetitive quote to remind me of why I work out in the first place: “Strong, lean and long, strong, lean and long, strong, lean and long…strong, lean, long…thin, strong, lean, long…”

So, what quotes do you use to get you through your grunt sessions? I want to hear ’em, ladies! Share the workout love and sound off on your favorites!


There’s no truer saying than this, one of my favorite motivational workout quotes, spoken by former Canadian NHL player Wayne Gretzky. If you don’t try, then you won’t succeed. If you don’t keep at it, you won’t see results. So take a chance. Prove to yourself that you can do it. You’ll find that some days will be harder than others, but just remember that having a bad workout is better than having no workout at all.


American motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, could not have said this any better. I don’t know about you, but I hate getting sick. It’s the worst feeling in the world when you don’t feel your best. So you should treat your body the best way you can, and one way to do that is to maintain a consistent workout routine. Take the time to exercise, to get strong, and to get healthy, because your body is all that you have. Your body is a temple, so treat it like one. If you’re good to your body, it will reciprocate.


Lou Holtz is an American football coach that is now retired. This quote reflects the hard work that’s needed in order to achieve success. I know I’ve had a decent workout when I’ve got a good sweat on. In my opinion, if you’re not sweating, you’re not working out hard enough. Exercising should be a time where you can just let go. So don’t be afraid to get messy. Get down and dirty, because working up a sweat means you’re doing it right.


Spoken by Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas, this quote reflects that you can truly do anything if you set your mind to it. You might feel tired, and you might feel like you want to give up, but you can’t let yourself down like that. Don’t give up your dreams. Prove it to yourself that you can overcome anything by never quitting. Gabby started training when she was six. She won gold in the Olympics at the age of sixteen, all because she never gave up on her dream. Let Gabby be your inspiration.


American sportscaster, Erin Andrews, is right. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Achieving your fitness goal will take some time. Just make sure to remember the important reasons why you’re doing what you’re doing. Be good to yourself. Give it time and have some patience. Before you know it you’ll start seeing and feeling the results.


Personal trainer and TV personality Jillian Michaels might be tough, but you have to have thick skin if you want to succeed in anything. It takes a few stumbles before you can walk. You’ll get scrapes and bruises, but the scars show that you are giving it your all. Take this quote into account during your next workout. Remember that success is not immediate. You have to work very hard to get to where you want to be in life. It takes a couple of setbacks before you can reach the top.


It’s as plain and simple as that. Stop making excuses and get out there. The sooner you start exercising, the sooner your workout will be finished, and the sooner you will notice the rewards. You don’t have to be great at it, or look good doing it. Just keep your goal in mind and do your thing.


These are just a few motivational workout quotes to get your mojo going. Everyone has a tiger inside them, some just have to dig deeper to unleash it. Do you have any quotes that you live by? Which of these quotes motivates you the most to exercise? What other types of things motivate you to keep fit?

Samsung Sold More Than 40 Million Galaxy Note Devices

Say what you will about Samsung’s large-screen Galaxy Note devices, but the company has reportedly sold 40 million devices in just two years, with about 30 million accounting for the year-old Note II.

According to FocusTaiwan and spotted by SamMobile.com, Samsung reached the milestone just two weeks after it said it sold 38 million Note devices in its lineup.

In its most recent quarter, Apple sold 31.2 million iPhones.

Some critics were skeptical about how the 5.5-inch “phablet” smartphone would perform on the market, but it didn’t take long for the company to prove otherwise. Competitors such as Nokia and HTC have since launched larger-screen smartphones.

The Note II found success right out of the gate: Nearly two months after it launched in September 2012, it had sold about 5 million units.

The Samsung Galaxy Note III just hit the market last week. According to Samsung CEO J.K. Shin, the company expects 10 million units will be sold.

The Galaxy Note II is a 5.5-inch smartphone-tablet hybrid that comes with a stylus pen. Under the hood, there is a 1.6 Ghz quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM and 64GB for storage.

9 Smart Ways to Get Your Relationship Back on Track

I’m sure you all know that sometimes even the happiest and strongest relationships hit a bumpy road and even though love is the most wonderful feeling on Earth, I’m sure you’re also aware of the fact that sometimes it needs a little help on your behalf in order to grow and blossom, so that’s why I thought about sharing with you ladies a few smart ways to get your relationship back on track if you feel you’ve gone off the rails lately. There’s no need to worry though, because there are a ton of very easy and extremely efficient ways to get your relationship back on track in no time. Just pay attention to the next tips:


The first step to take in order to get your relationship back on track is to realize how important it is for you to be in a happy and healthy relationship. That’s why you should make it your top priority in the next couple of days, if not always. A lot of research shows that by neglecting your relationship, you can feel unhappy, alienated and it can even lead to separation. That’s why you should always try to spend enough quality time with your loved one no matter how busy you are. Just put down the phone, turn off the TV, leave work a little early and make some time for what’s important, and that should be your relationship.


A lot of the problems in every relationship could be solved very easily just be teaching the two partners to become better listeners. It’s actually not too hard to do it. You just need to be motivated because there are a ton of different techniques by which you can learn how to really listen to what the other person is saying. Just put a little effort into it, try not to interrupt the other person when he or she is speaking, be patient and hear them out.


The best thing you can do if you think that you and your better half are experiencing some difficulties in your relationship is to reevaluate things and set some new and very clear relationship goals. Just talk to each other and discuss the things you want to change in your relationship, the things you want to improve or even the things you want to disappear from your love life. Don’t forget about the things that do work for both of you and remember to make those goals as realistic as possible.


I know that everyone has a unique personality and a lot of special needs but when you’re in relationship, in order for everything to go as smoothly as possible, you should learn how to make some healthy compromises now and then. Actually, this is a must for every happy couple. Think about the other person’s needs and seek some different ways to satisfy both of your desires. It’s actually not that hard; you’ll get used to it very quickly.


This step is extremely important in any relationship. If you’ve realized you did something wrong, just apologize and say I’m sorry. Don’t let your pride get in the way! It’s actually not that hard to admit you made a mistake and it’s also the right thing to do. On the other hand, don’t fake it! You need to be honest and really apologetic to show your loved one that you really do regret your actions and that you deserve a second chance.


A lot of relationships go off track sometimes because one of the partners keeps blaming the other one for his problems or his own issues. Most people are not even aware that by doing this, they’re sabotaging their happiness. Learn to identify and resolve your personal issues and don’t let them interfere with your relationship! Just sort things out and don’t let your issues overwhelm you. There’s always a solution to everything; you just need to find it.


In order for everything to always be perfect when it comes to your relationship, you should try to get creative more often, especially with your dates. Monotony and routine can sometimes even destroy an apparently happy relationship. Now and then make him or her a lovely surprise, pick an ordinary night and plan an extraordinary date. You’ll both feel amazing and in my opinion, this is one of the best and easiest ways to rekindle your romance.


Sometimes a getaway together is the perfect solution to solving all the problems in your relationship, whether they’re big or insignificant. Take a city break, rent a cabin in a romantic place or just stay at a cute bed and breakfast near your town for a couple of nights. You’ll be just the two of you, you’ll have time to sort things out, to listen to each other and it’s also the perfect way to get your relationship back on track.


I know that sometimes, because you are extremely busy, stressed out or even exhausted, you may think you don’t have the time or the energy for all those little signs of affection. Well, if your relationship hit a bumpy road, being more affectionate to each other is the necessary thing to do in order for everything to be perfect again. It’s not so hard to do it, just hold hands when you walk down the street, kiss each other more often or you can choose other small gestures that will show your partner how much he or she means to you.

If you and your loved one are having some problems in your relationship, you don’t need to be scared because there are tons of very easy ways to get it back on track. You just need to put a little effort into it and be patient. Have you had to rekindle your romance? How did you do it? Please share your advice with us in the comments section!

Are Your Lifestyle Choices Killing You? Try These 8 Simple Rules to Live Long and Strong.

Longevity is basically a crap shoot. We all know that.
At any moment we can get hit by a bolt of lightning or fall into a deep dark hole.
Chances are that you’ll live as long as your body holds up depending on how well you take care of it and how environmental factors will affect you.
The question is how do you see yourself living in old age?

How do you visualize yourself in old age?

1.    Hobbling helplessly in a nursing home
2.    Staying vital, active and strong until the end

Hopefully, you chose number 2.  Longevity has very much to do with your attitude and is also helped along by following 8 simple rules.

1.    Stay Positive

There are many people who have experienced extreme adversity, such as living in a Nazi death camp, that have gone on to live long, productive lives well into their 90’s and beyond.  They were eternally optimistic and found their true purpose in life.  Despite their challenges, they were always certain they would survive.

2.    Eat Healthy Without Going to Extremes

In the longevity hotspots of the world, such as Sardinia Italy or Okinawa Japan, the local centenarians have never had to go on a “diet plan.”  They never worried about cleansing or detoxing.  For all of their long and healthy lives they have eaten fresh foods from their native regions and often from their own gardens.  The emphasis on their diets consisted of 80 percent vegetables and fruits and 20 percent meat, dairy or fish. Their meals were eaten slowly with others and were much smaller than our typical American portion size. They typically ate until almost full and would often have a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage with their meals, but did so moderately.

In most of these areas there is very little heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

3.    Drink Water 

Water is the elixir for a long and healthy life.  Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization for those over 50.  Water cleanses the body, keeps skin, nails and hair looking young, and enables organs to function at full capacity.

The purer the water and free from harmful chemicals the better.  In longevity areas water is found in springs or glaciers containing natural minerals and trace elements. There is no need to drown yourself by drinking gallons of water, but sip it throughout the day to keep your body hydrated throughout the day.  Be wary of drinking sodas and other drinks with artificial flavors and coloring.  Pure water is the best medicine you can give yourself to stay healthy for life.

4.    Move Your Body

Gyms are not necessary or even in existence in most longevity hotspots.  Instead, people simply walk from one destination to another such as the store, church, or to visit friends.  For strength training they will do chores such as house cleaning, gardening, picking olives or fixing fences into old age.  You won’t find them attempting to run marathons or sweating profusely pumping iron.   Many elders in those areas have had active sex lives well into their senior years.

5.    Have a Social Life

Centenarians in most parts of the world are socially connected to a network of friends and family that offer support and nurturing.  They are very rarely alone.  Meals are enjoyed in the company of multi generations of family members and friends are treasured for life. Unplug yourself from Facebook, Twitter and online pseudo relationships on a regular basis and put yourself in the company of “real life” friends and family.

6.    Stay Intellectually Challenged

It is said that when a person decides they no longer need to learn, they die.  People who live alert and vital lives to 90 and beyond tend to stay curious and continue to pursue new areas of interest.  This keeps their brains functioning and prevents the onset of dementia.  Even though an elderly person may not be interested in solving crossword puzzles, they are still engaged in finding solutions to life’s challenges and aren’t the type to give up easily.

7.    Have a Sense of Spirituality

Whether or not a person is religious or not does not mean they don’t have a sense of spirituality.  Many centenarians have found some type of connection to a higher power whether it’s through deep contemplation, meditation or oneness with nature.  They find support from somewhere other than themselves that gives them the ability to move forward and survive.

8.    Find the Comedy of Life

If you look at some of the celebrities that have lived to be 90 or over, such as George Burns, Bob Hope, Betty White, Milton Berle, Phyllis Diller and Ernest Borgnine, they’ve had a profound sense of humor and the ability to not take life as seriously as most.  Laughter is one of the best ways to reduce stress.  People who live long tend to not be easily depressed and do not get hung up on the small stuff that causes anxiety in others.  They are more laid back and adaptable.

Although we can’t predict if we will live to be 90 or more, we can certainly do our best to make sure to live long and strong so that our quality of life in old age is as comfortable and satisfying as possible.  Will power and the strength to survive comes from inside ourselves. We have the power to live the best life possible.

Pics of Professional Athletes Playing at Life

You might not recognize imaginative photographer Jordan Matter in the street, but you will almost certainly have experienced his enterprising work.

Previously he released a photo series titled Dancers Among Us: A Celebration of Joy in the Everyday which enthralled, fascinated and entertained thousands around the world. It not only won him several accolades as the best book of 2012, it also found its well deserved way onto the New York Times Bestseller list.

Lofty heights for sure, but like all good artists, Jordan refused to rest on his laurels.

Now he’s back with a brand new collection titled Athletes Among Us – a unique portrayal of professional athletes showcasing their talents and abilities, in everyday scenarios. It’s certainly very funny and based on his success in 2012, it’s a safe bet he’s going to recreate if not surpass the fanfare again this time.

“Athletes Among Us is not a book about sports. The athletes are a physical representation of dedication, but their drive can be applied to any field. These photographs illustrate that even when athletes are not competing, they are living and breathing their passion.”

If you’re a photographer by trade, you need to have a physical product for people to enjoy – just like Jordan has.

So if you want to have a shot at the New York Times Bestseller list and topping those charts, you need to have your photography in a nice stylish book that your fans will want to own.

Thankfully our friends at Voucherbox have put together some great discounts to help you bring that coffee table book to life, print your work affordably and help you create a product people will love, so do check them out. Who knows? You too could hit the best sellers list just like Jordan.

In the meantime, get inspired by his work below and make sure you visit his official site for more about the project right here











Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

If you love to do something that is uncommon, and what people do just few times in the whole life, than you must try to do something like this on these photos below.

Maybe you will feel strange while you looking at these photos, but who knows, maybe that’s exactly what you need.
P.S Whatever you do, don’t look down and make you sure you have a Life Insurance before you scroll down! 🙂

1. Cliff camping.

Stomach Drop
Gordon Wiltsie/National Geographic / Getty Images

2. Skywalking in the Alps.

Photo by Josef Stuefer – flickr

3. Portaledge camping at Yosemite.

Corey Rich / Getty Images

4. Climbing Redwoods.

MICHAEL NICHOLS/National Geographic Stock

5. Sitting on the Trolltunga rock in Norway.


6. Jumping on the Trolltunga rock in Norway.

Flickr: opplevoodda

7. British climber John Roberts in South Africa.

Solent News / Rex / Rex USA

8. Ice climbing a frozen waterfall.

Keith Ladzinski/Barcroft Media /Landov

9. Extreme skiing at Grand Targhee, Wyoming.


10. Tree camping in Germany.


11. Extreme kayaking at Victoria Falls.

Desre Tate/Barcroft Media /Landov

12. Blake Aldridge dives 29 metres from the rock monolith during the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Portugal.

Handout / Getty Images

13. On the Edgewalk in Toronto.


14. A defying act by Eskil Rønningsbakken in Norway.

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

15. Alex Honnold at Yosemite.


16. Now imagine if you dropped your phone down there.

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

17.Dean Potter slacklining in Yosemite

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

18.On the Edge, Mount Blanc, France.

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

19. Glacierboarding.

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

20. Trapeze paragliding.


21. Hanging out at the Sky Walk in Macau.

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

22.Bruce Peninsula National Park

Dan Dangler Bruce Peninsula National Park

23. Strange sport in the air, USA


24. In Ft. Tryon park.


25. Extreme picnicking.


26. How mountain climbers sleep.


27. Just Hangin’ Out!


28.China’s mt Huashan Death trail

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

29. Looking down from LION’S head

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop
Photograph by trottin-the-globe.tumblr.com

30. This outrageous example of extreme skiing

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

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These 28 Photos Exist For The Sole Purpose Guaranteed to Make You Feel Better About Life

New York + London: A Collection Of Double Exposures By Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

London and New York City; two cities so fundamentally different and yet so amazingly similar. So what happens when two of the most photographed cities in the world come together as one? Daniella Zalcman’s new photographic project New York + London shows us the exact result.

Daniella Zalcman is an award-winning photojournalist with a background in architecture. After establishing a name for herself in New York City, where her work appeared in The Wall Street JournalThe New York Times, the New York Daily News, Sports Illustrated and Vanity Fair, she felt that it was time for her to relocate to London. And her desire to bring a piece of her beloved New York into her new London life, was the driving force that sparked the idea for her next project.

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

‘New York + London: A Collection of Double Exposures’ is an Instagram double exposure series of 100 images that brilliantly merge well-known places in New York City and London  into one new unified cityscape quite like no other. After collecting 30 days of iPhone images during her last month in New York City, Zalcman then delicately edited them using smartphone apps with images she took upon arriving in London. ”They’re both places I adore, and, in my opinion, they’re two of the most photogenic cities in the world”, she fervently explains.

From the South Bronx to the Far Rockaways in New York,  Whitechapel all the way to Hammersmith, inLondon, the series blurs established geographic lines, becoming an alternate map of places, streets and skylines. Ghostly reflections of cityscapes smoothly blend into each other in a series of whimsical architectural photomontages that transform the image of the city into an ethereal mirage. Juxtaposed negative spaces, complementing colours and heightened contrasts set the scene for new superimposed urban landscapes that appear equally foreign and familiar. In their transatlantic duality, one can mentally travel to imaginary places, like those we form when we too think of home.

As we always carry a bit of home with us wherever we go, Daniella Zalcman ingeniously boxed up a little piece of everyday New York life and brought it along with her into the streets of London as her very own personal photographic souvenir. In her mesmerizing images, we witness her urban love affair of transatlantic dimensions developing before our eyes, as we blinkingly shift from one side of the Atlantic to the other. So if you, like us, can’t wait to see her visual love letter to her two beloved cities grow bigger, you can help her fund the first edition of a photo book for the New York + London project on Kickstarter.

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

photo © Daniella Zalcman

Incredible Photorealistic Paintings

Not many painters in the world can create photorealistic paintings. The art form requires a lot of time interpreting color information from photographs. It calls for a careful eye and a steady hand not many possess. However, when it is done well, the results can be astounding, leaving many to wonder if the resulting image was photographed. Take a look at this gallery of Incredible Photorealistic Paintings that you will not believe a person painted.

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1. Omar Ortiz – oil painting on canvas.drawings03 Incredibly realistic paintings like photographs

2. Paul Cuddy – a picture of a pencil dot on the paper.
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5. Kamalki Laureano – acrylic paint on canvas.
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7. Gregory Tilker – oil painting on canvas.
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8. Lee Price – oil painting on canvas.
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10. Ben Weiner – paintings paints.
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12. Ron Myuek – sculpture, mixed media.
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17. Ray Hare – acrylic painting on canvas.

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19. Daisy – coal.

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20. Alyssa Monks – Oil on canvas.

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22. Pedro Campos – oil on canvas.

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23. Dirk Dzimirski – graphite on paper.

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24. Thomas Arvid – a picture of a limited edition giclee on canvas.

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26. Rafal Buinovsko – black and white paint. Buinovsko photorealistic self-portrait painted in black and white paint, took a picture of it and put in an application for a visa to the United States. The consuls had not noticed anything, in the end the artist received a passport with a copy of their own design.

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27. Paul Cuddy – pencil on paper.

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28. Robin Eley – oil on Belgian linen.

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29. Samuel Silva – a ballpoint pen.

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30. Gottfried Helnwein – oil and acrylic on canvas.

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32. Franco Clan – pencils on watercolor paper.

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33. Kelvin Okafor – graphite pencils.

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35. Amy Robbins – colored pencil drawing on paper.

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38. Robert Longo – charcoal on paper volume.

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40. Diego Fazio – charcoal pencil.

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42. Brian Drury – oil on wood.