Only 5% Of Americans Can Pass This English Test!

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Mom And Dad Adopt 9-Year-Old Orphan, Then Learn The SHOCKING Truth Behind Her Identity…

Couple Adopts A Neglected Orphan Girl Despite The Warnings

Bernie and Diane loved having a large family with five boys, but when their kids were all grown up they decided to have a daughter — this time, by adoption. The couple attended an adoption event where Diane noticed a grainy black-and-white photo pinned to a bulletin board. She was drawn to the girl’s dark eyes. Something inside of Diane told her that the girl in the photo was meant to be her adopted daughter.

But the more Bernie and Diane pressed for information about the mysterious girl in the photo, the more the caseworkers tried to convince them to explore other options. “There’s something wrong with her,” the caseworkers would say. Despite the warnings, the couple was determined to learn more — but nothing could prepare them for the truth.

Bernie and Diane learned about a 2007 investigation that cracked open a horrific story about child abuse and neglect. The girl in the photo was named Danielle. When she was found inside a Florida home at the age of seven, she was considered a feral child. She’d never been outside the house. She couldn’t talk or respond. She couldn’t eat solid food. She’d been locked inside a room with nothing but a soiled mattress. “I’ve been in law enforcement for 27 years now, and this is by far, bar none, the worst case of child neglect I’ve ever come across in my career,” says Detective Mark Holste.

Danielle’s biological mother lost parental rights, and she was transferred to a group home. That’s how her photo ended up on the bulletin board at the adoption event. Despite Danielle’s severe developmental and behavioral issues, Bernie and Diane were steadfast in their adoption journey.

What happened next is absolutely stunning — and a testament to the fact that evil doesn’t always prevail. Please SHARE Danielle’s story with your friends on Facebook.

A Stranger Didn’t Listen When She Told Him NOT To Pet Her Service Dog. Minutes Later? Shocking!

Aailey Ashmore has several conditions, including: epilepsy, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, reactive hypoglycemia, severe allergies, gastroparesis, and asthma.

The 16-year-old from Dallas, TX relies on the help of herservice dog, Flynn.

According to Fetching Apparel, Hailey was once a dancer on the varsity drill team, student council member, violinist and at the top of her class. However, with her conditions progressing, Hailey can only take classes online.

She is dependent on her parents, nurse, medications, and Flynn. The condition she grapples with the most is epilepsy, which causes seizures. Seizures are very serious; in another instance, a mom had a seizure and was unable to tend to her infant at the mall.

“To get a service dog you must be disabled to the point where you can no longer function at a normal quality of life without the assistance of service dogs,” said Hailey.

“It takes around two years of intense training and thousands of dollars (if you owner train) to actually be able to call your dog a service dog. A service dog can go anywhere its handler goes, with the exception of a sterile environment such as an operating room or burn unit, a religious building — such as a church, or some federal buildings,” she said.

The job of a service dog is very important to its human. See why Hailey is pleading with strangers to get them to stop petting her dog without permission.

This is Hailey Ashmore and her service dog, Flynn.

Hailey Ashmore / Instagram

Hailey has had Flynn since he was an itty-bitty puppy.

Hailey Ashmore / Instagram

Needless to say, it was love at first sight.

Hailey Ashmore / Instagram

Hailey also struggles with several conditions. “I have epilepsy, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, reactive hypoglycemia, severe allergies, gastroparesis, asthma, and more,” Hailey told Fetching Apparel.


Flynn isn’t just a friend — he is Hailey’s service dog. Flynn can sense when Hailey is going to have a seizure before it happens. This gives Hailey time to respond, get help, and find a safe place.


One day, Hailey was visiting her dad at work. When she arrived with Flynn, a staff member could not resist how adorable he is. They began to pet him, ignoring the giant “STOP” sign he wears. “I immediately told him to stop [petting Flyyn],” Hailey told the Dodo.


“The only time somebody should ever approach Flynn and I is if I am unconscious and/or having a seizure. Besides that, nobody should try to pet or get near him. I wish people could understand that’s what the giant stop sign patch means. If somebody distracts him I can get seriously hurt. If you see a service dog in public please educate your children, your friends, your family, anybody else that they are doing a really important job. Thank you.”


While Flynn was distracted from the petting, Hailey had a seizure. “I am used to him giving me 10 minute warnings, so when he alerted that’s what I thought I had,” explained Hailey. “Out of nowhere I remember the world going black. I woke up with Flynn on top of my legs and my father cradling my head. On the whole left side of my face there was a terrible sting that made me tear up.”


Hailey woke up with rug burns on her head.

Hailey Ashmore / Instagram
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram

“My service dog is my lifeline. I don’t say that to be cute. He helps keep me alive just like life support. If he gets distracted this happens. If he gets distracted I can die. Do not pet service dogs. Do not call to service dogs. Do not taunt service dogs. Do not talk to service dogs. Do not do anything to service dogs. Thank you,” she wrote on Instagram.

Hailey Ashmore / Instagram
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram

Many of us are so eager to connect with animals, we often forget that they are protecting their human. Let’s learn something from another’s mistake and be more mindful of other people’s animals!

Hailey Ashmore / Instagram
Hailey Ashmore / Instagram

SHARE to show others how can they be respectful of service dogs and their humans!

He Ignores A Call From His Wife At Work. Seconds Later, His Boss Shows Him His Phone…

Husband Takes To Facebook To Share How Grateful He Is For His Wife’s Motherly Instincts

You never know what each day has in store for you and your family. One second, you could be happily settling into a new home, ready for the next adventure that life has to throw your way, and the next… you could be getting a phone call during a meeting at work that makes your heart sink into your stomach.

Tad and Jessica Lemire just recently moved their life to Atlanta, so that Tad could host the Tad & Melissa Show on B 98.5 (WSB-FM) in Atlanta. It was an exciting step for the couple and their son, Sam, and they were ready to seize the day in their new city and new home.

Becoming parents has been a life-changing experience for the couple, and little Sam, at just under a year old, has been so incredibly loved since the moment his parents laid eyes on him. Tad leaves the house before 4 a.m. on the weekdays, so his favorite moments of the week are weekend mornings, where he gets to wake up to to his family smiling back at him, and to relish the little moments.

But last Friday, Tad got a call from Jessica during a meeting. He hit ignore thinking that it was no big deal, but then he got a text, too. He texted back to see if she was OK, and she replied, “No.” He stood up in the middle of a meeting, when his boss showed him that Jessica had called his phone, too…

Husband Takes To Facebook To Share How Grateful He Is For His Wife’s Motherly Instincts
Courtesy of Tad and Jessica Lemire

Tad and Jessica met in 2011 when Tad threw a Super Bowl gathering at his home. His coworker brought her as a friend. “She had a pixie haircut and a beautiful smile. I reached out to her again within a week, and the rest is history!”

Husband Takes To Facebook To Share How Grateful He Is For His Wife’s Motherly Instincts
Courtesy of Tad and Jessica Lemire

A few years later, they were married and had their first son, Sam. For Tad, becoming a father at the age of 42 totally changed his life. While he’s convinced that Sam’s main goal is to find new ways to get into trouble, having him in his life has shown him how much he can really love. For Jessica, “the love is so pure and real, and [it] grows every exhausted second.”

Courtesy of Tad and Jessica Lemire

After Tad left his meeting on Friday and called Jessica, he could only be sure of her safety, since she was the one on the phone. He had no idea if Sam was all right.

While she was out for a walk with Sam and their dog, Louie, Jessica had tripped, fallen, and done some serious damage to her feet and ankles. She says, “As I was falling, the only thing I could think of was making sure Sam didn’t hit the pavement. I lunged my upper body forward and grabbed onto him at the same time I heard the ‘crunch’ of my feet.”

Husband Takes To Facebook To Share How Grateful He Is For His Wife’s Motherly Instincts
Courtesy of Tad and Jessica Lemire

This is what Tad put up on Facebook that night…

Tad adds: “That split second of time when you think the worst has happened to your family… it puts everything into perspective. I would never wish such a gnarly injury on my wife, but I know she will recover. I know we have friends and family to help get through this & what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

“I just can’t say enough about my wife.  She is badly hurt & I know she would be in better shape had it not been for putting our son first. I know it’s instinctual & what every parent would do, but I’m so thankful for her for being such a super mom 24/7.”

Husband Takes To Facebook To Share How Grateful He Is For His Wife’s Motherly Instincts
Courtesy of Tad and Jessica Lemire

Jessica and Sam are on a mini vacation with her parents in Connecticut while she heals, while Tad holds down the fort in Atlanta. Just another reason to be grateful for loving family members!

Every family goes through days like this. Please SHARE with your friends and family on Facebook!

Happy Couple Poses For Wedding Photo. 8 Weeks Later, The Bride Gets A SHOCKING Letter…

As Andrew prepared to say goodbye to his family and friends to begin his military service, he and his best friend Tori realized they wanted to be more than friends; they were in love, and they decided to get married.

On March 8, 2012, just two months after Andrew and Tori’s wedding, stepped on an IED while serving in Afghanistan and lost both of his legs. He returned to the states to begin his long, arduous recovery.

The video below, put together by Andrew’s mother, chronicles Andrew and Tori’s beautiful love story, from playfully dancing in the kitchen before Andrew’s injury, to the moment they took their wedding vows, to the heartbreaking days spent in the hospital with Andrew after his injury. Not once did Tori leave his side. In fact, it was her faith in Andrew that helped fuel his miraculous recovery. “We’re gonna get through this,” Tori told Andrew. “I promise you. We’re a team. Just like our rings say, love bears all. Love endures all.”

In December of 2012, Andrew and Tori celebrated their first anniversary in December. Andrew’s mom, Cathy, posted the following video online to show the world how her son and his wife exemplify true and selfless love.

Please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook, and help us celebrate this incredible couple!

It took this man only six weeks and $9,000 to build his dream home

Photographer and musician Steve Areen has always been a man of action; he’s not the type to wait around for good things to happen. So when an ambitious idea for his dream home popped into Steve’s head, he got to work immediately. A friend gave him a part of his mango grove in Thailand, then Steve developed a design with the help of local specialists. Then he just went out and built the whole thing.

We  admire this purposeful man who proved that dreams can indeed come true right here, right now.

It all started with a patch of land

In Thailand, materials are cheaper than in Europe or the United States, so the basic structure of the house only cost about $6,000.

And here’s the result. The furnishings brought the cost up another $3,000.

Now Steve has his own rather spacious home with a backyard pond.

Lots of sun, fresh air and drool-worthy views — what more is there to wish for?

26 Photographs which go Straight to your Heart

A photograph can say more than a thousand words ever can. We put together a few of the most affecting photos we could find, taken in all corners of the world. There’s not a single one that will leave you feeling indifferent. They’re all so full of love, humour, kindness, suffering, beauty, courage — in short, all the things we encounter in this life.

When dreams come true




Love which defies description


The march of generations


Six generations in one photograph: from 111 years old to seven months.

Hello, world!


Mothers are the same everywhere


A parent’s level of patience is eternal…Almost


Do what your heart tells you, let everyone else think what they want


That’s a lot of happiness from just one tablet computer!


The sweetest kiss in the world

Alain Laboile

Happy memories


A man looks at the bench in a park where he used to sit with his beloved wife.

Undying devotion


A dog sits at the grave of its owner, who died in conflict.

The pain of loss


A man cries after finding a family album in the ruins of his house following an earthquake.

One good deed a day


Two volunteer teachers give a free lesson to poor children in New Delhi, India

Meeting someone you never hoped to see


A former prisoner of war returns home after the end of the Second World War. His daughter last saw him when she was just one year old.

Life’s challenges


The struggle for survival


A two-year-old boy, the son of refugees fleeing from conflict, is passed through a barbed wire fence to safety during the war in Kosovo.

A trial for the spirit

Associated Press

A 16-year-old girl resists the advance of dozens of policemen.



A firefighter gives a drink to a koala during a drought which caused huge forest fires in Australia, 2009.

Friends always show you which is the right road to take


It doesn’t matter whose side you’re on


Someone always needs your help


A man saves some puppies during flooding in the Philippines.

Empathy is more important than victory


She dreamed of this until she was 88


This elderly couple got married 88 years ago, but at the time they had no wedding outfits, nor any photos taken. Finally, they were able to achieve their dream after all those decades together.

Our children will rise above us


The twilight of life


A grandfather says goodbye to his grandson.

A Diver Notices A Shark In Distress – His Next Move Took My Breath Away

Man Saves A Whale Shark With A Small Pocket Knife

 A deep sea diver and team came across a shark whale, and when they took a closer look, they were alarmed by his injury. Commercial fishing line had wrapped around the whole whale, and caused major damage to his body. Nobody could tell how long the fishing line had irritated the shark whale, but they knew they had to do something to help him out. One of the divers had a pocket knife with him, and took it out not knowing how the shark whale would respond.

With a daring rescue, the diver took his knife to the thick fishing line, and within thirty seconds, it began to release. The diver swam around the shark whale with bravery, making sure he got each and every inch away from the whale. Somehow sensing the diver was there to help, the ginormous whale didn’t harm him or even move at all.

He seemed to realize the releasing rope from around him, and freedom was slowly his at last. The entire team of divers rejoiced at the ability to help such an incredible creature. They stuck around to watch the whale and document the glorious moment