Extremely Shortened Versions of Classic Books For Lazy People

When it comes to classic literature, people can generally be divided into the following three camps:

1. Those who have read it.
2. Those who pretend to have read it.
3. Those who keep saying they’re going to read it, but never do.

Hats off to the first camp, but we can’t really blame those from camps two and three. After all, classic novels can often seem pretty formidable, not least because they’re often rather long. War and Peace is over 1,400 pages, Don Quixote is close to 1000, and James Joyce’s Ulysses, while not quite as long, is still, well, Ulysses.

But thanks to Cartoonist John Atkinson, such literary behemoths need no longer be intimidating because he’s kindly reduced them all to just a handful of words in these funny illustrations below. Now you too can pretend to have read the greats! But beware, spoilers lie ahead!

John told Bored Panda that he’s planning on doing at least one more in the series, but he hasn’t decided which books to include yet. So if you can think of any classics that you’d like to see condensed then drop your suggestions into the comments section below!

More info: John Atkinson | Facebook | Twitter



They Dropped A Camera Into The Sea. Now Watch It Record Something Never Seen Before


I’m always fascinated by the ocean. To me, the ocean holds the world’s greatest mysteries and some of the craziest surprises. It’s vast and home to some of the world’s most incredible animals — some of which have yet to be discovered. Did you know that the average depth of the ocean is around 14,000 feet!? The deepest a human has ever dived is only 2000 feet!

Luckily, we don’t need to send humans down in to the depths of the ocean to see what’s down there. Researchers off the coast of the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest underwater trench in the Atlantic Ocean at 28,373 feet, sent down a camera into the ocean to see what it could find. You’re not going to believe what it saw.

Watching the video made me realize how much of the ocean we have yet to discover. I’m excited — I can’t wait to see what they discover next!

What do you think? Isn’t the ocean just incredible? We want to hear your thoughts… let us know in the comments below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family who love the ocean and it’s mysteries. You never know whose day you’ll make.

Bar Leaves Surprise for ‘Drunken Mess’ Who Left Car Overnight

Colorado Tavern Rewards Patrons for Responsible Drinking


Recently, a local man who referred to himself on Reddit as a “drunken mess” left the Tavern and decided not to drive home, so he left his car in the parking lot. The next morning, the bar patron was shocked to see a note attached to his car’s window. What he found wasn’t a ticket or someone chastising him for getting too drunk, but a $5 reward for being responsible.

According to MADD, every day in the United States, 27 people die as the result of drunk driving. For those who get behind the wheel intoxicated and think they can tempt fate, the costs of a DUI range from $5,000 to $12,000. So if that isn’t enough encouragement to call a cab after a night out, the Tavern at St. Michael’s Square in Greeley, Colorado, has a new plan that incentivizes responsible drinking.

Photo of coupon given to patron who left car at tavern overnight goes viral

The shocked, and most likely hungover, bar patron posted a photo of the coupon on Reddit, where its been viewed more than 400,000 times. “We want to encourage our customers to have a great time while they are here and help to make sure that their night ends just as well,” Toni Patrick, the general manager of the Tavern, told local station KDVR. “Some bar patrons feel guilty or worry that their car might get towed. We want to encourage customers to have a great time while they are here and help to make sure that their night ends just as well,” Patrick says. Patrick came up with the idea after hearing about a similar policy at another bar through a sales rep. He thought it was a good idea and implemented it at the Tavern last May.


3 Employees Spot Woman Crying At The Drive-Thru, Now Notice What They’re Holding…

Photo Capturing Dutch Bros. Employees’ Act Of Kindness Is Going Viral

Every morning, Barbara grabs a coffee from the drive-thru window at Dutch Bros. in Vancouver, Washington. Recently, Barbara was sitting in her car and next in line… but it was taking an abnormally long time to move forward. It seemed like the driver in front of her was holding up the entire line, and that’s exactly what was happening. The worker at the window was speaking with the woman ahead, and seconds later, two more employees gathered at the window. What could possibly be taking so long?

Suddenly, Barbara noticed the trio of employees pile on top of one another, lean out of the drive-thru window and reach toward the woman in the driver’s seat ahead. The young men then tightly grabbed onto the woman’s hand at once. Barbara snapped a photo.

It wasn’t long before the woman ahead drove off to get on with her day, letting Barbara move up in line. But then Barbara learned why the woman had been holding hands with these three complete and total strangers. I guarantee it will move you to the very core.

With more details about the act of kindness she had just witnessed, Barbara promptly posted her photo on Facebook, along with her touching account. Since then, it’s been shared thousands and thousands of times…


“Snapped this picture while waiting in line at the Dutch Bros on 138th Avenue today.”


“Turns out the young lady in line ahead of us lost her 37-year-old husband last night.”ga

“When the DB guys & gals noticed she was falling apart, they stopped everything and prayed with her for several minutes, invited her to come back for prayer and support, as well as anything else that she might need.

Prayers for the young family, and you know where to stop for coffee!”

What a powerful image of kindness. If only more people could be this giving with their hearts and hands. Please SHARE Barbara’s sweet tale with your friends on Facebook!

Racist Man Berates Woman For Being In Front Of The Queue. Her Comeback Made Him Even More Annoyed.

So, I’m in line at a restaurant which is lengthy due to the weekend….Finally get to enter my name and party number, when the staff bolt in different directions to check tables…l wait patiently as I’ve already overheard wait time is 35 minutes, so not immediately entering my name isn’t gonna change anything.

A Caucasian man comes and stands beside me, and when the host comes back to the host stand and picks up his pen, the Caucasian immediately steps IN FRONT of me and says, “party of 2.”

Now I know he’s seen me standing there for about ten minutes, so I say, “Excuse, but to be fair, I’ve been here for awhile.”

He looks at me derisively and dismissively and repeats to the host, “party of 2.”

The host then says, “Sir, give me one moment, she was here first…” cuts him off and says, “Well, as a White American I don’t feel I need to acknowledge PEOPLE LIKE HER and I SHOULD come first.”

By this point all the people packed in the waiting area begin to make various comments, but it all sounds muffled to me as the blood pounding in my head drowns everything out. Instinctively I want to punch this cocky SOB…I want to kick him in the shins and explain that it’s exactly that type of thinking that has us backwards as a Nation, why though we are one of the greatest countries in the world, we still struggle to get it together. That I’m a Veteran and without PEOPLE LIKE ME, his freedom to express his opinion, as misguided though it may be, would not even be possible. The host at this point looks distraught, and so I soften and say, “It’s okay party of 2 can go first. I want to allow sympathy on account of his handicap.”

More murmurs from the group.

Turns to me and clearly his patience has ran thin but then again, so has mine. His voice drips venom a he says, “I don’t have a handicap.”

To which I reply, “Make no mistake about it, Sir, Ignorance is a handicap, and it’s effect cripples us all.

Everyone started clapping, and the next group to get a table offered me their spot, but I declined, because I know what it’s like to wait my turn..J’ve waited my turn all my life, but I also know that good things come to those who wait…

I Only Saw 4 Tigers In This Painting, Then I Noticed THESE Staring Out…

How Many Hidden Tigers Do You Count In This Puzzling Painting?

n a sluggish morning, I always find that there’s no better way to wake up my brain than with a quick and clever puzzle!

Sure, a cup of coffee is a great pick-me-up, but nothing beats a brainteaser to get your creative powers going when you’re feeling a little foggy.

After all, even if you can’t solve the problem right away, letting your mind subconsciously chew over an unexplained mystery is a great way to make sure you’re functioning on all coils for the start to the workday.

They also say that puzzles and games are a great way to keep your mental acuity sharp as you age. But we tend to think that the immediate effects are pretty awesome too, and a better wake-up call than a whole pot of coffee!

Our favorite these days is a beautiful painting of mysterious tigers in the jungle. How many can you find?


The painting is of a beautiful jungle scene at dusk, featuring a whole family of tigers. How many tigers can you find?

We’ll give you a hint: Many of the tigers are worked into the natural landscape throughout the painting. You have to look hard to find them all!tigerrrr-copy

At first glance, our eye was drawn to the core group of four tigers at the middle of the painting.

But once you start looking for shapes that imitate the main subjects, it becomes much easier to find all of the other camouflaged critters!

Think you’ve spotted all the tigers? Check the next image to reveal how many there are in total!

circle-850x566 All in all, there are 16 images of tigers hidden in this clever painting.

We counted the 4 main tigers, 2 in the rocks, 1 in the ground, and 9 in the foliage and trees!

How many of tigers did you find? Weigh in using the poll below!

Mom Urged Teenage Son To Freeze His Sperm. 23 Years Later, The UNTHINKABLE…

Cancer Survivor Has Miracle Baby After Freezing Sperm 23 Years Ago

When he was just 15 years old, Alex Powell donated his sperm under the direction of his stepmom, Patricia. Sure, it sounds crazy, but the reason is truly incredible. You see, Alex was diagnosed with cancer when he was 15, and his doctors advised him to undergo chemotherapy immediately.

But earlier that day, Patricia had a chance encounter with a woman and her son, an 18-year-old who had undergone chemotherapy. As a result of that conversation, Patricia was inspired to look into lesser-known side effects of the lifesaving cancer treatment, which can include infertility. Alex and his doctors never considered his fertility.

Thinking of her stepson’s future, Patricia urged Alex to head to the sperm bank and make a deposit. Of course, the 15-year-old boy was completely embarrassed, but he listened to her advice. Alex froze his sperm and put the awkward day out of his mind for years to come. Though he beat his cancer, he had no idea that the same frozen sperm would lead to a stunning miracle 23 years later — a miracle that would change history and break world records.

Scroll down to learn the fate of that 23-year-old sperm, courtesy of a fascinating story by Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes…


Alex Powell grew up in Melbourne, Australia, in the care of his stepmom, Patricia. He was a normal teenage boy — but on his 15th birthday, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma.

Doctors advised Alex to receive chemotherapy immediately.


But earlier that morning, Patricia happened to meet a woman and her son. Patricia was surprised to learn that the woman’s son also had cancer, and had undergone radio therapy that had stunted his growth. This got Patricia thinking about chemotherapy’s less commonly known side effects, including infertility.

Though it was painfully awkward for both stepmom and stepson to discuss, Patricia suggested to Alex that he freeze his sperm, just in case he wanted to have children in the future. So, in the 1990s, he did exactly that.

By the time he reached adulthood, Alex went into remission, never putting much thought into his frozen sperm.aav2

By 2013, Alex was married to a woman named Vi. The happy couple wanted to start a family, which reminded Alex of that embarrassing day back in the ’90s when he gave a sperm sample.

He was nervous that the sperm, which had been frozen for nearly 23 years, would no longer be viable.vava

After a year of fertility treatments and nearly one-half of his frozen sperm, Alex and Vi welcomed baby Xavier. He was born on June 17, 2015.

Xavier is now being hailed the world’s oldest baby. He holds the world record for being made with the oldest sperm ever used in successful IVF treatments.

Channel Nine / 60 Minutes

Dr. Soto of the Sidney Children’s Hospital is on a mission to urge oncologists to educate their patients about the effects that chemotherapy has on fertility. She’s also campaigning to get federal government assistance for fertility storage and IVF treatments, both of which can be extremely costly.

However, the Powell family prove its incredible success.


As an awkward, scared 15-year-old boy, Alex never imagined that his stepmom’s strange suggestion would lead to such an incredible miracle.

Baby Xavier is such an awesome miracle. If you agree, please SHARE this incredible story with your friends on Facebook!

Mom’s Filming Her Little Baby. But Watch When The Camera Pans Over To Dad…

When Mom, Dad and their adorable baby named Brooklyn sat down for a pleasant family dinner, they had no idea that something absolutely hilarious was just moments away from happening.

It was a normal enough day: the food was ready and looked particularly tasty and healthy; the baby had already eaten her fill; this happy family was truly enjoying themselves at the dinner table. But that’s when Daddy, who obviously has quite the sense of humor, decided to play with his food just a bit.

While Dad doesn’t usually play with his food, he thought this would be a pretty perfect opportunity to make a silly face for his little girl using the help of asparagus. He plopped the big green vegetable into his mouth and let it hang there.

Instantly, the little baby seems absolutely transfixed with what her dad is doing. So when he drops the asparagus back down onto his plate, she instantly bursts into uncontrollable laughter. There’s really no telling what a baby will find funny, but there was just something that she loved so much about seeing the asparagus fall out of Daddy’s mouth!

But just when you thought this video couldn’t get any sillier, little baby Brooklyn does something that has both of her parents laughing even harder than she was, and it’ll probably get you laughing just as hard, too!

Please SHARE this adorable little video if you think that eating together at the table is important for families!