Scientists have discovered that you can eat as much chocolate as you want — here’s why

Science Says Eating Chocolate Could Improve Your Brain Function
Photo: Shutterstock


Science Says Eating Chocolate Could Improve Your Brain Function

It’s always great to find an excuse to do something that you love more often. Eating chocolate, for example.

Very fortunately for many of us, science now favors this sweet habit. Here’s the big reason why being a ’’chocoholic’’ is no longer something to be worried about.

Chocolate makes us smarter.

That’s right. This is a scientific fact!

We all want an excuse to do more of the things we love: drink coffee, have sex, and, of course, eat chocolate. Fortunately, science has got our back on all of those things. But if you still need to justify your chocoholism to your mother or significant other, we got some more confirmation today on chocolate’s health benefits.

According to a recent longitudinal study published in the journal Appetite,chocolate consumption is positively associated with cognitive brain function. That’s right: chocolate might make you smarter.

For the study, 968 people aged between 23 and 98 were measured for dietary intake, cardiovascular risk factors, and cognitive function. They discovered that more frequent chocolate consumption was “significantly associated with better performance on [cognitive tests including] visual-spatial memory and [organization], working memory, scanning and tracking, abstract reasoning, and the mini-mental state examination,” regardless of other dietary habits.

They also found that regular intake of cocoa flavonols could protect the brain against age-related cognitive decline, like dementia.

Cocoa flavanols can claim responsibility for our favorite sweet’s positive effect on the brain. The researchers found that high levels flavanols are found in dark chocolate but less so in milk or white chocolate. They can also be found in abundance in red fruits, like grapes and berries.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the study participants weren’t fed delicious Twix bars — they downed drinks containing cocoa flavanols, which contain a much higher concentration of flavanols than your average chocolate bar. According to a 2003 analysis by the USDA, a typical 100g bar of dark chocolate contains 53.49mg of cocoa flavanols, and milk chocolate contains an average of 13.35mg. In one of the studies from which this study gathered data, the participants who showed the most cognitive improvement consumed a drink containing 993mg of cocoa flavanols daily for eight weeks.

Which would mean that you’d have to eat roughly 18 bars of dark chocolate, or about 74 bars of milk chocolate a day, to get the same effect.

So, while your brain may thank you for consuming that much chocolate, the rest of your body will want to smack you.

Regardless, you can use this study as an excuse (if you need one) to enjoy that Butterfinger from time to time — and then maybe someday we can supplement it with that miracle cocoa flavanol drink that only scientists seem to have access to.

We think this is the best news ever. We’re going to the store to load up on choc. We need it so that we can work better — and so you do!

18 ingenious ideas which took advertising to a whole new level

Creative advertising always attracts your attention, so it’s clear why many brands strive to come up with novel ideas and innovative approaches to marketing their products. Sometimes you have to give credit where it’s due, and in many cases these guys achieve exactly what they set out to do — and to brilliant effect.

We put together a few of the best examples we could find for you to appreciate. Some are striking, others are funny, still others are incredibly inventive — all all of them perform their task brilliantly!

A clever use of hand grips on public transport by watch company IWC

Hair dye from Wella

Mugs of beer on tree trunks in honour of Oktoberfest

The perfect way to market the small yet spacious Honda Fit

Play-Doh plasticine helps develop kids’ imagination

Perfect eye sight for those who shop online for glasses at Keloptic

A dog can change your life for the better, as shown in an advert by Pedigree

Knives made by WMF are sharper than you think…

How to park relying entirely on sound, from Mercedes-Benz

Unbelievably fast delivery from FedEx

…can apparently overtake all of its competitors

An advertisement for Heinz ketchup

Another great idea…

Careful how you park the car, from Volkswagen

A really creative idea for beach shower stalls…just fantastic!

The air is fresher than on the street with air-con from Panasonic

An advertisement for super-absorbent kitchen towels

A party for your stomach, from Barilla

The best way to begin something is start with a cup of coffee…

Children Read Books To Traumatized Shelter Dogs To Help Rehabilitate Them

These Kids Are Reading To Shelter Dogs To Prepare Them For Home Life.
Let’s face it. When most people look for dogs at their local shelter, they go for the first outgoing, loveable pooch they grow attached to. But where does that leave all of the timid dogs that were psychologically scarred before arriving at the shelter?

To help these dogs work on their social skills, the Humane Society of Missouricreated a program that makes shy canines more adoptable.

She Wraps A Jar In Paper. When She Reveals What’s Inside – I Have To Make This

DIY Fairy Lanterns That Light Up The Room

With only a few supplies, she made a simple DIY lantern that lights up the room with its unique glow. She uses garden fairy cutouts placed inside of the jar so that they appear to have a magical fairy inside when lit by a candle. Making a few jars and placing them together, she used them as decorating accents, but they can also be used individually as a nightlight. The sparkling fairies instantly draw your attention and bring a smile to your face. To make the lanterns, she gathered jars, cutout fairies, glue, tissue paper, glitter, twine, and artificial berries.

She starts by bending the berries back and forth to loosen the cutouts to be able to press easily inside of the jar, then secures it with glue. To make them pop, she covers the entire outside of the jar with glue, then one layer of white tissue paper. By gluing glitter around the top and bottom, she creates a magical effect to the lantern.

The finishing touches are simply adorable as she wrapped a twine bow around the top, and glued a few foam berries along with it The final product is simply adorable and can be used with either candles or battery-powered lights.

She Walks In To Meet Her Fitness Trainer. When She Sees Him Like THIS — Unbelievable!

Alissa Kane has struggled with unhealthy eating habits for years. When she got an opportunity to join A&E’s Fit to Fat to Fit program, she saw it as an opportunity to get happy and healthy. Her trainer Adonis Hill had something a little unusual in store for the teacher. Personal trainers talk a big game. They constantly tell us that “we can do it,” that size doesn’t matter, only our determination. It’s hard to believe them when we see their visibly strong, toned bodies — of course working out is easy for them!

Adonis decided to put his money where his mouth is. The trainer, who struggled with his weight before, gained 70 pounds himself to show Alissa that strength and beauty comes from inside not out. The experiment was a success. After getting over the initial shock of Adonis’ new body, and working her butt off, Alissa’s stunned her family and friends with a well-earned transformation!

She Walks In To Meet Her Fitness Trainer. When She Sees Him Like THIS — Unbelievable!

Alissa Kane never thought she could lose weight. That was until she met personal trainer, Adonis Hill. Adonis believes that anyone can get healthy and into shape, so he showed Alissa just that. a2

Adonis ate 8,000 calories a day for three months and gained 70 pounds. The next four months, he would work closely with Alissa to prove that together they could achieve their goals and inspire those who feel helpless. Adonis understood what Alissa was going through; he too used to struggle with his food addiction.

“I was putting in a lot of work in the gym but eating right was hard this time because I was coming off an old addiction. I had to wean myself off unhealthy food,” he told Daily Mail.


The two worked tirelessly together, Alissa said her first workout was “hell.”

“I collapsed on the beach, and I couldn’t even hold my head up. I was so angry,” she said.

But Adonis never gave up on her.a4

After four months, Alissa outperformed him. The teacher lost 58 pounds to Adonis’ modest 57! The student becomes the master.a5

Alissa’s transformation was both inside and out. What’s important here is that the goal wasn’t to be stick thin, but to be healthy.

“People everywhere, you can do this!” she said. “The most important thing I learned is that you can make mistakes and still be amazing at losing weight.”

See Alissa’s full transformation story below!

Please SHARE if you think Adonis and Alissa are an inspiration for anyone struggling to meet any goal!

They’re Sitting On The Couch When Suddenly She Hears THIS Song… How Adorable!

Daddy And Daughter Perform Adorable Cover Of Justin Bieber’s ‘Love Yourself’

rowing up, I was practically my father’s little shadow. Whether he was out working in his garage or yelling at the TV while he watched football, I was right by his side mimicking every move he made. While I also enjoyed spending plenty of my time playing with my dolls or riding bikes with friends, those moments goofing around with my dad are some of my absolute favorite memories. And he was never one to turn down an invitation to one of my famous tea parties!

That’s why I love seeing the dad in this video embrace spending time with his little girl, too. Just like the adorable daddy-daughter duo who covered “Shut Up and Dance,” these two have found an awesome connection through the magic of pop music. Rob ACS and his daughter Averianna decided to go for a some sweet Justin Bieber sounds for their duet, covering his hit “Love Yourself.”

They both sit on the couch while Rob starts things off, but it doesn’t take long for Averianna to jump right in. Even when it’s not her turn, you can tell she has trouble keeping herself from belting the lines as she mouths along! I think someone is going to be outshining their old man pretty darn soon. In a few years, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her running her own web series and really giving Dad a run for his money!

But for now, their delightful collaboration totally warms my heart. Take a look for yourself below.

And don’t forget to SHARE with your friends!

Dad and ave . “Love yourself ”

Posted by Rob Acs on Sunday, February 14, 2016

20 of the cutest cats and dogs who just can’t be parted from their childhood toys

Many of us had a favourite soft toy when we were kids which we just couldn’t bare to part with wherever we went and whatever we did. Well, it seems that in some cases, the same mindset develops among our beloved pets — give them a toy when they’re still very young, and they’ll love it with all their heart for innumerable years into the future.

Here are 20 examples of this heart-warming phenomenon. We can barely cope with this much cuteness!


He can’t fall asleep without his friend.


He’s been hugging his favourite duck every night for a year and a half.


This little puppy soon outgrew his favourite bear toy, but that didn’t stop him loving it!

Carrie Molina

The past vs. the present.

Dmitry Gudkov

He grew up in order to one day be able to chew on his favourite orange crocodile.


Already inseparable for nine months!


Mayo and his lion in photos taken one year apart.


Both cat and toy have changed beyond all recognition over the past year and a half…

Kristine Rivera

Time has no effect on this little doggy. You can’t say the same for his toy, though!


This cat has refused to swap his toy for another for more than four years!


Saying goodbye to your childhood is not something everyone can face up to.


The love between these two has lasted seven years!

Sheena Villarraga

She sleeps so contentedly when she has her frog by her side.


This dog tears and gnaws at virtually every toy he’s given — with this one exception.


I’ll never give him up!

Anna Nicoară

Remi and his favourite ball.

Małgorzata Florczyk

He gave up his wicker basket for a cardboard box, but his taste in toys hasn’t changed.


Blue toys are the best!

Ania Uchnast

She plays cat and mouse — every day.


Let it get a bit shabby-looking — I’ll love it all the same!

Service Dog sticks by Boy with Autism’s side, even in Hospital bed

Like many young boys, James Isaac’s life completely changed when he got a dog.

Before Mahe joined the 9-year-old New Zealand boy and his family two years ago, leaving the home increasingly had become a struggle for everyone.

“But it’s a positive thing. It’s totally different. People approach us and say, ‘Oh, what a great dog, and what does he do for James?’ They are interested in James in a positive way.”