Dad Was Pulled Over By A Police Officer When With His Little Daughter. But Couldn’t Believe It When He Did This.

This dad was driving with his little daughter when he was stopped by a police officer and asked to get out of his car. But then he did this. adad1 dad11 Share this with your friends by clicking below!

9 Cops Sit Down At Red Robin, Then This Server Realizes Something Is VERY Wrong And Takes A…

Red Robin Server Pays For Officers’ Lunch When She Realizes They’ve Just Come From A Funeral.

When nine police officers sat down for lunch in her section at a Columbus, Ohio Red Robin restaurant, server Jessica Dunbar could feel the weight in the air. Sensing something was off, she asked the officers if there was anything wrong. “It’s always a rough day when you’ve gotta put a brother in the ground,” one of the officers said. Jessica couldn’t help by be moved, and it also got her thinking about her own life. Jessica’s father is a retired cop, so she understood the risks these officers take to protect her community. She remembered watching her mother cope with her husband putting his life on the line every day. And she decided to do something nice to thank these officers for their service. And now, Jessica’s “thank you” is taking the internet by storm. Jessica Dunbar was expecting an ordinary shift when she went into work at her Columbus, Ohio Red Robin branch recently. But when nine police officers sat down in her section, Jessica could tell something was wrong. The officers were far too somber for a lunch between friends.
Jessica soon learned that the officers had just come from a funeral for their friend and colleague, SWAT Officer Steven Smith, who passed away during a standoff two days earlier. His funeral was attended by thousands of people, including the officers who had lunch at Jessica’s restaurant.
When the officers asked for the bill, they were shocked to find out that Jessica had already paid it. And when they read the note that Jessica wrote on the back of the bill, their hearts melted.
Jessica, in turn, was also touched by the officers’ reaction. “To have them shake my hand and say ‘thank you’ to me—that was incredible,” she told NBC. Now, the story of Jessica’s incredibly kind gesture is going viral. Watch Jessica explain what happened in the video below.
If you were touched by Jessica’s kindness, please share this story and give her the recognition she deserves.

This Cabin Is Only 256 Square Feet. But The Inside Is So Luxurious – I Would Love To Live There!

Cozy Cabin Is A Gorgeous Getaway Of Scaled Down Size


Perfect Anywhere

Whether nestled atop a rural rolling hill, perched by a pond or sitting in a quaint community development, this adorable cabin of smaller stature provides everything you’d need for a scaled back lifestyle. view from front

Open Floor Plan

Once inside the front door, the cozy cabin with 256 square feet opens up to the living area, dining area and kitchen tucked in the back. Wood walls, ceilings, cabinetry, flooring and trim dominate the home’s interior design. open view

Lots Of Light

The abundance of windows in this cabin lets in soothing natural light. living room

Balcony Off The Bedroom

Upstairs in the loft are two bedrooms, including the master bedroom with a great view. bedroom

Efficient Use Of Space

The floor plan for the Gate Lodge tucks the staircase in the corner, but adds black wrought iron spindles as railings to complement the abundance of natural wood throughout. stairs

Cozy Kitchen

The kitchen also makes use of every inch of space while accommodating for top of the line appliances. The corner sink is a perfect example of space saving efforts in this cabin’s design. kitchen

Amenities Abound

Even with its space-saving design, the bathroom doesn’t lack anything with a gorgeous glass curved upright shower that takes up less space than other styles. bathroom

Different Exterior Options

There are three exterior designs for the Gate Lodge cabin with varying balconies and front windows.
Zakopane 1e

Comfortable Living

With two bedrooms and a sitting room upstairs, everything else you need is on the main floor. This cabin isn’t just space-saving and functional, it’s beautiful.

Gay North Carolina waitress receives bible verse instead of tip

A waitress from North Carolina claims she was left a bible verse instead of a tip earlier this week. Alexandra Judd was working at Zada Janes in Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday, when she claims that two patrons left her a bible verse on the tip line of their bill instead of cash — followed by a note at the bottom that says “praying for you.” afas The customer wrote “Leviticus 20:13,” which reads, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Judd, who is gay, posted a censored photo of the bill to Facebook, which blocked out the customer’s name and credit card info. “I don’t care what anyone says,” Judd wrote on Facebook, “this is the most disrespectful thing you can do. Don’t pray for me darling, I have everything I could possibly want and need in my life.”
‘I have everything I could possibly want and need in my life.’
Judd explained to the NY Daily News that the two women at the table asked for their bill to be split, one of them left a tip, the other left the note. “I never thought people would discriminate against my sexuality that way,” Judd told the Daily News. Prior to the bill being dropped off, Judd also says that the women were being rude to her. “They just wouldn’t talk to me, wouldn’t answer my questions,” she told to the Daily News. “They were really off, it was just rude.” The incident comes just weeks after Gov. Pat McCrory signed a law that erases previous discrimination protections on LGBT residents and forces transgender people to use the bathroom designated by the sex on their birth certificate. The law has received a lot of backlash in recent weeks, especially from the entertainment world, as everyone from Ringo Starr to Cirque du Soleil have cancelled events in the state in protest.

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.

Restaurant’s Brilliant Sign Praised By Thousands Of Animal Friends All Over The World.

Here’s a fact that simply can’t be stressed enough: do NOT leave your dog alone in the car on hot summer days, even if it’s to run out for a very quick errand. Remember that dogs don’t have the same ability to handle heat like human beings. One restaurant owner, Rabie Hijazu, from Salzburg, has decided to take matters into his own hands. Well aware that it’s absolutely cruel to leave to leave a dog in the car while running out to “grab something quick”, the restaurant owner came up with a simple, but brilliant little idea. He placed this sign outside the entrance of his restaurant, Havat. Dear guest, Do not leave your dog in the car when it’s hot outside just because you want to have a “quick bite”. Bring your dog with you. We have a big patio with a view, meanwhile, ‘dog’s best friend’ can sit and drink as much as they want. Greetings from us at Havat. restaurangoriginalbild Rabie’s picture went viral soon after he posted it on Facebook. Please, continue to share and raise the awareness of Rabie’s message, especially with summer soon on the way in many parts of the world. Please remind everyone you know that no animal should be left alone in a vehicle on a hot summer day. WE love animals and believe in treating them with utmost respect. Please like if you do, too.

Telephone Scammer Said Her Computer Had A Virus. Her Reply? Perfect!

Most of us know all too well the frustration of receiving never-ending telemarketing calls. Sure, it’s fine to politely thank the the person for their offer and just hang up. But sometimes, the person on the other end is posing as someone that they are not, and in that case, you really need to be on your guard. Marie Hedén recently received just such a call. Someone claiming to be from an IT center in Canada called her and requested access to her computer. But as you’ll see, the scam artist called the wrong woman. Marie quickly turned the tables on the caller and actually caused the person to hang up in fear! When a woman from a supposed Canadian IT center called, Marie Hedén sensed something was amiss. The caller wanted to “fix a problem,” but Marie took the opportunity to teach the fraudster a lesson instead. Marie quickly took control of the conversation with the caller and managed to get her to hang up in fear. Marie later related the conversation on her Facebook page, where it is has been shared by thousands of people. Here it is below. My phone rings, but I don’t have time to check the number. It takes me awhile to reach it and answer it. – Good morning, madam. – Oh, hi. Who am I talking to? – I am calling from the computer center. Our IT department has received a message from your computer. It says it needs help. – Oh, so my computer talks to you? -Yes. Are you at your computer? – Oh, yes. (Well, in fact, I was on the toilet, but she doesn’t need to know ;)) – Well, then, I’ll talk you through how to get rid of the virus that your computer needs help with. – Can you wait a moment, please? If my computer is infected, the whole department might be… I will connect you to our IT department. – Umm, what? – Just wait a minute. (I press a few buttons, so my phone will beep, wait for a moment, and then respond in a different accent and a brighter voice) Well, then. How may I help you? – Umm, hi. I am calling about an infected computer in your network… – Oh, great. Can you just wait for a moment? (I talk for a little while with a pretend colleague in Swedish.) – So, where are you calling from? – As I said, from the computer center… – Yes, but where from? Where is your office? – Ummm… Canada… ? (She says with a strong Indian accent.) – Okay, our trace suggests that you are calling from India. So in about 30 minutes, the local police will knock on your door. Please let them how you know that one of our computers is infected. Thank you for calling the Swedish Police’s IT department. Have a nice day. 🙂 *Panic is heard at the other end before the call is cut off* A good day’s work, I think 😛 A local newspaper caught up with Marie and asked her why she did this. “The person wasn’t used to someone talking back. She seemed quite frustrated because I never let her talk. At first, I didn’t think it would lead anywhere. I mostly talked so the call would be more expensive for her. When I switched to Swedish and pretended to talk to the police, I heard shouting in the background and she hung up,” she said. Do you think Marie did the right thing? Please share this so that more people will be inspired by her clever answers!

Her Son Cries With A High Fever. Then Mom Realizes The Doctor’s TERRIFYING Mistake

Recently, Hayley Lyons had to make a difficult decision: go with her motherly instinct or follow doctors’ orders. The reason? She suspected that the very medicine doctors prescribed for her son was actually making him worse. Hayley’s son Lewis was prescribed the anti-inflammatory medication ibuprofen to treat his chickenpox. But when the medicine caused Lewis’ temperature to rise and his pox to become extremely painful and blister, Hayley knew something was off. Still, doctors said that Lewis’ case of chickenpox was normal and recommended that he continue the medical plan they set out for him. But with her son’s life in danger, Hayley drove Lewis to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. As it turned out, Lewis had contracted a blood infection called septicemia. Only because Hayley followed her intuition and took her son to a hospital was he able to start recovering. Now Hayley is warning other parents about the dangers of treating chickenpox with ibuprofen. At the the time of writing her Facebook post has been shared 430,000 and the the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has joined her by saying that both parents and doctors need greater awareness of the small but significant risk ibuprofen carries in chickenpox cases. “Chickenpox is going round again. Can I please remind people NOT to give your children nurofen/ibuprofen,” Hayley wrote on her Facebook page. hayley1 “4 different doctors from our local (out of hours) prescribed it for Lewis as we couldn’t get his temp down.” hayley2 “This type of medicine is an anti inflammatory. It reacts with chicken pox making them go deeper into the skin tissue.” hayley3 “It was only when we took Lewis to Alder Hey because the doctors from our hospital kept sending him home saying it was ‘just chicken pox’ we found this out. He ended up with septicemia and was admitted straight to Alder Hey as soon as we arrived there.” According to WebMD, symptoms of septicemia include sudden high fever with chills; nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; abdominal pain; shortness of breath; and rapid pulse and breathing. It can be treated with antibiotics, but early treatment is essential. Because of Hayley’s Facebook post, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended that ibuprofen no longer be used for chickenpox. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health now says that both parents and doctors need to have greater awareness about the small but significant risk ibuprofen carries in chickenpox cases. Thanks to Hayley for spreading the word, and we hope that all parents hear her story so that they don’t have to be put in the same position that she and Lewis were. Please share this article so that Hayley’s message can reach all parents!

Client Attacks A Bagger And Calls Him “Retarded”. His Colleague’s Response? This is GOLD.

The Cashier’s Response To The Lady That Mocked His Colleage Is Just Perfect.

One thing that really upsets me is when people don’t respect those around them, and I especially think it is beyond unacceptable to mistreat people that are mentally disabled. When I read this story the first time, I got quite upset and felt more and more upset the more I read. But when I reached the end, everything changed. I don’t know for sure whether this story happened in real life or not, but either way, if felt really good when I heard what the cashier had to say to this mean woman. This is also a great reminder to all of us that we should always support those around us and help anybody that might need it. Every human being deserves to be treated with respect and this story says it all. (I am at my regular grocery store at the checkout. The bagger is a sweet man with a mental disability, who is carefully bagging my items.) Bagger: “You want this one?” (He holds up one of my canvas bags, which I see has a hole in it.) Me: “No, use another. Thanks.” Woman behind me: “God! Hurry it up!” Me: “I just finished paying. He’s fine.” Woman behind me: “Oh, so you’re slow like him too? God all you special people need to stop interfering with normal people.” Bagger: *looks offended* “Ma’am, she’s not not-smart. She goes to University.” *points to my university logo on my sweatpants* “She’s real smart.” Me: “And he’s the best bagger here! He’s very careful, ma’am, which is a good thing with groceries.” (My bags are done. Since he knows I walk back to my dorm, the bagger just hands them to me and helps me shoulder them.) Woman behind me: “God, he won’t even help you take them to your car? What a delinquent. I want to see a manager about this!” Me: “I walk, lady. You want to call a manager over something I have intentionally asked him to do many times?” Bagger: *to me* “Have a nice day!” Woman behind me: “Retard.” (The cashier, who hasn’t said a word through the whole thing, looks at the woman calmly.) Cashier: “Refusal of service for massive discrimination towards a valued employee, as well as a regular customer. You may leave your items here; we’ll shelve them later. Please leave.” (She instead decides to cause a massive disturbance, eventually breaking a shelf, and needing to be physically restrained while the bagger leads me and another customer behind the cigarette counter for our safety. We have to wait for a cop to come.) Bagger: “Still… coming next week?” *he looks worried* Me: “Yep.” Please share this story if you think the cashier did the right thing! Please share this story if you think the cashier did the right thing!